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Dara Visits a Resort


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Tammy followed up saying that "of course, we are not perverts... we just let them."

"Dutiful wives," I said.

"Speak for yourself. For us this was my idea," Pihu said. We did not know how to take that, she said it so straight. Either way, we laughed again, drawing confused looks from our pervert husbands.

A little ways longer, around a corner, and then we were at the door to the sex room so we rejoined our loving husbands. But I dare say, after the comments about "a third" and Pihu's story of brother-in-law loving I was looking forward to the exercise, and seeing the other men perform, more than I had before. The other women favored their husbands with a wifely kiss before they went in, not a peck on the cheek but a more "I am happy with you" kiss on the mouth with extended embrace. Of course, a good girl does not do such things, but now I could see how a wife acted, and to be honest, such an act was inline with my feelings of the moment, so I did the same. Maybe I surprised my husband, because we were the newlywed couple, maybe I did it with a bit more verve than the others. I also reached into his robe, rubbed his cock (which smiled, I know the little monster) and grabbed his bottom.

Sung liked that, I could feel him respond, both in the kiss and the other. The robe did a better job of hiding his response that a doublet would have, and his eyes positively sparkled.

Our names were checked off a list and we went to an undressing room. No sense in being shy, we all got undressed. In the numbered cubby we each had, there was a bracelet we put on. "Our left wrist, we are married," Sung said. We helped each other, his bracelet had a place for our room key, which was the only other item we took with us. The other couples were in the same room with us, but we only focused on each other, it was like the others were not there. I could see how pleased Sung was as we put our minimal clothing in the cubby. Then we made our way to the big bedroom.

There were 3 rows of 5 beds each; the aisles between the beds were wide enough for a couple to walk side-by-side, so there was no question of contact or even whispered conversation between the beds. The beds were reserved by number. Sung said that the "interior" beds in the middle row were reserved by the "show-offs" who were looking to attract others to a disgusting after-party. Tonight there were 2 such couples.

Sung had us in a corner bed, he thought I might be happier with fewer couples close by and the corner bed only had 2 of the 4 sides exposed facing neighbors. I thanked him for this, it was another example of his consideration. Pihu and Kawin were in the bed next to us with the best view while Tammy and Rafe were in the bed at the end of ours. A show-off couple with oiled bodies and more obvious bling advertising was kitty-corner from us.

The beds did not have headboards or any other indication of orientation, so when I got on the bed I made the end near Tammy and Rafe the head. That way nobody was looking up my shaved crotch. Tammy and Pihu both saw what I was doing so they "put our heads together" on their beds; that way we could see each other easily. The smiles of the men showed they were all pleased with this arrangement.

The informal rule was to hold off on any "serious" action until the lights were dimmed and the doors closed. With the light dimmed one could see the adjacent beds, but further beds were more in the shadows; this effect both contributed to a feeling of isolation and made the room seem larger. I was surprised to see guide lights attached to each bed near the floor showing where to walk safely. The exit led to a shower room. Both a group shower room and "couple-sized" shower stalls, with shower curtains for privacy, were available.

"Why privacy curtains after..." I asked later.

"Some people might have to adopt an uncomfortable position to wash more private areas," Sung said.

What could count as 'more private' I wondered aloud. Then it came to me. "Oh!"

"We may see some anal sex in addition to the other types," he said.

I agreed, to wash in some places privacy might be a very good idea for all parties.

While we waited for the room to fill we began kissing; we quickly moved to passionate kissing with probing tongues, with our naked bodies pressing together and hands moving freely. It was hot, I felt very married and sexual because I was naked with my husband in public while others were still walking by. Out the corner of my eye I could see other couples doing the same. Our friends looked like they were long-time lovers together. The one "show-off" couple kitty-corner from us looked stiff, like their movements were choreographed. I even saw them repeat the same sequence of movements and kissing three times, and I was just catching their act occasionally. They could not mean it, so why did they do it? Then I thought of that pimp from Hanoi who proposed to meet me.

Finally the lights were dimmed. Sung whispered that he would be very pleased if I sat on his mouth, in a position where he could see my face. My first thought was how sitting up straight like that would expose my body to all. He knew that, his smile told me he wanted to show me off because he was so pleased with me and my young, slim, supple body. I knew he really was proud of me. Plus, besides our friends only the show-off couple could really see me that well. Also, truth be told, I was young and hot for his attentions. So I did as he asked. However, as I started to get up, I whispered to him that I might have a problem with uncontrollable noises.

He said I should clamp my thighs to his ears so the noises didn't bother him. As far as anyone else hearing me, he said it was good advertising but he promised to turn them all down if they wanted to same from the "Korean with the Golden Tongue." (We had watched "Goldfinger" last week.) We both laughed, he looked the happiest and most relaxed I had ever seen. A couple of pure vacation days with tennis, good food, and a very willing wife pleasuring his cock thrice daily had done wonders for his attitude. I had not noticed how tense he was teaching the seminars until just now.

I sat on his face as requested. I was clearly on display, but nobody was paying any particular attention. I did, however, look around at the other couples that were adopting positions where they could have sex.

Pihu and Kawin had moved quickly and easily into a very loving 69 position with her on top. She had his cock entirely hidden in her mouth! Her cheeks and throat were moving, I could tell she made it a very passionate and emotional kiss for him, and very delightfully loving for her. With his head between her thighs I had no evidence of how he was feeling. But by the way his head was moving, he was loving all of her pussy with his tongue.

Tammy and Rafe were fucking and kissing in the prone position, with her flat on top of him with her legs outside of his.

I spared a quick glance at the "show-off" couple nearby. Both of these were Thai's with similar hair styles, like the early Beatles haircuts. They were very attractive and wore a gold neck-chain (too heavy to be called a necklace), 2 bracelets and one anklet each. In addition to the oil they also wore glitter. That was when I noticed that they had a spotlight on them. They were on their sides, with him behind her, and their backs to me. He entered her from the rear; they had their arms and legs in a complicated arrangement to stay in their position. The position displayed her body, highlighting her enhanced tits with erect elongated nipples, to more than half the room. I imagine that it also highlighted his cock. Perhaps it was long or wide, I did not notice before. I mainly saw his back, which was muscular and had no tattoos.

Later, I was surprised to realize that I had no idea of how big our friends' cocks were. Tammy and Pihu both had tits that were larger than mine, but mine had more of what Sung called "pertness." Well, my nipples were very proud as they stood up. Of course, they were both over 30, and Pihu had nursed her children so her breasts sagged like half-inflated balloons.

My observation period did not last long, my husband's wicked tongue was very distracting. I found myself quickly getting aroused as his tongue went up and down my slit, molesting the sensitive points he knew at both ends. Feeling so good was a great distraction. Normally, with such intense treatment, I would not last 5 minutes before my first climax. But Sung was doing something different today, it was like he was applying more stimulation, building my climax up, but not letting me get to the point of release, which always seemed just out of reach.

I will not say this was frustrating, in fact it was wonderful. But there was a dash of frustration spicing the pleasure. In the back of my mind I wondered how he got this skill, and why he was working on this effect now for the first time with me in public. Okay, I also thought about what sluts from his past had taught him this. (I am unkind in thinking all the women he had been with before were sluts. After all, I did not give him my sacred pussy until we were properly married... even if our engagement was only a matter of minutes.)

I looked down between my thighs, into his eyes. He knew I had caught him at something, and he was very amused as I tried to figure it out, but kept getting distracted. With a few extra well-placed tongue lashes every minute or three he emptied whatever train of thoughts was building in my mind, so all I could do was experience the wonderful roller-coaster of pleasure he had me on. It was a good experience, it was very easy to lose myself in the waves of pleasure that were building and falling in my body.

At an ebbing point in my very nice pleasure cycle my husband suddenly launched a series of specific tongue lashes to my clit, it was a routine that ALWAYS got me off. He knew me too well. Just like that, I had a climax on his face. I must have squeaked or something because both Tammy and Pihu quickly looked my way with these surprised and happy smiles. Sung's eyes also showed an intolerable smile at how well he had mastered my body. I was cumming at the time, so I really could not evidence my displeasure, but I had to wonder why he did it then, when I would enjoyed it so much more at a high point.

Maybe that was the point. There were more tongue lashes and just like that I got off again. No squeak this time, I kept the sounds to a sigh. But I knew my body language was 100% articulate to anyone who saw me, I was getting off really good.

About five minutes later, when I finally got me breath back, he wanted me to sit on his cock. It was not a hardship, and the nice thing was that there I had control. So I got to it.

My husband's tongue is very skilled, and gives wonderful pleasure. But something inside me always preferred my husband's shaft inside my body, where I could make a baby, even if it was not possible now. The truth was that, at this early stage of my marriage I liked his cock best from the back, when I was standing bent over supported by a table or something. I don't want to say I was distracted by my husband's face, but I must confess that sometimes the "faceless" feel of a fucking lover was more appealing to the bad thoughts I sometimes called to mind at particular moments. I guess I was a bad muslim wife. In guilt I looked at my husband's face with contrition. From his look I told myself I was sure he understood. Or that he wanted me. Either worked.

Now Sung wanted me in cowgirl, facing him, on public display while doing all the work of lifting. Meanwhile his wonderful indecent fingers played with the wonderful spot he had discovered at the front of my slit. Within a few minutes, Tammy and Pihu were all in the same position, facing me. Kawin had even spun around on his bed so Pihu and I could be face-to-face. Something told me that this was not an accident but rather was something our naughty perverted husbands had discussed over foul strong drinks after beating up innocent tennis balls.

Then Pihu started using it for me! it was clear that anything she did was visible to both me and her husband. Well, she was looking right at me when she started playing with her tits! She was intentionally making a show of it for me. Not casual touches either, she started twisting and pulling her magnificent nipples, working them from their wide limp form until they were hard and long and pointy, so erect and hard that they looked like they were pulling themselves enough to hurt, never mind the way she was abusing and molesting them.

Big soft breasts with stiff nipples make a powerful visual statement to me, they speak of motherhood achieved and aroused again.

Kawin did not seem to mind. Pihu's face showed no great pain. I guessed that it was a case of "to each their own."

Then, like a gunshot, I heard a slap. It seemed Tammy had her own take on the pain-as-pleasure thing. She was holding her large sagging right breast in her right hand, and was slapping it loudly with her left hand. She was also smiling broadly at me. She did the same with the other breast, then repeated the routine three times, obviously loving every bit of it.

"Are you getting some ideas, Darling? Something you might share with the class?" my husband asked. He was staring at me so he could not see either woman well, but I guess he knew what they were doing. I looked up again, now both women were holding their nipples, playing with them while looking at me with anticipation. Well, I was not much for the slapping thing, plus I did not really have enough to hold much less slap. But I decided that, in the name or fairness, reciprocity and playing nice with others, plus a general turn-on, at the least I owed them some public nipple abuse.

I grabbed my right nipple tightly, pulled it out, and gave it a hard twist. I acted rashly, all three acts were stronger than anything I had ever done to myself before. It hurt. But it also felt fucking GOOD down below! I moaned, I heard it and so did the others. There were smiles all around and I turned red. (I was naked, posting up and down on my husband's cock, showing it go in and out of my body to a whole room, but I was embarrassed by what I did to my own nipple. Is that fucked up or what?) I found myself showing my friends the same nasty thing with my left nipple. I put more into it and had a stronger reaction.

Then I automatically did both.

Two is a funny number. Doubled or squared or added to itself, they all give the same result. But two nipples was not doubled or squared or added together. When I set my mind and did the routine to both nipples I fucking got off with loudest moan in the room. "OHHHHHHH FUCKKK MEEEEEEEE... YYYEEESSSSSS!" just came out. It was a full yell with my outdoor voice, my call-the-twins-home-from-half-a-klick away yell. I was shocked to hear what was the loudest sound in the room before or after that point. The feeling was like that pleasure-taser thing, only beyond multiplied. My head shot back and my eyes closed tight while every muscle below my tits, inside and out, clenched damn hard. Tammy told me that Sung's eyes almost popped out of his head. Kawin and Rafe told me the next day that even the "show-off" couple looked, and it was not just a glance either, they heard enough theatrical orgasms to know the real thing and were awed by it. Pihu said the sound came from my chest and throat, not just my mouth, and it was as sincere as any climax she had ever heard. (Kawin, who was standing slightly behind his wife at the time she told me, shook his head to the negative and pointed at his wife, then did the "about the same" sign with his hand.)

I don't know much about male climax, but apparently some combination of factors meant that, while Sung really, sincerely enjoyed the divine pleasure I was gifting to his cock at that moment, he was able to keep his own business under control enough so, despite shooting almost to the edge of the cliff, he was able to eventually wrestle his own climax back so he did not end our evening.

Rafe and Tammy, on the other hand, were grabbed by the sound and went with it. Tammy got off on just the sight and sound of my climax; maybe what she was doing with her tits also helped, but in any event she was right behind me in enjoying her release - with less intense sound effects. Naturally, her extended full-body climax also summoned a deep male roar from Rafe as he emptied his balls into his wife - to their obvious mutual satisfaction. Rafe had a voice that carried. The exercise ended their time in the room, by the time they got up off their bed I was panting but was back to my new normal. Tammy broke the rules by giving me a kiss on the cheek as she walked by, she was very happy to have seen me. I felt the same about her. She would join me and Pihu often for the rest of our stay. Even after what I learned late in the week.

They were not the only ones inspired. About a half dozen other couples - more than a third of the room - left in the next few minutes.

Pihu and Kawin did not follow suite. They have this tantric thing which allows them to postpone the end for quite awhile, then summon all of the pleasure they passed over into one spectacular cum when they are transported for a moment to Nirvana and the garden of Shiva or Vishnu or some-such Worthy for tea and ambrosia. As a muslim I don't believe that, of course, but I must say they are very convincing when they talk about it.

My climax wore me out a bit so I leaned forward and settled on my husband's chest. Our lips met but just rested against each other, he was very appreciative, willing to let me rest on his body, just hugging and holding without anything special below.

I thought for a moment about love. Were we in love? We were very comfortable with each other, even if we were both sweating profusely. His body was still inside of mine, he wanted me plus he was patient and understanding about it. Relaxed. He gave me pleasure. Maybe in the West love is different, all the movies show it as something else, free to the rich and poor to enjoy equally. But everything in the movies was more dramatic, and the divorce rate in Hollywood is a scandal and a fright. In Asia, where most marriages are arranged, I felt that what we had was pretty good. Maybe there was an Eastern love that we shared. In ten years, I was not sure what would happen. But I could live like this and call it love for five years.

While I rested on top of Sung more people finished. There were grunts and shouts and moans and high-pitched screams and low-pitched roars. We were not moving much, but the sounds did inspire our desire enough to keep us interested and attached. I realized that anybody who walked by could see my butt hole like it was deliberately on display; you could not miss it. I didn't care because I had Sung and he was plainly happy to have me, naked and on display for these strangers. When the "show-off" couple finally left (even I could tell their orgasm was faked) there were only 5 couples left in the room, including ourselves plus Pihu with Kawin. We felt more alone. Finally Sung's movements told me he wanted to finish, he urged me to the traditional "missionary" position. At about the same time Pihu and Kawin moved into a complex position - I believe they call it the "Human Plough" - where she was on her back with her feet crossed behind her neck. I was limber but I could not do that. Perhaps Bop could. I must say Pihu had a very flexible body, but the main advantage I could see was that both her pussy and her ass were available to Kawin. He paid homage with his lips to all her openings, then carefully slid into her pussy and began moving much as Sung did.

Both men were "up," supported by their arms, so they could look at their lover, or at the other woman. I could look at Kawin and I admit that his Thai features were very pleasing to look at. Nobody seemed to object when I allowed my gaze to linger. He and Pihu both smiled back at me, they were happy to be watched.

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