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Dark Seduction - Skillful Descent


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"I always thought he was stupid for installing this thing," she chuckled. There was vengeance in her deep Tone. Ashley drank slowly, her eyes locked to my own... though my Gaze was elsewhere.

You missed something and it worries you. You are not Sober; you Know the Consequences. Yet I would Know something... her request does not sicken you. Why?

As soon as she finished I stepped forward. She tried to move... force me into the shower. I remained there.

"We will clean up the mess... " I entered her in one slow movement, lifting her leg as she draped her arms around my neck.

She grunted with effort as the need to cum clashed with the gnawing craving to urinate. I slid one finger into her rear entrance... and watched ash she struggled. Soon I had two fingers spreading her nether entrance... and my teeth tormenting her neck. She dug her nails into my back, whimpered... and pissed.

I ground her against me... them pounded into her with everything I had. I felt the power grow rapidly... though not so fast that I could not admire the smooth, almost logarithmically. "Look!" I barked in a low Tone. I gave her enough room to actually see herself pissing around my member. Her breathing increased... and the air suddenly felt cold.

It came in spurts. I was dimly aware that she was forcing it... and making herself very tight. So tight I almost had difficulty staying in. Almost; something wouldn't be satisfied until every drop was fucked from her. I smiled at this twisted Goal... and adjusted her until I had Ashley on her hands and knees. The last squirts were just about to leave... and since I had not removed myself when assuming this new position... my thrust went strait to... then through... her deepest barrier.

Fuck the piss out of me.

You think like them... and Act with honor... like a Shadow.

It was slightly easier this time. I listened to Ashley's utterances with calm detachment, almost clinically studying the howls and lust driven body movements. My orgasm was... anti-climactic. My body surged with energy as I buried myself fully within her and pumped a load inside. Ashley yelped, shivered, and finally started breathing deeply as her body deflated. I pulled free... and kept her from sliding on the mess we'd made.

I eyed it with more than passing curiosity. Right there before me was the cold Reality of a simple Fantasy: Fuck the piss out of me. And while there was some primal satisfaction from the experience and this vivid Reminder, I knew that it was less than nothing. I started cleaning up, taking care to put the soiled towels into the hamper and even freshening the place up a bit. Ashley lay slumped over the large shower/bath, slowly puffing on the nearly roach-sized joint.

She looks so content. Like a fat cat. A fat and lazy cat; for some reason that annoyed me.

"You didn't help."

Her eyes slid towards me, arrogance swirling on the marijuana currents.

"Bad Girls often get Punished."


Skills – Fashion Sense


I think like them.

I motioned for Ashley to stand in one corner, facing the center of her bedroom while I walked around. My earlier experience in her bathroom had me wondering what other secrets lay hidden from the plans I'd acquired.

I think like them. I took a long, slow pull from the nubbin joint. As the smoke drifted up along my nose I looked towards the ceiling.

"Dim the lights Ashley." When the lights faded I saw them... barely visible lines forming neat squares.

You think like them.

* * * *

I have never punished anyone. Well... unless you count firing that idiot Chaz, but that was business. This was something completely different. Not only was Ashley older by nearly a generation... it was my first attempt at BDSM Play.

I was sure of one thing though; Ashley's reaction was the only Wild Card. It was her idea to go here... but now that the Moment was at hand, her eyes held a barely contained Fear behind their oddly submissive cant. Normally I'd do something like this stone sober... instead of packing a fresh bowl and handing it to Ashley.

I can honestly say that it started out as a crutch. Now that I'm completely stoned... I find myself easily putting my Thoughts into some decidedly dark corners. Ashley was also stoned, but she had better control over it. Well... so long as she wasn't getting sexually stimulated; then things went almost boring. She turns into a raving sex fiend... and it becomes painfully easy to do whatever I want.

How... WHY does she do it? I toyed with just coming out and asking her... but held back for some reason. That was truly annoying; I should Know what it is.

What Punishment is appropriate for her transgression? I let my gaze drift to the ceiling, easily spotting the hidden doors. Imagination provided good guesses as to their contents, and with a little tinkering with my Thoughts I came to a solid conclusion: hand holds. As I looked around the room I saw nothing that stood out as BDSM worthy.

"Where do you keep your Gear stashed?"

Ashley moved to her large walk-in closet. I followed, keeping my eyes unfocused. She knelt behind a thick line of dresses. I turned my head slightly and listened to her movements while imagining the layout in my Mind... picturing where the hidden panel would be.

You play Games? I smiled and nodded at the manacles... and frowned when I saw the leather flogger. Mindy gave me a brief tour of the 'usual' tools of the Trade so I knew what it was. Why? Why was a very good question; either that was a part of her Past... or she was reaching. Either way...

"You have felt one like that before?"

"Often... Sir," came the distant, breathy reply.

"Those are Memories then. Put them away; we craft new Memories." Elegant... and look at her reaction.

I smiled; Ashley was as much confused as stunned. I turned away and asked, "What punishment do you think is fitting for your transgression?"

"A spanking sir." She sounded calm, though a slight hitch in her breath reminded me; her Memories were not going to be far away. THEY would never be far from her Thoughts.

I moved over to the toys and pulled them out, displaying them on the bed. Again my gaze was not focused on any one item.

"I am going to insert one of these into your vagina." The word felt funny on my tongue and lips. "You recall that I have some of the remote devices slaved to your music. As you requested... I left a back door... to my computer. My tunes."

I wondered what Walker, my cat, would think when he heard the music fire up. Which reminded me; I hadn't arranged for anyone to feed him. The food dispenser would hold him for another three days if he didn't go glutton. With Scratch gone... that left Mindy.

Chuckling at the random Thought I picked up a slender metallic vibrator. I raised one eyebrow as I went over the modifications I'd made. When crafting it I thought I was truly losing myself. Now I wasn't so sure Lost was appropriate.

"This will do. Now... do you have a thong?"

She sputtered. I chuckled; it's perfectly fine to masturbate... to be fucked while urinating... but wearing a thong? And like every Female who dislikes the fashion trend... she has one... if not more than one. She selected a black model that screamed Victoria's Secret... and I was totally distracted by watching her pull the straining fabric over her thighs. I made my way to Ashley in a slight haze. It cleared as she moaned; the vibrator slid in with a slight resistance. I smiled slowly; that would change soon enough. Once it was fully within her sex I made my way to my backpack.

"Let's see. Oh... and you cannot cum during this punishment. Ten swats should suffice."

"Yes... sir." I smiled as I took my seat; the Happy Hardcore Program would not only react to the pounding bass... but the capacitive discharge... just enough to let her know the vibrator is more than buzz alone... would make it difficult to not get swept up in orgasm.

Will she fail you? It doesn't matter; if she fails she will be Punished again. And again... your Way... not theirs.

Ashley lay over my lap. I plugged in my earphones and set the volume to allow me to hear her. I skipped to a favorite track... one I used when working on Massive Code... and right on this thunderous beat I let my first blow fall.

Wrong. Sounded Wrong... Felt Wrong. You do not Feel it. Soon; you are Aware that you were in err. Now... correct your Mistake.

I let my gaze slide out of focus... and my senses drifted into my high. I've been here before... but rather than think about anything I let my gaze linger over Ashley's form. She was struggling to stave off her orgasm... and my first blow was shoddy. My gaze snapped to her rear... and something Black exploded in my Thoughts. It burned in my chest... then everything went sub-arctic. The second blow fell... and I Felt my hand adjust in mid-fall...

* * * *

There it was... the perfect Sound. I basked in it for several seconds; even the reverberations were pleasing as they made their way along and through her body. Ashley experienced its perfection as well; her orgasm tore through her with the suddenness of a blade through the back. I growled at the sheer bliss that warmed me beyond anything I'd ever known.

"Sorry sir..."

"Never apologize for Nature's Instinct Ashley; it does not suit you. Twelve... from the beginning."

I rained blows onto her rear; the count eventually reached thirty. She was less than useless; her body simply could not withstand another orgasm.

I am not them. I wanted to cum... but was strangely hesitant to toss off in her place. Actually... knowing about the cameras and being stoned had me more than a bit jumpy about being solo anywhere... except the basement. I tucked her in for a nap, reminding her that she was still to be Punished. Then I planted a kiss on her forehead.

I'd removed the vibrator and cleaned it. Once it was back inside the case I headed downstairs.

You are denying what happened; you enjoyed yourself.

No. I didn't enjoy it... I thrilled in the Sensation. And yet... I also clearly saw that there was very little Bondage involved. You lie; her Will was not her own. You were her Will.

I let that thought twirl around inside my head as my eyes slid over the basement and the work out equipment. He probably had the same Thought when he had one of his Things down here. I think like them... but I am not them.

What am I? I worked quickly and silently. What am I? When I found myself walking back upstairs, a catalogue of my work scrolling across one screen in my Mind I was slightly amused. I am good.

I paused at her bedroom door. I am good. With technology; people I tend to screw up... sometime literally.

They were Twisted. You are Twisted. You Think like the Machine, and would use its Logic on People. You have even given Humanity a value: X.

And somewhere along the Way they got too Twisted. I filed that away as I entered her bedroom. I could take this as far as I wanted to go... but I was watching closely for that one Moment when I'll be them.

Why not end it then?

That... Sound. And the gasping breath that lodged in her throat; there was something there... a Power that I'd never experienced before... and Craved to have again.

She Exists here and now for your Pleasure and benefit. Learn... yes; Take what is yours by Right.

I curled up behind her. Ashley moaned as she poked her head above Sleep's Embrace. I smiled; better... but not Perfect. I wondered if she heard me; groaning softly she reached between us and placed the tip of my member against her nether entrance. I frowned, gave a slight shrug and pushed gently.

Nope... good but not Perfect.

* * * *

I normally don't remember dreams when I'm stoned. Maybe it was because I was balls deep in Ashley's asshole during my REM stage... a hand full of warm tit and the beautiful scent of good weed and over-sexed... but rapidly recharging Woman in my nostrils; I don't like remembering my Dreams.

It started with me running through the wood in my hacker suit. It was tearing apart... and I was terrified. The dark trees flew by as I scrambled to get away. One large downed tree lay before me and I jumped... only when I was airborne I knew there wasn't going to be ground beneath my feet... and I was right.

GOTCHA!! It was Ashley. I heard her dark chuckle follow me as I fell into a pit that was beyond black. Even so... I knew there were things to hit before bottom. Right on cue something slammed into my ribs. Pain lanced through my body and for an instant everything was lit by the Red haze it offered as proof of its Reality. I bit back all utterances ad my body was bounced around like a pinball.

One bounce put me where I could grab for something... so I did. It was instinct... and I was surprised that my body slowed to a stop. I heard something crawling down the walls... heading for me. I felt Malice in the air... directed towards me. I tried to look down... and was greeted by something I did not expect: ground!! I let go... and fell much farther than I expected.

I rolled with the impact... and slipped on something. The ground felt... like linoleum? My eyes quickly adjusted... once the scents registered: I was in Bethany's sorority house kitchen. Memories of the layout filled my head... especially the door leading to their basement. The layout was similar to Ashley's... and I had a very bad feeling that if I went down there... he'd be there.

I pressed myself into a deep shadow as a dark figure slid from a shadow near the door. It opened silently and he entered... and I felt myself following him. I was almost happy to see a standard sorority party... except for the one corner draped in strobe-light, red and purple. She was in pain but I could not hear her. There was the murmur of party revelers... and the distinctive sound of the Whip on Flesh.

The corner began to fade into the distance... and I heard Bethany's voice slithering down the stairs. Accompanying her sweet voice... was a hideous slithering hiss that filled me with the need to be elsewhere... fast. I briefly considered the window which lead into their back yard, but dismissed it. Instead... I followed the tormented woman and the strobing lights. I stuck to the darkest possible shadows until crisp cold air filled my lungs. Through the darkness I saw something moving... and quickly made my way towards it.

I wasn't surprised to see the grave markers and statues; Bethany's sorority house was quite near one. What did surprise me was the constant sound of her voice... calling my name. She was searching for me... and whatever made that hideous noise was following her. Now there was an evil, sadistic growl that seemed to be just at her feet.

I ran. I gave up searching for the tortured female... and promptly saw a glimmer of her and heard s barely muffled whiplash. My right foot planted firmly on one angelic statue and I launched myself into the air. Everything whizzed by as I flew through the air. I barely missed a raven in mid-flight, tucking to avoid its large wings. It screeched, dodging with a great deal of grace. I found myself staring into its eyes... and falling once more. This time I rolled with the momentum. Physic calculations filled my head as I bounced along the jagged edges with more and more skill.

It was almost fun... until I heard the sounds of battle. I landed in a crouched position... and will my eyes to focus. Digital numbers and symbols flew across my sight as I quickly sized up the situation... though they could not reveal the attackers. All they showed me... was the dead and dying. Warriors cut down... their blood spraying madly into the fire-lit night. I turned my head.

Whatever it was... there was no mistaking the action. She was being raped. Violently. Her arms were pulled behind her. She was twisted impossibly. Her screams were muffled... and I was oddly grateful I could not see the thing violating her lips.

Something loomed over me. I felt Malice dripping from it... and calmly reached down. Snatching up the sword I spun around, intending to cut the thing's head off. It howled and pulled away; I frowned. I heard a sickening crack... and from the corner of my eyes I saw her Life torn from her body... and everything went an angry... no... Rage Red.

I think like them. Suddenly everything changed. Rage Red... I saw their twisted, Hell-spawned frames. One started to turn towards me... and I moved quickly. They aren't worthy to see me... much less die by my Hand. Even so... it Felt...

It was orgasmic. I fell into them without fear or Regret. They weren't Human... so there wasn't anything holding me back. Ichor flowed over my body. I felt more than heard their cries of outrage as I sent them screaming to their master's lair once more. I saw one tentacled talon reach for a young child... barely able to walk. Her mother's dying corpse lay partially in a burning heap... still trying to protect her child. I flung a blade at it, severing it from the Hell Spawn.

Now it will serve Justice.

Bethany's voice again... very distant and to the right of where it once was... but always behind me. You're not going to be satisfied until you catch me? Fine.

My eyes fell on the child... who could not look away from its mother. The red became a cold black as Night claimed everything except the fire-light dancing in that child's eyes. I watched that child for three eternities... and it hurt to turn my back on it. Until I dealt with Bethany and whatever was with her... I was of no use to that Soul.

And you will chase me... won't you Bethany. I knew she would be behind me. She wasn't the kind to give up... except that one time when she dumped me. So... why chase me now?

Answer: I had something she needed... or they were using her. That made sense... and I spared her a passing Why... before fading into the darkness. I knew where that child was... and offered a prayer before slipping into darkness. I heard her calling my name...

And awoke to find myself slowly approaching orgasm within Ashley's asshole. She moaned my name softly... much too coherent to be truly asleep. Her scent assaulted me; I almost stopped. I miss the scent of Death in Fall. My orgasm simply appeared. I... can only say... that it was the most anticlimactic orgasm in my Life. There wasn't any emotion in it... only the body's natural, Instinctive Reaction. I don't love her.

She sighed as I pulled free. I let her body fill my sight... and still those words echoed in my head.

* * * *

I gave her an enema.

If that sounds rather... bland... there is a very good Reason; I was going through the motions. I was barely within shouting distance of being sober... and struggling to pay attention to how she went about the procedure. Only when I caressed her rear did my Thoughts stray into the sexual area... and those were decidedly Dark Thoughts.

"Do you like it when I fuck your asshole?"

"Yes sir."

"You didn't expect it... did you. Does it bother you that you like getting your asshole fucked?" I was sliding the long end in and out. She moaned softly... fighting her orgasm. And for the life of me... there wasn't one Feeling in my entire form.

"No sir."

"We've still got to Punish you... and I have decided that I will fuck the shit out of you." I spoke with no emotions... only a clinical, professional detachment that barely let her know she was a Human being.

"Then we will shower... and you may spend the rest of the night however you wish."

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