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David's Journey Pt. 04


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Almost an hour later, with all the evidence collected, We ask to borrow the car so we can get to someplace safe and we would see it returned the next day. Alma smiles and hands us the key, telling us to return it whenever we feel safe to do so or she can have someone pick it up for her.

Five minutes later, we are heading down the road with the girls in the back and our bags in the trunk. "Jasmine, get my phone from my purse, please, and call David. It's under the name of Saviour. See if he will let us come over?"

Jasmine reaches into my purse and grabs my phone, I have to tell her how to unlock it. As I slow down for a stop sign, I look over at my baby and see her left eye has closed entirely. It breaks my heart how he hurt her. His own daughter and he beat her, how could any MAN let alone FATHER do that!?

I look behind her in the back seat and see Serenity is asleep, good, she will need all she can get. I can feel myself breaking down again, and steel myself to be strong for them. It wouldn't do to break down while driving let alone let them see me break down right now. My babies need me more than ever. I may have failed them once, but I will not fail them again, I promise myself!

Jasmine finally has the phone ringing, even though it was hard with only one eye, my baby persisted and got it! I'm so proud of Jasmine! "Mama I got it, it's ringing!" she squeals! "I'm so proud of ya baby! You persisted and got it, that's awesome!!" I can see her smile at that and it warms my heart.

When the phone picks up, I hear Jasmine yell. "DAVID!" I can hear the panic in my baby's voice, I kick myself for not watching them closer. All I can ever do is make sure they never get in this position again. I think of David and my mind wanders if he will ever turn out like their father and what I would do. Thinking that, I had to berate myself for blaming and accusing David of something I can feel he would never do! I can't blame David for the actions of their father! That isn't fair to him or for the girls.

Jasmine is talking to David and I look over to see how she is handling it when all of a sudden a car appears around a curve in the road and I had to swerve to miss it."We need help, please, can we come to you? MAMA!" Jasmine yells at me just as I notice the car. FUCK! I think to myself. I need to concentrate! With my heart now pounding, I'm wide awake and watching the road closer.

I can hear David talking to Jasmine, his voice the picture of calm, "Jasmine, what's going on? Talk to me sweetie!" Underneath I can hear worry and fear, I just hope my baby doesn't pick up on it!

"Mama is driving, Serenity and I are hurt and mama is taking us to your place. Can we come there, please?" She Is imploring David, almost begging. Again my heart breaks hearing the pain in her voice. When just this evening she was laughing and playing, now her voice is cracked and breaking with that pain and fear. I whisper to myself. 'Please David, be the one, be the man I know you to be! We need you. My babies need you!'

"Of course all three of you can come here, you will ALWAYS be welcome here," I can hear David's calm voice tell my daughter, as she hears that I can see the fear and pain fade a bit and she is smiling. I whisper a thank you to David for proving he is the man we need and why I love him so much! "We will be ready for you sweety, ok?" When next I hear David's voice, relief floods me and I can feel tears starting to form in my eyes from it. Knowing my babies will be safe, even if something happens to me. "Tell your mama to be careful and we will see her when she gets here."

Jasmine turns to me and tells me what he says, even though I heard it, I still smile and thank her. "I'm so proud of you Jasmine, you and your sister both. I wish I was as strong as you two are showing me. I love you both so much!"

45 uneventful minutes later, we get to David's house and pull in. I can see David and Caroline both standing outside the door, waiting for us. The sight of them both standing there fills me with a sense of relief. I park the car and get out, before I can tho, I already see both my girls out of the car and running toward them both. Expecting them to run to Caroline, I line myself up with David and start running towards him, with tears in my eyes and trying to keep my balance. As I come close, I realize my girls have tackled David and are crying and hugging him. I look over at Caroline as I slow down to take in the situation.

Caroline is looking between David and I with a confused and amused look on her. I walk over to her and hug her and give her a light kiss. I rest my head on her shoulders while I watch David comfort the girls. My mind is reeling from this, I didn't think they would accept him this much after what their father just did. Just looking at how they react to him fills me with love and relief.

David is picking up the girls as carefully as he can, but they just won't let him go. He gives them both a kiss on the cheek and in a soothing voice I can hear him tell them both. "Welcome home sweethearts, you're safe now."

I look at Caroline and give her a squeeze before walking over to David. I check on my girls and see they are both fast asleep. Both with smiles on their faces. I must have been surprised because I heard David chuckle while looking at me as bends down and kisses me before he says. "Welcome home honey. I hope you make this your home now, cause we all want you here. Look at Caroline, she will tell you how she feels while I put these precious girls to bed." Hearing that and feeling his lips on mine, the feel of him close to me, his smell and heat makes my pulse race and heart pound. I know he won't let me and the girls down. I just have to believe. I love him and the girls love him, I know I'm gonna have to trust him but can I after tonight? Can I trust a man again?

I look at Caroline and see her smiling face looking at me. She is also worried about me as she watches David walk into the house. I walk towards her not knowing what's going to happen next, it feels like my life has turned inside out and upside down!

Caroline wraps her arms around me and whispers in my ear. "Sweetheart, David and I both talked when you left. We both miss you and the girls. He has come to realize, with you, the girls and I together with him, he feels like this is home to him, not just a house. He feels alive now, like he has a purpose. We have given him that, believe me, he isn't going to let anyone destroy that easily. He is gonna fight for us, believe that, sexy lady. Now come inside and I'll make you tea so you can calm down, ok? Your home baby, and we are not gonna let you come to harm anymore. I love you, David loves you and those girls of yours love you too!"

As we turn to walk into the house, we hear another vehicle approaching, which sends my panic level straight through the roof. We turn around and I can see it isn't my husband's car. But I don't recognize it. I look to Caroline only to see her smile is warm. I look at her in confusion and winks at me.

As the car pulls in, the occupant gets out and I see it is Officer Ruiz. I'm confused as to why she is here, but Caroline motions for her to come in. All three of us walk into the house and sit at the dining room table. I start to ask a question and Caroline asks me to wait on David to come in.

David walks into the dining room and sits at the head of the table. I notice that Caroline sits opposite me on David's right as she has me sit on his left. Officer Ruiz is sitting at the other end of the table.

"David, what is going on here? Why is this officer here? You know I don't trust the police force!?" My panic level is rising even further with each minute. Why would David have a member of the police force here? What is going on?! I know Ruiz said she was on our side, but I still don't and can't trust her.

Before David could answer, I hear something slide between us and sit in front of David, it's a flash drive, I look at it curiously wondering what's going on here. I'm starting to wonder if I made the right choice to come here and put my girls in danger again! I look at David, then Caroline and finally at Ruiz, then back at David.

After a few minutes of silence, we can hear the pitter patter of little feet as Jasmine and Serenity jump into David's arms, both of them crying. He slides his seat back and holds them in his lap and uses a soothing voice to calm them. I can tell they had a nightmare. It surprised me that they ran to David though. Normally they would have run to me. A spike of jealousy surges in me as I watch them. I can't help but think they abandoned me, but I know that isn't right. They are my babies and David has helped them immensely. I look at Caroline and see she is upset and looking at me. I lower my eyes in shame, I know she has seen my jealousy. I'm gonna have to talk to my daughters as to their sudden closeness to David though, my curiosity has been kicked up a notch. Maybe it's just me being tired and my emotions are overwrought. A good night's sleep may help recover and I won't feel this in the morning.

David's perspective.

As I walk back into the house with the girls in my arms, I noticed the look from Jessica. Confusion and hurt. I can't imagine the pain she is feeling right now.

She walks up to me and checks on the girls. When they ran up to me, I could see the wounds they suffered. I wonder if there are more physical wounds I should be worried about. As much as it hurts me to see them like this, I can't focus on that right now, they need me and I will give them everything I can to show them they are safe and HOME. I vowed to myself, seeing them in pain to make this their safe haven. To make this home a place where they can laugh and feel love, to make up for the years they had only their mother.

I can feel myself on the verge of calling myself their father, I catch myself feeling I might be going too fast.

I walk up the stairs, still carrying these two precious girls. Wondering how any man let alone a father can hurt such precious gifts. I feel my anger boiling up at the asshole for what he has done to Jessica and the girls.

I open the door to the bedroom next door to mine, one that was supposed to be Caroline's room and lay the girls as quietly and gently as I can on the bed. Making sure I didn't wake them. I sit beside them for a minute and watch them sleep. I can tell Jasmine is having a bad dream with her whimpering and Serenity is shaking her head. I lean in and kiss them on the forehead and whisper. "You're home sweethearts, rest easy. No one will hurt you here. I promise you, I will always protect you, even with my life. My precious little ones. Both of you and your mother are safe and loved. I love you Jasmine and Serenity."

I get up and start to turn around only to hear one of the girls whimper in pain. I turn my head around to see if she is ok and sigh as both are still asleep. "There is gonna be a lot of nightmares for these two precious girls," I whisper to myself. Steeling my resolve to help them through it no matter what. I turn and walk out the door, closing it softly. I stay by the door and listen for a few seconds, knowing the women are downstairs waiting for me.

I take a few minutes to steady my anger and need to go to Jessica's old home and kick her husband's ass till he begs for forgiveness. Creatures like him don't deserve to breathe the air.

After I have calmed down enough, I walk down to the living room only to hear the women in the dining room. Odd. When I walk in, it becomes clear our guest arrived early. I had wanted time to talk to Jessica and let her know before dropping this on her. SHIT!

I look to my left and see Jessica spitting mad and scared, SHIT! That is not what I wanted. I look to my right and see Caroline and she is watching Jessica. I'm about to say something when an object is sent my way. It's another flash drive. I look at Ruiz and see she is smiling but looking at Jessica curiously.

Jessica looks at me and asks in a tight voice. "David, what is going on here? Why is this officer here? You know I don't trust the police force!?" I can almost feel her anger and suspicion towards me at this point.

Just as I'm about to say something and get everything out. I hear running feet coming down the stairs and both girls barrel into me. Both crying and fearful. I scoot my chair back and let them climb up on my lap as I hold them tight. Knowing they will need a lot of attention and love for a while.

I look at Jessica and Caroline and wrap my arms around the girls tighter as I start to get up. I motion for the others to get up as well and hand one of the girls to Jessica to hold and one to Caroline. As the girls are taken, we all head into the living room. I motion for the women to take the couch while I take a recliner and Ruiz takes the love seat.

I look at Jessica first. She has her arms around Jasmine's shoulders, holding her tight to her. "Jess, I saw the look you gave me, a bit of jealousy and believe me, I understand where that is coming from. So please, DON'T ever hide it from us. We may not understand everything you're going through, but we are here for you as well as the girls. I believe the girls wanted me because they wanted a father figure's attention, to reassure themselves. I can't be certain that is what it is. Just a wish? Hope? Suspicion? Maybe. I want them to be able to come to me as well as you and Caroline. We need to talk these things out and understand where everyone is at if we want to make this work, ok beautiful? We love you with all our hearts, you are a part of us, just as much as the girls are now. We want you here and we want you happy." I had to keep my voice down, I didn't want to wake the girls up. I saw Jasmine hold her mother tight with her head buried in Jessica's neck.

Looking over at Caroline, I can see her hold onto Serenity by the waist lightly, with her head resting on Serenity's forehead, giving her soft kisses. She has her head buried against Serenity's chest and sleeps peacefully. I can see the pain from earlier has disappeared and peace rests comfortably now. "Caroline, I saw you looking upset at Jessica, we have to realize that Jess has been the mother and caretaker of the girls since they were born and she hadhas every right to expect them to come to her for comfort. Please understand that it was probably a major shock to her that the girls chose me to run to at that moment." I see Caroline mouth an apology to Jessica and Jessica does the same.

I look at Ruiz and see something I never expected. Admiration and warmth in her eyes. "Officer," she interrupts me at this point and says "Miranda, please while off duty?" I nod and smile before continuing. "The flash drives, do you have any idea where we can use them to the fullest effect? Right now, I agree with Jessica not to trust the police force or the DA, I did a little research while at work on down time. Her husband's family member is the DA as well as police chief, no one in this town can we trust right now."

Caroline makes a sound and as we look over to her, "I may be able to help with that. David wasn't the only one doing some research and calling around. I called an old friend of mine from college. Jess? Do you remember, Stephen Cole?" Jess thinks for a minute before nodding her head. "I called him up and told him what was going on after we caught up. You'd be surprised what he has done. He has become a junior Judge advocate for the Jag office of the military. He has some connections with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. He is willing to help us as well. I just need permission to send everything to him as a copy and we keep the originals. If we can get them involved, it would give us a measure of protection and maybe bring them down as well. Can we do that, my love?"

Jessica already has tears coming down hard, I can see her fighting to remain calm so I get up and ask Caroline to sit in my recliner while I take her spot and wrap my arm around her. Giving her comfort and reassurance, she looks up at me and smiles as I lean down and give her a light kiss on the lips, telling her how much I love her as well. She looks at Caroline and nods. Then to our surprise, she looks at Miranda, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said those things, forgive me?"

Miranda waves her off as she says, "No I don't forgive you, cause there is nothing to forgive, Jessica. You have been through hell just tonight and from what I have seen of your in-laws and husband, I imagine that hell has been many years. Don't apologize for surviving that, ok? I'm here to help you as well. David really got me a couple weeks ago to think and not just follow orders. I owe it to him and to you to make sure you get out of that hell hole and into a family that loves you." Jessica nods.

I bend down and whisper in Jessica's ear. "Why don't you scoot down a little, so you can rest your head on my lap while laying Jasmine on top of you. Get comfortable, honey?" I can feel her shaking her head no as she buries her head into my chest more. I hold her tighter. Then look around and see it is already 2am. "Why don't we all call it a night and go to bed?" At this, even Miranda starts yawning. "Miranda, we have an extra bedroom, why don't you stay here, I don't think you should drive while that sleepy. I know we would feel better if you stayed as well."

Miranda agrees and as we all start to move around, I can see Caroline and Jessica head into Caroline's room to put the girls down. While I head down the hall with Miranda and make sure she has everything for the night. "I see the sheets are there, will you need a blanket for the night?" Miranda shakes her head and lets me know the sheet is just fine. I close the door and show her the locks on it. "Just in case you would feel more comfortable, the handle has a lock and I have put a deadbolt on it." I open the door back up and walk out.

Miranda thanks me and closes the door, as I walk away I can hear Jessica and Caroline in our room talking. I walk in and they both look at me, conversation dying off. Jessica speaks up first. "David, Caroline wants me to sleep in here with you alone, while she goes to the other room and I want her to share our bed. I want both of you. What do you say?"

I look at them both, then ask, "Caroline, why do you want Jessica in with me alone?"

She gets this smirk on her face like I should know the answer already. "So she can have some comfort and peace and be able to have you for the night. I think she needs it. I'm fine with her taking the spot on the bed, David. She needs you tonight more than I do. Please?"

I think for a minute, both are right, so, as the man of the house the final decision will come down to me. I will hear them both out and make my decision. "Both of you are sleeping in here with me. Caroline, you are correct that she needs this, however, so is Jessica. She needs us both, not just me. I believe she wants to feel our love tonight, so why don't we do this. For tonight, Jessica will take the middle, and we sleep on the sides, so we can both cuddle up with her together and sleep. I think that's fair."

Both of them chuckle and I see Jessica already starting to strip off her clothes. I turn my head and see Caroline doing the same, so I strip all mine off and head for the bathroom. Just as I'm almost there, someone knocks on the door lightly. Jessica, the closest, opens the door before we can move and Miranda gets an eye full of me since I'm in front of the door fully naked with Caroline to my side. Miranda's eyes get big as she clearly cannot take her eyes off my junk until Jessica makes a sound. Which only makes it worse as Miranda's eyes get bigger with 2 naked ladies. Red and embarrassed, Miranda stumbles through her words asking for a blanket and Caroline walks out the door with her completely naked.

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