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Dear Diary - You Need a Password


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Christi reached under the table and her hand found my cock.

"It looks like I'm not the only one."

I smiled because it was true.

"Then I better get you back to the hotel."

"So you can come back her and let her take care of your problem?"

"No, so I can get out of these slacks. They've become quite tight. I need to put on something looser."

"Or take everything off altogether."

"Well, regardless, we better get back to the hotel."

"Can I convince you to take me for a walk? Maybe at the beach?"

"Not a good idea..."

She picked up her glass and finished the last of her drink.

"I can't convince you?"


She smiled and asked, "Are you sure?"

As she said it, she took my hand pulled it between her knees.

"You said you liked women in nylons and garters."

But she didn't stop with my hand between her knees. I had to bend over as she pulled them higher until my fingers touched the skin of her thighs above the nylons.

"I do. It is very sexy to slide my hand up the nylons and reach their thighs. Your thighs are so soft and warm."

"But you don't have to stop there."

She pulled my hand even higher until I realized she wasn't wearing any panties. I was shocked to say the least. I pulled my hand out as I sat back up.

"When did you do that?"

She laughed and told me, "When you were sitting with that girl. I saw in the restroom that she didn't have any on either. So I decided to not only take off my bra but my panties. They're in my purse." She opened her purse, reached in and took them out. Handing them to me, she asked, "Want them? I understand some guys collect them."

"Where did you hear that?"

"Common knowledge."

"I think it's time to leave."

We got up and left, walking to the front of the bar and headed toward the cab stand. As we slid into the backseat, I gave the driver the name of the hotel. But Christi disagreed, telling him to take us to the beach.

"Christi, this isn't a good idea. Remember last night and that was only after three drinks. You said you had five tonight. Your resistance would be nearly zero."

"But I want to be \naughty."

Again, she grabbed my hand and slid it between her knees. But she didn't stop there but slowly pulled my fingers up to her thighs. And then continued until she pushed my fingers all the way to her very wet pussy.

"Who's resisting?" she whispered in my ear. "You get horny and your penis...er...cock gets hard. I get horny...yes, the good little church-going preacher's daughter gets horny...I get horny, and my nipples get hard. And my vagina gets very moist."

Without thinking, my fingers started touched her wet, not moist, pussy and slowly separated the lips so my fingertip could enter. Christi held onto my arm as I touched her and she sucked in a deep breath.

I turned to look at her and saw she had a smile but had closed her eyes. So, I leaned over and kissed her. She forced her tongue into my willing mouth. I sucked her tongue and pulled away to whisper in her ear.

"First off, you are not moist, you are wet. What we would call 'dripping wet'. Second off, like the word penis, vagina is formal and medical. The proper term is pussy. There is another term, but it is very crude. And I rarely use it. So your vagina is not moist...what it is?"

"My...pussy is very very wet. And your fingers are making me even wetter."

"Bury your face in my arm. My fingers are going to do something else. I don't want you to cry out and let the driver know what is happening."

As I said that, my finger slid even deeper into her pussy and slid out, then in then out as I used one finger to fuck her. As she realized what was happening, her eyes popped open and she held my arm even tighter. So, I slid a second finger in. I found I couldn't get past my first knuckle because I met resistance.

"Oh my God, Christi, you really are a virgin."

"Of course. But not for much longer. Please don't stop, It feels so good."

I continued to fuck her with my fingers as far as I could go and she lowered her face into my shoulder. When I figured she was ready, I took my thumb and gently pinched her clit. Her pussy gushed onto my hand, and she bit my shoulder in an unsuccessful effort to not cry out. The driver looked in his rear-view mirror and smiled. I looked back at winked at him.

"Take us to the bandshell. On the beach side."

"Got it. Nice spot."

For the next 10 minutes, we sat in the back of the cab. Christi kept a manic grip on my arm as she kept her face buried in my shoulder as she tried to get her breathing under control after her orgasm. Me, I just kept my fingers at the entrance to her pussy gently brushing her lips but avoiding her clit. I wasn't sure she could handle a second orgasm right away. But I wanted to keep her at a near level.

Chapter 9 - Milwaukee Sex on the Beach

When we got to the band shell, I paid the driver and said if you're back in this area in a hour or so, look for us. I then slid out holding the door for Christi. Without realizing it, she flashed me her pussy as she exited the cab. A strange thought crossed my mind when I realized I had felt her tits long before I actually saw them. Then I did the same thing with her pussy.

Christi brought my attention back to her when she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me another tonsillectomy with her tongue. Not to be outdone, I briefly sucked on her tongue before I used mine to push it back into her mouth and invade her mouth. Our tongues battled back and forth before she pulled back and dropped her arms and grabbed my cock and smiled.

"You must be horny. Your...cock feels even harder than yesterday."

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Glad I caused that. Wait a minute, I did cause that, right? Or was it the girl from Baron's?"

"Oh no, it was definitely you."

"Good. I always wondered if I could do that to a guy."

"With little effort. You seem to be a natural."

We started walking arm in arm around the band shell toward the beach. There were few people. There was a nearly full moon and it reflected off the water. When we got to the beach, Christi noticed that is was mostly stone, not sand like in Michigan.

"How can I have sex on the beach with all these stones?"

I started to offer some suggestions before I realized what she said.

"Whoa, wait a minute. Holding my cock and me touching her boobs and pussy are one thing. But sex is a big step. You didn't seem to regret last night, but I don't want you to regret doing something tonight. It would make work really awkward, and Jen and Kathie would know something happened."

"Listen, I'm 23 years old. I know I'm a...what did you say...a PK? But that doesn't mean I haven't thought about sex for a long time. It's just my life between living at home and going to a strict church of a very strict preacher father has prevented me doing anything more than kiss Ron. There have been nights when I've laid in bed and was very horny so I touched myself."

My eyes must have grown large in surprise.

"Don't look surprised, many girls at our church do. But I never felt anything close to what you did to me in the taxi. I enjoyed it and want to feel it again. I WANT ANOTHER ORGASM!"

Her logic and passion astounded me. I never considered a PK to have those thoughts. And certainly never expected one to admit it to a relative stranger, even though we had known each other for two years.

"Well, if that's what you want, I will be more than happy to give you another orgasm or 10. There are many ways and I bet you would enjoy them all. But sex is something else."

"Ok, Mr. Know-it-all, how about you give me an orgasm or ten and we see what happens?"

"It will be my pleasure. But we should find someplace a little more private. Sex in public is exciting but also illegal. Being arrested may not be the best choice."

"No, but knowing someone could see is pretty exciting."

I put my arm around her waist as she laid her head on my shoulder. At least this way I could be sure she was ok to walk. I saw a relatively sandy area that was near the water but not easily seen unless you are on a boat or at least close to the water. I suggested that we take off our shoes and walk on the beach,

When we got there, I turned Christi around so she was leaning into me. Then I began to kiss her neck as my hands explored her tits. Her nipples were rock hard, as was my cock. She must have noticed because she rubbed her ass on my cock and purred.

"I feel something..."

She brought her hands back and started to stroke my cock as I unbuttoned her blouse and bared her tits. The chills night air made them stand up even more than before. I took and rolled her nipples between my fingers as I kissed her exposed shoulder and she continued to stroke my cock. Gradually, I slid her blouse completely off and set it on some nearby rocks. Then I turned her around and held her back admiring her look. Topless with a skirt that I knew covered legs wearing nylons held up by garters.

"You look beautiful like that."

I pulled her back to me and lowered my mouth to hers and kissed her deeply as my hands found her tits again and then her nipples. She sucked hungrily on my tongue and seemed surprised when I lowered my mouth further and licked her left nipple replacing my hand with my tongue. She shivered and sighed as I drew her nipple into my mouth. When I switched my tongue to her right nipple, I dropped one hand to her ass as my other hand found her bare tit again. As I sucked on that nipple, I rolled the other. She pulled my head tight to her chest.

"That feels so good..."

I dropped my other hand to her ass and used both hands to pull up the bottom of her skirt until I could feel her naked ass. It was as firm as I discovered at the SafeHouse but felt so much better not being covered by cloth.

I leaned her back against the rocks as I kissed her.

Then said, "if that felt good, this will feel even better."

Using my tongue, I traced my way down her body making brief stops to suck each nipple and fuck her navel with my tongue. She sensed where I was going and used her hands to gently but firmly push my head lower.

My hands raised her skirt up to her waist as I saw her pussy for the second time. But this was more than a flash. It was covered with soft curly hair that brushed my cheek as my tongue continued its journey down. When my tongue found her lower lips, I could feel her body quiver and then tense in anticipation. She was so wet; I could taste her honey even before my tongue split her lips to enter her pussy. She held my head there.

"Oh my God. That does feel even better. Don't stop...please...don't stop..."

To make my access easier, I lifter her left leg and set it on my shoulder while I used the increased access to lick her pussy from just below her clit to the bottom near her ass. I also moved my hands to between her legs which gave me a perfect angle to hold her ass which seemed custom made for my hands. Based on the sighs and purring coming out of her mouth, the shaking of her body, and the way she held my head in place, I knew she was enjoying my licking as much as I was.

I continued to lick up and down the full length of her pussy with an occasional brush of her clit when I was near the top. But I avoided giving it too much attention until her purring stopped and her breath was getting deeper and faster. Then I started to push my tongue deeper into her pussy which caused her breathing to be even deeper. Just when I thought she may fall because the one leg still on the ground was shaking so badly, I traced my tongue up to her clit and wrapped my lips around it and gently sucked it into my mouth. It was a good thing I was holding her up because as she exploded her pussy gushed and she lifted her other leg to my other shoulder and wrapped her legs around my neck. I continued to suck her clit and lick her pussy until I was afraid she may hyperventilate.

I held her there gently blowing on her clit until her breathing slowed and seemed to be under control. Then I took her legs off my shoulders and lowered them to the ground. When she was standing and stable, I stood and kissed her.

"Is that me I'm tasting?"

"Yes, your pussy is delicious. Haven't you ever tasted yourself before?"

"No, never."

"Not even when you touched yourself?"

"Not even then. But I never got this wet."

She kissed me this time.

"Thank you. I never dreamed it could feel like this."

"Neither did I. You are amazing. But I need to ask you a favor. Take off your skirt. I want to see you completely naked except for the nylons."

As she reached around to unzip her skirt, she looked at me, "You must be very hard right now. If I can get naked, you can, too. Drop your pants. I want to see your cock again."

So, I undid my shirt and took it off. Then undid my belt and unzipped my slacks. I lowered them and stood there just in my boxers.

"Off...take off your shorts, I want to see it...please."

As I lowered my shorts, my cock popped out. Christi reached out and held it.

"It seems bigger than yesterday. Is that possible?"

"I'm not sure every guy does, but I can vary by as much as an inch depending on what I'm doing and who I'm with. Right now, it is as big as I can remember it being."

"And that's all because of me?"

"Oh yea. I wish I had a camera or a mirror so you could see how amazing you look. I'm surprised there haven't been a 100 guys after you."

As we talked, Christi almost naturally started to stroke my cock.

"Does this feel good?"

"Yes, for sure."

"Can I make you orgasm?"

"Oh, yeah."

"I want to try. How? Do you do it yourself?"

"Well, like you, there are three ways a guy can cum...or orgasm."

"Cum...that's what the girl at SafeHouse said."


"Well, like penis and vagina, orgasm is pretty clinical. Just like you call a penis a cock, and a vagina a pussy, instead of orgasm we say cum or came. In the taxi, I made you cum. And you came all over my hand."

"Hee Hee...we were very naughty. What are the three ways?"

"The three basic ways to make a girl cum are by hand, by mouth and by cock. You've had two of them. There are others, but those are the basic three. When alone, most girls, and guys for that matter, typically use their hands. Together, a guy uses his hands, mouth or cock with a girl."

"So, for a guy, the basic three would be hand, mouth and...pussy?"

"Very good. Glad to know your training this week wasn't just new software for work."

"Will me moving my hand like this make you ...cum?"

"Well, pretty close at least To make a guy cum you will need to do it faster as he gets closer. But most guys would be helping you and telling you what to do when.

"Will you help me make you cum?"

"Of course. When I am this hard, I need a release. An orgasm is that release."

"OK, how's this?" Christi started to stroke me a little faster.

"That feels good. It won't be long before I cum. But you need to be careful...oh...that feels so good...need to be careful that when I get close you point it away from you."

Christi kept stroking my cock and even added her other hand.

"That feels so good. Now faster...faster...I'm close..."

As I got closer, I covered her hand in mine and started stroking myself even faster. Her eyes bounced from my eyes to my cock. She seemed very intent on my reactions to her (our) stroking until I exploded. Christi was so surprised that she moved into me, not away and a couple of ropes landed on her hands and hit her in the belly. But even that didn't make her pull her hands away.

"Wow, that was so...."

"...amazing. That was great. So, how does it feel to make a guy cum?"

"Kind of weird but very cool, I think. And very naughty. Can you cum again?"

"Guys can but it takes a minute to 're-load'. Not like some women who can cum and cum and cum...guys need to rest for a while. How about you? Ready to cum again?"

"Please...but can I cum the third way?"

"By Cock?"

"Please. This may be my last time until I'm married and if kissing is an indication, sex will be boring. This hasn't been boring... "

"Ok, but not yet. After an orgasm, a guy gets soft and needs time to get hard again. But I can do 'by hand' or 'by mouth' now."

"Oh, by mouth. Please...by mouth again. Your tongue drove me crazy."

Smiling, I looked in her eyes.

"Kiss me."

Christi leaned into me and her arms flew around me neck. Her tongue invaded my mouth as my stiffening cock started stiffening and began to poke her belly.

"I think you are reloaded.."

"Not yet, but getting close. You being naked is speeding things up. Want to help speed things up even more...?"


"Kiss me again."

She did.

"Now lick my nipples like I licked yours."

She lowered her head and used the tip of her tongue to lightly lick my left nipple.

"Now lick my navel."

She did but looked up at me with some doubt.

"Do you want me to kiss...your cock?"


She lowered her head even more and using her hand, lifted my cock to her lips and gently kissed the tip. Then she looked up as if looking for further direction.

"Now lick me..."

She lowered her head again and kissed the tip of my cock before licking it. Then she licked the tip again and again before she held up the tip and licked the full length from my balls to the tip.

"You do that very well. Do you know what's next?"

"You want to put it in my mouth..."

"Yes. You've had my fingers in your mouth and my tongue. Now it's time for my cock."

Kissing the tip once again, Christi slowly wrapped her lips around my suddenly and surprisingly stiff cock. First just the head, then slowly another inch and a third inch.

"Be careful, your teeth are sharp..."

She pulled my cock out of her mouth, looked up and smiled and said she was sorry.

"OK, Try again."

Repeating her previous actions, she kissed then licked the tip of my cock before she again wrapped her lips around the head and slowly worked down to the shaft. Visions of Linda Lovelace flashed thru my mind, but deep throat was still mainly a movie, not an action most girls could do.

"Now wrap your hands around the shaft and start stroking like you did before."

"Good, now suck it..."

Christi looked up at me with her lips wrapped around the head of my cock. Without thinking, I pushed my hips forward sliding my cock further into her mouth. She automatically started sucking and using her hand to stroke in time with her mouth.

"That's feels great...now move your head back and forth some more....no, keep sucking and stroking with your hand."

"That's perfect. You are going to make me cum very soon...very soon...very...NOW!"

Christi knew what to expect but was not prepared for the ropes that shot into her mouth and after filling her mouth, dribbled out the sides before she was able to pull her head back. But amazingly, her hand never stopped stroking and the last couple of ropes of cum splattered onto her face.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't expecting that."

"No, I'm the one that should be sorry. I should have warned you. But your mouth and hand felt so wonderful that I was caught by surprise and didn't have time to warn you. But you look so sexy with my cum on your face and belly. Come down her to the water and we can wash it off."

"Not yet. You promised to make me cum with your mouth. Fair is fair."

How can you argue with logic like that? After you take a girl's mouth virginity, it's only fair to return the favor.

Determined to make her have multiple orgasms this time, I leaned her back against the rocks and bowed my head to her nipples. First, I kissed them. The right, then the left, then the right again. Then I sucked them but started with the left, then the right, followed by the left. Her body started shifting to offer my first one nipple then the other without me even having to move my mouth. The nipples seemed to almost double in size as I repeatedly sucked one then the other.

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