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xIntrusionxxIntrusionxabout 2 years ago

OK so yea, pretty much what I expected.

Considering that it’s obvious at this point that we’re reading his diary from his time in prison, it’s clear he ends up sentenced a longer time (whatever that may end up being).

My worry is how Olly will keep it interested for a THIRD book. Caning/labour/etc aren’t going to cut it after almost 40 chapters of it already.

Honestly I hope I’m actually wrong about the diary perspective because then there could just be a time skip, but I have a feeling we’re going to just end up seeing more of the same. Hopefully there’s a big twist in here somewhere though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Really? Longer chapters or more at a time would be nice

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Just keeps getting worse and worse. The curious thing, though, is that Popescu didn't describe her discussion with Becky. That obviously means that there is something important there. Something that is purposefully being kept from David ... and readers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I knew this would happen. Olly for the love of god end the prison stuff. I’ve loved following this series but this constant prison sentencing is straining the story. The thing that’s made this story good is the games. And Becky being cruel. This prison doesn’t really aid that enough. Let David free so the fun can continue in future books for the love of god.

william48william48about 2 years ago

Oh Olly! Please tell us this is just another one of Elena's cruel tricks. I am sure that David could not cope with another 2 years of Casavana and I dont think I can either.

I am happy for you to continuing to torture David, lets face it, thats why we are reading this. More pain, more humiliation - bring it on, but different torture and different humiliation please. We have had 20 episodes of prison life and its time to move on to something else

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

At the beginning the writings style and rushing felt a little different from the previous chapters...

... and wee still don't know! We have to wait. What a nightmare! I hope that after all this waiting David will get more time. More then additional 2.5 years. Its too bad we don't know what Becky thinks about it. I hope she comes and tells David she enjoys his imprisonment and wants him to stay in Casavana. And Madam Popescu felt sympathetic to David at the beginning and then delivered the blowing sentence? What is going on? I need more answers. Please Olly post more chapters.

FutafemdomFutafemdomabout 2 years ago

I can’t help but put myself in his shoes at this point. And almost knowing this outcome, I would have been so spiteful. A loss here would mean an immediate filing for divorce with Becky and honestly at that point I would just take the real prison experience, just head off to regular federal prison. At least then he’d have a normal prison sentence and could read books.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

but fuck off, as long as boredom a normal person would have already hanged

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Come on Olly please don’t do this to us. I can bare another book of prison diaries. He’s suffered enough, we’ve suffered enough. A good plot twist is if he looks like he’ll be sentenced to 2.5 more years but then gets saved by some outside force last minute. David can’t be that unlucky, something has to go his way. If I was him I’d end myself at this point.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It becomes more and more unrealistic, no pleasure reading this nonsense!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I know I'm probably missing the point and it's a fantasy and all, but by now I would probably tell them yes, put me in the normal federal prison, it has a normal warden and you can probably contact a normal lawyer or better yet a western embassy. From there it seems to me like a simple phone call to someone from your country's legal system would be able to explain this whole state of affairs, get you released, and on the next flight home.

That or David could do the unthinkable and escape, I mean if he gets out I doubt any nation is going to extradite him over this, and if he fails what are they going to do? Put him in prison? They already subject him to the strictest punishments they can anyways. Bare minimum you'd think his compliance with their rules would go right out the window, I mean it seems a little pointless when you'll get the full punishment at the regular interval regardless of how well you follow the rules.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This better not get extended more.. I started to like the story again after I got annoyed at him voluntarily extending his release but if this goes on another 2.5 years I’m seriously done - I’m confident it won’t though - I don’t see how the story can handle this and I think ollyt is too good of a writer for that. My guess is this is all a ploy to mess with him one last time.. I hope

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is just ridiculous olly. The fun of the prison is gone. Make this just a last attempt from the guards but let it fail. Or make it so they wanted to cause him stress but it is actually false. Something. If this would happen I would stop reading. Which would suck because I like this story. But the prison has slowly sucked away any erotica and just made it about emotional and physical trauma. Let David free

GamblnluckGamblnluckabout 2 years ago

What would keep your boy from actually committing suicide at this point? That would be a realistic option and the diary you have written to be read posthumously. 18 months to four years is just way out of balance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This story is starting to get ridiculous it is now past being a good one and now has gone to the garbage pail too bad you were doing okay I see that I am not the only person who thinks this way

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

"Well, Mr Emerson," Madam Popescu addressed me once again, "you have spent a little more time here in a prison cell than you expected. Do you think you'll miss it?"

(..) Was there a twinge of sadness about leaving? "On some level, I think I will, Madam Popescu."

"Although the feel of the strap was unbearably painful, I think I began to enjoy receiving it in the end." My brain had lost control of what my mouth was saying. (..)

"And what about the cane, surely you won't miss that?"

"Receiving a caning was a ferocious experience, and thankfully I only received it twice. I don't know what I felt during the last few strokes of my second caning, but it seemed like I was in another world, and despite the pain, I think I was sorry when you stopped."

"I will certainly miss the opportunity to cane you again, Mr. Emerson."

Then, movement from Becky caught my eye. She was lifting a bag. "I brought you some clothes just in case you do leave today," she said.

Another surge of pleasure flowed through me, then almost immediately there was doubt. Why did she say, 'just in case' I did leave today?

So, with Mrs Emerson's backing, I've decided to go ahead and present you with my idea to see how you would feel about it." (...) "You genuinely seemed a little saddened to be leaving us early and have intimated a return to this establishment is something you would consider.

(...) or staying a few extra weeks or a chance of some extra months in a prison cell being maltreated by beautiful, sadistic guards. Does the excitement of it not make that a winning game for you, whichever you choose?

Because of you being in here, the sex is amazing, just imagine how much this would please me if you risked staying a little longer."

But the thought of voluntarily gambling to lose my freedom again was so exciting, my penis was rock hard.

"Four ... Three ..." "I'll do it!" Becky breathed in with excitement and returned to her seat. Madam Popescu's face almost broke into a grin. There was a general gasp in the office as even the guards surrounding me reacted. Every reaction from them felt positive, the emotion in the room seemed to rise and my heart began to beat faster. My penis was rock hard and close to spilling its load and I was desperate for relief like never before.

"I fully accept that, Madam Popescu, but I wish to confess something." (...) "On the first day I arrived, twelve months ago, I was so aroused when I was put in my cell, I couldn't help myself and I masturbated. I managed to hide what I did and it wasn't picked up on any of the cameras." The flicker of a smile could be detected on Madam Popescu's face and her lips parted. Miss Radu, who had now returned to her position behind her boss, opened her mouth in joyful shock. (...) "Sixty strokes of the cane on your bare bottom, which I will deliver full force in full view of an audience of ladies."

I will be sorry to see you leave in two months, and I think my guards have enjoyed dealing with you; I am sure you have fed their sadistic desires admirably, which they will also miss.

"Stand up, prisoner," the order was given. (...)"Did you miss me, prisoner, while I was away?" she asked. "Yes, Madam Justyna," I answered, my voice shaking.

"Did you enjoy that extra punishment you get for touching me?" she asked. "I don't know how to answer, Madam Justyna." I really didn't. I couldn't in all honesty say I didn't enjoy those two sexy young women rubbing themselves all over me (...).

I know I have already said this to you, but we have all enjoyed your presence here in our prison for many reasons." She gave a little chuckle. "You do have a delightful bottom that we all love to decorate with our very special art."

But then, I snapped out of the sudden daydream as I thought of some of the thrills I'd experienced along the way which had blown my mind. Even the caning had raised me to a level I'd found exhilarating, it would be strange to commit to never experiencing that again.

A sudden fear that I was going to lose Madam Popescu and all her sadistic guards flooded my mind. I wasn't going to see them again, and I knew I was going to miss them badly, more than I first realised. I think I had formed strong relationships with them despite how they treated me.

"You genuinely seemed a little saddened to be leaving us early (...).

My penis was growing again as I considered the injustice I had been subjected to. And as a wave of lustful frustration suddenly engulfed me, my penis reached full erection, throbbing with an unquenchable ache. A deep desire to debase myself beyond the humiliation I was already drowning in rose inside me; in front of these beautiful, sadistic, triumphant, gloating women I wanted to display my utter submission. I needed to give them all I could offer them, and I had to do it before I spilled my emission from my neglected penis.

(...) a journey to a level of submission where pain was a form of pleasure.

(...) the horrendous, wonderful strokes of agony that Madam Popescu whipped across my buttocks.

I think Becky was hoping I'd lose so she'd get another six months with her lover." I spoke the last sentence a little grumpily.

"You must have been a little sexually excited about it yourself?" she said, seeing into my mind. "A little," I reluctantly admitted. "You were so close to going home, and the idea of risking being able to walk out a free man, you found so arousing ... oh David."

"Just being in this cell and talking about all these things while you're naked and so vulnerable is making me feel horny," Elena said, starting to look a little flushed.

But I'll let you into a little secret that you've probably already guessed anyway; I love the sexual power I have over you in here.

She spat on it and rubbed her hand over it while I lay back, enjoying her soft buttocks resting on my face. Her arsehole was on my mouth in the perfect position for me to lick and kiss while she stroked my desperate penis slowly and sensually. I was almost losing my mind with the pleasure that was rising through my body.

"So, I can't see anything stopping your release this time ... unless there's something you're hiding from us." She raised her eyebrows and smiled (...).

"You realise it is my task to check prisoners have not escaped any punishment, and I have to act on anything that may need reassessing (...) no prisoner can be omitted from this process."

All thoughts of Elena looking for reasons for me to stay longer (...)

How can you like a girl who beats you many times and causes you so much frustration and now tells you she wants to cane your ass?" "I still like you, Madam Justyna," (...) She walked around me and gripped my bottom which still retained some bruises and marks from previous regular beatings. "So, if you like me as much as you say, will you miss me when you leave?" she asked. "Yes, Madam Justyna." (...) "If you like me and will miss me when you leave, what will you do to show me that it is true?" (...) "I have a good idea for a gift you could give me before you leave." (...) "I really want to cane you," (...) "As a gift to me, the guard you like and will miss, you could volunteer to receive a caning from me (...) "But it would make me so happy. Don't you want to make me happy?" She pouted so sexily. She pouted so sexily. "Yes, Madam Justyna (...).

Even now, as sorry as I am for what I've done to you, I still want to use the situation to drain every last drop of pleasure I can for myself ... and I know that gives you pleasure, too." (...) "But, David, as much as I feel so desperately sad for you, seeing you like this, it still turns me on badly. (...) "I'd love to see you caned by Madam Popescu one more time." (...) "I'm asking the questions, David. You're only allowed to answer, yes or no." (...) Even as angry as I felt, the thought of one final caning before I left Casavana was a compelling idea. To be caned in front of Becky and Gina together would be an experience to take home as a souvenir of my stay. Everybody wanted to see me caned again, Justyna wanted to cane me before I left, too, she'd asked me only two days ago. (...) "David, I haven't given you permission to speak freely," she said, crossly. "I'm asking you one more time, please relieve yourself in front of me, and Madam Popescu will cane you so I can watch. Will you do that for me?"

"It is many days since we spoke about how sad it will be when you go home," Justyna said to me when she brought my lunch. (...) "Remember how I said I will miss you?" "The closer I get to you leaving, the more I worry about missing you when you have gone," she said, sadly. (...) "Oh, I have spoken to Madam Elena," she said, stopping in the doorway and half turning to look back. "She is still reviewing sentences of all the prisoners here, even in the female domination wing. She said she is looking into old sexual harassment cases that occurred in prison over the last two years."

(...) I went up to see Madam Popescu before I left, I asked her to make your last couple of months really difficult for you.

"She is checking all prisoners have been given correct sentences, but she checks everything about you and asks many questions of the guards." "What do you mean, Madam Justyna?" It was a risk to ask the question. "I think she is in love with you, prisoner," she teased, "and she doesn't want to let you go from here."

"You know, prisoner, I speak the truth when I say I will miss you when you go. I like having you in prison to give you a hard time. You are a pretty boy, and it is the best feeling to punish the pretty ones instead of fat old men." (...) She drew the cane back and twisted her body with it before swinging both the cane and her whole torso in a vicious, accurate movement of lightning speed. The cane whistled through the air and delivered an agonising, cutting stroke across my bare flesh. (...) I heard a grunt of approval from the cruel but beautiful young woman. She was putting so much effort into her work, giving it all she had to inflict the horrific punishment on me.

"Please stop, Madam Justyna, I can't take any more, please stop." "Wrong thing to say, prisoner. If you tell me the pain you have, it makes we want to give more. It fires my sadistic nature." (...) "Did you enjoy your last caning in Casavana, prisoner?" "Yes, thank you, Madam Justyna."

The scales of justice weigh heavily against you." She smiled at me before delivering her killer blow. "I would prefer you to suffer the injustice of two and a half extra undeserved years in my prison than to see Madam Elena suffer a temporary disappointment at losing a single, insignificant sentencing recommendation."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It's getting stupid now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

David is never leaving there alive, is he?

Realman12Realman12about 2 years ago

A very intelligent turn just when all readers are expecting that David will finally be released, it seemed Olly is not yet ready to release David from Casavana prison. The only difference is this time there was no foolish choice from David, he was not given any choice at all! Already David have changed some and started refusing to fall in the traps, this betrayal by Elena may further his training and during the next two and half years he may probably refuse to give orals to any guards because that doesn't save him from the betrayal and punishments! This will surely frustrate the bitches of the prison! He may further frustrate all of them by opting for federal prison instead of giving them further chances to play new games to increase his time! If he can gather enough courage to do that, it will surely frustrate all the bitches to the maximum, the guards, Elena, Popescu and even Becky and Gina finally putting an end to all their sadistic games! Let's see what Olly have in mind!

ABIIIIABIIIIabout 2 years ago

I think I know what choice David will next be dealing with. There has to be another 'choice' for him to make before the chapter is done -- after all, the name is Foolish Choices.

As a sex offender, he will have to decide between staying another 2-1/2 years in this God-forsaken place or castration. If that ends up being his two options, I'm sure he will choose wisely.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Anonymousabout wrote:

"Just keeps getting worse and worse. The curious thing, though, is that Popescu didn't describe her discussion with Becky. That obviously means that there is something important there. Something that is purposefully being kept from David ... and readers."

Makes me wander what this could be.

Bham487Bham487about 2 years ago

I agree with ABIIIII. I’m glad as he deserves both for being stupid enough to be in this situation. It would be more realistic for him to realize that no one he comes into contact with at the prison can be trusted. Almost every single one of them has betrayed him or at least gets off on his suffering. They truly look at him as a toy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Only 2.5 years, pathetic. Should be 25 years, moving a 1000 bricks everyday and with weekly whippings. Oh yes and chop off his penis so he's permanently frustrated.

GamblnluckGamblnluckabout 2 years ago

I wanted to read a few of the comments before I submitted mine. You either have some wild way of pulling this out or you have no idea of human nature.

You have taken everything away from David up to this point. A year and a half of the best years of his life, his freedom, his dignity.

Now, if you go through with extending his sentence you will take the final thing he has left...hope. You are more than doubling his previous time. Ask yourself what would a man do?

I see it happening like this. The judge sentences him to the 2 and a half more years. David turns to her and asks her to commute his sentence to death. of course Becky is there and he addresses her next with 'Well, Becky, you got what you wanted... rid of me. You said nothing in my defense about the trumped up charges. So you win. As my widow you will get everything I leave.

The judge of course says he will go home in 2 and half years and he says no... He knows better. He'll never leave there alive. He will go 'home' soon one way or the other, in a coffin or on his feet. He asks again to be executed or at least sent tot he Federal prison where either the guards or the inmates will kill him.

Now you have the angst of Madame P and Becky trying to convince him otherwise.

And if they do not change things around, he goes back to his cell.

There is nothing more dangerous than a man without hope. he can see the writing on the wall. He has had the football pulled away more times than Charlie Brown.

In his case, i'd wait for an opportunity and use the one weapon he has, his mouth and teeth. He grabs one of the guards and bites her face, ripping it apart, full Hannibal Lector. now they have no choice but imprison or execute him.

I know what you are going to do instead. Have him cry like a bitch and take the next thirty months, hoping they will get tired of the torture and turn him loose at the end. More of the same lame bullshit. But no normal man would...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Story going beyond reasonable

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why am I so not surprised by this? Though I expected to come from Popescu and be less than 3 years.

The prison part of this is pretty much worn out. It's time to get David out of there and have him get on with it .... in whatever way that may happen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is getting INTENSE!! I cannot wait to read more and hope his time is not extended just to see what happens upon his return to home. All the drama with his wife, their lifestyle, and the girl from the casino (her name escapes me at the moment)

StormXStormXabout 2 years ago

I suggest David has always had other options. For example here is one rational but ultimately very Foolish choice for David. First his term gets extended another 3 years and because he understandably voices his outrage after the sentence is passed, he also gets an immediate canning of 80 strokes. Then the day after the canning, on the last day of his current sentence, David is taken outside to carry bricks. As he labors, all of his favorite guards come out to watch him including Becky and the warden. Realizing how EVIL they all are, and that they never were going to let him leave their personal kingdom of evil, David understands what her must do. So half way between brick piles... David yells "That's FUCKING ENOUGH!" And starts swinging two bricks with the strength of the truly desperate and mad, Wading into his tormentors, who frozen by the suddeness and the violence of their submissive plaything, David manages to kill Becky and Elena. He even manages to lay a brick to the wardens jaw before being subdued.

When he wakes in the hospital he learns that the judge and sentence xtension were all an elaborate joke on David and everyone was gathered to announce his release that very day. But because of his rationale decision to attack his tormentors he is sentenced to death. Death by caning. Thus ends David's suffering. His diary is published posthumously and titled "Death by Foolish Choices."

On the bright side, readers are relieved that the story has finally ended with it's 978th caning.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

After due consideration, I've decided that this (adding 2-1/2 years) is too extreme ... even for OllyT. This is a ruse designed to torture David emotionally. Like a whipping, it will come to an end. I don't know how it will happen. But somewhere, among all these evil women, there's someone whose heart is not completely dead. One of them will rise to the occasion and save him. Maybe he'll end up having to cut a deal, but I don't think this story plays out with him spending that much more time locked up in solitary.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

(continued ... too extreme, even for OllyT)

Yes, this is a ruse designed to torture David psychologically. Justyna wanted to cane him. Popescu went along with it, even adding to it by adding the women with whips in orange jump suits. This time, Elena has a plan to mess with his mind. Popescu agrees to it as well, even contributing. So that's how I think it plays out. They ruin the guy some more, and then they let him go home. The reason she did not describe her conversation with Becky is that Becky is now in on it too. She'll show up and play her role, crying even (probably not) and then once David is fully beaten, ready to commit suicide, he'll be released to go home. And they all lived happily ever after.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

David no longer understands how to be responsible for himself any longer. His mind, his psyche, is irreparably damaged and he cannot properly function in normal society. Like Morgan Freeman’s character in Shawshank Redemption, once released David would become lost, helpless, and existing without purpose. A willing and waiting victim in need for someone to come along and debase him. Only this prison can give David what he needs. David cannot and never will leave.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is INSANE... Beyond reason and realism. I sticked with the story when he was convinced by his crazy psycho wife to extend his stay for her pleasure, I sticked with the story when he gambled just for a short reduction, earning months more instead. I sticked to it cause he seemed to have realized his wife had taking things way too far, that something was wrong with her to subject the man she supposedly love to all this. I sticked with it cause I wanted to see the confrontation when he will finally be back home, and I thought that was it... And now this.

I hope it's just a cruel joke to make him hopeless and frustrated, cause if it isn't, there's no way the story ends well.

Speaking from the perspective of someone that also plays with denial, chastity, frustration and cuckolding, what makes it all work is that my wife still cares for me, that I know for a fact that she loves me, and that the person she fools around with are at best just friends, and at worst toys she uses for her pleasure. Even when she's cruel, unfair, and frustrates me, I know I can trust her.

But there, she challenged the love they share and the trust she could have for her multiple times, and yet he keeps somewhat loving her and trusting her. I say bullshit, no matter how frustrated you can be, how submissive you can be, even considering yourself her dog, you're still a human being, and you can react when things go too far. Instead, he just wallows in self pity, and takes everything that's served to him with passive obediance.

Can definitely say that if his time is extended once again, I will have no problem switching to more erotic and realistic stories, cause this one is becoming ridiculous, even for a story that's purely a fantasy, because we're now way past willing suspension of disbelief here.

ShortymedShortymedabout 2 years ago

I like where this is going with the drama. I’ve been itching for some new adversity. Keep it up! Great work

KarnevilKarnevilabout 2 years ago

The whole prison thing and the sentence extensions have now been flogged to death. Like most other readers I'm hoping it's all a ruse or somehow he escapes what's looking like yet another extended stay in what is supposed to be a femdom prison. I say supposed to be, because to be honest, the guards may be beautiful and sexy but they are as unimaginative as hell. Shifting a few bricks and the odd whipping hardly describes the actions of a great dominitrix. It really is time for a change, either he has to get home and back to the more interesting torments of Becky and Gina, or a new, more inventive regime in prison. Not sure I can be bothered to read this same old same old over again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I think Elena told Becky about Cassie and Becky got pissed and convinced Elena to do this to punish him. Keep going Oly! Just bricks and ass whippings for David until he dies of old age. Seriously, I do look more forward to him suffering pain and psychological and emotional torture from Becky more than from the guards, who are starting to kind of run together now. We need visuals like Madame popescu bears a striking resemblance to ..(some celebrity).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You wrong Gamblnluck! He would be caught and punished for that.

Toyrocker68Toyrocker68about 2 years ago

What if he is released and Becky and Gina have now leared all the prison tricks and David suffers worce at home. 🤔

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

OK - enough is Enough! Cap off the prison stay with a compromise alternative to another 2 1/2 years term with a final intensive caning/whipping/strapping session administered by a mix of his favorite punishers - Popescu, Elena, Justyna, et al. (maybe even Becky!) - after which he is released on probation to serve as house boy to Elena for the the next 2 years! That way Elena saves face for not losing a case & maintaining her perfect legal record intact! And a whole new spin off story begins as he begins a whole new adventure as Elena's personal boy toy subject to regular punishment & humiliation in her home under her strict supervision - with occasional visits by his former prison dominants - as he learns new BDSM techniques/positions far more intensive than any of his prison experiences! Sound like a plan?

ABIIIIABIIIIabout 2 years ago

Yes, all the guards run together. How are we supposed to keep them straight when there are so many and they are typically described the same (beautiful, sexy, yada yada). And they mostly do the same thing: try to trick him into speaking out of turn. I will say this, however, you do a nice job by hinting at eastern European accents. The occasional minor word choice errors are spot on. I'm actually wondering how you do that. Which is to say, I could try, but I'm sure my effort would not produce the results you achieve.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

David gets out of prison in a few years to discover becky is living with her new husband and kids in his old house.

GamblnluckGamblnluckabout 2 years ago

who said I was wrong. David would be caught and punished if he attacked a guard.

Of course he would! That is the whole point. He'd get out of his present predicament and either be executed or sent to the main federal prison, where the guards or other inmates kill him. He be a mad dog prisoner. The only other way they could keep him subdued would be massive drugs and then the whole point of being in jail is over....he'd be too stoned to care what happened. And any period of lucidity, he'd be either dangerous or suicidal.

My main point is No man is going to survive without hope. And David's hope has been shattered too many times to ever think he will be free once another long sentence is levied. He is after all supposed to be intelligent.

I would rather see the story turn in a whole new direction. If it were me, he'd get back at Becky somehow. At least divorce her and leave with nothing. The apartments were his as he inherited them. She has her job though.

The story is open but to continue with him in prison would be the wrong approach on so many levels.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I think we've all resigned ourselves to the fact that David's sentence will be extended. But I think its going to be because of one of his own "foolish choices"

His legal representative will talk him into taking a deal for less than the 2 1/2 years he thinks he's facing. My guess is another 6 months. The foolishness of the choice will be revealed after the sentance is imposed when Elana tells David she had planned to recommend his release. Also...i think someone else may have mentioned this but i'm certain that we are reading Davids diary after it was completed. Madam P said it wouldnt be read until after he leaves the prison so i still have hopes thaf David will one day be a free man-just not on Jan 31.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

My guess is he’s sentenced to 2.5 more years but has to do it under house arrest with Becky…

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The author should change the name of story to "David and Becky : The maltreatment of mentally handicapped man".

This story lost all the erotic elements... The readers like me are just here for the completion of story they started.

This story no longer fits in Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Fantastic story. Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

No more prison!

('nuff said)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

From the story so far, it seems clear that he will never be released (let's ignore metaknowledge about there possibly being another book and on stories typically having an ending). It should be clear to him. So it would make sense to now have something about his thoughts on this, maybe a suicide attempt, since death is the only way for him to get out. On the other hand, suicide isn't that easy. He doesn't have rope. He has a mostly empty cell, a laptop (the cable might or might not be long enough for hanging, but I doubt there is a hook in his cell - maybe he can somehow use one of the attachment points on the wall, where he sometimes gets tied up - if the ones for the hands are high enough, an attempt using the laptop charger able might make sense). I don't think the bricks outside can be used for anything except maybe for throwing one towards a guard. The laptop battery has enough energy to start a fire, but with only a thin mattress in the cell that won't get him far either (he doesn't even have clothes he could set on fire). He might attempt to refuse food or drink, but that would be noticed, and he'd get force-fed (though that would be an episode we haven't seen so far).

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

To Author. My first comment ... I was reading this at the start chapter by chapter. I only started to skip a bit when he had 3 days to go & then volunteered for 3 more months. It was silly. Out of character. I like the outside cold punishment bit tho. But then skipped to here. And now the woman who was supposedly nice turned out worse. Could drive him to suicide. I know it's fiction. But even fiction has roots in reality & common sense. I know this is all wrote by the time I am reading in 2023.. but this drags. It is the same tho. Strap. Cane. Bricks. It just circles around. And now this stay length increase. We just had that

Me in the situation... I stop interacting with them. No taking. Nothing. Done. Just get lost. All of them. Would have done that since the start. Oddly... 2 weeks here would be a punishment. A bit sadistic. But longer than that is insane.

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