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Dark as Daylight Ch. 18


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"I never knew that."

"You're not a doctor. Calm down, mom, I don't want you to have a stroke. You are not a spring chicken anymore"

"I'm not going to have a stroke. I'm worried about your father-in-law. That's a very beautiful dress you're wearing."

"Thank you very much. I got it at Neiman Marcus Second Chance. It was ¼ of the original price, and I couldn't leave it there. The hem was hanging down, and that was the only thing wrong with it. I know someone that stitches very well."

"So do I, honey; you got a real bargain there."

"Hello Gwen, aren't you looking beautiful today."

"Thank you, dad, the same to you. That is a gorgeous suit. I can't believe the feel of the silk."

"This suit is older than you are. It's not only the silk you are feeling, but the Kevlar fiber that's mixed in with it. It was made for me in Switzerland by one of the few manufacturers who knew how to do it at the time. The other one was in Columbia, and out of caution I refused to go down there to be fitted in person. The Colombian government would not allow him out of the country, even though I offered a $10 million bond to allow him to come to the United States to fit me."

"Why was he so valuable to them?"

"He wasn't valuable to the government. He was valuable to the people in the drug cartels, who he made suits for, privately, by the thousands."

"I can see why they didn't want to let him go."

"His services were in high demand by the people in the cartels. They cartels started fighting over him and couldn't come to an agreement on how much time people from Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan could have with him when they flew in. The negotiations got so heated that someone blew up his armored car, about 18 months after my request. How stupid can people be?"

"I guess very stupid."

"Why are you here? I wasn't expecting to see you until tomorrow."

"I called to tell them we were going to the Freedom Tower, and asked if they would like to come along."

"Where's William?"

"Right behind you, dad."

"I keep forgetting about those damn stairs. One day someone's going to scare me to death."

"If they do, you'll have company."

"Be careful kids, your mother is on the warpath. She lied to me, and she told me so, to my face. We are not going to the Freedom Tower. She will not tell me where we are going. So, keep your ears and eyes open, anything could happen today."

"We are going for ice cream at my favorite store, and if you're good, you can have a waffle cone."

"I don't like waffle cones, they crack, and the ice cream could get all of my suit."

"Do you see what a pain in the ass he's going to be today? Tom is everything ready?"

"Yes Mrs. Zabo, everyone is out front and ready to go."

"Thank you, Tom. Where is Jim?"

"His right outside the door, ma'am."

"Will you start moving already, William, we are going to be late."

"What time does the movie start?"

"Right after I build the theater."

"I am in trouble, son, I feel it."

"You know everything about your feelings, dad. When it comes to mom, you are always right."

"Gwen, when was the last time you smacked your husband?"


"About one second ago, mom."

"Thank you, dear."

"I will get even with you, when we get home."

Gwen whispered, "Should we spend the night at Patrick's?"

"We will see how out of hand you get today. I have a very hard day tomorrow."

"Why don't you give me a very hard time tonight?"

"I can arrange that. We will stay at Pat's tonight."

The entourage turned left on 5th Avenue, left again on 78th St., and onto the FDR drive. The speed limit meant nothing to them as the limousine stayed on the inside lane, and the armored SUV's blocked the first and second lanes.

As the police cars showed up, all they did was take point, and block the side and rear.

William was very familiar with this drive. His children were born at NYU, and so were Patty's. This time no one was pregnant so he asked Jemma, "Why are we on the FDR drive?"

"I love the smell of diesel fuel on the East River, dear."


"Would you like me to start telling the truth now, so we can start arguing in front of the children, or would you like to wait until we get to our destination?"

"What fun would be to wait until we get to our destination? At that time, you will have everything on your side, and I will have nothing to say about it."

Gwen said, "Do you see the way your mother backs your father into a corner? Is that what you do when you negotiate with other companies?"

"Dear, every entry-level manager is told how to negotiate. Then he is taught how to negotiate as my mother does. Then he is listened to as he negotiates a contract with someone he believes is a potential mid-level client.

Whether he gets the contract or is up to a three-person team, and then he is brought into a room where he listens to everything he did during the negotiation. By the time he reaches a level where he is ready to negotiate as part of a team that goes out and gets business for us, he can recite my mothers' tactics by heart."

Jemma took off her shoes and threw them at him, with blinding speed.

"What did I say that was wrong, mom? You are an excellent negotiator, and everyone on our staff learns from you. What is your problem with it?"

"You make me sound evil."

William Senior braced himself as he said, "That's because you are, dear."

He peered over his shoulder when she didn't hit him.

Gwen and William wondered why also.

Then, it hit Junior.

"I just realized why she didn't hit you dad, and you are in trouble."

"I know, son. She is going to take her time, and wait until the moment, when I am totally relaxed. At that moment, the devil will strike."

Jemma hit him.

"We have been together too long. You know me too well. I am going to have to change my tactics, because I don't want you to know what I'm going to do, and when I'm going to do it. Maybe, I won't hit you today. Possibly, I won't hit you for a week. Know this husband, I will hit you."

William unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her onto his lap.

"Baby, as long as the sunrises in the East, I know that you will always get even. I know this because I love you, and the problem is you love me. I wonder if we should go back down to Washington, and get a Supreme Court justice, the Attorney General, and a director of the FBI to marry us all over again. I would like to take you back to that room and replay that evening all over again, from the very beginning."

"Oh no, you're not. I am not standing by a wall with those balls up my vagina, wait 1½ hours for your meeting to end, only for you to put your hand on my thigh as we get into a limousine to make me orgasm. That will never happen again."

"Okay, we can start from the part where you tell me you are going to drive, and go from there."

"That, I can live with."

As Gwen started to ask, "Mom, what did..." the entourage turned into the emergency entrance of NYU Medical Center.

Senior said, "Your mother does this to me every time. She gets me involved in a conversation, and I never look where she's taking me. I may as well put blinders on. Who should I expect on the other side of the door dear?"

"I haven't liked the way your toenails have been looking. I ordered you a pedicure."

"I need a wheelchair for a pedicure?"

"How else are they going to take off your shoes, and socks, without you falling on your ass?"

Gwen said, "She does have a point, dad."

"Two of them Gwenny, and they are growing out of the back of her head."

He was ready, and he did get hit for that one.

As he approached the automatic doors, they opened, and he saw Doctor Manolo Braverman looking down at him.

"Hello Mr. Zabo, you are one minute late."

"My wife talks a lot Doctor, and we all marched to her tune."

"I believe that Mr. Zabo, because I do too. I have never been threatened with my life before. If I wasn't here in 29 minutes, I was going to be dead within the hour. I was here in 27 minutes just to be safe."

"It was a very smart move on your part Doctor, because when it comes to me, my wife is very possessive. So why are you here?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"My dear, loving wife, told us we were going to the Freedom Tower. I guess she lied to me."

"It certainly looks that way Mr. Zabo. You are here because your wife said you look pale, and because you were sweating in an air-conditioned environment. Your suite is ready, and I am going to put you through a complete battery of tests, starting with your heart, and then going to your lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, and other assorted and sundry parts of your body. I enjoy living, and I have a feeling if I miss anything, I wouldn't be alive very long.

This is your treatment plan for today, Mr. Zabo, and there will be more tomorrow, and possibly Monday, depending on the results. You will not be going home. I want you in in the hospital, where you can be monitored 24/7. I hope you don't have any objections, because your wife will overrule them. Isn't that true, Mr. Zabo?"

"You can bet your life on that, Doctor."

"You already have, Mrs. Zabo. They wonder why doctors die so young. It's not their patients who kill them, it's their spouses who do it."

"Be careful, Doctor, you may not live through these tests."

"She is responsible for my being here, Mr. Zabo, and she will hold her temper, as long as I hold your life in my hands."

As her temper rose, and her face turned a darker shade of pink, she said, "If you two are happy, now, I would like you to get his tests started."

"Mrs. Zabo, transportation has already been called. He will have his blood drawn on his way to his room. His stress test is scheduled for 10 AM. His nuclear cardiogram is scheduled for 11 AM. I will be on site to read it as it is happening. He will be injected with a nuclear isotope so I can see his arteries, and veins clearly.

After that, he needs four hours of complete bed rest, before his next heart test, which is scheduled for 3 PM. I will be there for that test, also. His last test is scheduled for 5:30 PM. I will be there, also. He will be back in his room, totally exhausted, at 7 o'clock. Hopefully, he will be able to eat something, before we medicate him, and put him to sleep for the night.

He will be up at 9 AM tomorrow morning, because I know he likes to sleep late. I have a light breakfast scheduled for him, and will begin testing at 10 AM. Do you have any questions, Mrs. Zabo?"

Jemma had a blank look on her face, and Junior couldn't let it go. He decided to incite trouble.

"Come on, mom, the world-famous Doctor Braverman must have forgotten something you want him to do to dad."

"Fuck off, William."

Senior looked at his son, who winked at him, and he decided to play along.

"What did I do?"

"I wasn't talking to you."

"You were looking right at me."

"William, don't you dare start with me."

"I didn't start anything. You told me to fuck off, and I want to know why."

"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to our son."

"Why didn't you look at him, instead of me?"

"Yeah mom, why didn't you look at me, if I was guilty?"

"Because when I look at you, I'm going to castrate you."

Gwen yelled, "Why are you going to punish me?"

"I will buy you a boy toy."

"I don't want a boy toy, I want my husband."

"Okay Gwen, just hit your husband."


"Thank you, Gwen."

"You're welcome, mom."

William whispered, "I wonder if Patrick ever put the shackles in the ceiling of his bedroom. You would look lovely hanging upside down from there."

"I wonder what they have playing at the planetarium tomorrow?"

"I'll check, while we're at lunch."

"Doctor, from the schedule you laid out for my dad, I would say he is going to be indisposed until early this evening. Am I correct?"

"No, Mr. Zabo, you are not. What I am saying is your father will be indisposed until tomorrow evening. Each test today runs into the next test, with the appropriate rest period in between. Tomorrow morning, after we do the cardiac catheterization, he will be asleep for approximately 3 to 4 hours. That is the usual amount of time for a man with a healthy heart. I have checked his records, and I have no doubt his heart is still healthy.

When he awakens, I want him to eat something, before we start the next test. We should be finished with your father by 6 PM tomorrow evening, and again he will be exhausted. You may see him for 30 minutes or so, before we medicate him, and put him to sleep for the evening.

Monday morning a panel will convene and go over each test with me. This is standard procedure, and it is a good procedure. There is no telling what one doctor can miss and one doctor can find. If any other tests are called for, I will arrange them, and call you at home. If he does not go home Monday, he will be at home Tuesday morning, if we find him perfectly healthy."

Jemma stared at her husband.

"I only thought you looked pale, and you were sweating. I had no idea all this was going to happen."

"Come here, you."

William pulled her to his lap, and hugged her.

"Were you worried about me?"

"Of course, I was, otherwise you wouldn't be here."

"Well, I'm here. Now let the doctor do his job. Aren't you spending the nights with me, in our suite?"

"I forgot to bring clothes."

"Since I am going to be busy all day, do you think you could run home and get some?"

"I'll bring my string underwear."

"You mean the shoelaces you tie together."

"Yes, that's the one."

"That's a good way to kill me."

"I think I'll leave that one home."

"I have a request."

"I know I'm going to hate this. Go ahead."

"Shave the beaver."

"You are a dirty old man."

"Would you have me any other way?"

"Not on my life, or yours. You better not fail one test."

"I will do my best."

"Do better than that, for both of us."


A beautiful, strawberry blonde, teenage aide pulled up her wheelchair beside Doctor Braverman.

The doctor said, "Olivia, this is Mr. William Zabo. Please bring him to the lab to have his blood drawn, and then up to Suite 944.".

She opened her mouth to show her straight pearly whites, and turned on her billion-watt smile. She blinked her naturally long eyelashes rapidly, as her cheeks blushed, and her lower lip quivered, as she looked at the handsome young physician.

She said sweetly, "Of course, Doctor Braverman."

Jemma hated the young beauty immediately.

Olivia locked the wheelchair alongside the chair William was sitting in.

She asked, "May I help you change chairs Mr. Zabo?"

Seeing the look in his wife's eyes, and wanting to make it to his room still breathing, he said, "No, I can do it, Olivia."

Jemma breathe.

William asked, "Can I get a kiss before I start my day?"

Jemma eyes opened so wide they nearly popped out. When she realized that William was talking to her, she threw herself on his lap and nearly shoved her head down his throat as she kissed him.

"Angel, try to relax. She is only going to push my chair. She is not going to rape me, and I am not going to take her virginity. I believe that is reserved for Manolo."

"Please tell me why am I so jealous of you being around other women after all these years?"

"I don't know, but I must admit, I love it. It tells me how much you love me, and that the love is returned to 100-fold. Now go home and get some clothes. Shave close and use that lotion I love."

"It's probably dried up in the bottle, it's been so long."

"Surprise me."

"I'll think of something."

"You haven't had breakfast, get something to eat before you start shaking."

"How can I eat with you in here."

"Why am I here?"

"Because I thought you were sick, and I brought you here."

"I rest my case. William, take the ladies to get something to eat."

"Can I charge it off as a business expense?"

"Talk to your mother about the ads in her magazine. That should cover it."

"Perfect dad, I'll take them to the hot dog stand on 1st Avenue. You know the one, where those 2 guys tried to kill you."

"You really are trying to get your mother to castrate you."

"Dad, she's an old woman, I can still outrun her."

That was all it took.

Jemma burst out of William senior's arms, and took off running after her son.

Gwen kissed William, and told Olivia to take him to the lab, quickly.

Olivia said, "Oh, is that why he said it?"

Gwen replied, "You will learn these lessons as you get older. Now hustle my father-in-law out of here."

Olivia did just that.

"Old woman, am I? I still run half marathons 6 times a year. What do you do?"

As he rounded a row of chairs, he said, "I sit behind my desk, and do butt crunches."

"When I catch you, I'm going to smack you silly."

"The only time you will catch me, mother, is when I let you. Is it all clear, Gwen?"

"Yes dear, he's gone."

"What do you mean he's gone? What did you do?"

"We let Olivia sit on dad's lap so he could feel her breasts, and had another orderly take them to the lab."

"You better be joking with me, Gwen, or there are going to be more then hems that need sewing on that dress."

As soon as Jemma turned her ire at Gwen, William grabbed his mother.

"Mom, you are so easy. Dad's test are scheduled to begin at 10 AM. It's 9:15 AM already. Did you want him to start running up to his room to get ready?

"I didn't get to say goodbye."

"That's because it's not goodbye, mother. You are going to breakfast with us, and then home to get clothes for the next few days, and nights that you will be here with him."

"I don't like either of you."

"Okay, then after breakfast, we won't let you have ice cream, when we get ours."

"I'm going to speak to our lawyer, and buy that store. I will never let you have Rum Raisin ice cream ever again."

"I'm sorry to tell you this, mother, but we already own that store, and several more."

"Why, what happened to the owner?"

"Dad made him an offer a long time ago. He told the owner any time he wanted to sell to let him know first. That's what the owner did. We went over the books, made him an offer, and he took it. He had to stay for one year while we found someone who could make ice cream as good as he did.

We put an advertisement in the trade papers looking for, I know this sounds funny, a master ice cream blender, with at least 15-years experience, and a resume. We received over 7000 replies from all over the world.

We sent taste testers to watch these people start from scratch to make different types of ice cream and report back. It took six months, and it was extremely hard, but we whittled it down to 25 people. Suddenly, we were looking at opening a small chain in the local area, because these people were excellent. So, that's what we did. We now have 25 very upscale stores in Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan, and they are all doing very well.

Who ever thought Zabo industries would open ice cream shops. We still have the names of the top 200 people we tested, just in case we want to expand. You never know."

"Did you change the name of the stores?"

"Of course, we did."

"It's not Zabo's ice cream, is it?"

"No, mother, it's not."

"Please tell me you didn't name it after me."

"I think a Boeing 747, with your name on its side, and a cube, with yellow panties inside, with your name on them on its tail, is quite enough, don't you?"

"I wanted to kill that boy."

"The name of the ice cream shops is '4 Girls and A Boy Ice Cream Dungeon. Everything in the shop can be seen. The Ice Cream making machinery is out front, so the people can see it being made. The sanitizing equipment is better than many hospitals. Everything they use is stainless steel. The customer area of the shop is cleaned every two hours. The ice cream making area is kept clean every moment. Starting salary is $14 an hour, and the boss grades them every day from a prescribed list. The employees can learn how to make ice cream from the Master Ice Cream Blender. He gets a salary, plus a bonus at the end of the year depending on sales. He also gets the Zabo benefit package."


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