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Delving Dungeons, Discovering Dicks

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A young man seeking treasure braves The Dungeon.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/19/2022
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This is my first story.

It contains some Futa on Femboy action, with a lot more planned, enjoy!

All characters are over 18.


Gods that cock was warm.

Siarn hadn't really felt any but his own, so this was quite unexpected to him. His hand was just shy of reaching all the way around it, his fingers couldn't *quite* connect. It's owner was looking down smilingly at him; biting her lip, her nostrils flared. She definitely seemed to be enjoying the young mans hand around her cock, slowly stroking it. The soft little moans she occasionally let out, combined with the look on her face, made him sure of that.

That was also quite unexpected to him: He'd never heard of anyone meeting a goddess in the dungeon. And he couldn't imagine seeing one so beautiful in any temple of the city above. She was taller than him by at least a head, and had a slightly thick, curvy physique that easily put in him mind of nature and motherly care. Which was appropriate, as that's exactly how she had introduced herself: "Eerodet, fertility goddess and protector of the forests."

The forests part Siarn had only picked up on after a few seconds. He could see her hair and long gown were a slightly green shade reminiscent of the trees, but if he concentrated he thought he could also perceive a slight green light coming from here. Her skin wasn't green like an orcs, but she gave the impression of being green, Siarn thought. The small twigs - or possibly tiny antlers? - in her hair, which was also occasionally orbited by a butterfly, really cemented the effect. Sometimes he thought he heard a bird singing.

The fertility part was definitely represented: As well as the thick thighs and ample ass, Siarn thought her breasts perfectly encapsulated that facet of her divinity too. Full, and possibly bigger than his head, with nipples he could see poking out into her gown, they were the only thing that could have torn him from his current focus.

The goddess's cock, he just couldn't stop staring at it. Like her curvy body it also had a strong essence of fertility. Longer, and girthier than his, it must have been about seven inches long. Continuing the stroking, he couldn't believe how warm and just... alive it felt. Powerful. Her balls resting underneath it gave the same impression too, he felt like he could hear the cum inside them eager for release.

"...I-Is that ok?" Siarn hadn't really done anything like this before. Well, except for maybe that barmaid a few nights ago. But he barely remembered that, and wanted to please this goddess as best he could.

"Mmm perfect sweetie," Eerodet cooed back, putting her arm around him and sliding him closer on the altar on which they sat together.

"But don't forget the balls, they need love too." Siarn swallowed nervously, trying to think, "how it had come to this?"


Siarn had arrived in the capital a few days ago, having left behind the slowly decaying village in which he was raised after it was raided again. There was nothing for him there anymore, and it wasn't a life he wanted anyway. He had always meant to make his way to the capital eventually, and this last raid had finally given him the reason he needed. Thank the gods for merciless bandits burning the place down eh?

With nothing but the clothes on his back, and a few possessions and trade goods he had scavenged for sale, he set about town equipping himself. Everyone in the capital and all through the known lands knew about The Dungeon. It had no name (or many, depending on who you asked), and had possibly existed longer than the town that had grown up around it. It was rumored to contain riches, demons, ancient magic, or just a tomb for the first king (again, depending on who you asked). Some said no one ever returned from it, some said the King had, and that's how he became king. It didn't seem to deter people, and there was a huge number of armorers, smiths, and inns built up all around the town to support the large number of delvers that showed up every year.

After selling everything he could, his first stop was the armorer. With the three gold coins in his possession, he expected he could get a pretty decent set of full iron mail or better. The bubbly human assistant at the shops counter was a bit less sure, however.

"Well dear we might have an old breastplate out the back, but I'm not sure it would really be in your size anyway," she said, eyeing him up and down and appraising his height.

"You're a bit short aren't you? I don't think it would really go with the rest of your outfit either."

Siarn was not much over five feet, so he couldn't fault her observation there. His scruffy, medium length blonde hair and slim build didn't give off an impression of size either. And "the rest of his outfit" was nothing more than his regular farm clothes, so he also couldn't disagree that it wouldn't look great, because nothing would look great with those gray cotton clothes. But this would rather reduce his chances of surviving very long if he couldn't find some way to protect himself.

"Maybe some greaves then?"

"Oh honey, they'd be longer than your legs." She looked down at him sadly.

"Well what do you recommend?"

The shop girl thought a moment and motioned him closer, "Don't let Donna find out I sent you somewhere else," she motioned to the back of the shop where a strong looking smith was pounding some metal on an anvil, "but try Tart street, look for Diane's and tell her Villy sent you."

"Will they have something more in my size?" Siarn hoped.

"Oh almost certainly! Remember, ask for Diane and tell her Villy sent you," Villy said with a smile that made Siarns heart skip a beat.

It hadn't taken Siarn long to find Tart street, but he was a bit confused by the shops there. None of them seemed to be armorers, they looked like regular tailors. And hardly any of them had anything that didn't look like a dress, or worse, a tiny two piece silk outfit that some of the shop attendants wore as they hawked their wares.

Siarn could see the shop Villy had sent him to, and while it didn't seem like it had too much in the way of tiny silk outfits, it definitely didn't look like it had any steel or silver plate. Still, Villy had recommended it and he really needed something to wear while delving the dungeon. Walking up to inspect the wares it had on display in the street outside it's door, he searched for something that would cover his legs at least. There were a lot of short black dresses, short shorts, short tops... why was everything so short here?

"Can I help you cutie?" a voice inquired from behind him.

Yelping in surprise, Siarn dropped the red panties (they had to be panties he thought, they were too small for anything else) he was testing the texture of with his fingers, and turned around to see the tall elf who had asked the question. The first thing he noticed was how little of her body the black and white panties and bralette she wore covered. She was thin but tall, with sharp elegant features that gave her look a slight intensity. The second thing he noticed was the bulge in her panties, her elf dick barely contained by the straining black fabric, flanked by two little white bows on either side.

"Um... I..." Siarn stumbled, his thoughts unable to form into any words not about her cock.

"You see something you like?" She asked, moving uncomfortably close to him and seeming to trap him with an encircling arm.

"These perhaps?" She asked, pulling back the red panties Siarn had been trying to figure out moments ago.

"N-No, I... I was looking for..." he stuttered.

"Oh something smaller perhaps? I think a thong would frame that cute behind of yours perfectly." She smiled, though not quite with the same warmth as Villy.

"Villy! Oh, ah... Villy sent me! I'm... looking for some plate mail!" He finally managed.

"Oh she did, did she? Well that's odd because we don't really do armor, what do you need it for?" she asked, retreating slightly and allowing Siarn the space he needed to breathe and try and remember how to talk.

"I'm going in to the Dungeon, and I need to be properly equipped first. I couldn't find anything that fit me at Villy's, and she suggested here."

The elf looked him up and down, and finally with a confused look asked "Aren't you a little short?"

Eventually, she lead him to the back of the shop where the more sensible light leather armor outfits were stored. They at least covered his thighs, and as a friend of Villy's he was assured of a certain level of practicality too.

"It wont stop a heavy blade, but should allow you to move fairly easily, and keep you warm. And it looks much better than what you came in with," She said, glancing with disdain at his ill fitting farm clothes.

His new clothes by contrast, had a comfortable tight fit to them. He wished the shorts extended a bit further down his legs than his thighs, but it seemed like the best he could do here. They had a good belt around the waist and strangely, the other end around his legs had some nice buckles on too.

His chest was covered by a thin fabric shirt, over that a mantle around his shoulders with a thin line of fur, and a short half cape extending around his shoulders to the small of his back, just above his ass. Some good gloves protected his hands, and went well with the shirt. A nice set of leather boots went just above his ankles.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Siarn turned and stretched to test the armor's limits and range, and found it all satisfactory. And pretty good looking too. He said as much to the shop assistant, who had been with him trying things on the whole time.

"I especially like the panties," she said. "Though I still think a small red pair would offset the dark leather perfectly."

Siarn blushed in embarrassment, remembering how long they had spent going back and forth on the right underwear until settling on a reasonable set of boy shorts. And how much the bulge in the elves panties had grown as she insisted he model them for her.

After negotiating on pricing, he got his light armor, a couple of repair kits, and spare socks and underwear for an even gold coin. A third of Siarns current total wealth, but worth the investment, he reasoned.

Next up was a weapon shop. Thankfully, this was simpler as the smiths in this town had made every conceivable weapon at some point in the town's history. Siarn knew by now to start at the smaller end or get questioned about whether a small guy like him was *really* going into the dungeon. He settled on a short sword he could use fairly easily with one hand, longer than a knife but not too heavy for him. This had set him back five silver pieces, leaving one gold and five silver to his name.

Finally he needed rest, and food. The nice Ascarii girl who sold him the sword had recommended the Broken Mattress inn for that.

"Don't worry, the beds are actually very soft," she'd winked, her devils horns curving mischievously from her red skinned forehead. Her name was Akka. He never found out the name of the elf with the big dick barely hidden in her panties who sold him his leather armor.

At the Broken Mattress he secured a room, then food and drink. The ale he got with a wink from the busty barmaid was the perfect cap to the meal. It seemed that almost everyone working behind a counter in this town was a cute girl of some kind. He had seen a few men smithing over a furnace in the back of some shops, but never out front dealing with customers. There had been plenty of men in the streets, like him searching for the right thing to buy, or just strolling around perhaps. Siarn had struggled not to stare too much, doubly so at the ones with cocks. There hadn't been any futanari in his small village, and now he was always near at least one.

It was giving him a lot of confusing, although pleasant, thoughts.

Awakening the next day with a slightly groggy, tired feeling he attributed to the ale and walking of the previous day, he gathered his belongings from around the room and prepared to set out. Strange, he didn't remember leaving everything in such a mess last night, but he hardly remembered anything from last night after the ales it seemed.

Upon reaching the center of the town, and the entrance to the famous Dungeon, he saw a few groups of people around. There were the obligatory service girls selling small trinkets that looked like a miniature version of the Dungeon door. "A +1 good luck charm for your sword!" they were offering.

There was a group or two of adventurers, milling around looking at maps, bounty boards, or otherwise preparing to enter. One or two seemingly solo adventurers like himself also eyeing up the imposing entrance. Siarn didn't exactly feel confident, but he knew if he stopped and looked, or thought, too long he might lose his nerve. And he didn't have enough gold, resources, or skills, to do anything else here.

Walking past them all, Siarn headed straight over to the large ancient stone of the entrance, and walked straight past the columns that flanked the hard stone stairs leading down in to the thick darkness of The Dungeon.

When the darkness and the odd feeling of descent cleared, Siarn found himself in a simple carved stone dungeon. Columns held up the ceilings when they were high, and torches sometimes lit the passageways closer to the ground. Siarn carefully crept along, knowing generally he would need to go 'down'. He passed a lot of odd things; old broken spears, dented shields, tattered rags, and plenty of skeletons. Thankfully they weren't the alive kind yet, but he didn't turn his back to them too much as he passed.

He heard a lot of odd things too. Stones shifting. Water dripping perhaps? And a scurrying. Siarn was fairly certain something was following him now, and decided to lay in wait around the corner of one of the bigger rooms.

When it entered the room, he finally knew what it was: a rat. Not a city rat though, this was a dungeon rat. At least a foot tall (two if you counted the tail!), and not something he wanted sneaking up on him. He took his chance as soon as the rat pondered which way to exit the room, jumping and trying to stab down into the rat with his short sword. The blow landed, but not very well Siarn thought, it might have only connected with a leg instead of the center back where he had been aiming.

Scrambling to his feet, the rat made a swipe with it's claw towards Siarns face. Still scrambling, he managed to deflect it more to his shoulder and the half cape there than his face. Now he was ready though, standing with his sword held out, and ready to advance, he just needed one more good strike on the rat he thought.

The rat leapt, trying for one last strike before Siarn took the initiative. Siarn panicked, moving back but keeping his sword held up enough that he felt the rat connect with it, and when he drove it forwards again he knew that this time the rat would not be attacking again.

Siarn was out of breath, his cape slightly damaged, and his armor covered in a small amount of the rats blood. But he was alive. He could do this. As long as he didn't encounter any more rats as big as this, he thought he could make it out of this floor of the dungeon. His heart began to sink as he heard over his labored breathing the sound of more and more scurrying. More rats. Siarn knew this was bad, he had been very lucky with one, and a group was out of the question. He ran out of the room, as quietly as he could and went down the nearest passageway. The sounds weren't stopping though, they were getting closer. He needed a way out. There were many doorways along this passage, but they all lead into darker rooms, or sometimes just darkness. Those wouldn't do.

He saw one with a dim light emanating from it. Desperate for anything that would scare the rats away, he made a beeline for it. What he saw when he entered it, confused him to a standstill.


Looking around, it seemed like a shrine or temple. The columns and stone here was of a different quality. The alter at the end had a beautiful green cloth on it. There seemed to be light coming from above somehow. Siarn couldn't quite understand what he was seeing for a second as he stood in the middle of the temple.

"Welcome, little one," a soft voice said to him from somewhere.

"You stand in the temple of Eerodet, fertility goddess and protector of the forests." Turning, Siarn saw the voice could indeed have belonged to a goddess.

"Perhaps you are in need of a blessing for this dungeon?" She asked, gently moving towards him to clasp his hands in hers.

"I... there are rats chasing me," Siarn said, looking up past her breasts to her sparkling eyes. She was very close to him now.

"Oh they wont get in here. We'll have some privacy," She smirked down at him. "Now, what kind of boon are you looking for?"

"Boon?" He asked dumbly.

"Yes, many used to come here seeking my boon for help with the coming dungeon, a healing blessing or other charm. It's been a long time since anyone came to me though." She seemed sad at this, and pressed closer to him. Siarn could feel a lot through her gown now - it was very thin, he noted.

"Oh, healing would be very helpful actually!"

"Splendid, come sit here on the alter with me and we'll arrange the contract," leading him to the alter, she sat down and patted the spot next to her.

Siarn took it, definitely too distracted by the nipples evident under her gown now, but managed to move his eyes away from them and ask "The contract?"

"Oh yes sweetie, in exchange for my blessing I need just a little something from you"

"What kind of thing?" Siarn worried, he was getting nervous now. He couldn't fight anything big for her.

"Well, I need help with this," and parting her gown Siarn could now see her rapidly expanding cock. As it began to rise from between her legs, she gestured to it: "A goddess's cum is the greatest blessing of all, and it's been so long since anyone has been here for it. And definitely none so cute," she smiled, bending down to kiss his cheek.

"Oh, um... that's..." A nice cock, Siarn thought. No, wait. Not what I should be thinking. The goddess slowly began stroking her cock, and Siarns eyes couldn't help but follow.

He did the like the look of it. And the look of the Eerodet. And he *did* need all the help he could get. Maybe just a little bit of stroking the goddess's cock would be ok.

"Here, you try," taking his hand, she put it on her cock and began working it up and down with him.

Gods that cock was warm. And bigger than his. And kind of nice.

Siarn was pretty sure he hadn't done this before, and definitely not for a goddess. But he really needed that blessing...


"...I-Is that ok?" he asked, trying to concentrate on obtaining this goddesses blessing.

"Mmm perfect sweetie. But don't forget the balls, they need love too."

And so with his other hand he reached out to cup them. Just like her cock, her balls were bigger than his too, but somehow the roughly egg sized hairless balls retained a sense of cute feminine beauty.

"Mmm that's it, nice long strokes for your goddess," Eerodet moaned.

Siarn couldn't deny her cock, and her whole person, was beautiful. The moans she was making were also pretty encouraging, and thinking he was doing a good job he felt emboldened to kiss her breast through it's fabric.

It was head height for him, and right in front of him. Practically begging for attention. Planting a long kiss near the nipple, his hand still working the shaft of her cock a little faster now, she gave another cute moan.

"Oh! Let's get those puppies out for you, give me lots of attention around the nipples," and adjusting her gown, Eerodet managed to get her curvy breasts spilling out.

Siarn was in awe of them. He wasted no time sucking one nipple, he gave it a little teasing bite and kiss before circling around it with more kisses.


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