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DID IV - A Reptile Repast

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A Damsel in Distress Story with a very large reptile.
4.2k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 08/13/2024
Created 07/21/2024
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Editor's note: this fictional work contains scenes of completely fictional mind control, rough, reluctant, dubiously consensual, consensually non-consensual (CNC), or non-consensual sex or scenarios.


Damsel in Distress Four: A Reptile Repast (Part 1)

"I'm such a fool!" thought Kelly Ann.

When her lover and bodyguard, David, was called away to tend to a sick relative, he warned Kelly Ann for no reason to leave the walled safety of her fabulous mansion till his return. She should have listened! But then a telegram from the Sheriff of a small rural parish in Louisiana reached her, telling her he was holding a woman he believed to be her Aunt Suzanne. When it went on to say he would be forced to release the woman in a few days if nobody came to identify her, how could Kelly Ann not have gone to Louisiana see justice served?

Aunt Suzanne had escaped jail while awaiting trial on charges of trying to kill her niece and obtain the Vanderhilt family fortune. The police had sought her for several months, but without result. Kelly Ann knew she could not rest, until her Aunt was safely in prison, so she took the next train to New Orleans.

Alas, the message was ruse and the man that picked her up at the station, wasn't a deputy, but one of Suzanne's henchmen, who took the petite blonde girl to a crumbling, Gothic mansion miles outside the city, carried her down to the basement, stripped her naked, and threw her into a stone walled pit. That was three days ago.

The pit was circular, perhaps thirty feet wide and more than ten feet deep with stonework so smooth Kelly Ann couldn't get a grip on the walls to climb out. The only exit was a small iron door just about 2 feet high, under a small stone arch. Kelly Ann tried to move it, but it had no handle or knob and it wouldn't budge. The only other thing in the pit was a circular stone tub, into which water flowed continuously out of a pipe in the wall. As the tub over flowed, the water ran down the slightly sloped floor to a tiny drain the center of the pit.

While Kelly Ann was a bit cold sitting in the pit, she was actually quite well fed. Three times a day she would be brought a rather elegantly prepared meal which was lowered to her by a basket on a rope. At first, she was suspicious the food was poisoned, but after trying some, and being very bored and hungry she devoured it all. In fact, she had probably gained several pounds between the forced inactivity and the sumptuous meals.

And that was really the hard part: waiting for something to happen. Three days and Suzanne, who Kelly Ann was sure was behind this evil, had not appeared.

As she was contemplating this, sitting with her back against the stone wall on the afternoon of the fourth day, when she heard a voice.

"Are you enjoying the hospitality of my new manor?"

Kelly Ann jumped up and looked to the top of the wall. Staring down at her from behind the parapet was her Aunt. The dark haired, green eyed, woman, clad in black, was giving her a malevolent smile.

"I demand you release me at once!" Kelly Ann cried.

"My dear, you certainly aren't in the position to demand anything," replied her Aunt. "So rude you are, these days? Well, I have to admit you don't have the best room in the house. Not that any of them are something to write home about. My late husband was so consumed by his hobbies that he let the place go to pot."

"Your husband?" said Kelly Ann with surprise.

"Yes," Suzanne replied. "My dearly departed Derick. Had a heart attack. I'm afraid his romantic encounters with a new gorgeous wife less than half his age did him in. Or that's what the coroner concluded."

"You murdered him!" said Kelly Ann.

"Oh, don't feel sorry for him," Suzanne yawned. "It was either him or me. Before me he had three other wives mysteriously disappear, and I didn't plan to be number four. The authorities always suspected he was responsible for their deaths. That, and the disappearances of a number of young maids employed here at the mansion. Without bodies, however, they could never make a case against him. Believe me, nobody mourned his passing."

"Sounds like you two deserved each other!"

"Well, I shouldn't talk badly about the dearly departed," said Suzanne. "He was very smart and dedicated to his hobbies. In fact, let me introduce you to one of them!"

Behind the parapet Suzanne threw a switch and a reddish, warm heat lamp illuminated the center of the pit. Then, with a second switch, the tiny door under the arch rose, exposing a long, dark, two-foot high, tunnel.

"Oh, Poopsie! Come on out and say hello to our guest!" Kelly's aunt called.

Coming from the tunnel, Kelly Ann heard a slithering, scraping sound. Then out of the dark appeared two huge, wide-set eyes with vertical pupils. As the girl watched in horror a heavy snout on a triangular head, at least a foot wide emerged into the light. The body that followed it was perhaps nine or ten inches in diameter and many yards in length. Kelly Ann realized this was easily the largest snake she had ever seen.

"Yes, Poopsie, is one of the most unusual snakes in the world and a very rare and valuable specimen. Derick brought her back from South America many years ago as a hatchling and raised her almost like a daughter. He taught her to recognize a clothed human as a master and friend," said Suzanne.

"And an unclothed one?" asked Kelly Ann, well aware of her own nakedness.

"Well, I'm afraid Poopsie has learned that a naked girl is prey," Suzanne said, with a bit of a sadistic giggle.

"And that's why I'm in this pit with no clothes!" said her niece, with disgust.

"Well, one of the reasons," replied Suzanne. "You see all those clothes you wear, with the hard buttons and metal clasps, pins and things. Those just aren't good for Poopsie's tummy. She is a rare, one of a kind specimen and we wouldn't want to give her indigestion, would we? Now, your naked body is a wholesome, nourishing and perfectly natural food for Poopsie! I've even been fattening you up the last couple days for her! And she is quite hungry. She hasn't eaten in weeks. Not since Derick fed her a surly, lazy teenage maid we had!"

The snake had finally bought its full body into the pit and was coiled up under the heat lamp. Kelly Ann estimated it must have been almost forty feet in length. Suddenly it reared up and lifted it head to the height of six or seven feet, leering down at Kelly Ann with what she first took to be curiosity, but then realized was hunger.

Suddenly the snake's head shot forward and clamped onto Kelly Ann's left calf with a vice-like grip. Kelly kicked hard at monster's head with her other foot and then it opened its mouth and pulled back to the center of the pit. Kelly was astonished it had retreated so easily. Then she saw the two, small holes in her leg, about two inches apart, that were oozing blood.

"Yes, Poopsie is quite unusual," Suzanne continued as if narrating a documentary. "Most snakes her size attack their victims by wrapping them in their coils and squeezing them to death. Poopsie, however, uses the same trick smaller snakes do to win their battles: poison."

Kelly suddenly felt weak. She tried to take a step, but slid to the ground on her back. Her limbs would move, but all their strength was gone.

"Oh, don't worry," continued Suzanne, "it won't kill you. It's a paralytic agent that weakens you so you don't put up a fight. Poopsie prefers her meals to be alive when she swallows them whole."

Her aunt was right. Kelly Ann could move her hands, but with no strength and in a clumsy, uncoordinated manner. As she lay there, defenseless before the beast, she suddenly felt something else. An itching... no a tingling in her pubic area. She felt compelled to use whatever strength left in her hands to touch herself in her private parts...

"No doubt you are by now discovering the really amazing thing about Poopsie's venom. It's a powerful aphrodisiac! Think about it! What better way to keep one's victim from struggling as it goes down your throat, but to engage its mind fully in one last, powerful orgasm?" said Suzanne. "Derick found this fascinating and was trying to distil the chemicals in the venom that had this effect. He thought it could make him a million dollars, and he might have been right. In fact, after I get a hold of your fortune I may employ my own chemists to find the secret of Poopsie's venom. Can you imagine what I could sell "Aunt Suzanne's Love Potion" for on the market?"

Suzanne was accurate. Kelly Ann could think of little, but the need to rub herself down there. She desperately wished David were here. Not to save her from the snake, but to simply fuck her brains out!

Then Kelly Ann felt something tickling her toes. It was the snake's forked tongue. Its mouth was wide open and about to wrap it's lips around Kelly Ann's dainty feet.

So, is this the end for poor Kelly Ann? Will she turn out to be snake food? Will she give Poopsie indigestion? Will Suzanne triumph in the end? Find out in our next exciting episode!

Did 4: A Reptile Repast (Part 2)

Our story to this point: Aunt Suzanne has tricked Kelly Ann into coming to her old Gothic house where, in the basement, the heiress finds herself naked, paralyzed and about to be eaten by a giant, ravenous snake!

Kelly Ann moaned. The powerful aphrodisiac effect of the snake's venom was overwhelming creating a burning desire within the young girl. As she lay withering under it spell, Poopsie opened her mouth and enveloped Kelly Ann's feet.

When the snake closed her mouth on Kelly Ann's legs, the girl didn't feel any pain. Just a firm grip. The creature only seemed to be willing to use just enough strength to pull Kelly a bit further into its throat with each gulp. In between, the reptile seemed to be happy to wait for a minute or so, perhaps not wishing to let its victim weaken and make an easy meal.

The beast opened it mouth again and Kelly Ann felt herself being pulled into the monster's maul a bit more. This time when it closed it mouth, it lips came to rest on Kelly Ann's legs again, just above her knees.

Kelly Ann knew she should be in deadly fear of what was happening, but the burning in her loins distracted her from any other thought! If only David were here to release her with his powerful cock deep in her pussy! In desperation she moaned his name.

"Thinking about your bodyguard, huh?" said Suzanne. "Well, he's not coming to rescue you this time! Not only was my invitation to you a ruse, so was the note he got from the sick cousin! I sent an assassin to meet him and kill him as he got off his train." She waved a telegram sheet at her niece. "I just got word from the assassin yesterday that the job was done. You lover is dead! Just like you will be within the hour!"

This news shook poor Kelly Ann to the core! If David was gone was there any point in going on with her own life? She might as well let the snake eat her, not that she had a choice.

Poopsie opened her jaws again and pulled more of Kelly into her. This was perhaps the most difficult part so far for the reptile as the girl's hips were the widest part of her body. The monster managed it however, stretching its mouth out and enveloping her butt and thighs. This time the powerful jaws came to rest on Kelly Ann's tummy.

Kelly Ann barely noticed this progress as too much of her mind was focused on her desperate need for an orgasm. The venom made it an irresistible desire, but also seemed to all forestall it from actually happening. As she moaned and whimpered, Suzanne took notice.

"Not able to climax?" her aunt said. "Don't worry, you will! Once you get inside Poopsie's belly you will find the tiny bit of air down there won't last you long. But on the bright side as you slowly asphyxiate you will experience the most power orgasm you can ever imagine! You may have heard of people that have accidently killed themselves while perusing this powerful high by either tightening a noose around their neck or putting an airproof bag over their head, then blacked out. Well, you will soon find out what it feels like yourself!

Despite her preoccupation with her forced arousal, Kelly Ann managed to moan, "You never get away with this!"

"Oh, my dear," replied her aunt, "I already have! With you and David both gone there will be no witnesses and no trial. As for your death, well Poopsie is remarkably efficient at digesting her prey. When you come out the other end in a few weeks nothing will be left but a few pounds of crushed and unidentifiable bone, which I can scoop up with a shovel and toss into the Black Swamp behind the house. Believe me, nobody will go looking for some bits of bones in that desolate and deadly place."

Poopsie opened her mouth and pulled Kelly Ann further into her throat. This time with her snout coming to rest between the girl's delicate breasts. Perhaps it was the venom affecting her mind, but Kelly Ann was surprised about how comfortable she felt in the monster's throat. As if she was being hugged tightly by a big, soft, but strong teddy bear.

"With you gone, and with the resources my husband has left me," continued Suzanne, "I should be able to hire some smart lawyers to break your will and finally get to those Vanderhilt millions. Then I can redecorate that dreary mansion of yours! Imagine the orgies I can host there!"

The snake opened its mouth again pulling Kelly Ann in until her shoulders disappeared down it maul. This time when it closed it mouth, only Kelly Ann head was left visible between the monster's lips.

"Well, it seems like we are at the end of our acquaintance, Kelly Ann, and it's time to say goodbye! You have been a most troublesome niece! Good riddance!" said Suzanne with a mad laugh.

As if on cue, Poopsie opened her mouth a final time, and Kelly Ann's pretty face vanished as it was pulled inside. When the creature closed it jaws this time, only a few blond hairs remained visible in between the scaly lips. These soon disappeared as the girl was drawn deeper into the monster's belly.

Suzanne stayed at the wall for some minutes, watching the lump that had been her niece move through the giant snake's throat and come to rest in its belly. She was amazed at how the reptile's skin clung so tightly to the girl's form. She could easily pick out the girl's hips, butt, waist, tits and even erect nipples wrapped tightly in the scaly membrane. After Kelly Ann was deep in her belly, Poopsie slithered over to the center of the room to coil up and bask in the heat lamp as she started to digest her meal.

"Well, Poosie," said the woman, "you have finally taken care of a problem that has plagued me for months! That goody-two shoes of a niece has escaped my clutches too many times before. Now finally it's over! The Vanderhilt fortune will soon me mine!"

Poopsie only replied with a "Burp!"

"It a shame, however," continued Suzanne, to the relaxing reptile. "Kelly Ann was such a pretty, young thing. Her body could have been the source of much pleasure and entertainment for many gentlemen who will be attending my ogres. If only she'd been more cooperative with me!"

As she climbed the steps from the basement Suzanne considered her next moves. Despite fattening her niece up a bit, she was still a thin girl and Poopsie would need a new meal in a few weeks. Suzanne should think about placing an ad in the local paper for another maid...

Is this finally the end for poor Kelly Ann, being digested in the belly of the beast? Will Suzanne finally win and redecorate the Vanderhilt mansion as her perverted playground? Find out in our next episode!

Did 4: A Reptile Repast (Conclusion)

Our story to this point: Aunt Suzanne has fed poor Kelly Ann to a giant snake and she finds herself in the belly of the beast with only minutes left to live!

Deep inside the snake's belly Kelly Ann's mind was still in the grip of venom. Desperately she needed to climax, but it wouldn't come. But just as Suzanne had predicted the little air down there quickly ran out and the girl found her lungs burning. Her body twisted and her muscles clenched as it sought the oxygen that didn't exist. Her heart pounded like a drum and her body felt warm and aroused by the tightness of the creature's belly around her. Strangely this forced her senses to levels of ecstasy she could not have comprehended existed. As her mind became fuzzy with lack of air, she climaxed in a wave a deep and power pleasure that could have lasted only for a few seconds, but felt like it went on forever. All Kelly Ann could think about during this interlude was the immense soul shattering state of ecstasy she was in. As the orgasm faded, so did Kelly Ann's will to live. Her body stopped struggling and she surrendered herself to her fate of becoming just nourishment for the powerful reptile. Then all went dark.


The next thing she was aware of was light outside her closed eyelids. Didn't the stories say that when you died, you needed to follow the light? She also felt the refreshing coolness of something washing over her. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw a familiar face: David!

"Oh, David, I knew I would see you again in heaven!" Kelly Ann said.

He looked around the room they were in and said, "Well, if this is heaven, I'm disappointed in the decor!"

This caused Kelly Ann to look around too. She realized they were still in the circular pit! In fact, she was sitting in the tub (which she now realized was Poopsie's water bowl) and the coolness she felt was the water pouring on her from the pipe.

"But...but, Suzanne told me you were dead!" Kelly Ann blurted out.

"Fortunately, Suzanne is a cheap sake," he explained. "I easily spotted her second-rate, underpaid assassin skulking around when I arrived at my destination and when he made his move I turned the tables on him. After a day of "aggressive questioning" he told me the whole plot. I decided the best move was to send my own telegram to Suzanne telling of my demise, so she wouldn't expect that I was coming, and hop the next train to New Orleans. Happily, it looks like I arrived in just the nick of time!"

He nodded to the center of the room. The still body of Poopsie lay there, a sharp, steel rod, driven through her skull, and her belly slit open. Kelly Ann realized David had, after extracting the young girl from the monster's stomach, had carried her to the bowl to revive her and wash the digestive juices off her skin.

"What about Suzanne?" she asked.

"I contacted the sheriff here - the REAL one - and he and his deputies helped me raid the house. I came down here first thing to find you, but they are searching the rest of the building and rounding up Suzanne and any of her henchman," David replied.

He stood up and helped the naked girl out of the tub. "Come on, let's find you a robe before the deputies get here and start gawking at you!"


A week later back in the bedroom of her mansion, Kelly Ann was getting ready for the evening. As she waited for David, she started tying soft ropes to each of the posts of her bed in preparation for the love games they would play that night. Just as she finished, David, entered, carrying a bag, some old books and a look for concern on his face.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"Well, as you are aware, the Sheriff and his deputies caught a couple of Aunt Suzanne's henchmen, but she herself escaped into the Black Swamp behind the house," David explained. "The Sheriff was reluctant to send his men into such a dangerous place and instead posted guards at any place she might exit. Well, it's been a week and the Sheriff just cabled me saying there is no sign of Suzanne and he is removing the guards. He doesn't believe anyone could survive in that hell hole for a week with no food or fresh water. It's most likely the gators got her, or she's at the bottom of a quicksand pit. He's probably right, but I sure wish they had found a body."


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