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Delusional for a Reason


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She never knew such things and she was having trouble to understand; she was confused.

She wished she had 10% of that power of hers.

When they were at Nelly's house, Nelly ran up the stairs while telling her to get something to drink up there.

When Naomi came to her room, Nel was already in the burgundy set, leaning at the headboard of her bed, sitting long with one leg over the other. She had the other oyster color set dangling on her foot. She still had those loosened socks on.

"Come on, these are yours."

She hesitantly took them and put them on in the bathroom. She was very ashamed when she walked in like that.

"You have an amazing body, Naomi. You apparently don't know how to dress."

This compliment made her feel a bit relaxed. It was good to have a girlfriend assuring her like that. Not that Nelly did that often but still...

She patted on her side, Naomi climbed the bed and gave her a soda. She lied down, supporting herself with her elbows, facing down, looking at her, to listen about Jaden.

Nel's legs were near her face and she smelled a subtle smell.

"Your socks! How many days have you been wearing them?"

"I don't know, maybe three. Why?"

"They smell!"

"No way!" She sat up, held one foot and smelled it. Naomi's eyes wandered on her panties, she saw her slit one more time, this time a bit more clearly.

"You're right. Can you give me my socks? They're in that top drawer."

Naomi stood up and gave her a pair of black ankle socks.

Nelly already started to tell her about Jaden. She was talking about some similarities with Danny, telling her how they both changed quickly when she kept them at a distance. She was telling those because she wanted her protégé to learn things.

While talking, she removed one of her socks, smelled it and held it near Naomi's face, just to annoy her. Naomi was moving her head to keep far from that thing "Stop it, disgusting!"

Nelly was giggling and laughing. Then she stopped and said "To you maybe! Danny kissed my feet when I had those on. I was wearing these for at least three days then."

"You're joking."

"No, one time I even stepped on his head with my other foot when he was kissing one."

"How, Nelly? How could you make him do that?" She wouldn't have believed her if she didn't see her that day. But at that moment, she knew it was possible.

"I'll tell it later. But Jaden is on his way there, I can tell you that."

That made Naomi anguish but she didn't show it this time.

She already accepted her defeat against that girl. She was looking at her, trying to look cool about it. Nelly looked at her, waiting for a reaction. Naomi was still looking at her sock, trying to avoid looking in her eyes.

"Why are you looking like that? Are you considering to smell my socks?" She wasn't joking this time. She thought that Naomi was busy thinking about Danny.

"What? Why would I do that?"

"I don't know. I know any boy would. I never thought about girls and you looked like you were considering to."

That was a silly thing to say, Naomi found it stupid.

"No, I don't Nel."

"Wait, I have to pee!" Nel stood up and left the room.

When she returned, she saw that Naomi was still lying on her bed, busy with something. She first stood there and watched her incredible buttocks in those panties. She felt proud of her friend.

"I'm back" she said. But Naomi didn't notice that.

She was moving her head slowly, looking at something in her hand. She couldn't see what it was. Then she looked around and she couldn't see her sock on the bed.

'Oh, Naomi. You too?' She thought.

This wasn't a boy she wanted to have sex with.

This was her friend Naomi. She noticed that it didn't make much difference for her. If she was smelling her sock, even further, if doing this was making her that oblivious to what was going on around her, that only meant one thing. She was going to try things on her too.

She stood there for a few seconds, thinking about that. That was a new zone, she could find lots of things to do with her. Looking at her body, she thought it could be interesting.

She felt good seeing her do that but there was more. Popular boys feeling weak around her was her personal best. A girl failing to resist her could top that.

This was an arousing thought as well. 'Naomi, not being able to resist, to...' she wasn't sure what she was trying to accomplish. To be closer to Nelly? To satisfy some sort of perverted inclination to her or to her smell? A lesbo thing? It didn't matter much; all were the same for Nelly. They were all new. And she loved how people were defenseless against her charm.

That made her feel even more superior. She was already superior to her. According to Nelly, Naomi was cleaning her house, doing her homework because she needed Nelly's approval. Of course, Nelly was aware that she was playing Naomi to make her do such things.

But wouldn't it be wild if she ordered her to do things for her? Without tricking her to do them?

When she silently walked towards her, planning to catch her like that, she saw her sock on the floor. She probably dropped it when she was standing up.

"What are you doing?" she said, looking at Naomi who pressed her eyeball in the opening of the soda bottle. She was disappointed.

"I thought I saw something swimming in there but I think it was a bubble." Naomi was still looking in the bottle.

"Uhm." Nelly lost her happy mood.

But what she thought mistakenly was alluring and she couldn't get it out of her head. She liked the idea to see a university graduate girl pampering her that way, when she was in her high school uniform. That didn't mean that she was going to make plans for this to happen.

That wasn't who she was.

Instead, she said "Bummer. I thought that you were smelling my sock secretly. I was approaching you silently to bust you doing that! Damn!"

"You're not normal, you know that, right?"

"Why? Wouldn't it be lovely? When I saw you like that, I thought you were feeling the same way those boys did. Oh, I would love to see that my charm worked on girls the same way. I would have forced you to do lots of things if you fell for me!"

That was who she was.

She never hid her thoughts, she found her twisted realities tantalizing and interesting. So, most of the time, even her lies weren't lies for her. And her such absurd behaviors were confusing those people.

"Nelly! You little psycho!" She blushed a bit while smiling. What she said was sincere and funny. And embarrassing. Then she wondered what she meant.

"What do you mean 'you would make me do things'?"

"Oh, I can't tell you that part. If you are curious about them, you have to go down that road." She was already sitting on the bed, with her feet inches away from Naomi's face.

"I mean you have to get caught smelling my socks or doing something like that." She wiggled her toes in front of her face while saying those.

Nadia was looking at her feet, one bare, one with the sock. She was looking at those wiggling toes, those cutest things. But this time Naomi didn't think they were cute. Her words made them look like little, deceiving threats to her.

At that moment Naomi sensed how she managed to do all such things. The naughty, attractive sexuality hidden under her cuteness was surrounding a person without warning. When that person noticed what was going on, it was already too late for them.

As Naomi felt that thrilling concern at that moment.

She was interpreting Nelly's words 'or doing something like that' as 'or you may kiss my toes' while looking at them.

That thought and what Nelly told her about 'making her do things' had a disturbing side effect.

As if she meant sexual things. And, Naomi thought that she was trying to confuse her, using her beautiful feet. As if Naomi wouldn't be able to resist them and fall into her already disclosed trap. She didn't want any of those to happen, even if her feet, especially her toes, looked kissable. Like incredibly cute toys just arrived to the market, something a girl could not resist, even if she was an adult.

Every such thought was affecting her.

At the same time, Nelly was looking at her face, watching Naomi as she still stared at her feet and recalling their conversations about their bet. How Naomi refused her side of that bet, by the exact words "But I don't want to be humiliated like that. Not in front of him. No."

She repeated those words in her head a few times, watching that older girl look at her feet from two or three inches distance.

'What did she mean by "not in front of him"?'

She didn't come up with an answer to that question, it was just a thought.

In fact, there was nothing to think about, Naomi just talked like that, she never had such a confusion at that time.

She pulled her foot back and put on the ankle sock on it. When she was removing her other sock, she started to talk again. Naomi noticed she had been watching her feet all that time, only when she took them away.

But when Naomi was experiencing that confusion, Nelly was already talking about Jaden.

Naomi returned home and she spent hours studying before she went to bed. Where she started to think about Nelly again.

She wondered how good she had to be feeling, how would it be to be her. Having all the boys trying to get her attention, being that confident to think that even girls could be feeling weird things about her.

But she accepted that it was important for her to be appreciated by Nelly, she wanted that. Probably the conversation at the mall made Naomi feel like a disappointment.

The next day, she left early, missing two classes. That was her chance to meet Jaden. Not that she expected anything from that, this was her reasoning to go there.

After Naomi, Jaden left, missing one class. He couldn't risk another conflict with Nelly. His stupid thoughts probably caused him sex with her already. He had to make up for it. And he wanted to see her. He wasn't feeling comfortable since he drove her to the mall.

At that time, Nelly was busy taunting her English Literature teacher.

He gave the class a few pages to read and was sitting at his desk. When Nelly noticed that he was looking at her frequently, she slowly moved her heel up, letting the shoe stay on the floor and she started moving the heel of her foot up and down slowly.

This was about her new curiosity.

She wasn't sure whether this teacher would also be interested in her feet or just her legs; she was wondering that.

The day before, when she thought Naomi was interested in her sock, she had a hunch that her feet were also hard to ignore for people. Danny didn't give her that impression, nor clearly. She just understood that he would do anything for her that day. She just thought he also adored her feet as she played with him longer.

If they were attractive, she had to figure out the reason for that. Was it about how they looked?

The alternative reason was equally intriguing for her. That they belonged to her. That people found them irresistible because they were her feet.

She was almost sure that this was the case in Danny's situation. He was kissing them because he wanted to show Nelly that she was irresistible for him. It could even be to show her that she was superior to him. She wished everyone was attracted to her feet and this was the reason for that.

Naomi's silent stare at her feet after Nelly's tease, was another milestone in her head. She didn't know how and to what extent but she was sure that Naomi had some sort of a confusion at that time, about her pretty stinkies.

She caught him a few times staring at her heel. Then, she removed the shoe, crossed her legs and started to massage her foot with her hand while pretending to read the pages. She stopped massaging and started to dangle her leg and foot, still acting as if she was reading.

When she looked at him, he was ogling her foot, not her leg, her foot.

His cheeks turned red when he was caught but he probably had a hard on when he saw the condescending look in her eyes.

If that perv teacher was a handsome guy, Nelly would probably look at him seductively. But that was enough. She could use her proven power over him if she needed extra grades. She put her shoe on, keeping her eye contact with him.

This part was even better. She loved to see him squirm under her stare, giving her all the confidence she needed.

He was hating himself for his weakness about one of his students. Although he knew she was older than most, she looked like she was the youngest in that class. He also knew it was wrong. Such a thing never happened to him before.

But this girl was different.

At first, he thought that she was very cute and lovely. But it didn't take long for him to discover her darker and attractive side. He just wished that she wouldn't try anything, to finish that semester without getting in trouble. He was almost sure that he had no power to resist her if she wanted to play with him.

When Naomi came to the school, she saw Jaden, leaning to his car, waiting in front of the school.

She hated that. She never had a boyfriend waiting for her like this, let alone a popular boy like Jaden.

And Nelly, a high school girl was going to enjoy that view in a few minutes. She was going to gloat in front of her friends, showing off with her hot boyfriend.

She thought of introducing herself, just to have a chat with him while waiting. She finally had a reason to talk to him, they were both there for Nelly.

But she hesitated, she thought that Nel would prefer her friends to see her boyfriend waiting for her alone, not with another girl. If Naomi was standing next to him, it would be as if they were the couple and they were there to pick their younger cousin or something. Nobody would believe that he was her boyfriend.

For a moment she wanted to do that. That would be something normal in Nelly's perception of friendship. And she deserved it.

But she decided not to, for various reasons. Making Nelly angry wasn't a good idea, for starters. Anyway, she stood a few feet away from him.

On the other hand, Nelly wouldn't have cared. She didn't care what other people thought. She knew Jaden was her boyfriend and that was enough.

Even what Jaden had in mind wasn't that important for her.

When the bell rang, the students started to leave the school. Jaden noticed that there were many beautiful, long girls walking out. Especially when Nelly appeared, he noticed how short she was, near most of those girls. For a second this made him think if this was a mistake, going out with a girl who didn't look older than the others and who was that petite. When they were alone, it didn't bother him but...

Nelly saw him and waved at him once. He waved back. But Nelly didn't see him do that because she saw another girl there and started talking to her.

Jaden kept his eyes on her. Compared to other girls, she was the cutest and most interesting one.

After a few minutes of chat, she started walking towards him. She saw Naomi and smiled at her, changing her direction to walk to her. They talked for a few seconds, Nel gave Naomi her bag, knelt down, tied one of her shoes and fixed her socks. They both walked towards Jaden. Naomi was carrying her bag.

Even what he observed in this short period made Jaden forget what he was concerned about.

She wasn't that excited to see him in the beginning, she didn't show off using him, she didn't even hurry coming near him when everyone was around.

Nelly's self-contentment was enough for him to understand the difference. Not from the other high school girls only. Most of his girlfriends in university weren't that cool. And, she was incredibly cute and beautiful.

"Hi. This is Naomi."

"Hi, Naomi, I'm Jaden."

"Hi, I know you, we're at the same university. In fact, we were taking the same class last semester."

Hearing that puzzled Jaden more.

Nel had another friend from his university. Who was about to get her master's degree soon. And he sort of remembered her, they were in a few classes together.

He wasn't sure if that relieved him or made him even nervous. It was relieving, showing him that it was normal to hang out with a high school girl. It was making him uncomfortable, being seen by her, waiting in front of a high school for his girlfriend, like a loser.

When Jaden was asking her about her department, Nelly said "Let's go, you'll talk later."

Naomi noticed the disappointment in his eyes. He just realized that Naomi would go with them. She felt like dead weight.

"If you have programs, I can go by myself." she said.

"Don't be silly. We'll go to the mall. You'll sit with us when we eat and decide what to do afterwards."

When they were driving to the mall and when they were having something to eat, Naomi tried to talk to Jaden but he was giving short answers only, without showing any interest in her.

At the mall, it was obvious that all he cared about was Nelly. She was about to say goodbye and leave them alone when Nelly said "Let's go to my house."

Naomi didn't want that, she wasn't interested in Jaden anymore, seeing that she was only a third wheel there. But she noticed the similarities between herself and Jaden.

"Ok, if that's what you want." Jaden was acting like Naomi, doing the things Nelly wanted all the time. Nelly wasn't asking his opinion too. She was sure that there were many things she could learn, if she stopped trying to get noticed and started to observe a little.

"You can drop me off at my house on the way. I mean if you want to be alone."

Jaden was saying "Of course we will, do you live close to..."

"No, what's that nonsense? We're alone all the time with Jaden. Right?"

He stopped talking and said "Sure." He was looking at Nelly with pleading eyes.

Naomi adored how Nelly behaved.

If she were in her shoes, she would definitely try to be alone with him. But that was Nelly. And she could see how that was working on him. The more Nel kept him at bay, the more he wanted to spend time with her.

She finally understood that she could learn. But she also knew that she needed more than learning.

Nelly was incredibly beautiful -according to Naomi- and her natural behaviors didn't look like something she could learn and apply.

When they were at her house, she kicked her shoes off and walked to the couch. Jaden followed her and sat near her; Naomi sat on the armchair across them.

A few minutes later, they were listening to Nelly.

She was talking about her school day and both were ignoring the fact that this was a boring thing to do. Jaden was admiring her lively expressions and Naomi was watching them in envy. But she was observing too.

Then, Nelly leaned back, extending her legs towards Jaden a bit. Jaden wasn't sure what was allowed or what could be weird. But he moved his hand to her leg and slowly started to caress her calf.

This was giving Naomi cramps. She was very jealous. She wasn't jealous of Jaden. She almost got over him. But she wanted that in her life. Some boy adoring her like this.

When he was caressing her leg, Nelly slowly moved her leg back until his hand was on her ankle.

Naomi knew what she was doing. She was weird. Instead of enjoying that caressing hand, she was experimenting things.

Jaden looked down and he started to move his hand over her ankle and the top of her foot. All three of them were looking at the same spot. His hand over her foot. Both Naomi and Jaden were thinking the same thing. That petite foot in that sock looked delicate and beautiful.

In a minute, Nel was satisfied seeing him slowly massaging her foot and she started talking about her last class, looking at Naomi. She extended her foot until it was resting on his leg and he didn't stop what he was doing.

Naomi first looked at Jaden to see how peacefully content he was. It was obvious that he was happy doing what he was doing. Then, she looked at the foot he was trying to comfort, how she slowly moved her toes in his hands.

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