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Did I Make the Right Choice?

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What do I have to do if I am more attracted to her mother?
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I hated this bar. It was always too crowded and too noisy. I only went there because Harold and Travis said the scoring chances were higher in this bar than any other in town. We were lucky to find a table and three chairs before a group of 15 young people entered the bar and grabbed the rest of the empty chairs. Half an hour later, the music was barely heard above the background noise.

Harold tried his luck with two girls but without success. I saw him leaving our table and talking to another girl. Minutes later, I watched Travis chatting with a blond girl. He noticed me and signaled a thumbs up. He left the bar a short time later.

I was sitting sipping my beer and glancing at the crowd. Ten feet from me was a group of five people. Three guys and one of the two girls were arguing passionately about something. The other girl sat quietly, looking around. As I stared at her cute face, she smiled at me. She lowered her eyes quickly. I continued glancing at her, and a moment later, her eyes met mine again. This time, we both smiled at each other.

I signaled to her to join me. She hesitated and looked at her friends, who were still in a hot debate. The girl gazed in my direction again. I stood up and showed the two empty chairs near me. She nodded 'OK' and moved toward me.

I extended my hand, "Hi, I am Brad. Nice to meet you."

She grinned, "I am Erin."

We sat down. "I was watching you. Initially, I was impressed by your cute face, but then I noticed you didn't talk to others."

"My friends like to discuss politics, yet they never agree. This time, it was about Trump and his chances to survive the multiple accusations he faces."

"I know what you mean. We also fight over politics. Republicans vs. Democrats, Trump vs. Biden... By now, I am tired of all of this. The whole country is too divided. Anyway, what do you want to drink?"

"White wine will be nice for a change. Chardonnay if they have it."

"That's unusual. Most people here drink beer, Tequila shots, or cocktails..."

"I know, but I am in the mood for white wine."

I went to the bar and bought a bottle of Chardonnay.

She chuckled, "I won't finish it."

"That's OK, I'll drink it too."

We sat in the noisy place and started talking. We discussed school, global warming, foods we like, and our favorite movies. She was easy to talk to, and time passed quickly. An hour later, I realized that Harold never showed up. The wine bottle was empty. Erin and I enjoyed our conversation, but the noise became too much for her, "Brad, you are an interesting guy. It was nice meeting you. Sorry I can't stay, but my ears will explode if I stay here another minute."

"We drank too much. I don't think you'll be able to drive safely."

"I live nearby. I walked here."

"It's dark outside. Let me accompany you home."

"You are a true gentleman, but you don't have to do it."

"Erin, I'll feel guilty if something happens to you on the way home. But there is another reason - I'd like to see you again..."

"Brad, I like you too. Usually, I am a listener rather than a talker. I feel very comfortable spilling my guts to you without fearing you'd judge me. Let's go."

She stood up, wobbled, and held on to the table. She laughed, "I was mildly dizzy. You were right; the alcohol did affect me."


Erin's house was a short distance away, but we had to cross a dark alley, and I felt good I accompanied her.

We reached a small house, and Erin turned to me, "Brad, thank you for a lovely evening. Would you like a cup of coffee before leaving?"

"Erin, I'd love it, but what would your parents say about me coming to your house at such a late hour?"

She grinned, "You don't have to worry about my parents. My mother divorced Dad years ago. He was a drunk and a gambler. He tried to swindle a bank and got caught. He was in jail for two years. Next, he promised to improve his ways but never did, so a year later, Mom said enough and got a divorce. I have no idea where he lives now. Mom is an RN who works the third shift tonight, so she is at work now and will return home in the morning."

We entered the house. Erin made the coffee, while I stayed in her room and watched the pictures on the wall. There were multiple photos of groups and a couple of pictures showing Erin with a pretty girl. Was she a sister? A best friend? I did not see photos of her father or mother. As I stared at the pictures, Erin came with the coffee, "Would you like milk or a sweetener?"

"I prefer it black. The combination of wine and beer affected me, too."

She looked me in the eye, "Brad, I don't know how alcohol affects you. In my case, it makes me more relaxed and... horny."

I glanced at her, speechless.

"Brad, as I said, I like you. You are very handsome and easy to get along with, and I feel good with you around. I also know most men come to bars 'to score.' I will not force you to do anything you don't want, but I am in the mood for necking..."

"Erin, you are beautiful. I joined my friends to find a lay, but if we make it, I'll feel guilty in the morning taking advantage of you being under the influence..."

She stood up, "Drink your coffee; I'll be back in a minute."

Erin returned 10 minutes later wearing a transparent negligee! Her fantastic body was fully exposed to my eyes. Her pert B-cup tits held high without the support of a bra. The narrow waist contrasted with her slightly wider thighs. I could even see her thin landing strip...

I froze. However, my prick didn't... It began hardening immediately and seconds later created a massive tent in my pants.

Erin smiled, "Brad, be a good boy. I was scared of rapists all my life, but you seem to be the opposite! Your body wants me, and you are trying to resist. Are you afraid I'll rape you?"

"Erin, what are you doing?... Is it smart to do it when we both had too much alcohol?"

"Big guy, why don't you shut up and let your body enjoy what it feels like doing?"

My cock was rock-hard and ached to get free. It was the last straw. I undressed quickly and stood naked in front of Erin.

Her eyes explored my body up and down. Her smile broadened. She approached me, placed her small palm around my stiff shaft, and whispered, "It's long and veiny, just as I like it. Stud, help me take off this 'thingy'."

I lifted her sheer nighty and ogled her perfect figure. The erotic sight and her gentle massage pushed my cock upward.

Erin gasped, "It's huge! How big does it become once you are ready for action?"

"About 9", give or take..."

"Let's see if you can use it..." She pulled me by my organ, and I followed her to bed.

She lay on her back, winked at me, and spread her legs wide. Her perky breasts showed no sag and protruded upward proudly. The nipples were already hard. I moved between her legs and gazed at her pussy. It glistened. The girl was aroused like me...

My hands massaged her flat tummy gently, moving slowly upward. Her tits were so perfect... I had to pet them!

She shivered as my palms reached her boobs, "My tits are very sensitive. Sometimes I cum when a guy plays with my breasts, even before his penis is inside me..."

I grinned, "Lady, your tits are terrific, and I love to play with them. If you cum when I do it, that is fine. I think I could make you climax again later..."

She whispered, "I believe you, but I want your monster inside me now."

I aimed the head at her entrance and bathed it with her abundant juices. Next, I lifted her legs over my shoulders and progressed slowly into her tight cunt. The feeling was fantastic - Her narrow tunnel gradually gave in and expanded around my shaft. My cock was barely half in when Erin's fingers pinched me hard, and she shuddered. She let out a scream, "Oh God!... I am cuuumming!!!"

I continued advancing until I was all the way in. I stopped for a moment to allow her vagina to enlarge further. All that time, Erin was in the throes of her orgasm. I started pounding her cunt with long slow strokes. Seeing her eyes turning in her head, her mouth wide open for air, and her magnificent breasts jiggling from side to side was a powerful aphrodisiac. I was fast approaching my own climax.

I whispered, "Erin, I love to fuck your sexy body. Here I cum. Take it!"

I shoved it in savagely and erupted deep in her hidden crevices. Jet after jet of powerful streams flooded her pussy. Each time my cock ejected its content, her body jolted upward. With her eyes shut and the pulse rate high, she seemed unconscious.

After depositing my seed inside her vagina, I slowed down. Once my shriveled pecker returned to almost its resting size, I pulled it out and rested.

I had time to go to the bathroom and finish sipping my cold coffee before she woke from her quasi-coma. She stretched her breathtaking body like a spoiled cat and stared at me, "Brad, at the bar, I already knew you'd be good in bed. But this was much better! You have a beautiful body and a gigantic cock that you use perfectly. I think you are the ideal lover. I just recovered from a massive orgasm and feel horny again!."

I chuckled, "Girl, you are insatiable..."

She grinned, "You are right, but it's your fault. You are very sexy!"

I glanced at her eyes. Until now, being horny and all, I focused on her fantastic figure. I wished to meet the real Erin, not the friendly, chatty Erin I met in the bar, the sex kitten.

I didn't have a chance. Erin pushed me on my back and climbed on my body. She kissed my chest, paying particular attention to my nipples. She rubbed my pectorals and touched my biceps, "You are very strong! What can I do if one day you decide to rape me?..."

I laughed, "The way I see it, you are the attacker. Shall I call 911?"

Her head descended to my six-pack and continued to my resting rod, "He looks so cute when he rests. Can he stay this way when I suck him? You just came, so I think he'll be nice and soft, and I can use it as a pacifier. It will help me sleep better."

"Erin, if I were you, I wouldn't do it. I know 'him' better. If your oral job is as good as I imagine it will be, he will react, and you'll have to deal with the consequences!"

"Buddy, you are full of it! No man can recover so quickly after such a powerful orgasm."

Her lips spread widely, and my soft cock began disappearing into her hot mouth. Being squeezed between the soft palate and her moist tongue excited my cock almost immediately. I felt it expanding and extending in her mouth. Pretty soon, her lips spread much wider, and she moaned.

Then she removed my erect cock from her mouth and whispered, "I can't believe it! How do you do it?... It's time to play horsy!" She stood above my body with her legs on both sides and slowly descended on my hard prick. Seconds later, her ass cheeks touched my pelvis. She smiled, "My pussy is so full, I feel your boner reaching my throat..."

She started riding me and soon increased her pace. Her body stretched, and her head extended backward. I bent my knees to support her, and my hands kneaded her marvelous breasts.

It didn't take her long before she mumbled, "Brad, I am so close... Fuck me!"

I held her waist and began countering her riding motion. A moment later, her torso quivered, and her climax began. She continued for another minute, and then her body collapsed on mine. I didn't cum yet.

I turned her on her back, mounted her body, shoved my stiff cock deep inside her vagina again, and rammed her poor cunt mercilessly. Her climax intensified, and her body lost control. It was like fucking a ragdoll. A cute and sexy ragdoll! I was on my way to heaven soon after. With a loud cry, I came in her pussy. The amount of seed I dumped in her was less than before, but it was pure bliss!

I was breathing hard, and my heart rate was too fast. I needed a rest.

I fell asleep and woke up an hour later. Erin hugged me with her head leaning on my chest, "Good morning, lover. Are you OK?"

I looked at my watch. It was 2 am. "Erin, I need to leave. Otherwise, your mother will find us in bed together."

She laughed, "She knows I have sex with guys. She was the one who suggested I use an IUD."

"I think it's better to meet her properly before she sees me naked with you in bed..."

"OK. Dress up, and I'll see you at the door."

"As we crossed the living room, I saw the pictures of Erin with the other pretty girl and asked her who she was.

She grinned, "That's Mom. Doesn't she look good?"

I stopped and examined the photos up close again, "Erin, she is gorgeous!"

"Brad, I'll tell her you said that. I am sure she'll like to hear it."

"Girl, have a good night. I'll call you tomorrow to see how you are doing."

She smiled, "I may be tired after our pronged sexercise, but I am sure my triggered endorphins will keep me happy..."


I was exhausted and went to sleep a few minutes after arriving home. I recall dreaming about my sexual encounter with Erin. However, Erin's body was attached to her mother's head. I woke up sweating. WTF?... I took a short, cold shower and returned to bed.

Mom knocked on my door at 10 am, "Brad, it's a beautiful Sunday. Don't waste it in bed. I heard you came late last night. Did you enjoy with Harold and Travis?"

"It was OK. We went to the bar."

"Spare me the bar scene details. Are you hungry?"


"Go to the bathroom and look more decent. You are a big boy now! When you finish, your breakfast will be ready."

I ate my over-easy eggs and heard my phone ringing. Thinking it was Harold, I blurted, "Harold, it's too early for your stories."

Erin chortled, "Is Harold your other lover?"

"Good morning, girl. How are you doing?"

"I woke up when Mom entered the door. She asked me if the bar was as noisy and boring as usual. I told her about you and what we did later at home. She laughed but warned me that bringing strangers to an empty house is a recipe for a problem. How would I know you are not a rapist or, worse, a serial killer?

I told her I recognized your type before letting you into our house, and you are much more likely to be a cereal killer than a serial killer..."

She complained that it wasn't a joke. I said I'd bring you to meet her so she could see how benign you are. Can you come here at 6 pm for dinner?"

"Erin, I hate to impose. Isn't it better to visit without cooking a meal?"

"Brad, Mom loves to cook. She doesn't do it often because of her hectic schedule at the hospital, but now she has three days off."

"I'll be there at 6 o'clock, but if she plans to kill me for taking advantage of her sweet baby, I have an alibi - Yesterday's events happened in your dreams!..."

Her lovely laugh was heard over the phone, "Brad, you are a big and strong guy, but deep inside, you are just a teddy bear. Mom is the same. She is as benign as a sheep. She tries to teach and warn me about life's dangers, but I've learned about most of these years ago. See you soon."


Twice before, I visited the house of a girlfriend. I was very nervous in both cases, knowing the parents were watching every move and listening to every word I said. For me, it was torture, but Erin asked nicely. I was also curious to see her mother in real life...

I showered, shaved, and wore nice pants with a clean long-sleeve white shirt. I drove past a small flower shop and bought a bouquet of a dozen red and white roses and another one with a dozen red and yellow gardenias.

When I rang the bell, I hid both bouquets behind my back. Erin opened the door and smiled at me. I gave her the gardenias.

"Brad, thank you. You are very nice. I'll show Mom. She'll be impressed."

"You don't have to do it. I brought her flowers, too."

Her mother appeared at the door. She was wearing a simple dress and an apron. Her face had two minor wrinkles on the sides of her mouth. They did not diminish my impression of her pretty face. But the most noticeable features were her blue eyes that seemed to penetrate my soul.

I gave her the other bouquet, and she smiled, "Brad, I heard a lot about you. Let's get in."

Erin grinned, "Mom, he brought you nicer flowers. It's not fair!"

Her mother smiled, "Honey, there is no fairness when love is concerned. Obviously, he loves me more than you. You can leave now..."

"OK, Mom, let me have dinner, and I'll leave once my tummy is full."

Her Mom turned to me, "My name is Pam. Erin didn't introduce us properly. Her lack of manners suggests she may not be mine. Somebody has switched my sweet baby with a lesser one in the hospital..."

Erin laughed, "Mom, I love you too."

Pam went to the kitchen and, a short time later, called us to the table. She looked at me, "Brad, Erin couldn't tell me what you like for dinner. I made something simple. I hope you like it."

"Ma'am, I'm not picky. I eat almost anything."

Next, she pulled from her oven several pans and arranged everything on a tray. Erin brought it to the table. When everything was ready, plates with roast veal, baked red potatoes, and a big salad with pecan nuts and pickled beets were on the table.

It was homey and delicious!

Erin also brought a bottle of white Zinfandel and poured it into three glasses.

"Pam, you are wasting your time as a nurse. Open a restaurant and become a chef. I'll be your first customer."

Pam blushed and turned to Erin, "Learn from your boyfriend how to behave. He brought me flowers and complimented me as if I made a king's dinner."

"Mom, didn't I tell you he is a teddy bear? I barely know him for 24 hours, but I think he is very nice. You were concerned bringing a new guy to our house was a danger to me. Yesterday, the opposite was true - I almost raped him! He tried desperately to convince me it was a bad idea to have sex, but I had none of it and seduced him..."

Pam grinned and turned to me. It was my turn to blush. She said, "I am telling you, she is not mine. Her disgusting behavior is unacceptable. Let me show you where the line phone is. Next time, use it to call 911..."

The atmosphere was pleasant, and I didn't feel stressed at all. Both ladies behaved as if they had known me for ages. As if I was family.

The time passed quickly, and when I looked at the wall clock, it showed 9:30.

I glanced at Pam, "I am sorry to have taken too much of your time. I felt so good in your company. Thank you for the tasty food, and good night, ladies."

I kissed both on their cheeks, gazed one more time at Pam's beautiful eyes, and drove home.


Before sleeping, I lay in bed thinking about the two women I had a good time with. Erin was cute, chatty, easy to understand, and good in bed. Her mother was friendly and with a good sense of humor. But there was something about her eyes. They were deep blue, and I felt them piercing my brain. I tried to behave casually all evening, but her eyes haunted me! It was as if she could see through me. I felt hypnotized by them and... attracted to her.

What the hell?... Erin was my girl! Pam was decades older than me... I was baffled. It was time to sleep and hope my mind would clear up the following day.

I woke up twice during the night. Once, because I needed to pee; the other time was following a wet dream. In my dream, Erin and I were having sex in the park. People were strolling by and ignored us. Then I saw Pam sitting on a bench 10 feet away, staring straight at us. I told Erin we needed to move out because her mother was watching us. She smiled at her mother and said not to worry; her mother was ogling us cause she was jealous. I asked Erin if having sex in front of her mother didn't bother her. She laughed and stated Pam knew about all her encounters. She said she actually liked the idea of her mother glancing at our sex - It was time for Pam to find a guy and do the same.

I woke up sweaty. My night's sleep was ruined, and I was more tired in the morning than when I went to sleep.

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