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Dear Diary - You Need a Password

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A PK gets naughty on a training trip.
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Dear Diary - You Need the Password

Fun In Milwaukee

All persons are at least 18 years of age.

This story is set back in the 70's when sexual knowledge was less prevalent and sexual mores were more flexible.

This is quite lengthy as it covers multiple days and nights.

Chapter 1 - Background

When I worked for a local beer distributor, I made frequent trips to Milwaukee either driving a semi to pick up a load of beer, or flying to attend training classes when I was a salesman.

As a salesman, my office at the distributorship was in an area which was shared with the owner, the sales manager and three women. One of the women was a well-built larger woman (Kathie) with a great shape and large well-rounded chest. We all hit on her. I'm not sure about the other drivers or salesmen, but I was lucky a couple times. The second woman (Jen) was a nice, but stand-offish woman. None of the guys ever tried to approach her.

But this is about the third woman (Christi) very young (early 20s), very cute but terribly shy. She was also what we called a PK - preacher's kid. As a result, the drivers tried to keep the jokes and conversations a little more modest than usual. Where Kathie would laugh and make a joke of her own, and Jennifer would just kind of roll her eyes, Christi would blush from her neck up...the brightest red I ever saw. But the longer she worked with us, the less she blushed and the more she just rolled her eyes when something was, shall we say...less politically correct. We never figured out why she worked for a beer company, but we always thought it was through a friend of a friend. Regardless, she was certainly exposed to more than she had been in her strict family life.

Besides being a salesman, I was also the company's tech guy, which was quite a new thing back in the early 1980s. Each distributor had a mid-size computer with terminals onsite that was used to maintain inventory, scheduling and ordering. At one point, they added some new features and updated some others, so we had to send Christi, as our computer operator, for training on the updates. As the tech guy, they sent me along also. We flew into Milwaukee on a Sunday afternoon with training schedules for 3 days followed by a 'test' on Thursday morning. We were scheduled to return home on Thursday afternoon.

Chapter 2 - Milwaukee Sunday

On Sunday, our first night, after landing we took a cab to the hotel. After checking in and dropping off our luggage in the rooms, Christi and I met in the lobby. We ate at the hotel restaurant because Christi didn't want to get too far from there. She hadn't done much traveling and was a little nervous the first night. At dinner, we talked about general things - weather, family, etc. I learned quite a bit more about her life as a PK. Her father was a minister at a very strict evangelical church. Her mother was a homemaker who had married right out of high school. Christi was an only child who lived a very sheltered life and had been homeschooled. She completed K-12 but never went to college.

Despite being in her mid-20s, she still lived at home and was dating a boy from her church. Her parents had been pushing her to marry this boy, but she wanted to 'see life' before becoming her mother (her words). Her first big step had been taking the job at a beer distributor. A major step. As we had guessed, a friend of a friend helped her get this job.

Her parents didn't believe in drinking, and she had to convince them that drinking wasn't part of the job. She was only working in the office and had little contact with the drivers. Drinking obviously wasn't part of her life either. While I had a glass of wine with my dinner, Christi drank water. After dinner we agreed to meet for breakfast in the morning before the training and went to our respective rooms.

Chapter 3 - Milwaukee Monday at the restaurant

The next morning, we met at 7:30 as planned for breakfast. Christi had coffee, which sounded like a major step as her parents didn't believe in drinking much else than water and milk. Guess coffee was too much of a stimulant.

It was a big step toward independence for her.

Since the hotel was only a couple blocks from the training center, and we had some extra time, we walked, and it was interesting to watch Christi as her head was constantly moving as she tried to take in all of the sights. She had lived her entire life in our city and had never been any further than 50 miles away from there. And that was only to visit relatives. She was obviously ready to see new things.

After sitting through the all-day training, I was in dire need of a drink. She was willing to go to a restaurant down a couple blocks from the hotel. After sitting for almost 8 hours, we decided to hop in a taxi. As she slid into the back seat, her skirt rode up her leg and I just glimpsed the top of her nylons with what I thought was the hook of a garter. This was surprising as I never expected her in nylons and garters, maybe pantyhose. But the image of nylons grew in my mind.

When we arrived at the restaurant, she flashed her nylon tops again getting out of the taxi. I thought better to not comment. But I wondered if there was another side to our PK.

After we had been seated in the restaurant, the waitress came by and took our drink order. I planned to eat red meat so I ordered red wine. We weren't very sophisticated in the 70s. (Working for a beer distributorship meant drinking beer when in public, but I also liked the occasional glass of wine.) Christi hesitated before ordering her water. When I asked why she hesitated, Christi said she was considering a drink.

"Really? Soda? Coffee? Alcohol? That's a pretty big step. First coffee this morning and now a drink."

"I know, but this is my first time away from home and from my parents so I thought I would try to be a little 'naughty,'" she said making air quotes with her fingers.

"Somehow, I don't see you doing naughty."

"I don't mean anything bad like robbing a bank, but something different. I may have to go back to my church life at home, but I want to try some new things here.

At that point, the waitress brought our drinks. I asked her to wait a second and handed my wine to Christi.

"Try this. It is very dry so only take a sip."

She did and her face showed what she thought of it.

I looked at the waitress, "Maybe she would like a little sweeter drink."

"Maybe a white wine? What about a Collins? Maybe a Vodka Collins. The Collins mix is a little sweet and the vodka has no taste."

I thought that was a perfect idea and that night Christi actually tried a mixed drink. Her first. And second. Christi had two drinks that night. Both were Vodka Collins. She was a little giggly but seemed fine. After dinner, we walked back to the hotel. She was able to walk without help but was obviously a little tipsy after her first alcoholic drinks.

Chapter 4 - Milwaukee Tuesday

We met again for breakfast and Christi seemed none the worse for wear.

"So, how did you feel this morning?"

"I felt fine, but my mouth was fuzzy. Is that normal after having a drink?"

"Sometimes, but it depends on the drink. Did you like them?"

"They were ok, but I was hoping for something a little sweeter. Maybe something different tonight."

"Tonight? Last night didn't scare you?"

"No, should it? I had two drinks, and the world didn't collapse...I didn't end up in jail or a gutter and I don't think it will mean I'm going to hell. Afterall, Christ drank wine all the time."

"Interesting thoughts. Let's see how you feel after another day of training."

After training, we talked about where to go for dinner. Christi was getting a little more adventurous and wanted to go to someplace different. She said she didn't want to go to a bar but didn't want to go to just another restaurant.

"There must be a place here that's in between a bar and a fancy restaurant."

"Christi, you're in luck. I know just the place."

On a previous visit, I had visited a place called the SafeHouse. I had been there a couple times. It was hidden down an alley and had a small sign that didn't say 'SafeHouse'. When you walked in, there was a small room with a desk, a chair, and a pay phone on the wall. If you knew the password, the person at the desk would press a button and the wall with the phone would swing open to let you in. If you didn't know the password, they made you perform a silly act first. The first time I had been with a buddy, and we were made to stand back-to-back, bend over at the waist, hold hands between our legs and spin around like a helicopter. Embarrassing, but funny. It was even more embarrassing when we were buzzed in and everyone in the place was clapping and cheering. Seems like there was a closed-circuit TV and everyone could see what we did. But it was all in fun and everyone who didn't know the password had to perform also.

I suggested the SafeHouse to Christi, and she seemed interested. But I didn't expect to have to perform an act like we ended up doing.

Chapter 5 - Milwaukee at the SafeHouse

Another taxi ride and we got dropped off at the end of the alley. A short walk and we found the door. When we walked in, the girl at the desk asked for the password. I pretended I didn't know it, and of course, Christi didn't. So, we had to perform a task. Christi was told I had hidden a $100 bill somewhere in my clothes and she had to search me to find it.

"If you're don't feel comfortable doing this, we can go somewhere else."

"No, I said I wanted to be a little naughty this week. This sounds like a good place to start. It could be fun."

She was blushing as she started to check my pockets. First in my shirt, then in my jeans. She started with the back pockets and really hesitated before checking my front pockets. Now it has never taken much for me to get an erection as Christi soon discovered when she reached into my left pocket. At first, when she touched my hardon, she pulled her hand out, bright red and covered her mouth with her hands. The girl at the desk laughed.

"Did you find the $100 bill?"


"Well, it looks like you found something. You better keep looking.

Once Christi realized what the girl had said, she seemed to turn even more red.

"Sorry," I said as I looked at her. "This is probably more than you are ready for. So, we can go someplace else."

Christi had a very determined look on her face as she replied, "No, I wanted to try new things, and this is absolutely new...and naughty."

This time reaching into my front pocket, she checked a little more fully and didn't pull her hand out when she touched my hardon. But she was definitely blushing. When she reached into my right front pocket, she barely hesitated and seemed to check my hardon with even less hesitancy.

When Christi couldn't find the bill on my body, the girl at the desk told me that maybe Christi hid the bill on her body, and I needed to find it. I looked at Christi expecting her to say no, but she blushed and said go ahead.

"Are you sure?"

"No, but I trust you. And this would be something else new."

Trust me? To do something? Or maybe not to do something.

I stood behind her and started with her shoulders, working to her back and sides. Then I dropped my hands to her skirt-covered bottom. It was very firm, and I must admit I felt those cheeks a little longer than I should have. Then I touched her hips and moved up to her stomach.

Before moving any higher, I whispered in her ear, "are you still sure? You know what's next."

She closed her eyes and nodded as my hands reached her breasts. They felt very firm and seemed to be a little larger than her blouses usually showed. I would guess a solid B cup. Then I was further surprised when I felt her inhale as my hand softly explored her breasts and I felt her nipples harden.

I moved to her front. My look asked if she was ready for this, and her nod was only slightly hesitant as she said, "go ahead".

My hands further explored her breasts through her blouse from the front and I saw her close her eyes and sigh. Almost of their own volition, my hands slid inside her blouse with my fingers sliding inside her bra and brushed her hardened nipples. With her eyes still closed, she sighed again.

I reluctantly pulled my hands from her blouse and kneeled down reaching for her nylon-covered legs. Another surprise, she wasn't wearing pantyhose today either. She was wearing nylons with garters again. My hands felt her skin above the nylons, and she sighed yet again.

I looked up at her, "I love women in nylons. There is something sexy about a woman in nylons and garter belts."

Sliding my hands higher, I accidentally brushed her panty-covered pussy and felt her shiver. I also was surprised to discover that her panties were moist.

Our little PK was actually enjoying my hands exploring her body.

I looked at the girl behind the desk saying, "Sorry, I didn't find any $100 bill." She seemed a little excited herself.

"Well, no one can say you guys weren't thorough. Go on in." Then she smiled and pressed the button to let us in. The wall with the phone opened and we were greeted with a rousing applause as we entered. At first, Christi was shocked by the applause, but she was mortified when she saw the TV screens and realized we had molested each other on camera.

Once we were seated, I apologized.

"I should have warned you that we were being watched. But I didn't think we would have to do something like that." I explained about the helicopter spin telling her I thought it would be something like that.

"I can't believe you touched me all over...and I let you. Guess you can say I've been naughty. But you need to promise that you won't tell Kathie & Jennifer when we get back."

"Of course not. I promise. Don't take this wrong, but I must admit I did enjoy it more than I should."

Blushing, Christi replied, "I could tell. When I touched your penis, it was hard. Was that because of me?"

"Yes, no one else was touching me."

"I don't think I've ever made a guy that way before." She giggled and blushed as she said it.

"You probably have, but just didn't know it. You are very pretty and have a nice body...and I should know..."

She slugged me in the shoulder when I said this.

"But no one will ever know, right?"

"Absolutely. I will never tell."

As we were talking, the server came by and left food and drink menus. She came back and asked if we were ready to order drinks.

"We've been talking. It's her first time here..."

The waitress smile at Christi, "It was one of the more memorable shows."

The waitress leaned over and whispered not to quietly, "It looked like you came as he was touching you. Did you?"

Christi looked bewildered at the comments. So, I came to her rescue.

"No, she didn't. Can you give us a couple more minutes?"

As she walked away, Christi asked me, "Did she think I had an orgasm?"

"Well, you did shiver when I was rubbing the tops of your legs."

"Is that what it was? I never felt that before." Again, she blushed.

"Wow, I'm glad I was able to help. But now we better order drinks and then some food."

Christi was quiet as she read the menu.

"If it helps you decide, I'm planning to have a Lynchburg Lemonade."

"You're not drinking beer?"

"Christi, I work for a beer company, and I drink beer all the time. But I like wine or Jack Daniels occasionally. And the Lynchburg Lemonade is a prefect drink for a hot summer day like this."

"Is it sweet?"

Not really. If you want sweet, look at a Harvey Wallbanger, Long Island Iced Tea or Sex on the Beach."

"Sex on the Beach?"

"Oh yea. A little vodka, peach schnapps and orange juice with a touch of cranberry juice."

"Didn't I have vodka last night?"

"Yep, but that was a Vodka Collins. Sex on the Beach is much sweeter."

"Ok, I'll try one. That Vodka Collins was alright but..."

"Really? Why did you have a second one?"

"Not really sure. But it was the first time I ever had alcohol and I thought they were pretty good. But now I'm not so sure."

"Ok, now that that's decided. We should order some food, too."

When I waitress returned, we ordered a Lynchburg Lemonade and Sex on the Beach and some food.

Our drinks arrived first. Christi took a sip of hers.

"This is sweet. And very good. I should have had one of these last night."

"You mean two. Remember you had two drinks last night."

"No, I should have had one after I had the other."

"Then why did you have any? Why are you drinking tonight?"

"I told you I wanted to try new things. Plus, I was worried about what you would think of me if I didn't drink."

"You have got to be kidding. You should never drink because someone expects you to or because you think they expect it. I've been around drinkers and drinking my entire life. I've seen both sides. You should only drink if you want to. Don't ever drink if you don't want to."

"Give me your drink. I drink because I enjoy it. Please don't drink because you think I expect it. My mother never drank. My girlfriend never drinks. I certainly don't think any less of them."

"This one was much better, but maybe you're right."

So, she handed me her glass.

"Good thinking. Would you like something else?"

"No, I'm good. Water is fine."

Then our waitress arrived with our food. And we sat there and talked about work, life, school, whatever topic came up. I also learned quite a bit more about her life as a PK. For one thing, dancing, makeup and dating were extremely limited. For another, her parents were upset she was traveling on Wednesday when she should have been at church. The last thing was traveling with a man her parents didn't know (and probably wouldn't have approved of).

"Really, your parents are worried about you traveling with me? What do they think...all men are rapists? Well, I can assure you I am not. I enjoy sex as much as anyone and I'm willing to bet I enjoy it more than most. But I have never found the need to coerce or force a woman. As the song goes, there's too many fish in the sea."

"How many woman have you been with?"

"Why would you ask something like that? Let's just say I have had my share...and a few more."

"Well, I have only been with one guy - Ron. The guy I'm dating."

"Been with? You mean you've slept with him?"

"On goodness, no. He is the only one I've ever kissed. I've never had sex."

"Well, that is something else besides drinking you should only do because you want to, not because someone else expects it or you think they do."

"That will never happen. We have an agreement to not have sex until we are married."

"I didn't know you were engaged."

"I'm not really. But we've talked about it."

"What if you don't marry him?"

"I'll make the same agreement with someone else; probably also from church."

"You mean you only date boys from your church?"

"So far. Ron is the only guy I've dated, and he goes to our church."

"Well, that's pretty limited. But if you're happy with that..."

"I'm not. I mean I don't mind waiting to have sex. I'm ok with that. But I would like to date someone that doesn't go to our church. I wonder if they would kiss differently," she mumbled with a blush.

"If guys are like girls, I can confirm that each one kisses differently. But I probably shouldn't say things like that. I don't want to embarrass you more than you are..."

"...or make you any more horny than you are."


"It happens when people think of sex They blush and get warm...and girls' nipples get hard."

Christi blushed again as she said, "and boy's penises do too."

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