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Domestic Discipline Addict Ch. 16

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Labor and birth.
2.4k words

Part 17 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 09/25/2021
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Chapter Sixteen

We lazed in the sun for a while, again, I have no idea how long.

"I used to be shy about it," she said as I lightly toyed with the line of hair running from her armpit to her nipple.

I chuckled.

"Well, it's unique," I said, licking her nipple hair, "but still sexy."

"Yeah," she said with a little giggle, "that's what I figured out."

"Did you ever try waxing?" I asked, my fingers now busy in the mat between her navel and her clitoral hood.

"Once," she said with a grimace, "and once was enough. Never mind how much it fucking hurt in the first place, I had a rash for a month and STILL deal with ingrown hairs. So no thank you."

I chuckled and caressed that mat between pussy and belly button.

"Better this way anyway," I said.

She giggled.

"I'm glad you approve," she said and then turned serious.

"Soooooooooooo," she said, drawing out the vowel, "ready to put that bride of yours into labor?"

That one took me by surprise.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmm," I managed, demonstrating my lightning wit in all situations, "you mean now?"

"Whenever you're ready," she said, flashing that feral grin that I found both attractive and disconcerting.

When I hesitated she went on.

"Look David," she said, "Thomas and Vivian think you guys have a future with us. There's lots of money to be made. Hell, with Arlene's boobs and you not being afraid to participate you guys will be ready to retire in about ten years."

I chuckled and said, "really."

She laughed.

"Hell yes," she said, "I've been with them for 15 years and here I am, not quite 40, and ready to move to my beach house on St. John's."

That made me pause.

"Really?" I repeated.

She grinned and said, "yes, really. Exotics command a high value."

When I didn't say anything she said, "now come on, let's see how Arlene handles labor."

"You mean today?" I said, still taking it in.

"I mean right now honey," she said, taking my hand and leading me back into the house.

At the bedroom, we peeked in and there was Arlene, still snoring, blowing snot bubbles as she slept.

Sarah crept, exaggerating her tiptoeing, and picked up her gym bag from the floor, and returned to me.

"Come on," she whispered.

In the kitchen, she took an envelope and shook the white powder into a glass, found our orange juice and added it, and then turned to me and asked, "vodka?"

So I got our bottle of Grey Goose out of the cabinet and handed it to her.

She poured in a generous double shot and then stirred the screwdriver she had just made.

"What's that?" I asked.

"One of Vivian's concoctions, a bit of lithium to keep her, well," and she giggled a little, "open to suggestion, and a touch of cocaine to make sure she gets the full sensation."

"Now listen," she said, turning serious and taking my hands in hers, "she won't be pretty David. No woman in labor is pretty. She may be beautiful, I think she will be, and she may be sexy, and I'm certain she will be, but she won't be pretty. Understand?"

I shook my head and she laughed and said, "don't worry sweety, I'm just warning you. We're all in for a very interesting rest of the day."

She reached into her bag and pulled out a foil ball, looking like one of those Lindor's chocolates only in a simple shiny aluminum wrapper. She unwrapped it revealing a white ball about the size of a golf ball.

"What's that?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"God, you are SO nosy," she said, but she was smiling as she said it, "just something to get things started. It's a suppository with a hormone called prostaglandin. It will get the labor started."

"Oh," I said, still pretty overwhelmed.

She looked at me under raised eyebrows.

"Second thoughts?" she asked.

"No," I said, "just taking it all in."

"Okay," she said, squeezing my hand, "ready?"

"Let's roll," I said, making us both laugh softly.

Arlene was sprawled on the bed, one arm over her head, one to the side, slightly twisted, her legs parted, her left knee bent.

Sarah moved in and sat on the edge of the bed. She used her finger to slip the suppository into Arlene's pussy, her left hand brushing the hair away from Arlene's face.

"Wake up sweety," she said softly, stroking Arlene's hair.

Arlene's eyes fluttered open and for that instant, as I always did, I realized how much like a little girl she looked when she woke.

She smiled as she came awake.

"Help me sit her up," Sarah said, so I offered my hand to Arlene and she swung her legs over the bed and sat on the edge next to Sarah.

"Come on sweety," Sarah said, "you probably need to pee and I want to make you look pretty for David."

Arlene stood in that awkward, leaning back in the way of a pregnant woman, and Sarah led her to the bathroom.

I waited and in a few minutes they came out.

Sarah led her to the little makeup table and had her sit and then started making her up.

She was a really good makeup artist. When she was done Arlene looked absolutely stunning. Sarah had done things with her eyes and the eyeliner and shadow that gave her a slightly exotic look. Her lips were red. Her skin was flawless. Her hair was done up like we were going on a date.

I whistled and she giggled and Sarah beamed, proud of her work.

And suddenly Arlene grunted and half bent, drawing a quick breath.

"It's okay honey," Sarah said, rubbing her back slightly, "just your first contraction."

Arlene smiled and stretched, arching her back, her breasts heavy, laying on her belly.

"Okay," she breathed, "that wasn't too bad now."

"Like the first time?" Sarah asked.

"Oh, I didn't go into labor the first time," Arlene said, "I had a placental abruption and an emergency C-section."

"Oh my," Sarah said, "you're in for a treat then."

I went into the kitchen and got beer while Arlene and Sarah went back outside to sit by the pool.

They were a sight, side-by-side.

Sarah was one of those pleasantly plump women, not what you'd call a BBW, but nicely round with soft saddlebags and a bit of a muffin top.

She looked positively tiny next to Arlene, big and blonde, and her huge belly the most prominent part of her now.

Both were laid back in their chaises, legs parted in the pleasant supplication of a sun worshiper.

I stopped and just looked for a few seconds until Arlene reached toward me and said, in her best little-girl voice, "gimme gimme."

I chuckled and went to her, offering a beer, and then to Sarah.

"Okay," I said, "I may well be the happiest man in Colorado right now."

Arlene crooked a finger and I went to her.

She grinned as she took my erection in her hand and said, "you look happy."

She pulled me down, turning her head, and taking me into her mouth.

It was awkward. I had to lean over and support myself on the back of the chaise.

It was wonderful too. I was in no hurry and neither was she.

She stopped suddenly and I slipped out of her mouth as she did a partial sit-up, gasping.

"Try to breathe honey," Sarah said and Arlene gasped.

"Oh Jesus," Arlene said when the contraction passed and she could lay back.

She turned and took me back into her mouth, seeming to be almost hungry and she caught me off guard and I came almost instantly.

Evidently, I surprised her too since she coughed, spraying semen down her breasts and onto her belly.

She giggled then, uncontrollably, and was still giggling softly when she groaned and did that partial situp as another contraction took her.

Sarah was very much in charge now.

She had me hold Arlene's hand which as it happened, caused me great pain the way she squeezed when a contraction took her.

About four hours into the labor, contractions only a few minutes apart by now, Sarah had me help Arlene to stand, and then we walked Arlene into the bedroom.

Sarah had evidently been busy because there were fresh sheets on the bed and, as she told me, a rubber mattress cover.

When we had Arlene comfortable, well, as comfortable as things allowed, Sarah left the room, returning in just a couple of minutes with a large black wallet.

She opened the wallet and a very professional-looking syringe and several vials. She pulled out one of the vials, opened a little foil packet with a fresh needle, and drew a pale blue fluid into the barrel.

She used a piece of rubber tubing to make a tourniquet on Arlene's upper arm and then carefully swabbed the inside of her elbow.

Arlene watched and then asked, "what's that?"

"Oh, this will help move things along and help get those sweet titties producing for the baby," Sarah said as she slipped the needle in and slowly shoved the plunger home.

She withdrew the needle and put a small bandaid on the wound and kissed Arlene on the forehead as her face contorted with another contraction.

Another four hours passed.

Either Sarah or I would masturbate Arlene every few minutes until she was so sensitive that she came almost instantly.

And I realized that Sarah had been right. Arlene was absolutely beautiful, stunning, sexy, desirable, and probably a dozen other adjectives I can't think of right now.

But she was not pretty.

Her hair was wet with her sweat and her makeup was long gone. Her eyes were red, her nose was running.

She was not pretty.

But damn, I wanted her.

"Okay honey," Sarah said, brushing wet hair off of Arlene's face, "I think that's enough for the first time."

Arlene was barely conscious but she managed a weak, "what's that?"

Sarah giggled and said, "let's get that baby out."

She opened her kit and loaded a fresh syringe.

After the injection, another contraction hit and Arlene let out a high-pitched keening sound.

Her voice was nothing but a harsh croak after the screaming she had been doing.

The contractions were seconds apart now, barely giving her time to gasp a breath.

"Tell her she's beautiful," Sarah said softly in my ear, "she needs to hear that."

And so I did. I kissed her snot-slick lips and whispered in her ear how beautiful she was.

I couldn't tell if she heard me or not.

"Okay David," Sarah said, "you want to watch this."

I got off of the bed and moved to the foot where I could see.

Arlene's pussy was bulging out, her labia swollen, her back arched.

With a final harsh scream, her face so red I hoped she wouldn't have a stroke, the "baby's" head appeared.

It was like she had just given birth to a cantaloupe.

She held still for a few seconds and then, with another scream, the "baby's" shoulders appeared, stretching her even farther, and then it just seemed to squirt out the rest of the way as Sarah deftly caught it.

The way she was gaping open gave a whole new meaning to the word "loose."

And I wanted her, right then.

I crawled up between her legs as she panted and sweated and entered her.

She was so stretched out there as no sensation of friction at all, just a wonderful soft warmness.

I kissed her and felt sudden hardness in her body as another contraction took her and I felt the odd sensation of her cervix pushing against me as I pushed against it.

I realized the hissing sound I was hearing was her repeating, "yesssssss, yesssssssssssssss, yessss" over and over.

We lay like that, joined, as another dozen or so contractions took her and then suddenly she relaxed and started snoring.

Sarah was giggling.

"Come on honey," she said, "let's get her flowing."

And she crawled up and latched onto Arlene's nipple.

So I did the same on the other tit.

And it wasn't dry. Her milk was warm and sweet and oddly thick, like half and half.

We nursed like that for a while, smiling across her at each other, while she snored, unaware.

Finally, Sarah pulled off and crooked her finger so I, reluctantly, released Arlene's nipple and followed.

In the kitchen, Sarah grabbed two beers and opened them.

She handed one to me, took a deep drink from hers, and then dropped to her knees right there in front of the refrigerator.

"You didn't quite finish, did you?" she said, smiling up at me and taking me into her mouth.

It felt delightfully kinky, standing in my kitchen, casually drinking a beer, while this cute woman slowly brought me along.

When I came she didn't waste a drop, swallowing greedily and then nursing those final drops until the intensity was so great I had to pull away.

"So," she said, smiling, standing, licking her lips, "how do you like The Life so far."

I grinned and took her hand, led her to the kitchen table, pulled her chair out like a perfect gentleman, and then sat across from her.

"Honestly," I said, "I'm overwhelmed."

She laughed and drained her beer and went to the refrigerator for another

"It is that," she said at length.

We sat in silence while we finished our beers and then she jumped up, all energy, and said, "Okay, a quick shower, and then I've gotta go."

"Oh?" I said, getting up myself.

"Yeah," she said, kissing me quickly before heading toward the bedroom with its adjoining bath, "I have a big exam tomorrow and I absolutely have to study."

So we showered together. I loved the way the soap sudsed on her body hair but, oddly, I did not get an erection.

As she dressed she looked over at Arlene and smiled.

"She'll sleep for a long time David, she said, "that was hard work and her body is exhausted. But you should probably get that baby back in there right away and start filling her back up. Trust me, she'll want it."

"Okay," I said, feeling kind of dumb and inadequate.

She grinned and picked up her gym bag, opened it, and handed me an amber pill bottle.

"One of these every morning with food," she said, seeming almost professional, "to make sure her milk is flowing properly."

With that, she kissed me quickly again and went out into the garage and into her little sports car.

I opened the door and watched her leave.

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