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Dawn of Corruption Ch. 05

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Dawn and Sebastian goes to the movie theater.
6.6k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 01/05/2024
Created 07/22/2023
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AUTHOR'S NOTE AND WARNING TO READERS: Be advised that this series and chapter contains elements of corruption, anal sex, BDSM elements, and pee play in the form of swallowing it. Furthermore, this entire series contains no pussy penetration so far, and might not in the future either. If you're not into the fetishes listed above, then you probably won't enjoy this series. You have been warned - please proceed accordingly!

This is a work of fiction, and everyone in the story is eighteen or older.

All of my stories are copyrighted.

This is part 5 of an ongoing series. I expect it will have at least 10 chapters in the end, and I try to produce a new one every week or so. Like it? Please leave a rating and a comment so I know that you enjoy it. That's what gives me motivation to keep writing!


Sebastian had been really busy that week. Dawn had spent some time with him on her lunch break, and they had been sneaking kisses here and there - but he had other plans every single evening, which was starting to bother her. Not only that, but Jennifer kept insisting that this double date scheme with her and Kyle was a great idea, and that it would be good for Sebastian to see Dawn interact with other people too - especially since they were boyfriend and girlfriend now. It was the same argument every time they had this conversation, and it was beginning to wear her out. She wanted to tell Jen to drop it, and that her and Sebastian needed time alone - but she knew how much Jennifer worried about her. Especially since she was now walking around with a collar around her neck, in clear view, each day in school.

So when Sebastian and his friend Robin came over and sat down for lunch with Dawn and herself on Friday, Jen decided it was time to take matters in her own hands.

"Hey, Sebastian! Me and Kyle are going on a date tomorrow. Would you and Dawn like to come with us?" she asked cheerfully. "We were thinking of seeing a movie."

Dawn gave Jennifer the evil eye - but Jen wasn't even looking at her. She just stared at Sebastian, waiting for an answer, and Sebastian grinned, then replied:

"We'd love to! I've been wanting to spend more time with Dawn all week, and tomorrow I'm finally free!" He didn't seem to notice Dawn's reaction, but Dawn herself was suddenly getting a bit upset about the whole situation. Why couldn't she just have him to herself? He was looking so beautiful today, in his blue jeans, paired with that gray t-shirt that was hugging his muscles in all the right places. She felt her mouth watering just thinking about that strong body of his, not to mention the gigantic cock that was hiding underneath his clothes.

Dawn found her voice. "We'll see the movie.." she agreed. "But in the early afternoon. I want to spend the evening alone with my boyfriend."

Jennifer's mouth was about to open up, but Sebastian interjected before she could say anything.

"Perfect!" he replied. "Robin, you want to come along too?"

"No thank you. I'd just be the fifth wheel." he replied quickly, and then went back to staring at his phone. He was barely even touching his lunch, and he looked like he was in a very bad mood, but Dawn decided not to ask him about it. They didn't know each other that well, after all.

So they made plans. Kyle would be driving. They'd gather outside at the main campus parking lot, because it was reasonably close to a center point between where they all lived, and he'd pick them up there. The cinema was only about a five minute drive away. They had not yet decided on which movie to see, but it didn't matter much to Dawn regardless. She didn't care. She just wanted to be with Sebastian.

"Hey.. You said we'd spend some alone time together tomorrow, right?" she asked quietly, when lunch break was nearly over, and the others were out of earshot. "I've been longing for you all week" she admitted.

Sebastian smiled at her warmly and put his hand on her cheek, gently rubbing it with his thumb, which sent shivers through her whole body. "Yes. I've been wanting to get my hands on that cute butt of yours for days already", he told her, making her giggle, and sent a wave of arousal going straight towards her cunny. She knew he would likely spank her ass red tomorrow, and stretch her out again!

"You look so beautiful today, sweetheart." he added, and gave her another peck on the lips before they had to walk their separate ways, each attending classes at different ends of the campus. "And that collar looks so good on you." he added, rather loudly, just as he had started walking away.

Dawn bit her lip. It made her feel very proud, being seen in public wearing it - that it made others see that she belonged to someone. To him. And yet she felt strangely vulnerable all at once. Would people think she was a slut for wearing it? That thought was both arousing and embarrassing. She was a good girl. Innocent. Inexperienced. Only a few days ago, she had zero experiencing doing anything sexual with a boy. And she was still a virgin. At least, her pussy had never been penetrated. So surely, she couldn't be a slut? No, she was just a young girl that had fallen for someone for the first time, eager to make him happy. And there was nothing wrong with that, she told herself!

--- 2 ---

Kyle rolled up in what can only be described as a junker car. The whole thing was at least twenty years old, and rusted, with at least three different colors of paint job visible. It looked like it could fall apart any second. The inside was dirty, with questionable stains on the seats and floor. He was blasting music at a high volume, listening to some sort of death metal. "This song roooocks!" was the first thing he said as he came to a stop. It didn't.

Sebastian had been holding Dawn in his arms whilst they waited for Kyle to arrive. He reached forward now to open the door for her, but Kyle interjected. "That door doesn't open. You have to go around!"

Once all four of them had gotten into the car, and Kyle had lowered the volume just enough for them to be able to have a conversation, Jen looked at him with a loving gaze from the passenger seat. Dawn rolled her eyes. The two of them were sickeningly cute together, but Dawn couldn't help but feel like Jennifer could do much better. Besides, Kyle had not asked Jen to be his girlfriend yet, or she would surely have accepted. But they seemed to be getting closer and closer all the time.

Dawn and Sebastian held hands throughout most of the short car ride. They pulled up to the small strip mall, with some restaurants and shops in it, along with the cinema, and a laundromat at the end. The cinema only had two screen rooms, it turned out - but it was all they had available in this small college town. The group all agreed to see the more action oriented movie out of the two choices, and Sebastian was generous enough to pay for both Dawn's ticket and her popcorn. He was such a gentleman, she thought, and she would repay him for his kindness later with her body!

Once they had taken their seats in a mostly empty theater, and the light had been dimmed, Kyle opened up his backpack and triumphantly took out a bottle of gin. "Look what I managed to sneak inside!" he said with a voice full of mischief and pride. "Let's get buzzed!"

Jennifer made a face. "Really? Did you forget that me and Dawn do not drink?" She didn't seem very impressed, but Kyle was already unscrewing the cap on the bottle. "And you're driving us back afterwards, remember?"

"Don't worry, don't worry.. I'll only have a couple of sips. To lighten the mood! Come onnn.. Just a couple.." He kept saying as he took a couple of big swigs from the bottle, before passing it to Jennifer. She took it reluctantly, and seemed to think about it for a second, but then just passed it over to Sebastian.

Dawn felt awkward, like she was watching something personal between her best friend and the guy she liked - something she was not supposed to see. And if Kyle was really going to drink and drive, then Dawn was definitely walking home. She was not getting into a car with someone like that. Kyle was a mediocre driver at best even when completely sober. But after Sebastian had drank from the bottle himself, he turned towards Dawn, and held it out towards her.

"Try it", he said, and looked at her with those piercing blue eyes of his in the dimmed room. The movie had not yet started playing, it was all previews. Dawn didn't want to, and she had never been drunk in her life, but she took the bottle and brought it to her lips all the same. Reluctantly, she swallowed the gin down, then looked at Sebastian, who seemed to be expecting her to take more. She obeyed without questioning him, even though it tasted horrible.

"Bleeeeh.." she made an expression of disgust once she had finished. "Why do you like this stuff?"

He laughed and grabbed the bottle back from her, taking another couple of big swigs, and then said: "Because I have to drink to stay sane sometimes!" Then he leaned in close to her, and whispered in her ear. "Besides, alcohol makes me horny.."

That made her blush hard, and she gave him a quick peck on the lips - making sure nobody was watching. She wondered if that meant that Sebastian liked it when she drank too? Would he expect her to drink every now and again? Her stomach hurt at the thought of having to taste more of this gin. It tasted so awful, and burnt her throat. But there was nothing she wouldn't do for Sebastian, if it was important to him somehow. She just wanted to be the perfect puzzle piece to go along with his.

The movie started, but Dawn didn't find it very engaging. The plot was a little confusing as well. "Who's that guy again..?" she asked Sebastian, after a while, pointing towards a character on screen that seemed to have no reason being in this movie in the first place. "I thought he died already?" she asked in a whisper. He just grinned at her, grabbed her chin with his large hand, and placed his lips over hers for a deep kiss. His tongue was all over her mouth as the two of them explored each other's, making her toes curl.

As he pulled back from the kiss, his thumb traced along her lips, and he said: "You really are the most gorgeous thing, Dawn. I'm so glad you're mine." She giggled, and felt completely defenseless when his hand reached down her back, attempting to get under her skirt. She looked at him with wide eyes, in the dark of the movie theater, and could not hold it in anymore. She had been craving his touch for days, and even though it was incredibly inappropriate to do something like this here, in the movie theater, she just didn't know how to resist. There was no one else sitting on their row, but Jen - or even Kyle - might notice something!

Nonetheless, when Sebastians lips grazed her earlobe, making her squirm and close her eyes, she shifted her position in the chair so that he could get in underneath of her in a discreet manner, and sighed when she felt his fingers creep underneath her panties. She leaned to one side, welcoming his fingers to explore her, feeling a rush of excitement go through her whole body at the realization of what they were doing - in public! This was something she never would have considered doing before. But now she was Sebastian's girlfriend, and she knew he'd always take care of her. She wanted to be a good girl for him.

His fingers went up and down between her wet labia, exploring every little inch of her outer flesh. It felt so good. So naughty. And as his index finger slowly moved over to her rosebud, and pushed its way inside of her butt, Dawn whimpered quietly, pressing herself towards his hand. It felt so perverted. Sebastian was looking at her with hungry eyes, and Dawn's eyes kept darting over to Jen, hoping that she wouldn't notice anything. Kyle seemed to be completely absorbed by the movie, and he was sitting further away, so was far less likely to be paying attention to them.

Dawn put her head on Sebastians shoulder, and closed her eyes again. His finger was inside of her tight asshole, slowly moving around, and her own juices were leaking out of her cunny, and onto her panties and the seat. She was moaning softly, barely able to contain herself, despite trying her best to keep her voice down. She did not know what to feel anymore. It was all too much. Her face grew red hot and her pulse started beating loudly in her ears. Oh God..

"Dawn, are you okay?" Jen asked suddenly, meanwhile explosions and gunshots were all over the cinema screen.

She opened her eyes and looked at her friend, who was looking right back at her with a mixture of shock and concern. It seemed like she had noticed something, and Dawn had to think quickly to come up with an excuse. Her breathing was still heavy, and Sebastian's finger was still slowly moving around in her butthole. He was doing a good job at making it look like he was just holding his arm behind her though.

"Y-Yeah, I'm just feeling a little lightheaded.." Dawn said, her voice quaking a little, still breathing heavily as she tried to look at the movie, pretending like she was taking in every detail of the confusing plot.

Jennifer frowned. "Do you want me to take you home?" She asked. "Should I be worried?"

"No no.. I'll be fine.."

Kyle chimed in. "Watch the movie, Jen. Dawn will be fine!" He glanced over towards them, and Dawn quickly shifted in her seat to look as innocent and inconspicuous as possible. Sebastian withdrew his hand a moment later, and leaned in as if to kiss her, but instead put the finger that had just been deep inside of Dawn into her mouth. She squealed quietly as she tasted herself on his finger, looking back and forth between him, and her best friend whom hopefully had no idea what was going on. At least Jen didn't notice.

Dawn watched the rest of the movie feeling incredibly aroused, clinging to Sebastian like a needy little puppy. The taste of her bottom lingered on her tongue, and she found herself growing more and more horny by the minute. She hoped nobody would be able to smell it on her breath. She would be mortified. But she could not stop staring at Sebastian. He looked so handsome, sitting there with one arm wrapped around her, his strong masculine hand resting on her shoulder, and all of those muscles showing through his shirt. She belonged to him. And she would be his good girl for the rest of her days..

Eventually, the movie was over, and everyone agreed that it was an okay flick. Perhaps a little overrated. They didn't even wait for the lights to come on, but instead got up quickly and headed for the exit. Dawn was eager to go home with Sebastian, and continue this date with him alone.

"I'll drive.." Jennifer insisted, and took the keys out of Kyle's hands. He was walking on fairly steady legs, but he was definitely a bit tipsy, and they were all concerned that he wouldn't be safe behind the wheel. Kyle and Jen were arguing about this for the whole drive back. Not in a heated way - Kyle was more of the whiny type. He didn't raise his voice, he just complained.

Dawn, on the other hand, felt incredibly giddy, sitting so close to Sebastian. As soon as they had gotten in the car, Dawn had grabbed Sebastian's hand, and squeezed it tight. Her heart was beating fast, and she could not help but look at his crotch. The outline of his cock was visible through his pants. She couldn't wait to get back to her place. Whatever he wanted to do to her, she was his.

"You feeling better?" Jennifer asked Dawn once they got back to her dorm. Jen dropped her and Sebastian off there, seeing as she was going to have to drive Kyle back regardless. The three of them had gotten out of the car, with Kyle still sitting in the passenger seat, fiddling with the music player again.

"Yeah! Thanks, Jen. For looking after me." she smiled at her best friend, then hugged her warmly.

"It was no problem! Make sure you take care of yourself, okay? Stay hydrated. If anything seems off with you, let me know."

"I will! And.." Dawn hesitated. "Be careful with Kyle, okay?" she said softly, then lowered her voice into a whisper. "I heard that alcohol can make guys feel horny!"

Jennifer looked at Dawn with an expression of confusion. Then she looked at Kyle in the car, who was visibly a little tipsy, then back at her friend. "I'm not going to do anything, Dawn.."

Dawn bit her lip and giggled. "Just.. be safe, okay?"

This comment seemed to offend Jen a little bit. "What are you insinuating?" she asked, and crossed her arms. "I'm a good Christian girl. You are too, Dawn. You need to get your mind out of the gutter!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you! I just.. I'm worried." It wasn't like she really had a problem with whatever Jen and Kyle did, she just knew that Jennifer might regret it if she let Kyle go too far. She presumed that Jennifer was just as inexperienced as Dawn had been herself not long ago. But Jen did not seem convinced.

"We're just friends, Dawn." she said sternly, then turned around to look at Kyle again. When she turned her face back towards Dawn, she looked a little sad. "I'm not even sure if he sees us becoming anything more than that."

"Oh, I'm sure he does!"

Jennifer smiled at Dawn again, but there was still something sad in her expression. Then, they said their goodbyes, and Jen got back into the rust-bucket of a car, and drove away - with music blaring at an obscene volume once more.

--- 3 ---

As soon as the two of them were alone in Dawn's dorm room, Sebastian's charming smile and friendly demeanor swiftly changed. He looked at her with those piercing blue eyes of his, an air of dominance and control radiating from his whole body, and his voice was low and husky as he said:

"Get on your knees for me."

Dawn bit her lip. She couldn't contain her smile. The very moment she realized what was about to happen, she was filled with excitement. Her whole body tensed up and she shivered a little. She had been waiting for this all week, and the fact that Sebastian was able to just flip a switch like this was so arousing to her. That feeling of being small and submissive was so thrilling. And he got right into it, with no delay at all!

"Y-Yes, of course" she replied obediently, then knelt upon the floor. Her eyes were locked on the ground, unable to meet his gaze. She could hear him step closer, the floorboards in the old building creaking slightly underneath his weight. She didn't dare look up, but he soon reached for her face and lifted her chin with his strong hand. She looked at him with big eyes - and swallowed hard as he looked down upon her with such a serious expression. His grip on her chin was tight. She tried to put on the most submissive and loving expression she could manage.

"You did such a great job today, Sweetling. Being a good girl in public. I'm proud of you." he said, his thumb brushing along her lower lip gently, affectionately. She couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you, Seb! I don't know if I was a good girl though.. I feel so horny right now, because of you.."

He grinned. "There's nothing wrong with being aroused by your own boyfriend. And I think you deserve a reward. Or do you disagree with me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. It was a difficult question to answer. Of course she wouldn't dare to disagree with him, but it was hard for her to say out loud that she deserved a reward.

"I'd happily accept whatever you want to do with me." She lowered her head once more and blushed. Her pulse was racing, and she was almost panting. Her pussy felt wet already, and she wasn't even doing anything yet! "W-What are you going to do with me?" she asked shyly. She just couldn't hold it in anymore, and she felt her whole body shiver in anticipation.

"Mmm. I'm thinking about it." He gave her a smile that was both loving and intense. "Any special requests?"


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