by Sabledrake
shouldn't this be in the non-consentual/rape category? it was rape.....
I've read many incest stories that were boring, and this has to be one of the hottest I believe I've ever seen. The anticipation of what could or couldn't happen was overwhelming the entire time I read this. Long enough to keep you reading, but not so long that it became tedious. I personally wish it would have gone in a different direction than forced sex (not quite same as rape, folks), but the end result was consent. Very hot, very, very hot.
that was such a good story. it was probably one of the best i've ever read. :)
This was truly a hot story. Not a theme I normally like, but this was really well done too!
I'll never understand why some commenters get so hung up on what catagory a story is posted in. Who gives a damn, as long as the story is this good?
Your story was absolutely delicious and intoxicating. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...the only thing that I didnt like was that she had too much dialogue to herself "what if"....too long winded..
But the interaction parts together was sublime..thank you very much. Keep up the great work!
From a fellow writer: _Lady1SensuaL1Fire_
This is an awesome story! Not only well written, but very hot too - combining the incest with the exhibitionism and rape - marvelous. Excellent work, keep it up :)
This story was probably one of the best incest stories I have read from this site. There was a bit too much... talking-to-self in the story. I was wondering to myself,"Is this erotic or not? And if so, where's the real stuff?!" I'm not too fond on rape turning to sex. Doesn't really keep me turned on. I would prefer someone to write a story about rape, with the girl not changing into a sex-crazed woman. Good story overall!
A very good read with a varied and good selection of words.
I loved the build-up to the very hot sex.
I’ve no doubt that I will read more from you.
My best wishes to you Sabledrake
Great story! Never mind the negatives. If you had put it in the non-con cat, you'd have people complaining that it shouldn't be there because of the incest. It seemed like she wanted it anyway so it wasn't all that non-con, at least how I read it. Hot, hot, hot. I will read more of your stories.
Great story, hot with lots of dimention to the story. Anonymous in Kalifornia is obviously a bone head and a coward. Don't worry about that, just keep writing. Your writing is entrancing!
The best erotic story I've ever read! The build up was incredible and the ending definately delivered. Hopefully we'll see more from you soon.
Fantastic!!! Finally, we get a story where it is "forced" until the VERY end when the person realizes that they actually want it. Holy shit, good stuff. Normally, it's only "forced" for the first part, then you find out they wanted it all along, which gets lame to read for the millionth time. FANTASTIC job, Sabledrake. I hope to read alot more like this in the future. Amazing job!
Loved the strong build-up to the sex. I think we all "talk" ourselves into things over time and it made the ending all the more believable. Great story. My main criticism of most stories is the quick change from a person being normal to completely hedonistic.
And she asked for it alright! She wanted it all along, she just didn't want to be responsible for the actual act, but that's what parents are for, taking responsibility! This was HOT! I loved the way you worked up to it, the way you got her thinking and obsessing about it, and then the way you had Daddy take her like that, "against her will"! Ya right! This was HOTTTTTT!
Awesome,brilliant etc,loved the way she didn't realise she was getting to the point of wanting him just as much as he wanted her.Hope you go on to write much more of same quality
I love the incest stories and this is the best one I have ever read on Literotica. The forced sex just made it even more hot. You knew she wanted it all along and was denying it to herself. I don't consider it rape at all. And I am a woman.Keep up the excellent writting.
At first I was sure that no one could be as blatantly obvious as Toni and not have a clue. Then, I remembered what it's like to be 19. Your'e always thinking about sex, and you think that you are getting over on everyone when the truth is you aren't fooling a soul. This story helps me to appreciate all of the things that Dads have to go through and usually, no one ever realizes the great acts he performs. Even when it's just taking no action. It's amazing that this kind of thing doesn't happen much more often than it does.
* I apologize to Mr Paul Harvey, (God bless him in his current home), for using his famous line as my title. My original title was:
Be Thankful, Dads Greatest Gifts Often Go Unnoticed
I was over the maximum letter limit by 1 letter.
Good day.
LOVEd it! you have obvious talent and need to write more. i love the suspense!
This is a favourite of mine. If I'm in need of an orgasm, and browsing through stories I haven't read keeps leading me to crap, I return to old favourites like this. Figured I should finally take the time to write and tell you how good it is. Incredibly hot and well-written. Kudos.
This should definitely have a sequel to see if she dares again. Would be great if she were also ass fucked!
Thank you! Thank you! This is real life, I could really feel his emotions being a daddy myself. Although I never fucked either of my step daughters, I did have a few intimate moments brought on by their teasing, perhaps I should have been more adventurous?
One of the best I've read! LOVED the suspense, build-up, and the way she finally realized she wanted it too...
My only complaint is that I want someone who'll play Daddy to me!
That deffinately hasto be one of the best ive read on this site....cant fault it at all any more parts????
Late for work just to finish reading this! Thank you for the morning cum! lol
Love the story, suspense, build up and MMMMM the sex was hot. The little bitch DID want it, but I loved all the No Daddy's! TOO HOT! I agree, you should build on to this story, after all... MOM is gone for a whole week, this was just the first morning after! KEEP EM CUMMING!!
This story is amazing - everything Ive been looking for. Thank you thank you thank you!
Love this story. It really drags you in and makes you need to read it.
By far the hottest story I've read on the site. Your talent is amazing; keep up the good work.
Really well written, one of my favourite storys ive read so far! thankyou for an amazing orgasm! keep writing!
Fucking great story!!! So hot and well done. I loved it and came twice! Haha...
Keep 'em coming!
I'm fourteen and I dont like my dad but I would tease my first crush who is just about the way you described the dad, and I would ask first, cause he had a fucking erection over me when I was young and he's been driving me mad for 5 years its about time I lived those fucking dreams, who cares if Im a virgin!
Amazing writing. Kept my attention the entire time. I want more!
This was so good. This makes me want to get off but I can't because my roommate is in the room. Love this.
......a good hard lesson that should be learned by teasing little vixens around the world!
This is an excellent story. Some people want wham bam thank you mam tales, not me. The way that this builds up, she teasing her daddy, Sabledrake teasing her readers, is quite delicious. Of course it's true that females have power over we men, and many know just how to wield it. If Toni were my daughter she could sit on my face at breakfast!
Well done. I've found another favourite author.
This is THE BEST incest story I have read on this site. I have been reading these type of stories for years and I have to admit this one had me wanting to reread it right after I finished.. Incredible. Wow.
this story was well written from the start. I started reading it and did not want to stop. I am glad that she got what she deserved. Too bad she didn't get impregnated as well. That would have been amusing.
ohhh man.
this was so incredible.
i was touching myself while i read this. and i came twice.
so hot.
this has got to be the best incest story that ive read. EVER.
fantastic job.
omfg i wanted to be fucked like that for so long it was perfect the tension was soo unbearable and when he did oh god please keep writing dear god please
the teasing and taunting took three pages but, it was a nice wrap up at the end though, i don't believe any girl who openly seduced her dad would've held back once the real action finally started. it was, afterall, what she was really after. nice write.
I absolutely loved this, exactly what I've been looking for. It's like you tapped into my fantasies! I loved the build up off tension - to me, Toni's confusion seemed utterly realistic and hot. Awesome. Please keep writing!
Although, i find the girl tasting herself of her daddy's cock nasty.
You're the best writer on this site, hands down.
As to the previous poster, calm down and breathe. What in the hell..? I prescribe a good thick vibrator to calm them hysterics
I would have given you 5 stars except for the Rape, call me old fashion but there's no excuse for Rape, yes she teased him and should have been told to put out or get out.
Your a very good writer and I loved your story for the most part, keep up the good work.
So I thought I was in for a good read of incest, which up till the rape was a good read... But that's what ruined it for me... Yea your a great writer, but this is a rape story an as such has no place in the incest section...
Rape is neither funny or a good read...
what are you-a pervert or something?
I don't give a fuck what other people have to say. This story is the best fucking story there is no madder how many times I read this it always gets me off. I fuckin love u man, ur the best!
I liked the rape , I thought it was hot. She wanted it all along, daddy just had to take what he wanted. (: Awesome story!
she obviously wanted it. plus if its rape then hes the one that got raped. you cant go teasing someone like that and not expect them to break. i dont see it as rape cause she wanted it. she was just playing innocent
I GIVE THIS A 5 PLUS STARS GOOD JOB...................................."R"........................
I always wanted to have sex with my Daddy but never had the nerve to tease him like Toni did. I think my Dad was interested but he was too shy or reluctant to act on his feelings. If I had been braver, I suspect or hope my experience would have been like this. I was so turned on reading about how he subdued Toni and then pushed his big cock into her as she resisted. I love penetration and just reading about this almost brought me to orgasm. Thanks for a great story! I plan to read your other stories and I know I'll come back to this one again and again.
Those of you saying that this isn't rape can all go jump off a bridge and die. She said NO, numerous times. No means no, and regardless of if she was teasing him before the fact or not he forced himself on her after she said no over and over. That's rape. I don't support raping, it's not a turn on in the least bit and I didn't expect this story to end that way.
Bitch, fuck you. Why don't you go jump off the goddamn bridge yourself. Just because you didn't like the story does not mean you get to be a cunt to the one's who did like. Stupid slut, did you not read the desciption of it. I knew what was coming just by that alone. Why not stay out of this section, half of the one's I have reed in this section have had reluctance in them. I am female and even I would have torn the teasing skank a new one. Hell, I saw it coming from the title alnoe, the descip just proved it more, so shut up with that suicide shit punk cunt.
It is a porno not a real life story. Does it matter if it's rape? Don't like it don't read it dumbass
If you're offended by the idiot comment then you're obviously one of the idiots mentioned in that comment. Stop getting so butthurt over sombody else's opinion dumb fuck. He or she most likely isnt going to see the comment anyway (just like you might not see this one) so you wasted your time. And adding a bunch of very horribly placed cuss words to your comment dosent make it hurtful or better, just FYI
I wish my daddy would fuck me like that!!!! Maybe ill just have to tease him a bit ;)
I am, I am also not sorry for anything I said in it, You wanna make fun because that suicide comment pissed me off thats your problem not mine. Maybe when you have someone close to you kill themselve you learn not to see as nothing. The story was only a minor part, easy to ignore, but that kill yourselves shit will never fly with me dumb fuck. Also, weather I waste my time or made it hurt is my own business, made me feel better. Thats the POINT.
Its like you were inside the mind of naughty Toni listening, recording every single thought and looking through her eyes haha !
Toni's detailed thoughts, the power-packed climax are all mind boggling writing.
Thumbs up to your patience and imagination for writing such amazing stories for us all.
Keep it coming
-Your fan :)
I loved reading this story, all the while stroking my breasts and teasing my nipples. I am so wet between my legs and my lover is not here to give me this stor-inspired sweet release.
Can't wait to read your next story.
i have given enjoyment to many cute littlt sweet young fresd sweet soft smooth young fresh virgin pussies withred head pussy lips
golden yellow clitiris
honey filled pussy hole
cutties can mail
mmmm omg this is so fucking hot my nipples are rock hard. I have never had feelings for my Dad so this doesn't disturb me, I find it a delightful story! I have enjoyed teasing men my entire life, and I know they enjoy it. I am built for sex and I feel I am spreading happiness when I make a man hard. I am hoping one day to make a man lose control and fuck my brains out like that. Thank you for the fantasy, it was well-written.
so hot. I'm a 16 year old girl looking for someone to email me dirty words and pretend to either be either my daddy or brother. no personal info allowed. and I will not send pictures. email me at
Hey baby i would love for u to make my 8 in cock har and then i will fuck ure brains out and fill ure pussy full of cum do u love cum cause im a heavy cummer
Hmmmmmm daddy was right to fuck good and hard,she asked for loud and clear.
I'm quite a fan of the taboo fantasy stories especially the Daddy/ Daughter ones and I like that there was an actual plot to yours, not just "wham, bam, thank you ma'am". However, that being said, I found myself skipping paragraphs at a time over her inner dialogue. It just drug on & on & on & on...well, u get my point. I have dabbled in writing my own short stories here & there and know what all goes in to writing so I don't want to come across as one of those people who just criticizes with no idea how hard the process can actually be (and major kudos to you for writing an entire story and having the guts to publish it - Bravo!!). But, and no offense, 2.5 pages of her going back & forth with her attraction to Daddy was just too much!! I get that you were trying to establish Toni and her feelings and make it feel real but in my opinion it was over board. This is just a suggestion but maybe instead of so much inner struggle, I would have added more conversation between your characters, especially an argument with he mom instead of just outlining it or barely touching on it. I would have loved to have some inner dialogue from the father so we can get an idea as to where he stands in all this and what exactly made him snap so thoroughly that he was all animalistic urges and actions. When he finally did snap, though, it was hot as hell and I was drawn in immediately.
Being a little (who plays like she's around 19) This story just got to me... Made me squirt like 4 times. I loved this story so hard.
One of the best stories I have read. It's all about the build up for me and this one did not disappoint. Thanks for posting.
This is my favorite incest story on this site, hands down. It takes me back, to when my step-daddy forced me, and soon I was begging him to fuck me all the time.
Well written. Hot as hell. One of the best that I have ever read. Keep up the good work.
Yes, there should be a follow up, now the frustration is out of their system.
They still have almost a week before her mother is coming home.
It brings out why women/girls are so devious that they try to control guys with their sexual teasing to get their way. And they do because as the saying goes "women have all the pussy and control of the money".
That was AWESOME. Please let this story continue. A week of hot steamy sex before mum comes home. Hopefully daddy gets her pregnant. You write great sex scenes.
Awesome there's a whole week before mama comes home some sex would be AWESOME!~Tina
5/5 for this excellent story. Toni's character development was rich and 3D, her thought and desires were really believable. The dialogue was seamless and I didn't need to suspend my disbelief to a ridiculous extent when the father finally snapped. Great work.
Maybe it's just me, but at the rape part? All I could hear as her father's voice is Gollum's... --"
Great writing...just absolutely exciting and oh so Hot!!!!
It would have been nice WITHOUT the rape which is so not cool. Shame.
Rape is not ever o.k.
However this was hot. I want to see if she'd still tease him after this but more openly when they are alone.
This is fantasy people! Nobody was raped. Nobody was hurt. You came here (ahem) to read this. Fantasy never hurt anyone, so get over it.