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"Listen darling, it's now between you and him, privately. I enjoyed listening about how tentative you were and the truth is I expected that. You've made the breakthrough and the going will be easier. Good luck with your mission. My mission is not to think about it and that's why I don't want you to even hint to me about it. Just have fun and enjoy your unexpected freedom. I can confirm I'll be home mid-afternoon Saturday. Base called and said I can unload mid-afternoon Sunday as my re-load has been delayed. They should have me away by 5:00. Let me chat to the kids and then you come back on and say goodbye. I'm on a long straight stretch at present in a convey of trucks so my concentration is simply on the guy in front and thinking about Saturday afternoon and seeing your pretty face again."

"Fine, would you want to go out fencing or go to bed?"

"Um, the kids?"

"I can take them out to Dick around 2.30 and ride back on the dirt bike."

"Watch yourself on the bike darling. Bed sounds a great way to spend a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon."

Chapter 6

On Friday night Dick heard the rustle as Josie stepped out of her nightdress in the darkness of his bedroom.

"I thought it's time for another lesson -- the real thing this time, go to whoa."

"Okay, you feel you're up to it?"

"You asshole. That's no way to talk to your dedicated teacher. The truth is I'm rather excited at the prospect of finding how well you can use it and indeed, if it's big enough to interest me."

"You asshole," he said, throwing back the light blanket and sheet. "Come in beside me and let me find what you've got."

She grabbed at him. "Wow, hard already."

Dick fumbled around. "Wow, wet and slippery already. I could have done that."

"That is not a nice thing to say to a lady. Here, smell my fingers -- see proof that I have not touched myself. Excitement alone has made we lube naturally."

"Please accept my apologies."


"May I turn on the beside lamp?"

"Yes, but shut the bedroom door and lock it. I don't wish to have Kade walk in on us, fully awake."

"Fair enough. I can't wait to see those tits of yours."

"And I want to see if you are big and robust enough for me."

Dick switched on the lamp and immediately licked his lips while she said, "My God, that's impressive for a guy who's still has more than a year to run as a teenager."

Racing back from the door Dick said, almost panting, "Kiss it and say hello."

"I'll do that and more later. First I need to kiss me and fondle me properly. The number one rule is not to rush. Definitely don't attempt to slip it in until you have your woman panting. Of course some women may arrive at you already panting. If she's not panting and is ready for it you'll know as she'll either take you in hand and move her pussy and it closer or moan to you to come on or perhaps she'll do both. Of course just to confuse you some women will never pant, never squeal and will climax silently or almost silently and, ah, some won't climax. So there you are."

If that confused Dick it didn't appear to register.

"Now, kissing. Move slowly and carefully to avoid pulling her hair, squashing her painfully and above all don't jerk forward and clash your teeth against hers as that's a real turn-off. The messages she may want from you might be do you care about here, does proceeding slowly suggest you aim to take half the night to fill her with cock and intend lasting until she comes to the boil. It's also about subtle control -- she might want you moving on her, as I've said, with care and concern indicated but as a deliberate pace showing that you are in control and know what you are doing but then against she may be on fire and wants to be slammed. In other words, but ready for anything -- try to read the mood and shall we say mix and match. As soon as you feel her legs widening you know she is readying herself but there's still no rush, no need to hit on pussy."

While she was talking Dick became aware her breathing rate had increased and she was moving under him so he pushed against her preparing to wait for the final call.

"Now she wants to feel soft, slightly open lips and to be kissed gently. If she wants to be roughened up she indicates that or even tell you. Again I say your task is to read the signals, anticipate and deliver."

The lesson dragged on and finally Josie gave up and told him: "That's enough for tonight. I've become so hot talking about it, thinking about it and feeling your responses I'm about to blow."

Dick sucked in breath as if he were about to explode.

"Dick, do something," she yelled.

Raising his butt and about to balance on one hand to guide himself in Dick felt her smallish hand go around it and knew he simply had to push forward. It slipped in as if it had been there before and he pushed in continuously until their groins met.

He looked into her wide opened eyes and she smiled. "You feel lovely in me. Do you like it?"

Dick almost blew his nuts.

As soon as the crisis feeling subsided he back a little and pushed forward and she rocked back at him. As soon he felt they were out of synch, in good rhythm, he reached down, grabbed above both her ankles and spread her legs wide, feeling himself less restricted and able to push in even farther.

"Ohmigod, who's been teaching you?"

"Molly got me doing that," Dick said, puffing a little. "She's a real expert and claims there's no one who can wriggle her ass as she does as if there's no tomorrow."

Josie gritted, "Oh yeah? How about this buster!" She began gyrating and working her muscles. Poor Dick's face turned purple, he grunted and then bellowed. She waited until his thumping blood pressure subsided somewhat and then resumed rocking back at him.

"Come on, you cannot leave me like this."

"Right," he said, and sweating profusely finally got her away -- with her helping with her fingers and little pats just above her clit. Dick had to call on his fitness, youth and his bursting desire not to let her down. With manly pride he gloated when she yelled into her release. Dick hugged her and said her tuition had been amazing, almost unaware that Josie for all her experience was gasping like a fish out of water.

After they rested briefly Josie took him through her preferred way of being treated by a lover in the staged process of him displaying appreciation, withdrawing from her while still engaged in kisses and friendly little pats and rolling away to grab the towel.

"Have I impregnated you?" he asked.

"Why, do you want that to happen?"

"No, but I wouldn't be dismayed, um, if you were pleased."

"Do you want me to ask Rex if it's all right with him?"

Dick's face was purple again, he being unaware she was teasing him. "Oh God no, please Josie no."

"Well, cover me with sweet kisses and I'll then think about it."

Dick got her away with his tongue and fingers and she said, "I've decided I'll not say a word to him about these lessons and what comes after the lessons. Now, let me kiss this lusty still-hard erection of yours. Oh we have so many lessons ahead of us. I'll have to stop being overly efficient and learn to string out my teaching."

Josie had her mouth full so couldn't answer when he said he was looking forward to poking her over the kitchen table. He had his head lolling over the side of the bed, eyes shut and mouth wide open and so missed seeing her with one cheek pushed out obscenely and her eyes suddenly bulge in surprise at hearing his comment.

* * *

Next afternoon when Josie was at the kitchen table, freshly bathed and wearing perfume, reading a fairy tale to Kade, while across from them Tyson was on the floor transporting jars of spreads in his truck and trailer, Kade suddenly stiffened and Josie heard it too.

Air horns.

"Daddy's not at the gate," Kade said looking out at the kitchen doorway.

"No darling, daddy would have seen the pick-up across at the dam and would have used the horns to say hello to Dick."

"How will Dick say hello back."

"He'll stand tall and wave his hat."

This time mother and children waited just beyond the house, hand in hand and watched the long truck come close and turn, ready to move out again the next afternoon. Then they ran, Tyson being carried by his mother. Rex was already out of the truck and on one knee to catch his excited daughter, her blonde hair dancing.

They kissed and hugged and went through their little routine of welcome, Tyson squirming in Josie's arms, hands out and moaning for attention. Rex held his arms out for him and looked at Josie, his mouth falling open. "You look great. You're blooming."

She laughed and said it was great what a little risqué sex could do for a woman.

"What does sex mean mommy?"

Rex and Josie's eyes locked and they smiled. As Rex took Tyson Josie said, "I'm ready to have another b-a-b-y darling. We'll talk about it later. I'm putting him out to pasture, lessons complete."

"Well, don't rush on my account, a b-a-b-y can wait."

"Is a baby coming to stay with us?"

The two adults fell to the ground in a hug, the two children excitedly climbing over them.

"Go to him darling, I've put the bike out for you at the back door."

"What, is he embarrassed?"

"He could be, but I have a pact with him there'll be no discussion, not even in men's talk. No, it's something much bigger."

"Oh damn, he's going?"

"No, much bigger right now. He and I finished the fencing yesterday afternoon. I've been helping him after lunch most days. See -- here's a barb gouge in my arm to remind me of it. He is worried that you might be dissatisfied with his workmanship."

"Nah, not a hope. He's better at it than I am."

"But does he know that Rex? You won't have told him. Go to him."

"Right, are you sure you don't mind -- I've just arrived?"

"No go and remember this is a big moment for him -- probably the ultimate in acceptance in being judged by someone he deeply respects."


"Yes you dope. Please overlook criticisms."

Half an hour later Rex came roaring back on the ranch bike, lights flashing. Josie had raced outside and could see the pick-up coming in the distance.

Rex did a wheelie around Josie, scaring her.

"Get ready to go out. We're going into town for dinner to celebrate the most perfect piece of fencing I've ever seen."

"You told him that?"

"Yes, and I have to say to you I've not seen much fencing done better. I walked around and noticed he'd remembered to put in a gate. He was almost wetting himself waiting for me to comment so I had to drag it out a bit."


"He couldn't look at me when I delivered my verdict. That's when I suggested dinner in town to celebrate and he wiped his eyes and grinned and then hugged me."

"Oh dear."

"It was okay. No one around to see us."

"Then we had men's talk."

Josie said nervously, "Men's talk?"

"Yeah, I'm breaking the code telling you what we discussed. He said that at lunchtime on day one you worked out we hadn't planned for a gate and said you were not only lovely about it, not calling us assholes, but next day you went up to the plateau and came down with a gate you loaded by yourself. He said I sure landed a winner when I got you. So I thumped him in the chest and he whacked me in the guts, knocking me to the ground. Boy, that kid has gotten tough."

"What you hit him and then you had a fight -- you idiots!"

"Guys stuff darling. I had to hit him, rather that than having him see my blubbering like a girl after what he said about you."

"Oh darling, did you really almost blubber over me?"

"Christ, cut it out Josie, here he comes."

Kade rushed from the house and as Dick spotted her he stopped the vehicle. She ran to his door that he'd opened, they kissed and she sat on his knee steering the pickup as it approached the house slowly, watched by beaming parents.

"Go fetch Tyson," Dick said to Kade. "We'll go up to the plateau while daddy and mommy say hello."

"They've said hello. They can come with us."

"You can steer until we begin to climb."

"Okay, I'll get Tyson and our drink bottles."

Josie said, "I understand the fencing received a big tick?"

"Rex said it was okay."

Josie laughed and said, "You men, you both are not far out of your caves."

They had a lovely time in the town, being the first in the restaurant for early dinner and the kids were so exited.


"Oh yeah Josie. Mate, Josie asked me to pick this up during the trip. She thought it was about time we acknowledged we like you."

"That's a lie and you know it Rex McDermott. Tell him exactly what I said and that you agreed."

"Aw Josie, give a guy a break. What you said was girls' stuff."


"Do what she wants daddy, she's about to get mad."

"Mate, Josie asked me to pick this up during the road trip. She said it was about time we indicated we love you." He pushed across the slender box. "Sorry mate, she pushed me to say that love word."

"It's okay Rex, I know babes have this great need to make guys say such things. You just have to accept if you do it then they're happy. What is it?"

"If you unwrap it you'll find out," Josie said, attempting to look relaxed.

"I know what it is but mommy made me promise not to tell. I'm to shut my mouth -- that's what she said."

"Please unwrap it for me Kade."

"Mommy said when you asked me to do that I was to say no. So no. She said she wanted to watch your face."

"Okay, here goes. Are you watching Tyson?"

"No, where's dinner?"

"Okay, here goes. I wonder what it is. Oh, look here -- Jesus!"

"Dick, the kids," Rex whispered.

"There are two watches -- one a day watch, one for wearing out when I dress up. I can't believe this guys. Thanks so much. I've never had a present like this, never."

Josie held out her arms, sniffing, and kissed Dick, he having to pull away from her grasp. Dick then shook hands with Rex.

"Where's my kiss?" Kade said a little coldly. "You are not to miss kissing me again."

Dick looked at her a little shaken while Josie had her mouth open in shock. "Come on baby, sit on my knee." Mother and daughter both rose from their chairs and Kade was already around the table at Dick before Josie, looking a little confused, walked over to the serving bar saying, "I'll get something for Tyson. What the hell am I doing?"

"You're over excited Josie," Rex said mildly. "It's cool."

Josie and Tyson walked to the bar hand-in-hand. Rex said to Dick, "She's excited. She told me this afternoon she wants a family addition. Watch what you say -- big ears are cocked."

"That's great -- really great because she's such a perfect m-o-t-h-e-r. I need to slip into a bit of men's talk."

"What, sex lessons over?"

"Yeah, I've been put out to pasture."

"I know mate, she also told me."

Kade asked, "What did mommy tell you daddy?"

"That you are doing very well riding you pony?"

"Oh that. You must have known I'd be a good rider. Dick is my teacher."

A neighbor Mrs Ewan arrived for eggs next day and was invited to stay for lunch. The woman in her early forties let slip her husband was away on a hunting trip. When Dick referred to her as Mrs Ewan she smiled and said he must call her Marlene. As she was leaving Marlene kissed Josie and Rex goodbye and then smiled at Rex, "Now your turn." He stepped back but she went for him, kissed him and held on to him and asked, "Do you ride horses?"

"Yes, a bit."

"Sounds like room for improvement?"


"Well, come with me and we'll go riding over our property."

"I ah..."

"I'm a happily married woman of high reputation. There's no need to be shy."

"Oh, okay if you think it's okay?"

"I do. Come along. I'll have him back in a few hours Josie."

Josie and Rex waved them goodbye.

"What are you grinning at?"

Rex smirked, "I recall Clem telling me Marlene is too scared to go near a horse."

"Ohmigod," Josie screamed in laughter. "The conniving bitch."

Alone, after they had washed the dinner dishes -- Rex away back on the road driving long distance -- Josie leaned against the table and said Dick had been mean not telling her what he and Marlene had done.

"I told you, we went riding."

"Oh yeah, that must have been a miracle. Marlene is dead scared of being near a horse. What kind of riding did you do you liar?"

She had the satisfaction of watching him swallow and his face turn rather red. "It's all right. Marlene called me this afternoon and asked me could she borrow you from time to time. I asked her what for. She hesitated and said to build a gardening shed for her. I called her a liar and she confessed and we finished the call the best of friends. Dick, I told her yes because I want you to agree with me to be put out to graze."

"Put out to graze?"

"Yes, Rex and I have decided to have another baby so I need to stop taking my contraceptive pills."

"What's contraceptive mommy," he mimicked, rather well in fact and they laughed until he caught her gaze.

"Um, so after tonight it's lessons over."


"And that's why you're leaning against the kitchen table?"


Josie watched him swallow, attempting to keep lust out of her smile.

He accused, "You are not talking?"

"Oh," she laughed. "I wonder who I'm mimicking?"

"Bitch," he laughed, knowing it was time to start talking rough and dirty. Well, she'd taught him what she liked.

She growled, "On your knees you seducer of my children's mother -- don't expect me to use that disgusting alternative hyphenated word."

"So this is not to be a lesson?" he said, in wisdom beyond his years.

She knew he shared her feeling -- regret. "Quite right. It's your graduation."

Dick shuffled towards her on his knees and lifted her dress. "You're not wearing panties." It was almost an accusation.

"Oh, my oversight. Sorry," she said, grabbing his head and steering it to where she wanted its frontal attack.

Josie felt his tongue touch her very ready pussy. She groaned.

Chapter 7

Rex called from almost 400 miles away and spoke to Josie for almost half and hour. She ran out to Dick who was erecting new fencing around the poultry enclosure to provide better protection from four-legged varmint attack.

"Everything okay?" he asked, spotting her worried look.

"Yes, sit down and talk to me. Tyson is asleep and Kade is listening to school radio time. Rex has been talking business to me and it's so big I'm on overload. I said I had to talk to someone before telling him what I really think and he said to talk to you."

"Oh thanks Rex."

"No, he means it -- we respect your opinion."

"Well in that case shoot."

"His partner Jefferson whom you know has put a proposal to Rex. Jefferson's younger sister wants Jefferson to go into business partnership with her husband. He has the money but is short on ideas. Jefferson wants Rex to get a bank loan and buy him out."

"Is that what you want?"

"I don't think so. No way do I want Rex on the road almost fulltime. I told him Jefferson should find the new partner who must be acceptable to Rex."

"Yeah, that's one suggestion. But why not think big. Rex told me the trucking company is planning to expand. Suggest to Rex he hold off Jefferson for a week while he talks to the company and find out what deal he could get by offering to buy in for a partnership. Elk Briscoe is too old to be running the business -- he should step back and become the backroom boss and let his son Alex take over making the way clear for Rex to become operations manager. Jefferson's brother-in-law buys out Rex who uses that money as the deposit and gets a mortgage on this ranch for additional finance. This property is debt-free isn't it?"

"Yes, but if the trucking company went bust we'd lose everything."

"Of course, but it's the largest trucking company in the region, probably ripe for someone to gobble it up one day for big bucks. The opposite of going bust is raking in a big profit share. Perhaps it's time to think big but don't ask me to make the decision for you, I'm no business man."


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