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Dark Magic

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A magic student misuses library resources for his pleasure.
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Under the cover of darkness, late at night, a silent form crept through the library. Their tiptoeing steps were covered by the heavy patter of rain against the large windows. They kept to the shadows. Each flash of lightning in the sky pushed them back into the great rows of books that filled the dark space.

It was Orion, a student of Bertaux's School of Advanced Magic, which the library was a part of. He was in his third year, freshly twenty-two years old at the start of the Summer session.

He crept by the last of the large windows, eyes shifting around to look for the wandering orbs that patrolled the far end as he hid behind a bookshelf. Just beyond the open space past the shelf was the door- his target. He had a cloak draped 'round his shoulders, deep blue cloth obscuring him in the black of the library's halls. Underneath, his bare skin shivered, covered only by a light tunic and a pair of blue panties.

The coast was clear.

Orion dashed across the wood floor, bounding on his toes for only a few steps before he reached the door. The magical lock clicked as it registered his wand's magic. He had been shown this trick by a third year the autumn previous, and they had gotten up to much fun. The boy slid in a crack in the door and shut it softly behind him. The lock clicked back into place.

He grinned as he saw the interior, a small room with shelves along three of its walls, broken only by the door and a dim window on the far end.

Lightning flashed again, lighting up the space for an instant, and rumbling thunder rolled over it. Perfect. No one would be able to hear him over the sound of the summer storm raging outside. Anyone who wasn't up celebrating the end of their mid-session tests had already gone to bed.

He dropped the cloak from around his shoulders and bared himself. Orion's wandtip lit with a whisper of "Light." A soft blue glow illuminated the room. He stepped forward and began to trail his eyes over the shelves, scanning the books.

The names on the spines were written in curling, old text. Some were so ancient as to have lost the shine to their lettering. Not Orion's though.

He pulled a relatively new-looking text out of the rows. Its leather-bound body still cracked with age as he spread the book open and kneeled upon the floor, but the paper was not so fragile under his fingers. He flipped carefully through the pages until the faded words became recognizable. Then, he found the spell.

"There you are," he murmured as he stroked down the page. Excitement and desire streaked through his belly. He pulled his tunic off and let it fall to the side, and his skin shivered as cool air swept in.

He had tried this spell only once before, but it had been much smaller. Now, with the rainstorm to cover him and the library's privacy, he intended to make good use of its potential. Orion glanced over the incantation and the words came to his lips.

"Ondas cebrand, mar agitas abri erevlar os tentaclos de Dramithar," Orion chanted softly. He held his wand in front of him, pointing toward the floor. He let magic flow freely into the wand from his body. The sucking, sapping of energy from himself always felt like a relief to him. Now, he sighed and let that feeling fuel his arousal.

A small circle appeared on the floor, bright blue around a roiling center. He chanted the incantation three more times, and with each repeat, the circle grew bigger. It slowly widened until it was nearly a meter from end to end. The smell of salt and sharp wind filled his nose.

He fell silent and watched the first tips peak through the portal. Slowly they reached upward, wet and curling as they sought through the air. Orion bit his lip as the summoned tentacles grew in size. When they found nothing but cold air above, they began to spread out to the sides. Eight of the stony grey tentacles curled over each other, squeezing slime off of their slick surfaces. Each was nearly as long as he was tall, and as thick around as a pokto ball at their bases; their twisting ends nearly as thin as his pinky finger.

Orion shuffled forward on his knees and commanded the tentacles.

"Pick me up, undress me."

Instantly the tentacles snapped to attention. They began to writhe toward him as easily as if they could see him. Two curled under him. Their strength was impressive despite their size, and Orion could feel the dense muscle underneath their cold skin. One of the free tentacles began to feel over his body.

He shivered and stretched under its smooth touch. His body was cushioned by the two dutifully holding him aloft, their own tips clinging to his shoulders. He let the more explorative one tease at his stiff nipples and stroke over his belly, moving downward until it met the resistance of his panties. As if in anger, the tendril burrowed under the light fabric, and began tugging. Two more joined it at his hips. His pubes were coated in a fine layer of slime now and his underwear was halfway down his thighs. They caught around his knees and were suddenly torn into three pieces.

"Oh yes," he said, leaning into the touch. "Come between my legs and touch me gently." His cheeks burned a bit, embarrassment clinging to his skin, but it was worth the faint awkwardness to feel a tentacle obey his orders and fill the space that his panties once covered.

His pussy was wet and his dick erect, two inches of hard flesh poking up past his pubic hair. He was made all the wetter by the tentacle stroking between his lips.

When it traced the underside of his little dick, he gasped and lurched forward. His hips rolled in irritation, chasing the sensation as the tentacle drew back an inch.

"No, that's good," he murmured, "keep going."

It slowly returned and settled in a lazy coil around his length. The broader body of the tentacle pressed up against his hole, spreading his lips to rub against him. Its thin tip began to squeeze and shift over him, and he moaned.

"Fuck, yes," he hissed.

The tentacles kept touching him, riling him up at a steady pace. A hot coal of arousal burned in his core, and he could feel the deep need inside him-- the desire for one of those tentacles to enter him, feel his slick pussy, and explore the depths of him.

He let his eyes drift shut as pleasure overtook his thoughts. He would enjoy the stroking a little longer before he got to the good part. He had all night to play with this spell.

With each squeeze, the tentacle's tight muscle pressed tight to him, teasing his entrance with obvious intent. He ground against its mass, sighing and panting. His hole dripped with his own slick already, which joined the constant threads of sticky slime falling onto the floor. He would have to clean the mess up afterward, but that trouble was worth it.

His breath caught as another squeeze brought him surprisingly close to the edge, and he gasped. His hips drove forward of his own accord, but he was able to stave off the pressing need long enough to pull back and away from the touch.

"Ah, wait please," he whimpered pitifully, chest shuddering. Obediently, the tentacle retreated.

He sat up, and with him, the two tentacles curved to support him, and he spread his legs a little wider.

"I want you inside me," Orion said. He took the tip of the nearest tentacle and curled his finger around it. It responded in kind, and let itself be led down between his legs. The remaining three remained poised and coiled, ready to strike at a moment's notice if they were required.

Briefly, he debated letting them all fuck him, but that seemed a bit excessive, at least until he knew what it was really like to have one in him. His pussy clenched against the air.

He brought the tentacle to the wet, quivering entrance of his hole and it got the hint readily enough.

Slowly the tip wormed its way past his tight entrance.

"Yes," he coaxed it in further, and the tentacle continued.

So caught up was Orion in feeling the exploratory prodding that he could not hear the hinges of the door. They squealed ever so slightly and another figure entered the room, this one cloaked in red wool and their face obscured despite the light from the portal.

They approached silently from behind; their footsteps were muffled via spell.

Orion wriggled and rolled his hips into the widening tentacle, oblivious to his watcher. He let one hand loosely fall over his chest and tweak at his tender nipples. He keened as he felt the tentacle slow, his hole's limit nearly reached.

His orgasm rippled through him, deep pulsing waves wracking his body. Orion's pussy squeezed around the dense mass pressing against his inner walls. His head fell back and his back arched. He let the pleasure overtake him and went limp on the cushion of tentacles holding him.

Just as his breathing started to slow, Orion was suddenly hit with a bright light.

"Mr. Addersiv, you have been warned about this before."

In front of him stood the librarian, Donte Melero. The older elf stood with his hand on his hip, the other holding his gnarled white oak wand, a bright bulb of light at the end of it. He looked unimpressed as he took in the slimy, ragged sight of Orion Addersiv.

"I did not think I would need to remind you of the library rules this many times. The library, especially the Ancient Texts, is off-limits after hours. Really, this is what you're wasting your talent on?" His lips were curled into a frown, a single wrinkle knotting in his forehead.

"Master Melero, I- I-" but nothing he could say would matter. He shifted into an upright position, all too fast for the tentacles holding him, and tumbled to the floor.

"Save it, Addersiv. You've been a thorn in my side for the last two years, and I'll not make this year the same. It is time you learned your lesson about treating these books and the library as a whole with respect," Donte bit out. His teeth were gritted in a snarl.

He waved his wand, and suddenly the tentacles Orion had summoned were upright and writhing once more.

"Hopefully after this, you'll finally pick somewhere else to practice sex spells. You're lucky I am kind enough to settle this quietly. Such a serious offense could get you expelled, you know." Despite his hard tone, the library master had a devious glint in his eyes as he looked down at the naked third-year.

Orion's cheeks burned with shame and horror at being caught, but he nodded anyway.

"Now, I'll teach you how to really use these spells. Up." The simple command was enough to send the tentacles into action. Two wrapped around each of Orion's limbs, spreading him and lifting him into the air.

From here, he could see the bulge in the librarian's robes as he was observed by the older elf's piercing eyes.

"What to do with you first... Ah, yes." Donte clicked his tongue and with a wave of his hand, the tentacles were shifting, and with them went Orion. He was held horizontal to the floor now, and two tentacles broke away from his legs to travel up further.

"Wh-what are you--" his words broke off as the tentacles pressed in together. He squeaked at the stretch of his entrance. The heavy weight inside him made him squirm, but his dick responded positively, its tiny length perking up once more from the folds of his hood.

"To be expected. You're the type to take anything you can get, aren't you? Already came and you're eager for more," Donte's biting words made him flush scarlet. His eyes closed against his own will, and he was spread open wider, held in a vice grip of slime and muscle.

Master Melero did not react to his protests as he watched the tentacles plunge into his open and soaked hole. His eyes were fixed on the stretched walls of Orion's pussy. His free hand palmed the front of his robes. He did not even have to utter a word to get the tentacles to move faster or slower. The varied pace left Orion out of breath and whining, his thighs shaking, and Melero just watched with a disinterested expression.

Overstimulation began to tug at his brain, every nerve on fire despite the cool tentacles around and inside him. It was even less time before he was trembling through a second orgasm, but the tentacles did not stop. They fucked mercilessly.

His initial experiment with the spell had been a few tiny tentacles wrapped around his dick. It had felt good then to fuck into their writhing mass as they explored his pussy. Now he kicked and writhed in their grip, begging in broken breaths for a pause.

"Mr. Addersiv... Already? Well, it would hardly be in the spirit of your punishment if I didn't continue. You won't get off so easily with a fast draw like that. You're finished when I say you are."

Melero had flung aside his robe to expose the long, hard flesh of his cock. His fingers drifted up and down the length of it, but he paid little mind to it.

"Puh-pu-please," Orion whined, his voice weak and pitiful.

"You wanted to play with old magic, I will give you what you want."

The firm words were accompanied by a smack to Orion's inner thigh. He gasped and jumped, his wide eyes searching Donte's face for any hope of mercy. He found nothing but lust in those dark eyes, and his head fell back as he accepted his fate. His chest shook with each hiccuping gasp. Another smack rang out, accompanied by a flash from outside.

"Take your punishment or I'll give you a real reason to whine," he said with a cruel snarl. His nails scraped over the sensitive flesh of the student's thigh, and he gripped the fat of his ass in his rough fingers.

"O-okay, ok-ahhh fuck. Okay," he struggled to spit out. The tentacles were no longer pleasurable, but torturous in their firm and unrelenting movements. They seemed to grow bigger each moment, pushing against his walls and finding the bundle of nerves inside of him.

"Good boy."

The praise sent Orion off into another sobbing orgasm. He was shattered as the overwhelming fullness pushed in so deep and filled any remaining space. His untouched dick was hard, but throbbing and painful.

His fingernails scrabbled at the slick surface of the tentacles, but they did not react except to hold him tighter and spread his legs wider.

When he recovered enough to open his eyes, he blinked up at Melero, exhausted.

"Don't think you're done just yet. You made me come to the library this late just to stop your antics, Mr. Addersiv. I will have my own turn with you." As he said this, the twin tentacles retreated, leaving a gaping mess of slime and slick behind. Orion felt his hole try uselessly to close around the air inside him. "Quite loose now. Have these tentacles finally satisfied your seemingly endless urges?"

Melero inserted himself between Orion's thighs. His expression was softer, but still devious and lustful. He let his cock nudge the exhausted nub of Orion's own dick, and then he slid inside the loose hole he'd made for himself.

Despite the stretching the tentacles had done to the young elf, the librarian's large length still met resistance.

"Open up for me, Orion."

The tentacles were firm around him as Donte began to eagerly fuck his sloppy hole. He was long enough to hit the deepest reaches of his pussy and the bulbous head dragged back over Orion's g-spot when he pulled out.

"Good- good boy," the library master huffed. His rhythm was less focused than the tentacles, but he still was plenty rough. The weak and struggling fire of arousal in the student was still burning, fueled by the need for what would follow this last round of "punishment."

Everything was over so quick, both parties tensing up and then relaxing as a flood of relief filled both of them. Melero pushed in to the root and let his seed pour into Orion's messy cunt. He was breathing heavily and hard, his shoulders shaking from the force of his own orgasm.

Orion trembled and gasped in the grip of the relentless tentacles. His fluttering pussy clamped down as well as it could, trying to draw as much of the hot, runny cum from Donte's cock. His fourth, painful release was accompanied by a hard twitch of his aching dick.

His brain buzzed as he struggled to take in enough air to feel alive again. Every muscle in his body was aching. The tentacles that held him were not gentle in the slightest, their tight grip reflecting the anger of their master, though they loosened up as the pair rocked through the aftershocks of pleasure.

Once the older elf had recovered, he pulled out of Orion and left a sticky stream to drool from the gaping hole behind him. Orion could not even muster a whine of discomfort at the sudden emptiness, his unfocused eyes fluttering closed.

"Dramithar's Tentacles, really?" Master Melero tucked a strand of his long black hair behind his ear as he stared down unamused. "You're lucky I didn't just spank you for that. You should know better than to risk getting slime on these books, they're delicate."

Already he was fussing over the books. Melero muttered a word and waved his hand in Orion's direction, and suddenly he was on the floor in a puddle of cum and slime. The tentacles retreated into their salty portal, which disappeared with a flash. The library room felt much emptier without their bulk taking up space.

"For that transgression, you'll be cleaning this mess up yourself. You can meet me in the library office once you've finished."

His face must have given away the dazed state of his mind because Donte rolled his eyes and cocked his hip. Orion let out a soft moan of exhaustion.

"Ah... I suppose I can look past it just this once..." His eyes narrowed as he looked toward the messy floor. He waved his wand and suddenly the wood beneath Orion was dry. His own body was still very much a mess, but Donte handed him his half-dried panties and ordered him to his feet.

It was a miracle that he was able to manage even that.

They were in the library office in a few short minutes, Orion back in his tunic and panties. His thighs stung and his hole ached from the rough, vigorous pounding he'd received, but as he sat in Master Melero's plush chair, staring into the fire with a mug of tea in his hands, he was able to ignore the pain.

Donte had his own cup, leaning on the desk as he took furtive sips from the steaming ceramic.

"That was fun," he started, his head tilting. "But if I catch you using that spell in the Ancient Text section again I will turn your ass fifty shades of purple, do you understand?"

"Yes," Orion croaked. He heard the humor in the threat but knew better than to challenge the librarian.


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SiarSiarabout 2 months ago

Very fun idea of femboy x tentacles . Would love to see more stories like this, with sex magic involved

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