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Daddy Wouldn't Dare


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"Mom ..." she said.

"Won't find out. Believe me, Toni, you don't want her to find out."

"But ..."

He lowered her to the carpet, in the exact spot where she'd been sitting the other night when she had first noticed him staring at her boobs. He knelt beside her. His robe was still open, his cock still rising stiff ... slick with her juices ... his pubic hair damp and matted. She could smell herself on him, her musk, and cringed with humiliation.

"No, Daddy," Toni said. "I won't tease you any more. I'm sorry."

"Take off that slutty top."

"Daddy –"

"Now!" He did not move to slap her, did not even raise his hand, but his voice was a whipcrack.

Blubbering, fresh tears running down her face, Toni skinned the tight tank top over her head, freeing her tits. Daddy stared hungrily, then filled his hands with them, squeezing and kneading them, tweaking her nipples, pinching them between thumb and forefinger, rolling them.

"No more, Daddy, please, no more," sobbed Toni.

Daddy leaned over and sucked one breast, hard and urgent, his tongue flicking over the rigid nipple. He caught Toni's wrist in a bone-crushing grip and brought her hand to his cock.

"Nicely, bitch, or you'll regret it," he growled, briefly lifting his mouth from her and then settling it on the other tit.

She curled her fingers around him, tempted to hurt him but afraid of what else he might do. Daddy groaned and pushed his hips at her, sliding his cock through the closed circle of her fist. Toni rubbed hesitantly, then sped up her pace at the thought that if she jerked him off, if she made him come, he wouldn't be able to –

"Not so fast," Daddy murmured, plucking her hand away from him. "I'm not done yet, oh no, not done yet, Toni. Daddy's precious little girl won't get out of this that easily."

"Daddy, it's wrong, it's so wrong," she said. "We have to stop."

"Take off those damned shorts."

"Please, don't make me."

"Take them off now, Toni."

"Don't fuck me again, Daddy," she said, looking up at him with watery eyes. "Please. I'll ... I'll suck you, if you want, but don't fuck me again."

Without a word, Daddy retreated to his favorite chair and sprawled there with his legs outstretched into a vee and his cock jutting up. Toni's chin trembled and she was ready to start crying again. How had this happened? How had she let this happen? She'd only meant to tease him, get power over him, and now look! Here she was, almost naked and about to take Daddy's cock in her mouth.

She started to get up, and he chopped his hand through the air in a negating gesture. Understanding what he wanted, Toni got on her hands and knees and crawled to Daddy across the living room floor. Her boobs swayed beneath her as she went. She reached him, kneeling between his spread legs, and sent him a beseeching look.

"Daddy ..."

"Suck me, baby girl," he said. "Suck Daddy's cock. That's what you want, isn't it?"


He caught a handful of her hair and dragged her head down, jabbing his cockhead against her closed lips. "Suck it, Toni. Open your mouth and suck it."

She shook her head as best she could with him holding her hair. He twisted his hand, pulling, and in her pain she opened her mouth to cry out. As she did, Daddy muffled her cry by stuffing his cock between her lips. Toni tasted herself on him. He held her head in his lap and thrust his hips up at her face, fucking her mouth.

Desperate to get it over with, she put her tongue to work, slurping it around and around his shaft. She cupped his balls, massaged them, encouraging him with her hands as well as her mouth, wanting him to come. Not caring if she had to swallow it, just wanting him to come and for this nightmare to end.

She might, she thought, still be able to salvage something of this, once Daddy returned to his senses and realized what he had done. Once he realized he had raped his own daughter, his guilt would be so terrible that he'd do anything to win her forgiveness.

"Oh, you are a good little cocksucker, aren't you?" Daddy groaned. "Do you want Daddy to come in your mouth, Toni? Will you drink it all down like a good girl?"

"Mmm-hmm," she affirmed, nodding.

"You'd like that?"


"What if Daddy wanted to get off between your titties? And shoot all over your face?"

She slipped his cock out of her mouth and caught it between her tits, holding them together to form a slick valley for him. Daddy covered her hands with his, fondling her boobs while he humped up and down.

"Oh, God, that's good, Toni," he gasped. "Oh, yeah."

"Come for me, Daddy," she said breathily, hoping to spur him over the edge. "Come in my face. Squirt it all over me."

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Too bad."

She blinked at him, not comprehending. Then Daddy stopped what he was doing and lunged off the chair at her, tackling her, taking her down to the carpet. He landed atop her, pinning her with his weight.

"Daddy! Get off me!"

"Not yet," he said, tugging the loose gym shorts down. "Oh, no, not yet. Daddy's not done with you."

"But I sucked you! You promised –"

"I didn't promise anything."

He slid down her body, kissing a trail from her nipples to her bellybutton to the patch of black hair at her groin.

"Oh, Daddy, no, not that!" Toni cried.

She bucked her hips to try and throw him off of her, but Daddy yanked her shorts off, threw her knees over his shoulders, and buried his face in her pussy. His tongue swirled around her clit. Toni screamed. Her heels drummed his back. He opened her folds with his thumbs and lapped her in long, slow strokes.

Toni's head whipped side to side on the carpet. "Ah ... Daddy! Oh, God, stop, stop, please, you have to stop!"

Daddy didn't stop, but kept at her, licking her, sliding two fingers inside to press at her G-spot, until Toni was going crazy. She clutched at his head, bucking her hips now not to throw him off but to grind her pussy harder against his mouth.

"Yes, oh, yes!" she gibbered. "Don't stop, that's so good, don't –"

Suddenly Daddy stopped. Toni's scream this time was one of frustration – she had been about to come again, if he had only gone on for a little bit more! But he stopped, and he rose up over her on his knees, wiping her wetness from his face. His cock bobbed hard and inviting over her belly.

"What do you want, Toni?" Daddy asked.

She knew what he was doing and she hated him for it, hated him like fire. She was shaking all over with need.

"Daddy, don't ..." she said. "Don't make me ..."

"Don't make you what?"

"Don't make me ask for it," she said.

He gripped himself, running his thumb around the rosy head of his cock. "You asked me not to fuck you again. So I'll just finish off like this."

"But ... but, Daddy ..."

His hand moved up and down. His blue eyes never left hers. A vibrating line of energy like a high-tension wire thrummed through her. She bit her lip to hold back the words, but it was no good.

"Fuck me!" she shrieked. "Oh, God, Daddy, fuck me, stick it in me, please, I want it, I want to feel it, make me come!"

Daddy smiled triumphantly and eased his cock into her with incredible gentleness, slowly filling her as he sank onto her body. He withdrew just as carefully, and thrust again. It was excruciating, it was heaven, it was torture.

"There ..." he sighed. "Daddy's fucking you. Is it good, baby girl? Does Daddy's cock feel good?"

"Oh ... oh!" Toni hooked her legs over his ass and clawed his shoulders. "So good! So good, Daddy!"

"Are you going to come for Daddy again?"

"Yes!" she cried.

"Are you close?"

"So close ..."

"Daddy's close, too ... Daddy's going to come in you, Toni. Daddy's going to fill you up with it."

He started going faster, and that was all it took for Toni. She fucked back at him furiously, her orgasm ripping and roaring through her like a thunderstorm. Daddy pounded into her, shouting her name.

"Toni! Oh! Toni!"

His back arched, driving him against her and into her in a final deep thrust, his entire body stiffening as he flooded her with his come. He stayed that way, motionless as a statue, for what seemed like forever.

Then, gradually, he began to relax and settled onto her, his weight smothering and crushing her against the carpet. Toni didn't mind ... she liked the feeling of being under him like this, of him being so utterly spent.

She drifted that way, her body wrung out and exhausted in the afterglow, too dazed from everything that had happened to be able to think. She didn't want to think about it.

Daddy laboriously raised his head, which had fallen into the cradle of her shoulder. He looked down at her, and she saw her own dazed state echoed in him. But then his eyes cleared, and sharpened in alarm.

"Toni ... oh, God, Toni ..."

What could she say? What in the world could there possibly be to say at a moment like this? Here on the living room floor, Daddy on top of her with his cock softening in the warm flood of come he'd shot into her pussy ... what could she say? That she'd thought she could tease him and get away with it? That she'd thought he would never dare lay a finger on her?

"I guess I was wrong," Toni said, sliding her arms around his neck. "Daddy would dare, after all."


The End

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SirDesteclesSirDestecles7 months ago

Not into father/daughter but damn well written, with the plot interestingly narrated from just Toni's perspective, should do one from dad's pov, it'll be hot & hilarious! 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

As often as I've dreamed of my dad doing this to me. I'm wet just thinking about it...and off comes my shorts...and my panties...

DonD2000DonD20009 months ago

Great story !!! I feel like there should be more of it, like this could just be the beginning of their week alone !!! Please continue with the story.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Of course Daddy is going to punish her for being a little tease a teasing naughty girl with her power between her legs and I'm just trying to figure out how much I can take before I take her like a deer in the headlights and wreck her most prized asset before submitting her to her own lust filled desire....I'm so hard right now I can't wait to cum thinking about it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I want to tease my daddy until he fucks me like that

HofeederHofeederabout 1 year ago

Very well thought out and well written. From one writer to another I really do appreciate the work you put into plotting this out. It is an exceptional piece of writing in its present state, and I could not have done as good a setup as you did. Going through Toni's mindset from an innocent daughter to a scheming temptress, using her horniness and her thirst for power over her Dad was brilliantly done and took patience, a lot more than I would have had. I do have a few things I thought could have improved this and some reflections as a reader you that might be useful to you. First off, I loved your "Daddy wouldn't dare" mantra the she repeated in her head. Great premise for her mindset, but I found it written or expressed rather inconsistently. Not that it wasn't mentioned enough, but that you muddled it up with variations on the phrases and with helping clauses or thoughts that seemed repetitive. If you kept it just those three words every time with no, "of course he wouldn'ts" or "would hes", etc, it would have resonated better, and your very last line of "Well, I guess Daddy would dare, after all." Would have had a lot more impact. Like I said, fine how it is, just could have been cleaner. There is one glaring issue I had with this whole story. The attack scene was abrupt, which was fine, but I found the very first scene where he attacks her in the kitchen confusing and not very clear. How far did she fall? Supposedly, she had the wind knocked out of her, but she never struggles to breathe. The two times I have had the wind knocked out of me it was extremely traumatic. Not being able to breathe sends you into a blind panic and that is all you can think about. It is a terrifying condition. You truly believe you are going to die and you cannot think of anything else until you pass out from hypoxia or your breath returns. Next, I didn't have a clear picture of how or where she landed, her position or what the hell she landed on. And, the visage of her Dad through reflections in various panels of glass and stainless steel seemed needless and repetitive. It was frustrating. Why couldn't she just look back at him? I understand you wanted to show she was trapped between him and the counter, but she can still swivel her head around. Then you have him baring his teeth and bug-eyed in the reflection, which may be a dramatic look, and probably what he would really look like in real life, but this is supposed to be erotic, right? Well, it felt more like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre with that description and was kind of a real turn-off. Finally, her reaction to him fucking her was good, but not great. Some of that patience you used in setting this attack scene up should have been used here. Having her screaming for him to stop and then abruptly cumming seemed rushed. It was okay, and passed because people can just cum whenever, but it would have been more satisfying to see a long so progression, from complete shocked disbelief, to bargaining, to anger, to depression, to acceptance (all the stages of grief) to acceptance, and then, finally, to a mind blowing orgasm. Toni fluctuates sporadically throughout the sexual assault (which is also acceptable because "emotions happen", but feels disjointed and contrived somehow, even though it is perfectly reasonable that she might feel all those things the way you describe them, and it is fine the way it is). Her suggesting she "ask him to fuck her" was presented like it was an obvious request for her to make, but when she said that I was surprised. I shouldn't have been. Summing this up, I thought the whole set up was brilliantly done, the attack was a bit clumsy, the sex was well done, but her reactions to the sex were a jumbled mess. Would have enjoyed some anal and cum swallowing, but those are my personal kinks and to each his own. Overall, gave you five stars and shared all my thoughts, take them or leave them, because that's what I do for great works by talented authors. Good job. Keep writing. Hofeeder.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

For a good while there, I kept wondering if she really didn't want this to happen all along and was just secretly maintaining hope that he would (even from the reader). But then when she switched so quickly from resisting to basically begging him to fuck her and not even protesting against him coming in her, I can't help but conclude that deep down she really did want this after all. The final line kind of supports this, like she's saying to herself "yay". At least that's how I see it.

priddyrichpriddyrichover 1 year ago

I liked it, not one of my better stories, I get though why you extended it so long to really get it across that she never expected the father to do anything but how he took her was a little abrupt. Still not bad though.

BrendaNWBrendaNWover 1 year ago

Yes .. very good, hot and sexy .. I really need my boyfriend ohhh .. big dildoe it will have to be .. ohhh uhhh ☺

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good god this story is as hot as fuck!

lust461lust461over 1 year ago

Great scenario throughout. I was serial. I felt I was somehow trancended into the father from chapter's 3-4!

bare5747bare5747over 1 year ago

beautiful story, she teased him to the point of getting what she probably wanted but didn't expect to get. I hope there is more to this and they continue on enjoying each other sexually until Mom gets home and then more on the side.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Some parts are really good, the description of the path her mind travel are excellent. But I'd expect some rough punishment, like dry anal or exposing her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

One of the best ever. Normally I don't like too much build up, but this was so well written it kept me hooked. Great writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


DarlingKDarlingKover 2 years ago

Loved that this was dubcon.. he kept going even as she pleaded with him to stop.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So hot she Really Wanted it

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I don't care i would have fucked her myself,my niece use to do the same thing to me and do i ever wish I had the balls to have fucked her

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

PART 2 PLZ!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


"Fuck me!" she shrieked. "Oh, God, Daddy, fuck me, stick it in me, please, I want it, I want to feel it, make me come!"

Does not sound like rape to me!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So perfect! The daughter's constant teasing and the father's reaction to forcibly tear into her ... her begging him to stop and his not allowing that. Mmmm...

eroenthusiasteroenthusiastalmost 3 years ago

I enjoyed reading this good job.

ktarver458ktarver458almost 3 years ago

It's hilarious how judgy some of these comments are about the so called "RAPE" but incest is cool. Didn't your mothers ever tell you if you don't have anything nice to say....? I thought it was a fitting and perfect ending! Grrreat read!

PapaGolf414PapaGolf414almost 3 years ago

Terrific build-up to a horny, cock-teasing daughter getting just what she deserves, and dear, patient dad finally getting his rocks off into her. and she is probably set up to put out for dear old dad, not just for the next week, but for the duration of her stay at home! Thanx for the good Read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Such a noughty girl but it must be a love making not rape .i enjoy it more if if they both love each other like man or women not like some punishment.make other part and make them lover this time just pure raw enjoy of man women relationship.

MijadedMijadedabout 3 years ago

Great story after reading this story many times , I'm starting to think the dad pushed her chair ... Anyway for those people complaining about the drastic change well to be honest to vanilla judgy people incest would also be very disturbing to their delicate sensibilities yet here you are .... Being offended... If it's not your cup of tea simply leave or leave some constructive criticism or even recommendations... If the story triggers you from a bad experience please seek Professional help...Anyway have a good day or night

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

RAPE? You have to be fucking kidding right? The story is about a little bitch daughter who was getting off on teasing her Daddy only to end up getting the dick she really wanted and needed.

I loved how he turned the tables on her, how he went from a timid doting dad to her master. GREAT STORY!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Was enjoying the "tease", but the fall in the kitchen and what proceeded, no. I know it's fiction, but yuck. I agree with some of the other comments, there nothing funny about rape. Such a waste of a good story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I was into it... until the "rape".

I thought he simply jumped up to catch you from an injurious fall.... not to blindly rape his daughter. Thought perhaps his robe would pop open and that your top would drop in the process. Setting up the scene for hot, lust-filled and CONSENSUAL incest.

Taboos can be exhilarating to ponder. Rape... especially committed by your own parent. NO.

EriktheAwfulEriktheAwfulover 3 years ago

Love the story but holy shit, the comment section is pure gold lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I liked it, but the last line was AWFUL. Dump it.

Earlier crits about the switch to a NC/R were fair. File or label the story correctly so u have a receptive audience if u keep the plot as it is. If u rework it, then something that is believable enough needs to happen to explain the transition from thinking to doing. The you-teased-me-so-I-raped-you can't work in fiction if the only personality trait that's shown is his guilt. It's not the 1950s so that rationalization isn't the norm for non -abusive men. Meaning even if a man FEELS that way today, he knows it's a bullshit justification. My guess (hope) is that men who have that attitude also have a "tell" personality-wise that fits, whether seen by others or not. Like "hey, if my college roommate wanted to keep his money, then he should have kept an eye on his wallet." Or "sure, I put on the condom because she asked me, but it just doesn't feel as good. I took it off right before I put it in." The reader needs to see some sign of the tell. Hope this makes sense. Keep writing.

twizzlers4youtwizzlers4youover 3 years ago

this was good. so good

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well you actually managed to completely destroy a good story...just like so many other writers. Why do you all do that? This should be in non consent/reluctance. If I wanted to read about rape then I would go there. Personally I think that crap is disgusting. You waited until close to the end, then you completely destroyed your own story. I don't understand why so many writers do this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Fully agree with Anonymus "Started off great ..."

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Very hot

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

My uncle kept saying this always after our affair that I involuntarily teased him wearing revealing clothes at home...chennaishobs

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Liked it until she slipped off the step stool. Then it was like the story was thrown out and rewritten, but you accidentally kept some of the old part in. Inconsistent and jarring.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Loved this

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Started off great, then... rape? This needs a noncon tag. You need to ask yourself why you think rape iscerotic. I feel bad for the people in your life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Build up was great, if a bit too long. The rest just sucked. It was like any kind of logical consistency went out of the window. The father straight up had a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde moment. He left as a father struggling with his urges and after she falls in a way that would have hurt her, he came back in seconds later as some kind of rape demon who rapes her with a complete disregard for the fact that she would end up with a concussion with the way he is taking her with her head banging against the sink. Proceeds to take her to the living room and dominate her sexually until she is begging for it. Then afterwards is all "oh my god what have I done?!" Like he hasn't been fantasizing about her since the start.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Oh, God. This makes me so hot that my pussy is still dripping and my nipples are still hard. I wish someone would overpower me and fuck me as a punishment, without my consent. HARD.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


This. Was. Absolutely. Delicious.

I want to know what happens next. I wish there was another part tho.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

It was very bad

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This was stupid. It started off great but then he just rapes her? No warning or build up even. Just straight from running away to raping her like fuck off. Get real, learn how to properly write a story. I wouldn't even give this trash negative 50 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

From the moment that she fell the story progressed as if she had been knocked out and she was dreaming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

This is pretty much exactly my fantasy. Thank you for this! Loved the build up, it really echoed my submissive fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Way too much "Daddy", no man calls himself Daddy that much unless he's talking to a five year old.

eg: "Daddy's close, too ... Daddy's going to come in you, Toni. Daddy's going to fill you up with it."

Apart from that it wasn't really credible but she got what she wanted / deserved.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

When my daughter was 17 and she tease me same we ended in the bedroom and she suck me off . I came all over her mouth and neck . Later weeks she let me fuck her , she told me she been fuck before I enjoyed fucking her.

PapaGolf414PapaGolf414almost 4 years ago

Very interesting. I could scarcely believe that you would let dad rape his cock-tease daughter to the point that she would beg him to finish her off, the horny little bitch. But i guess that was still possible in a father-daughter story in 2004. Thanx for the read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

put rape and non-con in your rosa-blanca.ru you ignorant cunt. I only hope no one you know is treated this way.

KormakurKormakurabout 4 years ago

Horny story

Akirababe87Akirababe87over 4 years ago

Noncon and incest are my two favorite genres. You pulled them together really well. The mind games, her awareness of his struggle and belief that she held all the cards, so confident he'd never dare to breach the taboo and actually touch her that she took it too far and he lost control and had to have her.

I really like that the story stays in her perspective. So many authors like to switch it up so you can see what the others are thinking, but I always felt that breaks immersion. It's a useful device in some cases, but I'm glad you didn't do it here. I could feel her excitement more deeply and her panic and lust were my own.

I love when he finally breaks his silence with her. His limited dialogue really adds to the sensation that we don't fully know what's going on in his mind, and makes his dirty talk so much hotter, like he's really completely lost himself in her and the "strong silent daddy" can't contain himself anymore.

Then when he gets her to beg for it, turning it around on her?

This might be my favourite noncon/incest crossover yet.

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123about 5 years ago
"Daddy Wouldn't Dare:" - Nineteen Year Old Daughter, Toni and Late Forties Year Old Father, Unnamed.

Being a big fan of incest of blood-kin relatives, drew me to this story. For the first three (3) or so pages of daughter Toni's self analysis of "will he or won't he" mind games with herself, I was taken in, reading the story as somewhat suspenseful and hoping her father would eventually begin a physical game of foreplay with her, and they both would be thankful for accepting incest and the pleasure it would provide them eventually.

By the fourth page I was so drawn in, hoping against hope, the story would take a final turn of careful and willing, appreciative incestuous sex, aiming to please each other. Oh brother, was I ever surprised when her father turned into a physical, out of control animal, clearly out of his mind with frustrating rage and mindless sexual abuse--and eventual rape of his daughter.

Rape is not my cup of tea in any area, reality or not. However, I did finish the story, mostly analyzing the father's mind of his violent actions and his loss of self control, regardless of his daughter's wanton displays of voyeurism and sexual intimidation. The writer certainly does have an artistic writing ability that is very commendable and appreciated. I have no criticism whatsoever of the writer's style, methods, grammar, etc. The mingling of an incest story, that had merit for the genre subject matter, into the non-titled, rape category disappointed me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Sometimes I wish my daddy did this to me. But I got so wet reading this and now I really want to fuck Someone! I think I will give my little brother a call😊

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Bad bad girl

Toni is needing a hard as s fucking

Bellie444Bellie444over 6 years ago
Love your writing style

Perfectly articulate and very talented.

MaryAndersonMaryAndersonalmost 7 years ago
I enjoyed this one immensely.

Loved the way you got inside the daughter's head and, despite the usual desire to see where it went, left it open-end. You got the daughter just right, emphasizing (a) her struggle to control and understand her own libido, (b) the usual teen-aged arrogance about her ability to control the world and dismissal of adults, and (c) insecurity about their looks. I would also note that despite the long build-up, while I generally knew where it was going, I still wasn't sure exactly how it would play out.

I noted the several comments about whether this is rape and if so, whether that is arousing or not, As someone who has written for this site, I always think it somewhat of a compliment when your readers get worked up by a story in this way. If you write a story where sex continues after the word "no" and people react strongly to it, you have succeeded in a strong story that conveys exactly what was intended: a story where sex continues after the word "no." Whether people like the subject matter is not all that important, the author gets to choose his or her subject.

Looking forward to reading more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Daddys need sex to

When I agreed to share a motel room with my daddy at a out of town wedding I never thought that it would lead to getting fucked by him.

Looking back on that day I realize now that it was probably my fault that it happened because of the way that I got undressed to get ready to get dressed for the wedding with my daddy in the room with me. .

I came out of the bathroom after taking a shower wearing just a little towel that really didn't cover anything other than my breasts and he could see the pink moist slit of my vagina as I was walking across the room. I sat down on the bed and tried to cover myself from his eyes but I wasn't able to because the towel was to small to cover my breasts and vagina. I know now that the seed had been planted.

Daddy looked at me and I saw the lust in his eyes. .

Later that night when I came back to the room from the reception and went to bed I had forgotten about how he looked at me when I was getting dressed to go to the wedding.

I was asleep when he came back from the reception and woke up when he got in my bed with me instead of going to his own bed. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and knew that he was drunk. I froze in fear when he turned towards me and put his arm around me pulling me close to him. I thought that if I laid perfectly still he would go to sleep but I was wrong.

The next thing I knew I felt his cock bumping against my pussy and when I moved to try to get up he pulled me tightly against him and put his cock inside of me and started fucking me like I was his girlfriend instead of his daughter. The more I tried to get away from him the deeper he was fucking me until I started to get turned on by having his cock inside of me and I began to move with him meeting him stroke for stroke with both of us building towards a climax.

Strangely enough we both climaxed at the same time with daddy coming inside of me.

It was at that moment when I realized that I was going to be his slut daughter and that I would let him fuck me anytime he wanted to.

I loved his cock and loved the feeling of it spurting inside of me knowing that he was going to breed me sooner or later

We continued to have unprotected sex and it was only a matter of time before I got pregnant.

We've been living together for two years now and we've got a little girl and I'm pregnant again.

Although it may be wrong to have a relationship with my daddy I couldn't be happier than I am and look forward to having another baby with him

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago






AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
My name is Toni

I’d love to have this experience, kind of felt like I did reading my name in this story. My Pussy is incredibly wet and in need of some attention. I just love fucking, don’t you :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I... I don't even know... And my dad recently passed away... I'm a blank page... so to speak. Very very good job. Keep writing you are very talented 😍😍😍

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
That's what she gets!

I hope he knocked her up too.

GaryBlovesagoodstoryGaryBlovesagoodstoryover 7 years ago

I am in total AGREEMENT with the comments.

alextasyalextasyover 7 years ago
Superb. Just Superb.

Excellent writing, sizzling hot eroticism. The way Toni bounces back and forth between the conflicts in her psyche flow naturally. The suddenness and energy of Daddy's response was unexpected and thoroughly scorching. Especially loved the metaphors and imagery. i'll say it again...superb.

Thank you!


UnicornflehmUnicornflehmover 7 years ago
My last comment




UnicornflehmUnicornflehmover 7 years ago
Whoever wrote this

I want to have sex with you. I don't care if you're a girl or a guy.

Any person with the mind to write something that would give me the biggest orgasm of my life due to meeting every single one of my sexual desires.

Also don't mind the other people who are saying this was too long. This was so fucking perfect. You're such a talented writer... My... Big girl bits are..still twitching...

Please... Be real.

I need to be fucked like this.... Under blind lust...

Sorry for the long comment I'm just so...stumped..

charliebillcharliebillover 7 years ago
Hot, hot sex111

A great ending, but too long, WAY TOO LONG!

AflameAflameover 7 years ago
Fucking hell!

Well...the long build up added so much. I am a total mess over here. Well done. Very much appreciated. Please don't stop....

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Definitely too long Buh I like this freaky shit , who doesn't like it Rough lol !

Prolonged_Debut10Prolonged_Debut10over 7 years ago

Laborious and Too Long

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very, Very Nice

Good work! Enjoyed it a lot!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

This is so fucking hot

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

loved it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
I really like the story

It's a good writing, as a matter of fact I masturbated after reading the story. Lastly, the time toni was taken she talked too much, it seems I felt her action was exaggerated.

I'm more arouse of having illicit affair, may be I felt safe and protected, both the two of us maybe because nowadays there are more STDs.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Amazingly hot story. Love to read more. Hope there's more to cum! ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I need this

I wish I had a daddy who would fuck my little pussy like that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
NOT for me - BUT....

I am not a fan of rape-reluctance type stories..... BUT, this was pretty well written and it was worth 4.5 stars.....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

One the best reads I have read here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
fuck yeah

Oh god this made me wet..

Wish my daddy would fuck me like that!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I was reading this and my daddy walked into my bedroom, I wasn't masterbating or anything but I still screeched like a little girl. While most people don't think normal women lust after their fathers, my daddy is a very handsome man and I have reoccurring fantasies of him. This story was quite the read. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

By the time i got to the middle i felt sick, and i know its just fiction but this story just gives off bad vibes. The rape plot was sad and anything but sexy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

As far as some of the other comments against this, I just say to each their own. I think it was fucking hot!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I loved it.But I think you shoudve not put in the rape bit.Otherwise, It was well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Two cents worth

Curiosity got me to read the whole story but, long before it ever got to the actual sex, it was boring. Perpetual mental, one sided teasing; even for some pseudo-advantage over a dad's better judgement just isn't plausible. Girls don't think of their dad's like this and, they don't tempt and, tease him to get their way. They do often, act like little innocent girls to their dads because they know all dads love their little girls and, girls normally love their dads; just, not in a sexual way. Using 2/3rds of your story in a faux tease build up leading to a dad essentially raping a true love of his life, just kills any remote credibility with this thing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Another male writer pretending to be female, and hoping against hope to convince us, that women everywhere secretly lust after their fathers. Well guess what? They really don't! Normal women DO NOT lust after their own fathers. And no amount of material written by male writers, who probably haven't dated a real woman since they were in high school, if then, are going to convince us otherwise. Incest, outside the realm of ridiculous fantasies so prevalent at literotica, is a brutal, psychologically, damaging event. And it's about time the editors at literotica admit this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

The rape comments should have been avoided. The story is exciting and well executed, you made me feel sorry for my father, my older sister and I spent most of the summers in a constant state of undress. Karen was the "hot" cheerleader that had her way with either boys are girls, while I was the too tall younger sister who played volleyball and studied on weekends. Your story reminded me of when I first saw my father nude. He was in the pool late one summer night and I decided to join him. I didn't realize he was naked until he got out to dry himself off. Remembering now, father seemed to be moving in slow motion and made no attempt to cover himself. He stood over me and at the edge of the pool as I gazed up at his beautiful penis. He was so much larger than the three boys I had dated. I remember wondering how mother handled him. This sounds horrible but I've often think back on that night and wish my response had been more forward. Do you think all girls have had the same inappropriate thoughts about serving their fathers? I know I do and if he was here now his 38 year old daughter Loni would gladly become his slut. Please read this Daddy, I so fucking wet for you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago


MikeyStoneMikeyStonealmost 9 years ago
Amazing story!

It's what many incest stories aren't. And I'm not only talking about plausibility here. It's dark and everybody makes mistakes. It's like life. I love it.

It takes a great writer to pull something like this of. It would deserve a top rating, but I get why it hasn't one. Still, a pity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

WOuld of been good. But too much 'he would, I imagine' bullshit. I practically scrolled trough half of it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I fucked my aunt , kinda simular situation in the 70's , dirty but good

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

One comment complains "she was a manipulative bitch and in my opinion her father is nothing but a rapist." Yes! That's what made my cock so rock hard when I was reading it. The more I read, the harder I got. So I got some lube and shot my load when he ravaged her. One of the best dad/daughter stories I have read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I found my next door teens drunk passed out in my guest house so i fucked them the tiny teens one was a virgin it was great they never sid anything

Hubbys_PrincessHubbys_Princessover 9 years ago
Not my cup of tea...

Can't say I enjoyed this much.. she was a manipulative bitch and in my opinion her father is nothing but a rapist. Incest should be driven more of love than lust alone... The kitchen scene would have been good as a later scene after initial love making where she knew it would end in sex but not hot as a first time between father and daughter it felt cheap and dirty not hot and exotic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Good start

He should force breed her next time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I'm guessing tony knew this would happen, im thinking she wanted it yet at the same time knew it was wrong really good

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I wish I had a daddy to do this to.

This story had my vibrator in my pussy the whole time, came about 4 times,

I love the daddy daughter rape

She knew it would happen

Little slut deserved it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Daughters wish came true

A great dialogue a young girl just reaching puberty wanting to be noticed and looking for her sexuality. She recognizes her daddy watching her and teases him. This is a very natural act her body feels the need and wants satisfaction. She has learned to masturbate but her desire is deeper. The rest becomes elementary her provocative invites brought desire and passion to her father, he became aroused and could not control his advances. His animal instincts were in control the sight of her breast and pussy aroused him and the feeling of her excited wet pussy magnified by the smell and taste of her juices drove his man hood to a massive hard. He delighted when he felt her tight warm pussy sucking his cock as he balled her deeply. HIs daughter became a sensuous woman her body was soon cooing with the pleasure of their passion.

DaddyEatsPussyDaddyEatsPussyabout 10 years ago
She Got Her Wish.

Toni ultimately got what she long for and you can't blame her Daddy for what happened, he was only giving her the extra special love that only a Daddy can give his daughters and they all secretly long for, Daddy's cock inside them.

Great build up that didn't get boring at any point and kept me wanting more all the way through to a teasing and incestuous ending.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I really hated the part where she complained about him fuxking Her bc it was clearly her fault! She teased him so much, what did she expect?! She was such a bitxh. I hated this.

LittleSpottedOcelotLittleSpottedOcelotabout 10 years ago

I really loved this story. It was just perfect. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Beautiful Story

Better than viagra, and its only in your head.

TexDaddy57TexDaddy57about 10 years ago
Every word

One of the most erotic tales told! Loved every word. A sequel maybe?

JavINTERJavINTERabout 10 years ago

it started off well but then went very very dark and she was clearly raped and in no way was she enjoying it and on countless times asked him to stop. Dark and i can't believe this story got approved

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
I wish

I wish my daddy would do this to me....hot I want more.

blackgblackgover 10 years ago
every shoe plus the kitchen sink

Was a very long read but it was wort yo stick around to the hand. The way that Roy held out his hand for the dartet to take was at all very romantic.

If only real life was this complicated.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Don't like rape, but...

if ever a girl deserved it, this one did. It was good to see her idea of teasing get busted. Girls tease, and it's fun to watch them and tease back, but this wasn't for fun, it was for control. I'm tempted to think he made her his slut whenever his wife wasn't around, but at the last it seemed like he regained control over himself. Maybe it would be worse for her to get it once and know she'd never get it again, and she'd lost his affection forever.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This is fantasy people! Nobody was raped. Nobody was hurt. You came here (ahem) to read this. Fantasy never hurt anyone, so get over it.

sassysasha89sassysasha89over 10 years ago

Rape is not ever o.k.

However this was hot. I want to see if she'd still tease him after this but more openly when they are alone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

It would have been nice WITHOUT the rape which is so not cool. Shame.


giggles50giggles50almost 11 years ago
Fantastically HOT!!!

Great writing...just absolutely exciting and oh so Hot!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Maybe it's just me, but at the rape part? All I could hear as her father's voice is Gollum's... --"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

This is a story you can buy on amazon...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

One of the best i have read! This should go to the hall of fame!

A4mushroomA4mushroomabout 11 years ago

5/5 for this excellent story. Toni's character development was rich and 3D, her thought and desires were really believable. The dialogue was seamless and I didn't need to suspend my disbelief to a ridiculous extent when the father finally snapped. Great work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Awesome there's a whole week before mama comes home some sex would be AWESOME!~Tina

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Best story I ever read write more

Nedbella1Nedbella1about 11 years ago
More more more

That was AWESOME. Please let this story continue. A week of hot steamy sex before mum comes home. Hopefully daddy gets her pregnant. You write great sex scenes.

lrogerblrogerbabout 11 years ago
Loved the story

It brings out why women/girls are so devious that they try to control guys with their sexual teasing to get their way. And they do because as the saying goes "women have all the pussy and control of the money".

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Yes, there should be a follow up, now the frustration is out of their system.

They still have almost a week before her mother is coming home.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Loved it

Well written. Hot as hell. One of the best that I have ever read. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Loved it!

This is my favorite incest story on this site, hands down. It takes me back, to when my step-daddy forced me, and soon I was begging him to fuck me all the time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

did she get pregnat?

meltingclock5meltingclock5almost 12 years ago
One of the best

One of the best stories I have read. It's all about the build up for me and this one did not disappoint. Thanks for posting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
OMG! I loved this story!

Being a little (who plays like she's around 19) This story just got to me... Made me squirt like 4 times. I loved this story so hard.

RadovainRadovainalmost 12 years ago

Simply the most powerful, erotic story I have ever read on this theme!

DixieBabeDixieBabealmost 12 years ago
Pretty good....but not quite great

I'm quite a fan of the taboo fantasy stories especially the Daddy/ Daughter ones and I like that there was an actual plot to yours, not just "wham, bam, thank you ma'am". However, that being said, I found myself skipping paragraphs at a time over her inner dialogue. It just drug on & on & on & on...well, u get my point. I have dabbled in writing my own short stories here & there and know what all goes in to writing so I don't want to come across as one of those people who just criticizes with no idea how hard the process can actually be (and major kudos to you for writing an entire story and having the guts to publish it - Bravo!!). But, and no offense, 2.5 pages of her going back & forth with her attraction to Daddy was just too much!! I get that you were trying to establish Toni and her feelings and make it feel real but in my opinion it was over board. This is just a suggestion but maybe instead of so much inner struggle, I would have added more conversation between your characters, especially an argument with he mom instead of just outlining it or barely touching on it. I would have loved to have some inner dialogue from the father so we can get an idea as to where he stands in all this and what exactly made him snap so thoroughly that he was all animalistic urges and actions. When he finally did snap, though, it was hot as hell and I was drawn in immediately.

Time to feed Daddy

Hmmmmmm daddy was right to fuck good and hard,she asked for loud and clear.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
response to red hot

Hey baby i would love for u to make my 8 in cock har and then i will fuck ure brains out and fill ure pussy full of cum do u love cum cause im a heavy cummer

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
so hot

so hot. I'm a 16 year old girl looking for someone to email me dirty words and pretend to either be either my daddy or brother. no personal info allowed. and I will not send pictures. email me at

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

mmmm omg this is so fucking hot my nipples are rock hard. I have never had feelings for my Dad so this doesn't disturb me, I find it a delightful story! I have enjoyed teasing men my entire life, and I know they enjoy it. I am built for sex and I feel I am spreading happiness when I make a man hard. I am hoping one day to make a man lose control and fuck my brains out like that. Thank you for the fantasy, it was well-written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
i love daddy daughter incest stories

i have given enjoyment to many cute littlt sweet young fresd sweet soft smooth young fresh virgin pussies withred head pussy lips

golden yellow clitiris

honey filled pussy hole

cutties can mail

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Never read anything like it!

I loved reading this story, all the while stroking my breasts and teasing my nipples. I am so wet between my legs and my lover is not here to give me this stor-inspired sweet release.

Can't wait to read your next story.

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