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"I've figured that out. Please believe me, I'm easy about that."

"Good, I accept your assurance. Now, no more talk about it. When we get back I'll give Kade her lesson on Flo her pony, taking Tyson in his old backpack and we'll go all the way to Dry Creek so that gives you an hour to poke Josie if that's what you two want to do on your last afternoon together for a fortnight."

Rex grinned. "I like the way you think."

* * *

Rex carried his nude wife from the kitchen table to the more comfortable sofa.

"Don't let them see us like this."

He wiped sweat from his forehead on the towel hanging out from between her thighs. "We'll hear them coming."

"Are you sure you are happy for me to proceed with sex tuition with Dick?"

"Yes, I have no objection whatever and when the lessons are completed you can bang him whenever you like whenever I'm away. I don't like the thought of you being lonely and we both know you love having sex. Just don't fall in love with him, okay?"

"Okay, I promise."

Rex kissed her and said, "With all that reconfirmed, I suggest we don't talk about this again."

"Do you mean never again?"

"Just don't talk about it unless we feel it's necessary to do so is fine."

Josie reached down and squeeze Rex's butt. "What you just said exactly replicates my thinking my darling sweet man. I'm off to the shower. I'll want another big piece of you tonight if you're up to it."

"Oh I'll be up to it, right up it," he said lewdly, climbing off Josie and carrying her to the bathroom and enjoying her sensuous grin.

Little Miss Pony Rider came into the house, looking a little tired but triumphant.

"I rode Trixie all the way to Dry Creek," she told her mom proudly. "Then I fell off."

"Ohmigod, Dick promised me he wouldn't allow you to fall off."

"Well he did."

Josie, looking anxious, rushed to the six-year-old. "Where are you hurt darling?"


"But he allowed you to fall?"

"But that was pretending. Dick showed me how to fall and roll so I miss getting hurt bad. It's like gym. He says after more lessons I'll be good."

"Oh darling. I'm so pleased you are not hurt. Where is Tyson?"

"Riding Trixie for the first time."

Josie looked at the doorway startled. "But he's only four."

"Dick said boys at the prison rode on a big horse when they turned four. Don't worry mommy, Dick knows more about children and ponies than you do."


Rex who'd come into the room pulling on his cap said, "Yes prison. Even a kid without much formal education like Dick knows the word institution would be a stumble for Kade at her age. He used a word she'd know."

"How does my daughter know what the word prison means?"

"Because I heard him explain it to them the other day when Tyson was pretending he was shooting an eagle. Dick explained about the eagles being protected and people who killed them could go to prison if they were caught. Do you think Dick is the only person around here gaining an education?"

"Ohmidgod, he's teaching Kade and Tyson good from bad and how to protect themselves, something that is our responsibility."

"Yes, and what's the surprise about that? You often go on about him being family. He's taking collective responsibility."

"Come along Kade, bath time. And Rex, thank you for teaching me something. I'd not thought about."

"Well you do know he's a good guy. Here he comes now with a very happy looking Tyson. I'll get Dick to drive me down to the depot to pick up the truck as Clive said it would be loaded by 5:00. It will be Dick's first drive into Random and back so could you arrange to take him in for his DMV written test towards getting his temporary driving license any day soon? That's another advance in his education -- our boy is coming along so fast. Oh, by the way, I've found you've have him using words and sentence construction I don't attempt."

"Well, he wants to improve himself darling -- that one of the few differences I see between your two otherwise you could almost pass for brothers."

"Two brothers would make Dick my daddy's uncle."

"No Dick as daddy's brother would be your uncle darling. Has he talked to you about that?"

"Yes, we talk a lot and he tries to make Tyson talk to us instead of just listening."

Josie laughed. "It appears I'm becoming redundant around here."

"Dick says you are the best mother any girl could have and I'm beautiful because I'm so much like you. He said if Tyson grows up like daddy he'll do fine. What does do fine mean mommy?"

"It means he loves us as if we are his family," Josie said, turning away to brush at the corners of her eyes.

Chapter 5

Arriving in the kitchen next morning at 5:45 in her nightdress and rubbing her eyes, Josie smiled at she saw father and daughter bent over a storybook.

"Where's Dick?"

"He cooked our breakfast while I finished getting ready and he's gone to the lower dam to begin fencing around it. He said to tell you to expect him back around 5:00."

"That's near enough to a 12-hour day without company."

"Take the kids out and have a picnic with him them. He's taken his lunch but would swap that anytime for your cooking, just as I would. Here's gone early so he won't be in the way when I leave."

"He wouldn't have been in the way."

"No, of course not. He's sure thinking softer that when I first met up with him. That's your influence."

"You say the nicest things to me."

* * *

Dick had almost completed the first corner bracing system when he heard the heavy sound of the big 18-wheel truck go down the access track and turn on to the main highway. He took off his hat, ready to wave it when the rig and driver came into view. He waved and Rex sounded the air horns in acknowledgment, blasts that would be heard by Josie at the ranch house. Rex would be away three nights, home one night and away four nights and then away six nights and he hoped to be away again on another big OTR (over the road) of at least six nights to finish in one stint because the truck was then due to go in for two-day servicing.

Nearing midday Dick's heart leapt when he heard the sound of the pickup -- he'd driven out in the tractor with the trailer loaded with fencing gear.

He waved and when the vehicle stopped, Josie leaning on the door grinning, watched the kids run to kiss him as if they hadn't seen him for days rather than not since the previous evening. He yelled, "Just some posts to staple on this last wire and I'll be over."

Josie waved and she lifted some toys out of the freight box for the kids.

Dick approached the group cautiously wondering whether he should kiss Josie. He usually did but Rex would be there. This was different.

"Aren't I to receive a kiss?" Josie complained.

Little Miss Big Mouth called, "Yes, kiss mommy or else she will think you don't like her."

They kissed, a little longer than usually because she had a hand behind his head.

He pulled sideways to break away. "Er, I'm hot and sticky."

"So, don't you like me?"

Dick tried not to choke. "More than you can believe."

He saw her eyes widen and knew it hadn't been a waste of time rehearsing that line while he'd hammered in those last staples. He hadn't been sure whether he should say 'can' or 'could' but 'can' sounded okay. Keeping it simple meant he'd said it without stumbling. Apart from the wide eyes he was sure she'd blushed. He'd also gone in for the kiss at the right angle so their Stetsons hadn't collided. She'd taken off her sunglasses just before kissing so he wondered if the big eyes look had at the ready and was a fake. Well the perfume wasn't faked and he knew she usually only put it on before dinner when visitors were expected. She was setting him up to fuck him. What about the kids?

Tyson was almost asleep eating his second sandwich. When he'd finished Josie held him to have a pee and then put him in his safety seat in the cab and he was asleep before she'd closed the door. She then placed the rug in the shade for Kade when she yawned and said she was sleepy.

Dick wondered if it were the moment he'd be waiting for, that Josie would fall to the ground and say, unzip darling. He decided to force the pace but she didn't initiate as he'd expected, so concealed his disappointment and said, "I'm off back to work."

"Fine, thank you for stopping to have lunch with us. I'm amazed you have completed that first section so quickly -- you seem to work faster without Rex."

"I've pressed the button because I don't want him coming home and saying, 'Is that all you've done?' You know how it is."

"Yes, and I know what they say is men are just grown up boys, competing at everything. How many lines did you have to stake out?"

"Eight because the lake has those arms, but the shorter stretches won't require full bracing, just an angle anchored post cut-in to a strainer will do."

"I see. And where does the gate go?"

"What gate? Oh fuck -- oh excuse me. We've overlooked it, what dopes. We need to get in with the tractor for delivering larger trees to be transplanted and to excavate and bore smaller holes."

Josie laughed and said men needed a woman for a purpose not associated with sex. "I won't tell him you guys fouled up. Hang the gate on a short flat stretch and you won't need full bracing."

"Er, the gate?"

"There are three metal gates inside the barn up in the plateau barn. The kids love going up there. We'll get it tomorrow before we come down to lunch with you and yes I'll remember the hardware."

"But how will you...?"

"Load the gate by myself? I may be a woman but I am muscular or haven't you noticed?"

Dick looked away.

Josie chuckled and said, "You're still shy of me, aren't you, despite banging Molly and her three friends?"

"Ah, yes."

"Dick you listen to me. There's very little that's soft about you but I reckon I see a thaw. You are soft with the children and you respect me but when I mention anything to do with my body you practically go into meltdown. Please retain that particular softness with me and remember, most women like a bit of softness in their men."

"Right, is it okay for me to get back working?"

"Very okay. I have a book with me but tomorrow I'll bring gloves and assist you. I've done a bit of fencing before."

"It's barbwire."

"Most of our fences are darling. Off you go."

That night nothing. When Josie came out from Kade's room and Kade called for him Josie kissed Dick, pressing a little against him he noticed, but she then yawned and said she was off to bed for a quiet read. After reading Kade asleep he went to his bedroom and read for a while but during the night he wasn't called to her bedroom.

He left the house at 5:15 next morning so didn't see her in her flimsy nightdress. If he had waited till she appeared he would have sneaked a look at the state of nipple arousal, if any.

Late morning Josie arrived with the in the pick-up, both kids asleep, and he unloaded the gate and she carried the hinges to the post already in place. He started the power auger and the kids slept on. Josie helped him align the auger to drill straight and at the right angle and after they hung the gate she complimented him on a fine job.

"Do I deserve a kiss?"

"Yes you sexy man."

She kissed him and walked away saying, "Start the tractor and drill the hole for the gatepost to take the fastener. It won't matter if the kids wake up as they both have had a long sleep."

When finished Dick walked over to the pickup and sat on the ground, leaning against the back wheel and arch. Josie tossed him a can of beer and walked over with her juice and lay at right angles to him and rested her head on his stomach. He eyed the swell of her breasts within easy hand reach. Instead of asking him to seduce her she began teaching him about different political systems around the world. What for he had no idea but eventually they heard the kids talking and soon were having lunch.

After lunch Josie made the kids promise they would stay no more than six steps away from the pickup and Kade promised she'd look after Tyson and not allow him to stray. Josie jumped on to the tractor and began boring postholes where the markers were. Although surprised that she had asked what he wanted her to do, Dick checked the first hole she'd drilled and knew instantly there was nothing he could teach her about that job. He began filling holes with posts, shoveling dirt back in a bit at the time and compacting it with the rammer. With twenty-four holes drilled and looking for variety in work she shoveled in dirt while he rammed and later they switched. Dick noticed the sweat forming around the shape of her boobs.

"You're sweating."

"I know. I'd strip and show you how wet my tits are but it's almost time for me to go. You're an asshole keeping up such a pace -- you've worn me out."


"Rex says working with you is like a punishment and I do know he comes to bed tired. And how do you think I know that?"

"He yawns?" Dick grinned.

She laughed, said that was a cheap shot and threw a shovel of soil over him. Then regained their rhythm until they heard the faint call from Kade, "Mommy, we want to go."

"They've been great kids. Go but give me a kiss." They kissed but not before she deliberately placed his hand on her breast, watching him carefully.

Dick kept up the pace for the remainder of the afternoon despite having a constant erection that had built as soon as his hand touched Josie's breast. It didn't subside so when he'd loaded the trailer he leaned against the tractor and masturbated to vivid images crowded his mind. He then drove home, heart singing, ready for the fuck of his life, or so he thought.

He went to bed gloomily, almost shattered, because nothing had changed. They'd been there normal selves even after the kids had gone to bed.

Frustrated and unable to comprehend why she hadn't made a real pitch for him he rose from reading a rancher's magazine and said, injecting hope into his voice, "Well (stretching) I guess bed calls."

In dismay Dick saw that Josie, on the other sofa, had her head tipped back, mouth open, and was asleep. He needed a woman, the thought of having a woman on her knees before him pained him deeply. He staggered off to bed feeling wretched but within minutes became aware he was drifting off to sleep.

He went out at 5:15 and the sky was as gloomy as his mood. All through the morning he thought of the kids having their home schooling and in his mind succeeded in not attempting to undress their teacher. It was almost raining when they arrived to have lunch. It was decided to have that in the cab, which was a bit of a squeeze. Josie was relaxed, her usual self but whenever she glanced at him she seemed to be wearing a slight frown. She made no mention of falling asleep on the sofa so no way, thought Dick, would he mention it.

That evening the tension within him continued to keep him unsettled. After checking that Jade was asleep Josie came back into the living room and lay on her sofa. She hitched up her dress and said, "Dick, over here on your knees. I want to teach you how to really pleasure a woman with your tongue and fingers."

Dick was out of his chair so fast he almost tripped. He felt like beating his chest and howling at the moon, figuratively, because the moon wouldn't rise till later and then would be concealed by heavy cloud.

* * *

Far to the north-east, Rex with a new load for the homeward-bound journey nosed the truck into the parking lot reserved for rigs and locking up yawned as he went to the side door of the restaurant marked, 'Truckies Only'. He entered the back room reserved for the guys who hauled freight regionally and those who hauled really long distances.

One of the prostitutes permitted to hang around appeared at the far door and looked at him. He shook his head, she smiled thinly and went away.

Rex was served a beer just as the outer door burst open and in walked Kate, an OTR who drove a 22-wheel rig as well as many men and probably better than most. She called out "Hi guys' and the dozen guys responded.

"Another beer on Rex's tab for me please Judy," called Kate and she walked over and chatted to three guys at one of the tables, also long-distant truckies. She then came up to Rex's table where he was alone and he said, "Your arrival could be a gift from the skies."

"Oh yeah, feeling randy are we?" said the forty year old.

"Could be unless you are exhausted or have better things to do."

"Nope, it's fine. You are one of the better guys for me when I want a cuddle. Cruising sweetly?"

"Very much so apart from the stupidity of tailgaters."

"Yeah, they should be banned from the road."

A little over an hour later when paying for two meals and leaving a tip, Rex said, "What's next?"

"Your sleeper or mine?"

"Yours -- you always have clean sheets."

Next morning on the road Rex shut his mind to his night of adultery, as he was now well practiced, and kept the door closed on thinking about possible adultery at home. He called Josie a little before 8:00 as he knew she liked to start Tyson on his simple toy construction puzzles sharp on 8:00 and then Tyson would wander over to inspect the chickens and then go and talk to the pony while his sister began her set reading under the watchful eye of her mother who'd help when Kade struck a difficult word or asked what it all meant. Josie would be up and down to the windows to keep a watchful eye on the four-year-old explorer doing his rounds.

"Hi darling." Rex said. "Been thinking of you," and that was not a lie. Even last night when he was engaged in sending Kate screaming over the top he'd thought of the few women he'd had outside of marriage, Molly was the only one who came near having the raw energy and ability to move and rotate her ass, as did Josie.

"We're missing you," she said simply, and he'd knew that would be true, only this time she added, "I think we have a new person here who's also eager to have you returning, although it will be only for a night."


"Who else dopey?"

"That's quite a compliment," Rex said, taking a deep breath.

"Don't you start, you'll make me tie up."

"Sorry. May I say hello?"

"No," he's out working. "Gone by 5:15 each morning."

Rex struggled with the rogue thought of what Dick could be doing if he went into see Josie at 5:15.

As if Josie sensed what her husband was thinking, she said, "I gave him his first sex lesson last night."

Rex, eager to hear more, held back. "Oh yeah?"

"Just a tongue and two finger exercise. He was very clumsy and very embarrassed. I think he has me up on a pedestal."

"I have wondered that. Did he get you away?"

"Only just. It was touch and go and I willed myself not to help out other beyond instruction. He'll get better with practice."

"How much practice."

"Oh, five or six times a day."

"Bitch, don't tease. Listening to you has me with a hard-on attempting to break out."

Josie laughed, laughing like her usually relaxed self. "I really don't know but I expect he'll be a fast learner like everything else we've introduced him that's new for him or we have shown there's a better way."

"I understand. I'm surprised it took three nights for you to...er...began instruction."

"Me too. I honestly through I'd pounce at the very first opportunity but I hesitated and then knew I'd hold back. My mind was filled by your image. He's been so nice and to the children and never once has mentioned you, except when necessary if it's talking about fencing and when the children ask a question specifically about you. That's made it a little easier for me. I knew if it didn't make the move soon I'd never do it so after checking Kade was asleep last night I went straight out on to the sofa and said it was time for a sex lesson, licking and fingering. He almost shot from his chair in shock."

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