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Danny Ray


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He was staring at me and smiling. "Church," he started, "Mom wants the family to go to Church together tomorrow. I was wondering if you would go with me."

"That's rather odd for a gay date," I laughed, "Church?"

He was grinning as he explained. "You remember my sister, Barbara? She's had a lot of problems with drugs, but she finally got through rehab and is clean. She's back living at home with the folks. Mom thought it would be nice if we went to church together as a family and then had dinner afterwards. Mom makes a good fried chicken."

"Fried chicken vs. church," I laughed, "you drive a hard bargain mister, but since I get to spend the day with you, then yes."

I could see his eyes light up like the little kid I knew in high school. He was happy as hell. "I'll pick you up at 11:30, mass is at Noon at St. Paul's." He leaned in and kissed me and then was gone. Bonnie accompanied him to his car and then came back by my side. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. He was right though. Whenever I was around him I was nervous and insecure, which wasn't my typical self.

That night I went to dinner at my parents. I got the third degree from my mom. How was your date? When did he get back? Is he going to stay in town? Where did you two go? Did he ask you out again? Do you like him? Your father told me that you have monkey bites all over your body, dear. She flipped the collar on my shirt open for inspection. None there.

"Did you use protection honey?" she said, "he's just out of the miliary and you know how those men are."

"Stop mom. Please, just stop," I was getting really embarrassed with this line of questioning. Its not like we didn't talk openly, but it was never about anyone in particular. This was directed a Danny and me. "No we didn't have sex so no need for protection. No I don't have monkey bites, I just told dad that to ruffle his feathers. Danny was a perfect gentleman. He did kiss me good night though." I looked at her with my eyebrow raised.

"And?" she said.

"And I liked it. Mom, I think I like him," I said with a catch in my throat.

"What's he like, dear?" she asked.

"Built like a brick shithouse," my father piped in.

"Dad, you're so eloquent," I said rolling my eyes and shaking my head. "He's no longer that scrawny kid from high school that's for sure. He's taller than me and very masculine."

"You're very masculine, dear," she said smiling.

"I mean he's very, well, for lack of a better word, hunky," I said with a grin.

"Brick shithouse," my dad reiterated. "He's a big dude, 6'2", 210-220 lbs. Muscles. Handsome."

"How do you know what he looks like? When have you seen him since he got back?" I asked.

"I haven't, his dad showed me his picture last week when he stopped by the shop," my dad said, "handsome guy in that Marine's uniform."

"By the way, are all of you colluding to get the two of us together?" I asked.

"I wouldn't call it colluding, dear," my mother laughed, "just a little meddling with cupid's quiver."

"He did ask me to go to church with him tomorrow," I volunteered.

"Church? That's sounds like a pretty serious date," my dad said. "I didn't go to church with your mother until we had been going out for a couple of months."

"You know his sister, Barbara, the one with all the drug problems?" I explained, "she's been in rehab and is sober, so Danny's mom thought the family should go to church together. Then his mom is making fried chicken for dinner."

"Sounds like a lovely day, dear," my mom said in her sing-song way.

I fed Bonnie from a bowl that I kept at my folks and then took her out back to run and do her business. When I came back in, dinner was on the table. We ate and talked about the shop and about gossip around town.

"I went to the Canyon Club to pick up my lunch and I was talking to Beth. She told me that Barbara is clean, but that she got knocked up by some dude and they are going to get married," I said feeding into the gossip machine

"Poor Sharon, they have had such problems with that girl. I think her brother being killed in that car accident really did a number on her. Doesn't seem like it affected Danny though," my mom said.

"I think it just made him stronger," I told her. "He quit messin up and joined the Marines to make something out of himself."

After dinner, I helped mom clean up and then we all watched a movie. I was home and in bed by eleven. I picked up my cell as I pulled off my clothes to go to bed. There was a text from Danny. Two emoticons, a kiss and a wink. I texted back: CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AGAIN TOMORROW with a wink emoticon.

The next morning I took Bonnie for a run and got showered and dressed for church. The dog ran to the door when she heard Danny's knock.

"Hey girl," Danny said as he patted Bonnie on the head. I had a dog treat on the counter and tossed it to Danny. "Sit Bonnie," he commanded. He gave her the cookie as she sat at his feet.

"She gets a treat and I don't?" I winked.

"Come here, stud," Danny said as he pulled me into a tight embrace. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "You look handsome this morning, babe. Nice to have arm candy today," he chuckled. I slugged his arm. He was such a flirt and I liked it.

Mass was just as I remembered, stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight. Sharon, Danny Ray's mom, was happy to see the two us together and gave me a big hug. Barbara looked much better than the last time I had seen her, but she still looked like ten miles of bad road. When she gave me a hug I was expecting to feel the baby bump, but it wasn't there -- too soon.

During mass, Danny sat beside me and would occasionally grasp my thigh or touch my hand. His arm was sometimes around my shoulders in the pew. To anyone looking, his possessiveness would be obvious.

On the way to the Suarez house, Danny asked me if I was okay going to church. I told him that I wasn't very religious, but that I liked being with him. He just smiled and clasped my hand as he drove. He held my hand as we went through the back door of their small home. I thought it must be fairly crowded now that Barbara and Danny were staying with their parents.

"Thank you for going to mass Ethan," Mrs. Suarez said.

"My pleasure, ma'am," I said. We were standing in the kitchen and Sharon began taking food from the refrigerator to prepare her fried chicken for dinner. While she and I were talking, Danny came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck, "Isn't he the best?" He said to his mother. She just smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Let me help," I said, "I can cut up the chicken."

"Thank you Ethan. It's nice having someone in the kitchen helping," she said as she swatted Danny on the butt. "You go in the living room with your father, young man. Ethan and I have work to do."

It was nice cooking with her. We talked about Randy and I being in school together and her hopes for Barbara. She confided to me that she knew Barbara was pregnant, but that Danny and his father hadn't been told yet. The daddy baby was still in rehab and Barbara wasn't sure she wanted to get back together with him. I could see why my mom was friends with Sharon. She was a sweet woman with the weight of the world on her shoulders.

I could hear the football game in the living room as I was peeling the potatoes for mashers and gravy. Barbara was somewhat incoherent but was able to set the table for dinner. I think that the drugs had fried her brain. Danny and his dad were out of our way as Sharon and I moved effortlessly around each other in the kitchen. The smell of the frying chicken was amazing.

"Dinner," Sharon called out.

The guys hustled from the living room and sat at the table while Sharon and I served up the fried chicken and potatoes and gravy. "Delicious," Danny said as he salivated over a chicken leg.

"I agree," I offered my praise. The fried chicken had a bit of hot sauce and it was spicy and crispy.

"Good job on the potatoes and gravy, babe," Danny said as he kissed my cheek, leaving greasy lips marks, "You're gonna make a good husband someday."

I blushed and I could see Sharon and Dan smiling. I think they were pleased that Danny and I were dating. After dinner, Danny and I cleaned up and loaded the dishwasher. Returning to the living room, Dan was watching another game. Danny sat at the end of the sofa and patted his hand for me to sit beside him.

Danny wrapped his arms around me as I sat down in his embrace. My fully belly and the calmness of the atmosphere fueled my sleep and my eyes closed. It was more than an hour when I awoke to that handsome face looking down at me. Danny bent in and whispered, "This is nice." I could only shake my head in agreement.

A piece of cake and glass of milk, finished a perfect day before Danny drove me home. He walked me to the front door and kissed me goodnight, promising to call me later.

No sooner was I undressing for bed that I got a text: THNX JACKSON IT WAS A GOOD DAY

I texted back: IT WAS NICE. I LIKE BEING WITH YOU. YOU MAKE ME FEEL SAFE and a kiss emoticon.

Danny started his new job as a warehouse manager on Monday and I didn't see him all week. We talked and texted. I worked at the shop and thought a lot about Danny. My dad could see that I was distracted and would make comments when he came up front. I went to dinner at my folks house on Wednesday without any conversation about Danny.

I was disappointed the following weekend when Danny told me he was tied up with some buddies from his old charge in Afghanistan. It didn't make me happy, but I understood. He needed to keep those contacts and friendships. I wondered if he had told any of them about me as a potential boyfriend. I could only hope that was the case.

The next week, Danny called and asked me out to dinner on Thursday. In the meantime, we texted and talked about nothing, but everything. I enjoyed his ability to entertain me and make me laugh. I was falling for Danny, but I wasn't sure that he was feeling the same about me. Danny picked me up at seven and we went again to Café Guadalajara. The waiter recognized us and seated us at the table where we had our first date. Danny was so gentle and kind with me. Looking at his size and muscles belied that sweetness he showed.

Again when he escorted me to my door, Danny kissed me. "Danny?" I asked. "Do you like me?"

"You should know that by now, I've been asking you out for over a month," he said with a look of puzzlement on his face.

"I like you too, Danny," I said. "I was just wondering..." I ended not wanting to look at him, not wanting to hear an answer.

"Why I don't attack you?" he laughed.

"Well yes," I admitted.

"I didn't want to freak you out. You told me you're relatively innocent to all this. I just wanted to give you time to figure out if I was someone you wanted to be with," he said. That was a statement that made him blush.

I pushed my lips against his and kissed him deeply and passionately. I pulled back and breathed against his neck, "I want to be with you."

"I'm glad, Jackson," he whispered into my mouth was we kissed, "I want to be with you too."

He held me tight and continued kissing me for several minutes until my lips and face were raw from the scratch of his beard. I lost my breath as he pulled away, "I'll call you tomorrow and we can make plans for the weekend." I didn't want him to go, but eventually he had to, tomorrow was an early work day.

"Good night Jackson," Danny said as he went to his car and left.

I texted him when I finally undressed for bed: I WANT YOU I'M READY

Danny texted a wink and a tongue out emoticon.

Friday afternoon, the shop was busy as always before a weekend, when my cell rang. I saw that it was Danny and I walked away from the counter leaving my customers pissed that I wasn't taking care of them. Oh well, I do have priorities.

"Hey babe," I answered.

"I'll pick you up at seven. Okay if I spend the night?" he said.

I couldn't answer; my breath was just coming hot and heavy at the thought. Was this going to be it? "Bonnie would really like to have you over," I giggled.

"What about you Jackson?" he asked.

"Oh ya," was all I could manage.

I was shaking as I disconnected his call. My father came up front wondering why customers were piling up when he saw the disembodied look on my face. "Danny?" he asked.

I didn't answer, but he knew. I was in a daze as I tried to help clear our customer tickets and get people on their way.

"Be sure to wrap it," my dad advised.

"Damn it dad. Does everything you say about Danny have to involve us ...?" I couldn't finish.

"I hope so," he said, "you two have been dating for long enough for things to progress past a kiss or two."

I was blushing and smiling at my dad's perceptions. "Your mom and I really like that you and Danny are dating. Maybe something more?"

"Maybe," I answered thinking about what I had just told Danny.

The knock at the door got Bonnie's attention and I'm pretty sure she knew who it was, the only person who had come to the house other than my folks. I opened the door and Danny swept me off my feet as he grabbed me around the waist and carried me inside. Bonnie was barking at his heels thinking he was hurting me. "Settle down girl," he said as he pulled a doggie cookie from his pocket and she snapped it up, "you need to get used to me taking your daddy." I kissed him with passion at that statement. He was willing to be with me and my dog. My hopes were coming true.

"Want to take the truck?" I offered. I could see from his facial expression that he wasn't sure. I picked up the keys from the counter and handed them to him. "You drive, stud," I said.

"I guess I should get used to sharing with you, huh?" he laughed.

As was now his custom, he escorted me from the house with his broad manly hand in the small of my back. Mind you, I am not a small guy, so having him take control was unusual for me. He was all alpha and I liked it.

At the restaurant, Danny sat very close to me and held my hand while he ordered a couple of margaritas. Good, alcohol would loosen up my nerves as my hands were trembling thinking about what might lay in store.

"Anything else?" the pretty little waitress said. I watched Danny eying her and a smile across his face. "You never know," Danny responded and winked at her. He was flirting with her. He had told me he was gay and now he was flirting with this pretty, young waitress. WTF. My mind reeled with confusion. He had taken her hand and complimented her looks. I quietly excused myself and placed my napkin on the table. I made my way to the front of the restaurant as if I was going to the men's room, but I kept walking. Once in the hot air of the summer night, I felt the tears come. I was intent on leaving, escaping, getting away from the man that I was falling for. I couldn't trust him. Was he gay or not? Would he commit to only me? Obviously, he was just toying with me until a better opportunity presented itself. I was pissed. I was hurt. I started to walk back toward my house, knowing that there was no way I could walk the whole way. I heard his voice booming in the darkness, "Ethan, God damn it, Ethan, where are you?" Fuck, I had forgotten that he drove me here in my truck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I heard my truck start and as I walked faster, he pulled up beside me and drove, rolling down the window, "Where are you going? Did I do something wrong? Talk to me Ethan, what's wrong," he seemed truly flummoxed at my reaction.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned toward the truck. I was sobbing, tears streaming down my face, how could he ask that? "I hate you," I screamed, spit flying from my lips as the venim spewed forth. "I can't trust you. You were flirting with her. You were humiliating me. I hate you." My body was trembling with anger and I shuddered from crying.

I heard the truck stop and his door open as he ran up beside me. "I'm sorry for whatever you think I did. I'm so sorry Ethan," he begged, "at least get in your truck and let me take you home."

"No," I shrieked at him. Snot was running down my nose and across my lips. I was a hot mess. But as crazy as I was acting, he was calm. He placed his hand in the small of my back and gently urged me toward the truck, opening my door and taking my arm to guide me to my seat. I couldn't resist. I still wanted him to touch me, to hold me, to kiss me and reassure me, but I was hurt and humiliated. I rode with him without further protest as I didn't want to be abandoned along the highway at night.

I didn't talk the whole way as he drove me home. "Please Ethan, tell me what I did," he pleaded.

When he pulled into my drive way, he came around and opened my door. I slid like a mannequin, stiff and dead, into his arms. He tried to kiss me, but I pursed my lips closed. "Goodnight Ethan," he mumbled in confusion and handed me my keys.

"Goodbye," I answered and ran into my house locking the door behind me. My body slid down the door and I sat on the floor with Bonnie standing beside me. I waited for several minutes before I heard Danny's car back out of the drive. My heart was breaking, shattering into a thousand tiny pieces. I felt like I wanted to die.

My phone vibrated. It was Danny. I dismissed the call. Then a text from Danny, DON'T SAY GOODBYE I'M SO SORRY FOR WHATEVER I DID CAN YOU PLS TALK TO ME. I didn't answer. Then a voice mail which I didn't listen to. Finally, I just shut my phone off. I fell asleep with Bonnie curled up against me. Sometime during the night, I must have gotten up and made my way to bed, because I woke up the next morning bright and early.

I was actually in a good mood. I figured that it was better to find out now rather later. If Danny wasn't gay, I certainly didn't want to be in a relationship with him only to have him cheat on me with a woman. That would hurt worse than I hurt now. Besides, I had wrested control away from Danny and I was in charge of my life, not him.

I was standing behind the counter when my dad came up front. He pulled my collar open to check, "no monkey bites, I see." He was grinning.

"Nope," I said. "I broke up with Danny last night," I announced nonchalantly.

"What? Why?" he starred at me in disbelief.

"He took me out to dinner and then proceed to throw himself at this cute little waitress," I said in a smart-assed way.

"You mean he flirted with her?" dad asked me.

"This is different dad. If it had been a guy, I would know what to do. I could compete, but how to I compete with tits. I don't have tits and if that's what he wants..." I stammered.

"It was humiliating," I bowed my head and whispered.

"You mean you were jealous?" dad probed, "Because he wasn't paying attention to you."

I didn't answer. I watched as he picked up the phone and dialed. "Danny, this is Phil Parker. You hurt my son, you son-of-a-bitch. If I ever see you talking to another person again, I will punch your fucking face in." Then I noticed his finger was on the receiver button.

"Okay dad, subtle. I get your point. Now what do I do. I said some hateful things to him last night," I felt like crying again.

"Easy. Call him and apologize," dad said.

I just stared at my feet. "Now," dad demanded in no uncertain terms. "I'm not gonna have you walking around here like a lovelorn teenage girl."

I pulled my cell from my pocket and hit return on Danny's call from last night. "Hi. Me neither. Danny. Uhhmm, I am so sorry for the way I acted last night. I was stupid. I don't hate you and you didn't do anything wrong. If you can come over to my place for dinner, I think I can explain," I said. "Okay, seven. Again, I'm so, so, sorry Danny."

Dad left me at the front desk feeling queasy. Last night, I knew I was in the right and today, I was turned around and fucked.

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