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David and Becky - Resolution Ch. 14

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I return to Casavana.
8k words

Part 14 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/02/2022
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This story is entirely fictional and is intended as a fantasy in the world of female domination and male submission. It involves tease and denial with and without the use of a male chastity device, cuckoldry and corporal punishment. No part of this story is written to suggest such lifestyles were realistic or believable. The characters, named and unnamed, are not based on any living or deceased persons. All locations, whether named or otherwise, in this story, including the nation of Siskovia Province, the city of Keara, and Casavana Prison, are also fictitious, and any similarities to any that exist anywhere, are coincidental. If you are not interested in fiction in which males, whether willingly or forced, submit to dominant females, or find such subjects objectionable and in opposition to your own preferences, I would strongly suggest you exercise your right not to read any further.

Chapter 14

Only three months had passed since I left Casavana, and here I was, climbing out of a taxi right outside the main gate. I leaned in and gave the driver some cash before hitching the travel bag I'd brought over my shoulder. I heard him drive away behind me as I now stood, looking at the small door to the side of the gate. It was a warm day, similar to the day I'd arrived here nearly two years ago, but this time was so different. Today, I was here voluntarily, and yet a feeling of fearful anticipation gripped me as I loitered just a couple of feet from the simple button beside the door that would alert those inside.

I had wondered if one day I would dare to come back here, and in those early days of my freedom with Cassie at my side, I dismissed the possibility out of hand. But now, three months since leaving the place that had given me the darkest moments of my life, I was back. I reached out and pressed my finger to the button and heard a faint buzzer sounding inside.

The door opened and a young woman in uniform stood glaring at me in silence. The look in her eyes demanded I explain why I was there. I handed her a print of my emailed summons and stood while she read it. She looked at me and stepped back.

"In!" she barked.

I nodded my head in acknowledgement and entered. I looked around the open area and saw a few cars as well as a prison van parked, it was possibly the same van that had picked Becky and I up from the airport on my arrival the last time I was here. A couple of female guards looked over casually at me before resuming their conversation while the guard at the gate stepped inside her hut and spoke into an old fashioned telephone receiver.

When she finished, she leaned out of the door, addressing me with bored monotone words: "Someone will come for you. Wait there."

It felt strangely comforting hearing those commanding instructions from the young guard, and I waited with keen anticipation for someone to come from the main building. Would it be one of the guards I knew from my time here, it probably would be, as I doubted the staff would have changed much in three months. I felt a little disappointment when a guard emerged from the main building dressed in the usual short skirt and jacket and made her way over to me. She wasn't someone I recognised, although she was the usual slim, attractive guard Madam Popescu employed here at Casavana.

"David Emerson," she said sharply, and yet her voice sounded so sweet.

"Yes, that's me," I replied, looking into her dark brown eyes beneath her deep lined eyebrows. Dyed blonde hair that fell sexily onto her shoulders made a striking contrast to her dark features and tanned complexion.

"You will address me as Madam Cece. You will remain silent unless spoken to, do you understand?"

"Yes, Madam Cece," I replied. It felt so good to be speaking to the guards like this again.

"Follow me." She turned away and walked to the main building, up the steps and inside, with me nervously following.

It felt so familiar being in this place again and walking along the corridor towards Madam Popescu's office. As expected, Cece took me past her door to another smaller room and told me to go inside and remove all my clothing while she watched. The room was entirely empty with just a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling by a brown cord, that cast a dull yellow light.

I quickly stripped naked and folded my sparse clothing of T-shirt, jeans, briefs and trainers in a neat pile and handed them to Cece. She left me standing waiting alone when she departed, closing the door behind me. It was a good half hour before the door finally opened, and I was so glad to see the most familiar face of all come into the room.

"Becky, it's so good to see you," I said, suddenly feeling embarrassed at my nakedness. I stepped forward for a hug, but Becky's response felt weak and loaded with concern.

"David, something's cropped up." She sounded really worried.

"Like what?"

"Madam Popescu is hiding something from me."

"Something to do with me?" I asked. "I'm not late, am I? I thought I got here in plenty of time."

"No, you're not late, but have you done something I don't know about."

I frowned at her. "I can't think of anything."

"Look, David, if there's something you're not telling me, you've got to say something now so I can see what I can do."

"Becky, I can't think of anything she knows that you don't know."

"All I can tell you is she was at her computer, and she suddenly got up and said she'd just discovered something very interesting about you."

"I don't know what she means," I said.

"Are you sure you have no idea what it is?"

Suddenly, the door burst open and Cece walked in. "Mrs Emerson, would you kindly wait in Madam Popescu's office, she is ready to see the prisoner. I will prepare him."

Becky gave me one last look which felt like an attempt at a smile before backing out of the door. As soon as the door was closed, the new guard strode forward, and before I could say a word, she slapped me hard across the face. I wasn't expecting that.

"Hands behind your back, prisoner," she ordered.

I put a hand quickly to my sore cheek as I tried to deal with the shock of the sudden stinging slap and I winced when she fired another command at me: "I said, hands behind your back, or do you want another?"

"No, sorry, Madam Cece," I stuttered as I put my hands where she'd ordered. I was shocked and certainly taken out of my comfort zone. Who was this new guard?

"You are lucky you remembered the correct way to address guards, prisoner," she said, going behind my back to fasten cuffs onto my wrists. "Legs closer," she ordered as she knelt down and attached the ankle cuffs and chain I was so familiar with.

Being secured naked like this took me straight back to the first ever day I'd arrived here. And, had it not been for the sudden smack across my face, coupled with concern for what Becky had said about what Madam Popescu had discovered about me, my penis would surely have grown. When Cece came round and stood in front on me, she looked down at it before gripping it tightly in her hand. I winced.

"What is wrong, prisoner? Do you not like me touching your tiny cock?"

"It feels very good you touching me there, Madam Cece, but you're squeezing too tight."

She let go abruptly. "You must have gone soft since you went back to your nice comfortable home in the UK. Yes, the other guards have told me all about you. You had a lot of tough treatment here for a long time, they tell me. Someone holding your delicate little cock was something you used to enjoy. Maybe you need toughening up again."

"Yes, Madam Cece."

"Go out of the room and turn towards Madam Popescu's room, you already know which one it is."

When we reached it, Madam Cece moved in front of me and knocked firmly on the door and awaited the invitation to enter. Going inside this large room again set off a mixture of emotions, bringing back that feeling of fearful dread of having my sentence increased. It also gave me a feeling of excitement that I was finally back here, but on my terms, not anyone else's, at least that's what the plan was supposed to be.

Madam Popescu looked up from her desk, a vague smile on her lovely face, no sign of any annoyance directed towards me that Becky had described. I had seen her only a few weeks earlier when she'd travelled to the UK to visit her casinos. Today, her beautiful silken hair had streaks of dark blue within the stark black of her natural colour. The pointed features of her face focussed on me, her dark piercing eyes seemingly burning into my soul, churning my insides, drawing away all my will power.

The room wasn't that big for a courtroom, but as an office, it was very spacious and had numerous chairs around the walls for when court was in session. Behind Madam Popescu stood Nalina Radu, her pouting assistant who acted like a petulant teenager, but who was actually in her twenties. She chewed gum as she smirked at me. Seated to my left, against the wall, was Becky, her arms folded and her bare legs crossed revealing plenty of thigh. Gabriela, the beautiful, tall blonde head guard and Tilly, the pretty Thai woman, sat on either side of her. Behind me where I stood in the centre of the room, I was aware of Justyna, who I considered the hardest of the guards in Casavana at administering corporal punishment, a match for Madam Popescu herself. And then there was the court administrator, the middle aged woman whose name I never got to hear, seated at a desk on my right with her back to me. Cece fastened my ankle chain to the bolt in the middle of the floor.

"So, Mr Emerson, you have returned to Casavana," Madam Popescu said.

I mustered a smile and nodded my head, nothing more.

"You are a brave man to set foot back in here after what we put you through, I hope you are not having any second thoughts as you stand before me, chained and naked. Of course, you are here by your own free will this time, a paying guest, although, due to your special connection to this place, I will not be charging you a penny. You are free to speak, politely."

"Thank you, Madam Popescu. Coming here at the suggestion of my wife is not the same as last time, so I don't feel the same fear. Being imprisoned by law was not something I enjoyed at the time."


"I'm tentatively looking forward to what you have in store for me, Madam Popescu."

"Don't speak to soon or with such optimism, Mr Emerson."

"Madam Popescu, the summons I received didn't say what I'm to be charged with."

"Oh, you will find out soon."

I looked quizzically at her.

"Your wife tells me, after the difficulties you encountered in your relationship since you left Casavana, you now wish to bring order and commitment back into your marriage. You both discovered the main issue you had with each other was trust; your inability to trust your wife, and your wife's realisation that she lost your trust. From what she has said, it sounds to me as though you are placing most of the blame for your marital problems on your wife. You may speak freely." She sat back.

I could almost feel the eyes and ears of all the women in the room examining me both physically and mentally. It was very disconcerting and humiliating, and I felt my nakedness all the more. "No, Madam Popescu, I wouldn't call it blame, as that makes it sound judgemental. I prefer to think of it as a misunderstanding. Becky led the way in the games, as we called them, but took them way too far, which landed me in here for eighteen months. I believe she genuinely thought it was what I wanted, and I was getting a lot out of it, but I really wasn't. I was struggling to cope, but she just didn't see it. I think, since I was released and we spent time apart, we both realised where we went wrong, and what we needed to do to fix it. It is something we desperately want."

"But if Casavana was a massive leap too far in your original games, why would you resume where you left off. How would that fix it?"

"By me coming back here, I'm proving to Becky that I trust her not to go behind my back and trick me into staying longer. She also has the opportunity to show me that she can be trusted not to push the games too far while putting me in a situation that I have no control over."

"But, your wife is not in control of your situation while you are in here, Mr Emerson, I am."

There were a few chuckles from the prison guards, not from Becky.

"I trust Becky, Becky trusts you, and therefore, I trust you, Madam Popescu."

She looked at me, not a flicker of emotion stirred on her face before she turned her eyes towards the piece of paper in front of her. "Very well, I will proceed with this court hearing. Although you came to Casavana voluntarily, we are all agreed, to make your stay with us meaningful, there must be an element of reality, which is why you will be charged and convicted of a real crime and have your stay with us enforced by law." She lifted the piece of paper and glanced at it again before looking over it into my eyes. "The charge against you, Mr Emerson, is that during the period from 1st October 2016 and 31st January 2017, while serving a prison sentence here in Casavana, you smuggled messages into and out of this prison by email. This is a criminal offence punishable by a custodial sentence of up to five years. Do you admit this charge, Mr Emerson?"

She put the paper down and held my eyes in a vice like grip with her own. All the women in the room gasped, including Becky. It was Becky I turned to face with pleading eyes.

I turned back to Madam Popescu. It must have been what Becky was telling me about Madam Popescu discovering something about me. How did she find out about me sending emails? I really didn't know what to say next. "I ..." I began, but nothing followed.

"Do you wish to admit your guilt, or deny all knowledge?"

"Do I need a lawyer?" I asked. This was far beyond anything I imagined would happen.

"Probably, but you're not getting one."

"But if I'm being charged with something ..."

"The crime you committed was while you were in prison, therefore it can be dealt with by me, as a registered Judge, without other legal representatives."

"But last time ..."

"You were allowed a legal representative last time because it was a department outside this prison that was trying to increase your sentence before an external Judge. You had a right to representation for your defence."

I had no answer to that. I was at the mercy of Siskovian law.

"Do you remember the conditions under which you were released from this prison in January, Mr Emerson."

"What do you mean?"

"Your original sentence was increased by a further two and a half years. You were released because your sentence was suspended. With this new charge, I can automatically apply to Judge Olarescu to have that sentence reinstated."

"Please, Madam Popescu, please don't do that to me," I begged.

"You have put me in a very difficult position Mr Emerson," she said. "Your wife is now a very trusted colleague, a business associate with whom I wish to extend my dealings. I also consider her now to be a friend, so, to be forced into a situation where I could impose a two and a half year sentence on her husband, I find most disconcerting."

"I am so sorry I sent those emails, but I didn't do anything underhand to get online, it was already there on the laptop you gave me."

"That is irrelevant. Your correct action should have been to inform one of the guards of the error instead of taking advantage of the situation."

"How did you find out?" I asked.

"I received an email only this morning from the person you were exchanging correspondence with. An ex-employee of mine. Cassandra Porter.... or Cassie as she is more commonly known. Is that name familiar to you, Mr Emerson?"

Cassie? I couldn't believe she would do such a thing knowing how much trouble that would get me into. She must have been so pissed off at me after this morning's call I made to her. "Er, yes, Madam Popescu." I looked across at Becky who was sitting uncomfortably. I didn't have anything to hide from her as she knew all about Cassie. At least she won't be seeing anything I'd said in those emails.

"So, if I ask you again, do you admit this charge, Mr Emerson?" She leaned forward on her elbows as if to examine me closer.

"Yes, Madam Popescu," I admitted, fearfully, my voice low.

"Very well." She sat back with a troubled look on her face, she was deep in thought.

I had come out here this morning fully expecting a sentence of one month, no complications, nothing to worry me, but at this moment, I didn't know what to expect. The first time I'd come here nearly two years ago I'd expected a two week sentence and ended up staying eighteen months.

"I am going to be very lenient with you, Mr Emerson, which may surprise you and many others sitting in this room."

It did, but I wasn't out of the woods yet as I hadn't heard the sentence she was going to give. It was going to be more than I'd agreed with Becky; I knew it!

"For the crime of sending and receiving unlawful communications both in and out of this prison while you were a prisoner of the Siskovia Province Justice Department, I sentence you to one month imprisonment."

I almost laughed out loud with relief and joy. I did manage to hold in my laugh, but I couldn't stop a smile radiating across my face. I looked at a red faced, but very relieved Becky.

"I find no reason for you to be amused, Mr Emerson," said Madam Popescu. "I will have to consider my legal and moral duty as to whether I report this to Judge Olarescu. You are now a legally held prisoner of Siskovia Province and are subject to the laws of this country and you will be treated as such. If this crime is flagged up to the Judge who suspended your sentence, you may be unable to force a smile for the next two and a half years."

All humour and relief left me at the repeated mention of the suspended sentence. "I'm sorry Madam Popescu, it was inappropriate of me to smile. I apologise to you and the court."

"Madam Cece, I think the prisoner needs a reminder of his place in this establishment."

Cece stood up and removed a two pronged tawse from its holder around her waist.

"Six hard strokes please," she said calmly, but with cold authority.

Cece stood behind me to my left and wrapped her strap hard across the back of my left thigh. It wasn't what I was expecting and the pain of the strap striking me there had me almost leaping with the shock. The second stroke smacked across the back of my right leg, wrapping around the side sending another shocking pain through me. This was a pain I'd not felt before and it really hurt. Straight back to my left thigh, the tawse smacked hard against my throbbing flesh, then again to the right, followed by two more, one on each leg. Each of the six strokes were given as hard and as quick as she could, giving me no chance to deal with the pain each stroke delivered. Thankfully, it was only three strokes to each leg which was painful enough, and I realised just how severe the tawse could be when used on other parts of the body. As she sat down, I glanced at Becky who looked very satisfied after watching my embarrassment at being beaten in front of her.

"Thank you, Madam Cece," Madam Popescu said, looking at the paper on her desk again. Behind her stood Nalina Radu with a larger smirk on her face than normal. "Before I ask Madam Cece to take you down to your cell, there is one other point I wish to bring up." She looked at me with an air of triumph. "Allow me to read an extract from the final message you illegally sent to Ms Porter." She cleared her throat before reading in a monotone voice to a silent room. "I can't fucking believe I'm going home tomorrow. I want to finish my final email with the following: Fuck Gabriela! Fuck Izabela! Fuck Tilly! Fuck Justyna! Fuck Elena! Fuck Madam fucking Popescu! And last but not least, Fuck Becky.' From, 'Fuck Gabriela' to the end of the passage, you used capital letters." She looked up at me with a very straight poker face, pausing as if inviting a comment. There were sniggers around the room.

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