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David & His Mom After the Party


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Marcia pursed her lips at her gaping son in a mocking moue. Then, without making any effort to wipe his come off her glistening chest, she slowly drew the zipper up and closed her top.

"Ummm!...You've made me all sticky!..." she purred, twisting her shoulders back and forth and making her spandex covered breasts jiggle lewdly. Then she smiled at David as she lifted her coffee cup to her lips and took a long, slow sip.

"Real milky!...Just the way I like it!..." Marcia said with a sly wink at her son.

Then, without saying another word, she put her cup down, gathered up her sports bag and headed out to meet her sister in the driveway.

David just stood there, holding onto the back of his mothers' chair as his mind whirled in lust fogged confusion. He stood there for a while longer then turned around and headed back up the stairs to go back to bed.

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walkindatdogwalkindatdogabout 1 year ago

this is the third story, one after the other of yours that i've read, and it's the same evil shit of a mom in every story. I mean they are interchangeable! Can you not think of another way for a mom to be? Has your own mother screwed you up so bad that these stories are some sort of catharsis for you? These moms take perverse delight in belittling and shaming their sons. Ack! Makes me cringe for these victims. Where does she take it from here? She's got another little plaything to scratch her nails on. Big whoop! Go fuck yourself, Mom! The son in this one has the goods on his mom, what with him witnessing Andy getting the BJ of a lifetime, and he does nothing with it? She immediately turns the tables on her son? I mean he just FOLDS! I read the subtitle of your story figuring i'd finally be treated to a mom being put under thumb. Instead just another in a string of interchangeable moms. Boring!

SampkyangSampkyangover 8 years ago

What a cheating scum of the earth whore! There's not enough money in a bank for me to touch that diseased cunt with a ten foot pole!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Fem-Dom At Its Best

Even though it is not my cup of tea, I suppose this is pretty good Fem-Dom. One wonders how many times his own load is not the only one John sucks out of Marcia's twat at night. Nothing like having an uncaring bitch as a wife and mother I guess.

Of course what may follow is even more interesting. After Andy brags to all of his school mates about getting head from David's Mom, David never hears the end of it. First, he becomes involved in a lot of fights with his ex-friends. His father can never get him to explain why he has begun fighting all of the time. Of course his mother doesn't really care. She is just a manipulative bitch only interested in her own pleasures after all.

Finally, David hits rock bottom in his depression and sees no way out. He leaves a suicide note with his teacher explaining what his mother did with Andy and then him and how it impacted his life. He then climbs to the roof of the multi-story school building and jumps, thereby ending his pain forever.

The police verify the information in the letter with Andy and his friends, who by that time are very sorry for their part in the whole affair. John uses that information to divorce Marcia, leaving her with very little. Her friends and family scorn her for how she treated her son. She was left to live a lonely life, with much time to consider how her actions can impact those around her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

his mom sounds hot . i would love to hear about her giving her son sloppy seconds after one of her nights out . Now that would be soooo hot .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

I love that she sucked his friend off like a total whore but would only give David a handjob.

SadusSadusover 18 years ago
Best story

I've been visiting literotica for over a year now and this is the best story I've read. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
great story

what a great story. Eagerly waiting for the rest

halfmoonfrenzyhalfmoonfrenzyover 18 years ago

Absolutely LOVED it.... More, please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

I think it's time for David to turn mommy ito his fucktoy and show her just where her place SHOULD be

y=mx+by=mx+bover 18 years ago
wicked good

seriously a wonderfully constructed and written story

Orion623Orion623over 18 years ago

Mother defines the phrase 'control freak'. Very hot sexual descriptions. Good writing. Would like to read more about Mom and her son.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Didn't like the heavy femdom.

Would have been better if David had taken control and dominated his mother completely. I don't care for femdom and I don't like prick teasing sluts so I only gave this story a 3. If David had taken control of his mom this story would have been a five easy. The writing was very good. If you do a follow up, I hope that you'll have David realize the worm has turned and use his mother accordingly.

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