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Deviant Empire Pt. 01

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Will takes his first steps into the casual sex empire.
4k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 01/04/2023
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Author's note: This story is my attempt at putting to paper a roleplay I have enjoyed with another person. It will have sex, but it will also have a lot of story, build-up and maybe even some philosophical questions. A good number of things have been changed from the original, but I have attempted to keep the flavor of that journey of discovery.

Later down the line we will engage in some more interesting kinks like bisexuality, incest, domination and toilet play.

To my man Clay, who helped me flesh out this story and will be a trusted appreciator of porn with plot.


This time Will would get laid. Yes, he said that when he went to that concert, and to college, and to the prom, and when he went to Japan.... Worst mistake of his life. But... this time he would most certainly get laid... because he was heading to a place that was downright infamous for their attitude about sex. And he had his mind on that despite all the other wonders he was seeing.

He was in this relatively small room, sitting on a bed while looking at this "window" that showed the increasingly shrinking blue planet. What the man was seeing was not the view as allowed by a pane of glass separating him from space, but the surprisingly detailed and real time footage from a camera mounted on the outside of the shuttle that came to pick him up. The room was surprisingly modest, reminiscent of a hotel room worth three stars, with your usual bed and bathroom, chairs and a bit of storage space, though the man was a bit curious what was up with the artwork on one particular wall. Though for now his concerns were sex and space... because he was certainly in space... Earth was becoming smaller and smaller as he watched it stay put behind them.

Will considered himself your average dude, 25 years old, decent middle class job, claiming a decent apartment that he managed to keep paying off with his salary. His slim build and relatively delicate face as well as the short cut brown hair made him look no better than most, and thus his prospects have been quite low. When he was given the news for what he was selected for, the man could only thank blind luck.

A few months ago Earth was contacted by aliens... very advanced aliens... and most surprisingly they were also human... for the most part. The public might not have even known if the vessel that arrived in the system did not broadcast their message on every electronic device that could receive it, for a few minutes, the Earth gasped as a blue-skinned woman seemed to speak in a way that all could understand her, providing their greetings from the so called Astoria Empire. To say that things went crazy is an understatement.

First came the incredible enthusiasm for another contact in this cold universe, the possibilities of their advanced technology that might as well put every nation on the planet millenia behind them... and the incredible desire for blue skinned babes. When the mixed species delegation came around, the fact that they had humans was far more interesting to the fact that they had furries as well... and a few more races.

Then came the much more difficult negotiations of how they should proceed as well as more knowledge of this empire... insistently being available to the public. Earth obviously wanted the shortcut to the advanced technology and whatever societal reforms they have mastered. The Empire agreed to send over many scholars to help Earth begin its own ascent in using such knowledge to progress on their own without any cultural disruption... and this was the time when people found out what would be THE primary title that the Empire would be referred by.

You can be the winner of every war in the galaxy, as they were, you can be a place where science and progress are rewarded and practical, you can achieve peace in your lands without violent means... but if you allow casual sex to be a daily occurrence, you are the deviant empire forever. The Empire was a place where fucking seemed to be a thing done as easily as conversation, with no concern for established couples, gender, status, relationship and even.... Familial bonds. When the news broke, the public was split into various opinion groups, some saying they should not even interact and avoid any "corruption" by this depraved society, some... mostly people very eager to engage in such sex... almost shouted that it was better than what they had and it should be a priority to adopt their ways... and others were of mixed or more tame opinions... caution, curiosity or debate.

Will was not here to debate. As a man with his virginity unfortunately intact, he was here to have sex until he could return to more conquests to his name than any of his acquaintances could claim. This trip was a great opportunity... an exchange program to help the two civilizations understand each other. Of course, those of Earth had a list of the ten thousand people who should benefit of this trip, in descending order of accumulated wealth, influence and celebrity... but that got spoiled when the Empire equivalents instead made for a random selection among earth's people... with some exceptions that were very unfit to go. Hundreds of shuttles would descend to the planet to pick up the notified happy winners... some ecstatic, some horrified... and some quietly accepting this as well as some other propositions. In exchange, Earth would get ten thousand of their finest scientists, sociologists and economists to advise on the progress.

So far the higher-ups were quite unhappy as they have consistently not gotten their way, but so far they had to do it as the aliens wanted... they barely controlled one world and the Empire had ten... and something that was hard to classify. But what the experts would start recommending would make them even more upset. This would not be the concern of the man for a while.

The trip was promised to be a one week cruise to the empire systems aboard what can only be described as an interstellar cruise ship, followed by a two week stay on their planet of choice... and that choice respected, even if they wanted for some reason to go to the military border worlds... and then one more week cruising back. No luggage, no money and no worries... they would take care of everything.

But the man had been delaying this for far too long. A bit of internal turmoil as he considered IF he should go ahead with this. They had to participate in a small seminar to give them the absolute basics, which so far made the place seem at least civilized and with some laws and morals. The attendant that helped him find his room was not naked, but wearing a sleek blue uniform that almost matched her blue skin tone. After enough internal debate on the subject, he stepped towards the wall terminal that contained a handy button to call his assigned attendant before sitting back down on the bed. He resisted the desire to undress as if he just called a prostitute.

It would not be over a minute until the door to this room would slide open to have the blue skinned babe step in. She looked fairly young, perhaps in her twenties, with no sign of aging setting in. The smile and presentation reminded the man of a stewardess, her features very human, other than the odd skin and hair color... An artist might describe her skin as "french blue" and her hair "sapphire", a delicate face and piercing indigo eyes, slim body with notable but not outrageous front features.

This was one of the Tan'a, more often referred to as Tan. A unisex race of completely hermaphroditic individuals which thankfully resembled blue women with very present tits, pussies... and cocks. Their rumored mental affinity for things that might count as pure psionics attracted plenty of comparison with another unisex race of blue space babes with magic powers. From what Will knew, they were by far the most religiously inclined of all the species of the Empire... though he was still unsure what their religion even was. Most imagined any society this advanced to have done away with it entirely... which made the church nervous should Earth take up their ways.

"What can I help you with, sir?" There was only a small distinction between their voices and human, just a bit of distortion that made one still feel as if they were not quite so... but her mouth matched the words she said... she was speaking clearly and... almost British accented english.

"I... ahm... Well... Please don't take this the wrong way..." How could they take it the wrong way? He was told he could ask them as long as their job was to attend to them. But years of his own customs do not evaporate overnight. "Well... if I could ask you for sex... if you don't mind." There was a mental beating. That must have been his most terrible request for such a thing.

And yet, she smiled.

"Certainly. We do have a bit of time for it. Just a quick thing to pop off the need or... something more engaging?" The woman... of whom he did not even learn the name of yet... no nametags... came closer to the almost shrinking boy.

"Ah... something... quick. Just... I don't want to take too much of your time." This was far more difficult than he thought... more in his own behavior. How do you just ask someone to have sex? And yet... he heard an approval. The man's heart jumped... though his cock was very much soft and tucked in his pants.

"Very well... any... preference?" Another step forward... her hands sought out the material of her outfit that covered her tits... in a remarkable move, she would take hold of her outfit and practically rip a hole in it to have two blue titties come out to breathe... two hand-portable orbs topped with that most important part where one assumes milk comes out of. There was a stray thought whether their milk is also blue. It is most certainly not.

Will was seeing titties. In real life and not on his computer or in old magazines... He was struck speechless as those things were so close he could touch. The dramatic shirt tearing was out of his mind already... though he strangely did not hear fabric tearing... and neither was any material hanging. Her outfit now had a hole as if the tailor had made it there from the beginning for her puppies to get some sun. And once again he had no bloody idea what to say.

"Uh... how about... you recommend it? I'm just... so terribly new at this." That felt like the most sensible thing he said so far. "Just... do as you think is best." He had to get some more confidence... maybe starting with knowing what to ask for. He could not even consider the simple vaginal sex. Though... with these "women" it was a bit more difficult on account of his existing conditioning.

Other girls might have laughed. But she... stepped forward to sit next to the boy, taking an expression that had less airline smile in it and more... friendly.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you feel like you've never had any... which... is hard to consider, but we just de-virginized about five people already here." Some much more confident and quick to answer people. William could only hang his head.

"That obvious, huh? But I thought... you guys were... open to it."

"Well, yes... But I feel like you're just throwing away yours. Not saying I'm not great, but... you know, sex is more than that. And you should have your first time be real special and not just a quick and dirty, get it out of the way thing. Something to remember well. Someone to remember well." Her boobs were still exposed, yet the man's gaze was fixed on her face now, that aspect being more of a background detail.

"I thought you people saw sex as something... without consequence. So... I should go and find someone I care about?"

She gave a shake of the head. And then paused.

"Well, yes... but if you mean find your soulmate and stuff like that.... Nooo. That can take forever. Someone memorable. A good friend, your mom, sister, dad, brother..."

Will had to shake the intruding thought away. His MOTHER?! Sister?! He was certainly not even willing to entertain such a thought. The last time he had a dream going in that direction he woke in cold chills. And he most certainly was not into men. Thankfully, he was certain that his family was far away. No way any of them got on this trip. Hopefully he would not know anyone here.

"Eeeew... NO! How can you just... fuck your family? That's like... so wrong!"

This prompted her to laugh.

"Oh, you can do it wrong, plenty of wrong. Especially with how you guys think about sex. But if you do it right..." A wide, guilty smile. The implication that she did fuck her mother. Well, both her parents. Tan considered the birthing parent to be the mother and the other to be the father... and as such you could have siblings with the two reversed.

But the young man caught onto something which he did not yet know well. They clearly thought wrong of how these people perceive sex. Perhaps it was a quick judgment... you see someone not doing things as you do them and suddenly they are a degenerate. For once, he put his desire to get his noodle wet to the back of his mind and put forward some curiosity.

"How do you guys see sex? I mean... explain it to me like I apparently have no idea how it works. Because I don't. They didn't cover that." It sounded like the seminar should have been much longer than an hour.

The girl put her hand to her chin to think just how to explain it. This was certainly not in her duties, but didn't mean she could not try. Eventually she remembered the words she was taught.

"Think of sex... first of all... as a conversation. Yep, there's a lot of eager thrusting, touching, so on and so forth, but you have two people coming together... How do they talk? Let's for a moment stop even calling it sex. Let's call it talking. You're at home with the family, relaxed... how do you talk with them?"

Another cringe from the man. "Can we please stop mentioning my family? I don't even want to picture them naked."

She gave another chuckle.

"Sorry. For me, it's quite natural. Okay, I'll answer that. With your family, you're relaxed, trusting, but still a bit... detached. You know these people want your goodwill... most of the time... so you can tell them most of everything... you can talk in just about any way."

Will added a mental "except stuff related to sex". Heck, he could not even mention what flavors of porn he likes to his family. And he had no plan to do so.

"Let's... go with that." He tried not to leave the metaphor.. "But, not getting what you mean yet."

"Alright... something else. You're outside and sitting in the park, and let's say you meet some acquaintances... people you know by name and face, but not by much else. How do you talk with them?"

He felt like he was at some sort of societal behavior exam.

"I guess... guarded, but sharing in some inconsequential things, casual, but not... invested too much. Something that happens, but it's not the highlight of any day."

The attendant smiles. She repeated his words.

"Something that happens, but it's not the highlight of any day." Beat. "That how you want your first time to be like?"

When she put it like that... it sounded pathetic. Heck, it sounded like it was better he just not do it instead.

"No... that sounds... terrible. Okay, maybe I get where you're coming from."

"Mmm... okay, one more. But let's say you meet a friend... someone you enjoy talking with, share some passion with... you've got time, you've got plenty to tell them... how do you talk to them?"

At this point, William was not even considering what the metaphor was supposed to represent, and just replied automatically.

"Hey, if we'd have time, we'd get into everything we could. Sit down, talk at length, relaxed or maybe quite passionate. I mean, we aren't sharing big secrets or stuff like that, but we've got something to help the conversation go along, if we've got a lot to catch up with, could be quite a while, maybe even get some drinks and..."

The girl beamed with a wide and smug smile. The man was so taken with his answer that he forgot what he was supposed to be describing. Only her smile made him remember... and notice... and finally smile.

"You're good."

"Thanks. But just... decently good. Sounds a lot better, mmm?" She proudly asked him the question.

"Sounds like a completely different ballpark." Pause. "I'm Will." He held a hand out for her to shake... for a second forgetting the age old customs as she took it to give a brief shake.

"Ahri. So... got anything in mind now?"

The man scratched at his head.

"Honestly, I still don't quite get it... how can you just... think of it like that? For us, sex is just what married people do... or should do... at least after a lot of dating, getting to know each other, so on."

"Well, I heard that you don't quite wait for it... so that's not really holding up, is it?"

Will had to give a laugh for being called out so hard.

"Yeah, no kidding. Nowadays, it feels more like you have to fuck a few times before you get to marriage. And some don't go there. Unless they get pressured because of... well... the result of it." He assumed that for them sex was still for reproduction. "Wait... do you guys still make babies this way or you got growth vats or something like that?"

She just kept being amused by his ideas.

"Yes, sex still makes babies. But you get yourself a nice contraceptive implant and you have no worries forever." Whatever that was, Will imagined a line that contained every male on his planet and half of the women willing to get it. "But... sounds like you're closer to us than you admit. I think it's because you only pretend to follow your religion while we hold to it well."

Religion... another curious question. But he was derailing. Curiosity was being sated, but there was a pair of tits over there and he was not touching them yet. A finger held up.

"Hold that thought. So... ahm... why is this not easier? Now that we kinda... got over that moment.... Think we could... do it?"

Her azure features held that teasing smile.

"Got any inspiration on what we could do?"

"Well... I guess it does not count if it's not... you know... in the pussy. I think." Beat. "You guys really have both things?"

Suddenly, the prospect of his partner having a dick was really dampening his desire. The tan once again reached to the area she wanted exposed to just part the material and what was just the hint of a bulge would free the contents to hang loose... and yep, that was most definitely a blue penis. The fact that it was attached to a woman did not deny its presence.

"Yep... here you got the... hard part." A smirk before she reached down to cup her hanging nutsack and lift it, bending a bit back to show what was behind it... just as the skin once again stuck to her, it would part in a clear cleft that was the holy grail of many men. That was indeed a pussy. "And here you have the fun part. So, how you wanna go about it?"

All these choices... won't she just pick for him? The man considered a way that would minimize the presence of that dick... and one idea came in mind as he started to describe doggy style, her on all fours on the bed, the boy coming up behind her. Just as Ahri was taking position, also pulling up the fabric covering her ass to show one smooth and round behind that looked tempting to grab, Will rushed to remove his pants, the prospect of finally fucking helping him to get back in the mood.

Words would be used less as they started to actually get into it, the man's rod being unveiled, on the better side of average, nesting in a tuft of hair... the two parts of anatomy would finally come together as he knelt behind her, hand on the object of focus to guide it in place, nervous as all heck... she was warm, practically scalding, her skin having a strange sensation that was clearly different to human, but that part down there was just as he might have imagined it... wet and warm as he let a soft moan sinking his tool in her "fun parts" as the man tried to forget the swinging balls and dick that were just occasionally touching his own nutsack. By the rules of the bro code, as the balls have touched, he is already gay.


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