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Date Night


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"Go ahead," I say to Hailey, with the widest smirk on my face. "Use my toilet." I point to Jerry. Then I take that hand and put it under his jaw, pinching the corners of his mouth to force his jaw wide open.

Hailey has been my toy for about 18 months now. She's been around enough to know what I'm telling her to do. Nothing she hasn't done before. Although, as I think about it, she's only done it twice and both times it was with a girl. Not a guy. She'll have fun.

Hailey just shrugs. Then she smirks wide. She steps over close to the side of Jerry's head.

Now Jerry realizes what I have in mind. Maybe. I know Colette has given him a golden shower before, but only once. For that, she had him in his shower for obvious reasons. He liked it. I don't do that. I have this rule about not letting the toys see me without my clothes on. All they get are the teasing pictures I have on my website. Never the real thing. Only four slaves have ever seen me in my panties. Jerry will never be the fifth. He's the wrong gender. He'd like it way too much. He can just fantasize about what he might see.

But I do give golden showers. I have Sophie and Paige for that. I think it's even more humiliating to have a slave pee on them than their Mistress. Or a random stranger, as Hailey appears to be.

Jerry's eyes try to dart around quickly. He can't see anything. I just hold his head back, his mouth gaping wide. But I'm sure he knows he's kneeling on his carpeting. It would be hard not to feel it under him. I'll bet he's thinking of the mess. Thinking that Claire is going to kill him. How they'll never get the stench out of the carpet. Or worse, that the kids will smell it!

I can see Claire and Kevin watching the show, too. At least out of one eye. I can hear snippets of their conversation, too. They're both wondering what I'm doing. Claire seems far more confident than Kevin does that I won't ruin her carpeting.

Hailey just raises her little white skirt. It reveals a pair of white, and very lacy, panties. Hers are cut low on her curvy hips but have slightly wide sides. The sides, and part of the front, is all lace. There's just a small triangle of silk to cover her pubes.

Hailey slips her panties down without hesitating. It reveals a dense bush of brown curls. But it's also a well-trimmed bush, neat with sharp lines inside the creases of her thighs and along the top of it. Just as I demand it be kept. It also bares the slightly puffy mound of her pussy, with her long, silky smooth, and wide, lips. And her fine slit. Hailey steps out of her panties.

Claire's eyes are now wide in disbelief. She clearly never expected the GrubHub delivery girl to take her clothes off. Much less to strip so immodestly. She glares at the sight, her face shocked, but also slightly disapproving.

Kevin just glares eagerly, enjoying the sights. Hailey does have a nice body. She has a rather cute and firm bottom that's perfect for spanking, too. A very rounded bottom.

Jerry strains hard to peek. His eyes have shifted to the side, staring right at Hailey. I'm holding his head down, just below the level of Hailey's pussy, and with his eyes looking up, shifting them to the side lets Jerry get an eyeful of her pussy. He's getting every last bit of that eyeful, too.

Hailey just steps over Jerry with one leg, straddling his chest just below his neck. She steps forward, slowly, bringing her pussy right over Jerry's head. Then Hailey spreads her feet slightly, lowering her pussy mound onto Jerry's wide-open lips. I hold Jerry's mouth wide for her. With his mouth forced to stay at its widest, his lips fully surround her mound. Hailey wiggles her pussy just a little, squaring it up atop Jerry's gaping lips.

"Try to be a good toilet, fuck stick, show your wife you're not totally useless! Don't spill a drop. You don't want to ruin your carpet!" I tell Jerry is a very mocking, taunting voice. I hold Jerry firmly, or at least I hold his head firmly. It's enough to keep him in place. And I can feel the hard flinch run through his body as he finally realizes that he's not going to be peed on. He's going to be peed in.

He doesn't get much time to think about it. Hailey very quickly starts peeing, breathing out a deep, and very relieved, "Ahh..." as she does.

I don't have to see Hailey's pussy to know she's peeing. I can feel the flinch run so hard through Jerry's body that it almost snaps his body. A second later I see a slightly green pallor sweeping over his body. Especially the little slices of cheek that I can see between Hailey's firm thighs. And then I see him swallowing.

Jerry has no choice. He swallows. He has to swallow fast, gulping down the fresh, hot, salty pee that's shooting into his mouth full force. From the angles of their bodies, I'm pretty sure that Hailey's powerful stream is hitting the roof of his mouth, then running down to his throat. And then pooling, the level rising into his mouth until finally, he has to swallow before it overflows his mouth.

He chokes on it as he swallows. It's more of a disgusted choking, not a real choke as if it were too much for him to swallow. It's just the taste of the very freshest pee, straight from the pussy of a stranger, in his mouth that has him gagging. And the idea that he is literally being used as a toilet by the delivery girl.

I know he knows that I'm watching him. My hands holding his head won't let him forget that. But I doubt he's realized that Claire and Kevin are watching, too.

Claire looks completely disgusted as if she's already lost her appetite. Her face is wrinkled up hard. She knows what I'm making Jerry do. She looks like she's about to gag for him! It is so adorable. Especially since I can see her fidgeting ever so slightly in her seat. Just enough of a squirm that I know it's grinding her pussy against the seat under her. That tells me that she's very aroused by watching Jerry utterly humiliated. And it tells me that she would make one heck of a divorce lawyer.

Hailey just sighs and grins. And she goes on peeing. I did tell her to drink a jumbo tea before she came over. I wanted her to have plenty of pee for Jerry. The way she's standing has her facing Claire. Hailey just grins away, even as she sees the disgust on Claire's face. Her position also has Jerry's nose in her bush. And his chin at the bottom of the crack of her behind. I would have made her turn around, except that I want her facing Claire. I don't want Claire to have any doubts about what she's seeing.

Hailey takes over a minute. And that's a very long time for Jerry to spend gulping down her hot pee. I'm sure Jerry's not thinking of anything but the humiliation and disgust of what he's doing now. But soon he will think about how fast pee runs through a body. About how badly he'd like to pee. To pee out Hailey's pee! And about how that's not going to happen with his cock all corked up. But not now. Now he's just busy cringing from the shame. And gagging on the taste.

Finally, Hailey's sigh tells me she's finished. That and Jerry stops swallowing. I take just a very short second to look at the corners of Jerry's mouth. I don't see a drop that leaked out. I didn't think I would. "Oh, you good fuck stick! You managed to be a toilet! If you keep trying hard, you might even work your way up to the level of... a pooper scooper or something!

"Now, see if you can evolve, fuck stick. Be a bidet. Since there's no toilet paper here, you can lick her pussy clean." I take my foot and very gently, nudge his balls.

"UHMMMMMM!" Hailey quickly purrs out loudly, a faint shiver flowing over her slim body. This time Jerry didn't hesitate. It's enough to make me think that he wants to tongue her pussy!

"Make sure to wipe everything for this nice delivery girl," I tell him in a teasing voice. "And I mean everything."

I watch as Hailey shivers lightly and purrs loudly. Jerry is definitely taking his time "wiping" her pussy with his tongue. If I know Hailey, her pussy has been sloppy wet since the moment she realized she'd be seeing me. That seems to excite her.

Claire glares at Jerry with the iciest of stares. I figured it wouldn't be easy for Claire to watch. Colette would never actually have sex with a toy. And since Colette rarely mixes her toys up, She's never brought another woman for Jerry to play with... this is the first time Jerry is being shared with another woman. And Claire is watching it. Despite the look of anger and hatred on her face, I can see her hips squirming a little more eagerly than they were a second ago. Obviously, she's liking it, and just hating the idea of it. But she's not objecting yet, either.

"Now, be a good fuck stick. Tip this nice girl for delivering your wife and her husband's supper. Tip her... a nice orgasm. Go on, eat that pussy!.."

"OHH-uh-MMMM!" Hailey purrs out very loudly. As she does, she leans forward just a hair, shifting her body. And that shifts Jerry's tongue right to her clit. I'm pretty sure that Colette has taught Jerry how to eat a pussy properly. Claire's pussy, but that won't make a difference. Hailey has a clit that will be easy for his tongue to find. And to swirl leisurely around. It's just not Claire's pussy.

I suggest that Hailey "enjoy" her tip. That's code. It tells her that she doesn't have to behave for this tonguing. She can just let her body go and do whatever comes naturally to it. It's a privilege I rarely grant a toy. I prefer they behave for their orgasms. But if I make Hailey behave, then Jerry will figure out that she's my toy. It will just be too obvious. I don't want it obvious. I'd prefer he never figured it out.

Hailey doesn't say anything. She just lets her legs close slowly, her thighs clamping around Jerry's head. Soon her leg muscles are straining, her thighs squishing hard on Jerry's face and holding it in place. He stands there, shuddering lightly. Her shudders quickly grow stronger and stronger.

As she stands there, her hands slowly caress their way up her body. In a few more seconds, her hands are on her breasts, firmly kneading her mounds. Her eyes close. Her mouth hangs open a little. She purrs even louder and more urgently.

Claire stares with unbridled hatred and anger on her face. It's almost so much that I look to see if I can spot the smoke rising from her ears. But she's also squirming in her seat. Second by second, Claire grinds her pussy a little more and more eagerly against that seat. If this takes too long, Claire is going to end up cumming in that chair. I should so stop her!

I almost don't stop her. But then I realize that Claire needs to learn some humility. And there's never a time like the present.

"Claire!" I snap in a firm voice. "Stop fucking that chair like a skanky bitch!" It is so perfect! Claire freezes in place. Her milky white cheeks seem to just explode into the brightest of red. The anger on her face melts away almost as quickly, being replaced by a cringe of shame.

I don't think she even realized what she doing until I pointed it out to her. Now she knows. And now that she's frozen in place, that ache in her pussy is erupting as fast as the blush on her face. It so wants her to continue grinding against the seat. It so wants that throbbing relieved. "Sit still while fuck stick tips the delivery girl."

Claire stays frozen. That leaves her eyes on the show. But her view is mostly of Hailey, and the top of Jerry's head sticking out from between Hailey's lithe thighs.

Hailey's head snaps back. Her hands forget about her breasts and reach down to grab the top of Jerry's head. She tenses up, her body trembling powerfully. "UH... AHHHHHH!" Hailey grunts out hard, her voice relieved and satisfied. Her body starts shuddering again, this time far more powerfully. Her hips grind hard against Jerry's face. As those hips grind, her legs buckle, her weight driving her pussy hard against Jerry's mouth.

It takes Hailey a good minute, maybe closer to two, before she finally stops cumming. Once her orgasm has ebbed about halfway off, Hailey gets her legs back. She straightens up. Her legs loosen their grip on Jerry's head. She slowly lifts her pussy up from his mouth, purring a soft, "Mmmm..." As she does. She steps back off of him.

I hold Jerry's head in place. "Stay," I command in my firm voice. Then I take a very quick glance down so that I can get a good look at his face. As I knew it would, Hailey's pussy has smeared a good thick layer of clingy honey around Jerry's mouth. It clings to his lips. It clings around his lips. There's even a bit on his nose! All of which glistens brightly. And I'm sure it lets Hailey's muskiness linger for him.

"I think a tip like that deserves a nice souvenir," I tell Hailey in a sweet voice.

Hailey stands beside Jerry. She closes her legs fully, which she has to do in order to pull her snug skirt down. She wiggles it down, covering her bottom and pubes again. Then Hailey looks around and finds her panties.

She picks them up. She does what I gently told her to do. What I told her to do in a way that the others won't recognize was a command to her. They don't know me. At least Claire and Jerry don't. They have no clue Hailey is mine. Or what my commands might be, beyond the basic ones I share with Colette.

Hailey slips a pen out of her pocket. On the silky triangle at the front of her panties, she writes "Thank you for being such an awesome toilet and drinking every drop of my pee." She signs it "Your GrubHub Delivery Girl."

Hailey leans over and plants a soft kiss on Jerry's forehead. Then she drapes her panties over his eyes. She waves to Claire and Kevin.

Then I show Hailey out. The delivery is complete.

I put my foot back to Jerry's balls and give them another very gentle nudge. Then I tell him to get to his feet and nudge those balls one more time. Jerry hops to his feet. As he does, the panties fall from his face. He catches them and sees what Hailey's written on them. He blushes.

I tell Jerry to "stop hanging around the ladies' room like some creepy pervert." I remind him that he has a table to serve. Attentively and politely. I also tell him that he's to present Hailey's panties to Claire. Those panties are to remain on the table throughout the meal, face-up, so that everyone can read what's written on the front of them. Right where Hailey's pussy would be.

Claire definitely sees the honey glazing Jerry's face. Her eyes lock on it for a few seconds.

I keep Jerry on his leash, making him serve like the perfect waitress. His cock stays steely hard, waving its little flag throughout the meal, too.

Chapter Four - His New Wife

Supper went well. Jerry made a rather adorable waitress in his stocking and heels. With Hailey's cum dried on his face. And with his cock jutting out eagerly, waving the flag. At first, he was rather tentative, but he quickly got into his role of serving his wife.

And then he started to cringe slightly. That was when Claire started to slowly melt into her role. When she began talking a little more with Kevin and sounding a little less... reluctant, as if they'd been forced together. By dessert, they almost sounded like friends chatting away.

And I could see the effect that had on Jerry. He definitely did not like it. As if he felt Claire shouldn't be enjoying herself at all while he was in my doghouse. I could tell Jerry found it degrading to be serving them. His cock, however, twitched happily through the meal. As Colette said, the more humiliated Jerry is, the more eager his cock is.

Now it's time to teach Claire a few things. Like her place in my world. In case she hasn't figured it out yet. I want her to know she's going to be a toy, just like her husband is. She'll hate it, even as it makes her cum shamelessly.

"Since this bitch is wearing such slutty panties, I think it's safe to assume that it was thinking of a little... adult entertainment after supper," I say teasingly sweetly. Way too sweetly. Sophie immediately catches it, too. I see the grin on her face. She knows I'm going to torment Claire now.

"fuck stick, be a good worthless little... fuck stick and show me my new toy." I grin at Jerry. "I'm sure this man would like to see his wife, too. Go take that bitch by her hand. Stand her up. Undress her. And let me be clear, you will be taking everything off of her. She is to stand there and do nothing to either help or hinder you. Strip my toy now, fuck stick."

I wink to Kevin. It's tacit permission for him to speak. I don't have to tell him what to say. I just let him decide for himself. And that means the obvious, that he lets the smaller head do the thinking. That's what I wanted.

"Yeah, fuck stick, be a good sissy boy and show me my wife's butt."

"Yes, Ma'am," Jerry sheepishly, and quietly, says. He goes a little slowly over to where Claire is sitting. He looks very nervously at Claire. Despite being married to her, I can tell that he can't figure out what Claire is thinking now. And she's offering him nothing. She's just sitting there, glaring at me, and looking very nervous herself.

Jerry reaches cautiously for Claire's hand. She sits, stunned, and dumbly lets him take her hand without any resistance. But without any help, either. As if her arm was dead and he's just picking up an object.

Jerry guides her to stand. It takes a second, but Claire eventually follows his lead and tentatively, reluctantly, gets to her feet. She allows him to guide her the step out from the table. And with every second that goes by, she blushes even deeper, quivers a little more, and cringes a lot harder.

Jerry takes her blazer off first. Claire just stands there, trembling slightly, and staring at the wall across from her. And very diligently averting her eyes so that she doesn't have to see Kevin watching closely. Too bad for Claire that she can't avert her eyes far enough. She has to see his eager, young face look on as her husband begins to reveal her middle-aged body.

"Undress" is a specific command. Jerry knows it. With Colette for a Mistress, if he didn't, he still wouldn't be sitting down. It tells Jerry not just to take her clothes off, but to do so in a specific order. From the top down instead of in layers as most people usually do. It is definitely not the way Claire wants to be undressed. Or likely would ever undress if she had a choice in it.

I just don't know if Claire understands the command or not. She's definitely heard Colette give it to Jerry enough times. But I can't know if she paid attention or not. The way Claire is fidgeting around, especially her feet, as if she wants to lift her foot up for Jerry to take her shoe off next, tells me that maybe Claire didn't pay such close attention. Or she'd know her shoes won't be next.

Jerry reaches for the bottom hem of Claire's dress. Claire almost jumps out of her skin. Her trembling instantly doubles. As does the scrunching up on her face. But she stands there as Jerry begins to raise her dress. And not that slowly. He knows better than to waste my time, no matter what Claire would want. I'm sure he plans to explain it all to her later. That he had no choice in anything.

It's only a couple of seconds until the bottom of Claire's dress is up high enough for Kevin to see her panties. But those are still around the middle of Claire's thighs. She sat all through supper with her panties around her legs. I'll bet now Kevin knows why she walked over to the table a little slowly.

A second later Claire is exposed from the waist down. It bares her hips, and the slightly loose flesh atop them, to Kevin's eyes. Her hips have a decent curve to them. I don't see her hip bones poking up, either. I just see the slight looseness of the skin over those bones.

But her pubes are flat and taut. She has a small, very neatly trimmed bush. Her fur is cut short, not allowed to grow long. That makes it look only moderately dense. If those hairs were long and curly, I'm pretty sure it would be very dense. It's trimmed with crisp, straight lines as well. Lines well inside the creases of her thighs. More so than need be as if she's used to wearing a slightly provocative bikini. But I can see the fur flowing down to her pussy mound.


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