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Dealing With Negative Feedback

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No, you can't reach through the monitor & smack sense into them.
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Remember folks, death is not an option. No, not that "Joe Lieberman or Janet Reno, and death is not an option" game. You can't reach through your monitor and strangle sense into that {censored}{censored}{censored}{censored}individual who doesn't have the good sense to recognize you for the literary genius that you are. Okay, maybegenius is stretching it, but you're a damned good writer, right? Stick with me here. You're a damned good writer, right? Just nod your head and agree with me anyway. I cannot be the only person around here with an overinflated ego and a serious arrogance problem. Statistically, I'm not that special. Okay, so maybe I am.

Feedback is everyone's dream around here. Write me, tell me how much you adored my story so I can carry warm fuzzies around all day. Don't tell anyone, but I print mine up and tape it to my wall. It's heady stuff, that feedback. Until Mr. You suck, don't quit your day job, quit posting your stupid bullshit stories decides he's had enough of kicking puppies and pulling the wings off flies and decides to attack someone really cool. Like pornographic story authors.

It's bad enough to kick a man when he's down, but to burst someone's happy bubble is just atrocious behavior. You know that feeling, you've just gotten done reading some fresh "I loved your story! My wife came 38 times when I read it to her and my cock is harder than it's ever been! You're a great writer!" email and you click next feeling pretty gosh-darned good about yourself. Someone loved your writing, there is no better feeling than that bar orgasm and some really good chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with... oh yeah, back on track here. Sorry, my bad– what does that mean anyway, my bad? Can you possess an adjective? Where was I? Oh yeah... that wonderful, ego-stroking, positive feedback. You click the next button, feeling that wonderful euphoria and then Mr. You Suck spill his acid tongue all over your parade.

He can't even do it in a redeeming fashion, he just starts throwing around words like, "you're terrible" and "you're the worst writer here" and "you are so stupid!" and "you call that a story? My dog writes better!" and "you suck!" Gawd, I hate that guy. I wish he'd get a life and quit bothering me, he issuch a creep.

He doesn't just make you angry, frustrated, and ready to kill, he kind of makes you hurt a little, too. Sometimes being one of those human critters with all those nasty self-doubts and disgusting tendencies to deprecate oneself really sucks. That little grain of "what if he's right?" sneaks on in there and rattles your confidence in yourself and your ability to string words together. Even going back and re-reading your collection of "you are the best!" mail just doesn't seem to help bolster the confidence.

Mr. You Suck! didn't bother to tell you what he found wrong with the story, he didn't explain that perhaps, if you'd consistently spelled ass as arse, he would have loved it. He just attacked you and you not only have no idea why, there's nothing you can do about it. You've probably already noticed this, but Mr. You Suck! is the cowardly type who revels anonymity and you can't write him back and give him a well deserved piece of your mind.

If you're anything like me, you're probably sitting in your chair, glaring at your monitor in muted fury because once you start screaming you'll probably pull something. You want to put your fist through a wall, a monitor, or better yet, Mr. You Suck!'s face. If only they'd managed to develop the ‘Net enough so that you could reach through you monitor and strangle him... Okay, deep breaths.

Why does anonymous hate-mail from an obviously moronic and delusional idiot bother us so much? I mean really, what kind of guy is this? Well, you can pretty much guess that he's not into quality literature, he attacked you, right? He can't spell very well, and his grammar, it's even more reprehensible than his behavior. Has he heard of capitalization? Punctuation? You just got hate mail from someone who probably couldn't pass high school and you're getting worked up about it. I know you do because I do, and everybody wants to be like Muff. You could have just rolled your eyes, you didn't have to laugh in my face. Jeeez.

So, what now oh great Muffinator? What are the answers? What do we do now? How do we solve this whole Mr. You Suck! problem since we can't hunt him down and torture him? It's easier said than done. Really, it is. You ignore him. When you figure out how, let me know. All right, in reality, I do one of two things, I either bitch profusely to some of my online author friends via IM. Nothing like a empathetic ear to make you feel better. Or, I write a nice, long, scathing reply to Mr. You Suck! using all of the icky words and phrases I can think of. It's inspired some of my best writing, though it's not exactly fit for human consumption. The act of writing to him is cathartic that way.

Mr. You Suck! has an agenda. His mission in life is to cause you as much nasty emotion has he can with the limited intellectual resources he has on hand. The simplest way to defeat his agenda is to shrug it off. It's not an easy task, we simply aren't designed to shrug off personal attacks, we were designed to either fight them or run from them, or so my biology teacher tells me.

Anger and frustration are probably nice to him, but hurting you is his primary goal. He is lashing out at you because he's impotent, jealous, or angry. He can't improve himself to equal you, so he must bring you down to his level and the only way to do that is to give you a string of bad votes and to write hate mail.

There is a nasty voice in all of us. It tells us the biggest pack of lies on a regular basis and usually we believe it. I think it's favorite refrain is, "you're not good enough." Mr. You Suck!'s success depends on that voice and that refrain. The hurt comes from the belief that you really aren't good enough and here is someone who is proving it. What is it about us that makes us want to believe the worst about ourselves? We read the best and decide that we're not that good so we must suck. The bald-faced truth is– can you handle it? -- you are a damned good writer. Repeat after me. Write it in permanent marker on your monitor. Tattoo it on your eyelids. "I am a damned good writer."

Despite his mean-spirited aggravation, he's useful, too. Yes, I just said that. I did, quit arguing with me. Mr. You Suck! can be useful. He really can be. He fills up the trash can nicely, doesn't he? He also manages to pop an over-inflated ego. Sometimes we get so full of ourselves and how well received we are by our readers, that we forget that there are readers out there who read the first paragraph and then back click. There are literally thousands of them who will do that on any given day. They don't email you and tell you, "Sorry, man, I read the first sentence or two, but it just didn't interest me. Maybe it's cause they all seem to start out ‘She was a 5'4" 36-24-36 blonde' and I just read that one."

For all the people we're doing it right for, there are probably at least twice as many as we're doing it wrong for. Mr. You Suck! is a rather nasty wake up call to that fact, but there it is. Yes, believe it or not, there are actually people who don't like the way we write, what we write about, or how we tell a story. Maybe– I'll deny I ever admitted to this– there is room for improvement. At least just a little.

He's also a great catalyst. Prove him wrong. Rather than burn energy being angry at him, burn your energy in your writing. Give your characters the full depth, range, gamut, insert adjective of choice here of emotions that you just went through. It shows in your writing.

In the end, it boils down to one very simple thing. Are you going to let that creep accomplish his mission?

MorraRoseMorraRoseover 1 year ago

My first was a Loving Wives story, and boy, did the trolls come out! At first it was a shock, like God was going to follow after me and condemn me to Hell because I wrote about a cheating wife. Fiction. Fantasy. And do husbands ever cheat? Gee, I don't think so. Anyway, I soon after learned that the troll phenomenon is just a 'thing' here, and it's kind of funny. Don't like cheating wives? Don't read Loving Wives stories. The hypocrisy alone is amusing. So, I take the troll trash talk and use it to toughen my writer's skin, so to speak, or else I'll have to give up and realize that all women are Virgin Marys and never go #2.

DarkAurther6969DarkAurther6969over 1 year ago

Hare's one of my personal Favorites "It's Boring" or if they are feeling a little lazy just plain "Boring". This in fact goes along with what I was just Reading Before about Giving Constrictive Criticism also a 'How To' Guide. Had they where a little Constative about it, Yeah it would Still Hurt but at least I would eventually Get Over It and Let It Go. And that is why my Ego along with my Enthusiasm and Dream for Posting Stories on this site anymore went from Sky High to 'I Don't Care' in a matter of Weeks. That and along with In My Personal Experience and Opinion Lit is not exact ally making it easy for me to. But that is another story and Rant all together.

Client8Client8about 3 years ago

This is Mr. You Suck here and i take great exception to your characterization of me as a "troll" or a pedophile without a conscience. I am not a troll, for a lack the requisite blue or orange hair thats long and stands perfectly vertical. Nor do i resemble one of Shrek's rug rats. I wear perfectly acceptable attire, taller than 4 inches, do not sport a beer belly nor possess a pig's nose. So please do not use a Troll as a metaphor to describe my physical appearance.

As for being an unconscionable minor molester, I would say that's the point, what pedophiles do you know have a conscience? But I digress, that's not me either. but I only tolerate children at Christmas time, bah humbug!

What I really am is a sad person that life has left behind. I'm not bad, I just need an outlet to express dissatisfaction with my station in life. I have no friends, they've all grown up and got married and stuff. Darned if I let that happen to me!

I have always employed a great deal of hard philosophical and prosaic labor into my quips against your own hard work. Criticisms that I issue to you, e.g., "your work sucks", "I hate your kind, you writer, you", "it's a good thing you don't get paid for this crap you put into words", and the like, represent my carefully crafted opinion. It's not easy being me, but someone must play the heavy to gleefully inform you of your literary inadequacies. It's a public service really.

So, if you look at it like I do, and I don't see why everyone doesn't, we're not that disparate you and I. I just do my thing with vitriol, so have mercy on me even if I have no intention nor feel any obligation to reciprocate!

Thank you for considering my perspective, and I will remain your most faithful staunch detractor.


thehankthehankabout 3 years ago

I like feedback, even negative feedback. As long as it's constructive. I get that some people have no idea how to do that, but at least try to give something to the author that's tangible. It's so lazy to say "Your article sucked.", with no explanation as to why the feel that way.

RodcruelRodcruelover 4 years ago
The outrage of the annonymous author

Loved your comments because they ring true. Had this happen me, but began to realize it's more than likely those who relish negativity are those void of the talent to create.

DadddysPrincessDadddysPrincessabout 6 years ago
cant believe how nasty some comments are

some people must not have a life, to sit behind their keyboard and spew such hatred. Feel so sorry for them, they can't be happy at all in their own lives to be so nasty to others.

TatankaBillTatankaBillover 6 years ago
Critics hurt...

But trolls aren't critics. They're sexually unfulfilled adolescent jerkoffs who lurk in Momma's basement and subsist on Hot Pockets and Mountain Dew decked out in baggy shorts that come to their ankles and a Cheeto encrusted Metallica shirt. I'm guilty of having responded to a few, but the best policy is to just ignore them. Any response at all gratifies the pimply little attention whores. This policy is true for all writers online, especially for creative writers like those on Literotica, and most especially true for the very best of writers, which you are.

HornyKipHornyKipabout 8 years ago
What about a truly bad story?

What do we tell the author of a truly poorly written story? Yes, I try to be constructive with my comments, but there are times when the author needs to know he/she really should pursue other interests. Spelling and grammar are not the only things that make a writer. He/she has to know about flow and symmetry. A story should pull you in and make you want to read on. It shouldn't read like a grocery list. It should be immersive.

But, yes there are haters, who, probably out of jealousy, attack a story or writer to feel better about themselves or hide their insecurities involving literary ineptness.

DrMrsMonarchDrMrsMonarchover 8 years ago
Can I just delete my stories?

Am I just able to delete my stuff and be on my way, or is that not allowed?

CrinosCrinosover 8 years ago
Awesome Advice

I just want you to know that I TOTALLY died at the "Kicking puppies and tearing the wings off flies" part. Something about the way you typed that sentence that brought tears to my eyes while I died laughing. xD I actually stopped reading when I reached that bit, scrolled down here, commented, and went back to reading afterwards. Then died again. Lmao!

bodyfluidsbodyfluidsabout 9 years ago

I found your article both amusing and useful. No one ever shit on my cornflakes. Honestly, They didn't.I mean wtf statement is that. Lmao. If they had been genuinely critical in a constructive way it would have been most helpful. I shall keep trying to improve.

mfmfantasymfmfantasyover 9 years ago

Mr Muff,

Enjoyed your essay! I read it as I was scrolling trying to find out how to delete my submissions! After reading your paper I've decided not to delete them; not now anyway. I don't read the comments of others' stories very often and so I wasn't prepared for the bursts of ad homonym attacks without purpose from Anonymous.

Your article was a catalyst for one conclusion for me. I write dirty stories for fun. I'm not writing for awards or wealth. So, to get upset over the negative comments from those who hide behind Net Anonymity would be taking myself and my own smut writing way too seriously. Besides I can't let down that handful of readers who favorited my stories by suddenly deleting my stories right? LOL!

Your truly,


thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreameralmost 10 years ago

A well written piece that brightens my day. I too, don't mind negative criticism, but damn it, at least tell me what you didn't like; I deserve the chance to fix it, don't ya think?

shoeslayershoeslayerover 13 years ago
U R so right !

Hello killerMuffin,

It could be just one of those things called jealousy

Some one does not have the smarts to write a story

and is insanely jealous that someone else can.

Or people resent the type of story such as incest and still read it.

Maybe we go to LIT to either read or write a hot juicy story

about that 32 year old guy doing his aunt Agness and some fool

hopefully stupid enough to bathe with an electric appliance

has a hissy fit over it. Like what the hell is he reading it for ?

He knew it was incest as he had to go to that category for it

That is such a cute name KM. take care.


vrosej10vrosej10over 13 years ago
Good article.

Bad feedback is depressing and especially when it's weird or undeserved (and we all drop a literary clanger once in while and need to be called on it, but you know your own dogs). I hate it when its personal or pointless or shows that the person clearly hasn't read the piece.

The weirdest feedback I ever got was feedback on feedback I'd given someone else. The guy basically told me the only came to literotica becasue he could afford telephone chat and posting was his way of exposing himself to someone else?!

shoeslayershoeslayerabout 14 years ago
Great JOB !

Hello "Oh gr8 Muffinator !" ( R U married to the terminator? )

I just want to tell you I really liked your article as I have had some lousy

feedback. I mean some reader hates stories about incest yet he/she reads them then asks me if I know what incest is and to think before writing stories for LIT. I was quite angry about that then asked why am I getting my

bra straps in a knot for some jerk?

You are very right about taking what could be negative feelings and making them positive, letting that "burning" make you a better writer

instead of that burning raise your BP. I really enjoy your articles about

proper punctuation.

Killermuffin, U R DAMN GOOD!

shoeslayershoeslayerover 14 years ago
Sorry but it is true

Hello Killermuffin,

Yup, i just started to write for Lit. and the first person who wrote to critic the story was a creep. I just don't see why he had to be so personal about it. He could have said,"The way you describe her body, then with breasts that size, they will make her look like a cartoon figure"

Fine, i can deal with that and i did check it out , asked a friend and she said pretty much the same. So the creep was right but he has all the class of a good BM. it is obvious this guy is not going to go far with that attitude,

and as much as i would love to see the blowdrier fall in his tub as i am sure he is not well liked, I have to say that i will be a better writer due to his criticism.

He knows about what size breast looks good on the build of women, but he just does not have the "balls" to say who he is.Poor boy.

shoeslayershoeslayerover 14 years ago
Sorry but it is true

Hello Killermuffin,

Yup, i just started to write for Lit. and the first person who wrote to critic the story was a creep. I just don't see why he had to be so personal about it. He could have said,"The way you describe her body, then with breasts that size, they will make her look like a cartoon figure"

Fine, i can deal with that and i did check it out , asked a friend and she said pretty much the same. So the creep was right but he has all the class of a good BM. it is obvious this guy is not going to go far with that attitude,

and as much as i would love to see the blowdrier fall in his tub as i am sure he is not well liked, I have to say that i will be a better writer due to his criticism.

He knows about what size breast looks good on the build of women, but he just does not have the "balls" to say who he is.Poor boy.

fastandsloppyfastandsloppyabout 15 years ago
Lemons from lemonaide.

Everything you say is true and I know I should ignore the nasty turds that lurk in the comments, but sometimes I just can't help stirring up the hornets nest. So, about a month ago I wrote a silly story called "Troll Bait" (a loving wives story, what else) and, gosh golly, I got much more of a response that I expected. Some of the responses were LOL comical in their fury. One thing that became clear however is that nasty commenters are as thin skinned as they are nasty. Although it was fun to poke at them, they are best ignored.

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