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Dominated by our neighbor Ch. 01

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Kyle meets his neighbor.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 04/28/2024
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Authors note: This is a story about female domination that includes foot fetish, oral sex, sex, domination, mixed wrestling, amazons, and male chastity/keyholding. This story also has a twist I rarely see in videos or read in stories: a couple enjoying a fetish together. I wish I saw more content with this twist, and I hope you like it half as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I also include about 4 1/2 pages on background on my main character for the story. I like to introduce my characters so the reader can (hopefully!) identify with them to make the story a more enjoyable experience. I hope I succeeded, and you enjoy the background.

If you just want the action, there is action throughout! However, if you want to skip straight to the mixed wrestling and femdom start at Chpt 2., in gets interesting in Chpt3, and the male chastity starts at the very end of Chpt 6.

Chapter 1: Kyle and Jess meet their new neighbor


It was done!

I had signed that last form. I had initialed the last line. The pile of completed forms on my left was tall and the pile of unsigned forms on my right was now zero. It was a unique moment: exciting, fun, and stimulating but at the same time it was a bit terrifying and nerve racking.

I was now a home owner! Correction, my wife and I were now homeowners!

"Done?" I asked the group stupidly, already knowing the answer.

"Done." William the banker replied.

"Mine?" I asked, again a bit stupidly.

"Yours!" he replied with a bit more enthusiasm in his tone.

"Ours!" my wife Jessica corrected in a playful tone, slapping me on the knee.

"Yours!" Will repeated in the same tone.

"Ours!" I corrected myself, smiling at her when I did so.

Just like that, we were proud homeowners and just like that we were now in debt far north of six figures. $217,573 to be specific. I was $217,573 in debt to the bank over a new home.

Jessica and I were both super excited, so I tried to put the new debt out of my mind. We were excited because this is exactly what we were looking for. This was our home now. Not a house, a home. We were talking about kids that would be raised here, the school district they would go to, the neighbors we may be able to make friends with, and neighborhood kids there for ours to play with.

But, I'm getting pretty far ahead of myself, we don't even have any kids yet!

Also: who the hell starts a story with an exchange about buying a house?!? Also: how is this a story about mixed wrestling, foot fetishes, chastity, blow jobs and sex? Let me tell you!

My name is Kyle and I'm 27. I have been working in software for the past two years after getting through college. I've been trying to save my money to buy the best house we can afford without being poor due to our future house payment. I don't want to be house-poor, but I don't want to settle for a house in a crappy neighborhood or a house that is a fixer-upper.

I can't do a fixer-upper. I can't. I won't. I didn't grow up with a handy father or uncle who fixed everything. Growing up with my parents, if it broke we called the guy or bought a new one. Looking back, I wish that had not been the case. I wish I was a little more handy with everyday things. It doesn't help that I'm not big or strong. I was never a jock. I was in the math club. I graduated high school at 5' 7" and maybe 130 lbs. I worked out in college and now I sit at around 150 or so. I wish I could say it's all muscle, but I can't.

My wife Jessica, or Jess to me and her close friends, is 26 and is a nurse at the hospital. It was great to marry a nurse: she makes good money and she never has to worry about job security. Sadly, if you ask me, our population in America is only getting older and fatter right now in 2024. So, I think nurses will always get paid good money and be in demand. She also bartends on the side. She doesn't bartend often, usually once per week and usually short shifts, but she has bartended at the same place off and on for almost 7 years. At this point, I think she does it because she knows the people, she is friends with the owners, and she enjoys being social with the regulars.

With me working in software and my wife being a nurse we make quite a bit of money. It is hard earned money, and our educations needed to get us here cost a great deal, but it is quite a bit of money. So, we wanted a nice house in a nice neighborhood. Luckily, that's just what we found.

The subdivision is a planned community under a Home Owners Association outside of a town of a few hundred thousand people. It is exactly what you are thinking: a suburb in the middle of suburbia. Thank God our house isn't all identical to every other house around it like other subdivisions. But, being a planned community, everything is laid out about the same way throughout every street and every cul-de-sac. Privacy fences separate backyards, front yards cannot have fences of any kind, and they are pretty strict about everything looking nice and being well kept.

Actually, they are hawks about everything being well kept and looking nice. There is even a private access road so you can move in and out through the backyard and not the front yard. So, if you have work to do or if a maintenance man needs to stop by, it is expected they use this road and not park out front and make it look bad. The streets and cul-de-sacs are even set up so that there is a single, one way, access road that can be used to access the backyard of every home in each neighborhood within the subdivision. The road also had a keycode entry for security purposes that changed every few months, this meant only residents had access to that road.

'That access road is such a waste of space.... I bet I even pay property taxes to maintain that stupid thing. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?!' I often thought as I mowed my grass up to the gate separating the access road from my yard.

I know that feels like way too much detail, but it comes into play later!

Anyway, we moved in late spring and got to know some of the neighbors. We got a dog, named him Banjo, and met even more neighbors on our nightly walks with him. Most of the neighbors are nice enough, most are older than we are, but some are close to our age and we started hanging out on weekends every few weeks. There is one neighbor in particular that I want to tell you about, but before I do, I have to tell you something about myself.

I have a few kinks and fetishes that aren't exactly normal and mainstream. Ok, one is: I have a huge foot fetish. I think a lot of guys do, but it's still a taboo that I don't talk about with people. My wife knows about it and is into it with me, and this is amazing. She even likes to pamper and worship my feet from time to time (however, not very often) when the mood strikes her. I love this woman!

The other is a wrestling fetish, more specifically a mixed wrestling fetish. Even more specifically, femdom mixed wrestling. I love to see a woman manhandle a man! It drives me batshit crazy with desire and lust. If you are reading this story, I'm going to assume you know what I am talking about.

Personally, I like bikinis the best for mixed wrestling. If not bikinis, then the super short spandex shorts with a sports bra. I like the realism with these outfits, which is why I like them more than professional attire or a bra and panties. A woman would not be caught dead outside her bedroom in a bra and panties and 99% or women don't own the professional style one piece outfit and knee high lace up boots. On the other hand, every girl I want to see in a bikini probably owns three or four of them and most girls have short spandex shorts and sports bras.

Being a mixed wrestling fanatic, I am aware of the websites where session wrestlers have profiles and post their travels. If you aren't familiar, all you guys reading this story can go to a session wrestler website, search all the wrestlers by state, and contact them to book your very own session. I am lucky to live around a big enough city where traveling wrestlers visit regularly. I even booked a session once. It was fucking phenomenal.

Watching the site, I found a traveling girl I liked who was visiting, so I booked her. I told Jess I was going to work just like any other day, but I spent the morning killing time in town before our session at 11 a.m. It lasted an hour and I got everything I wanted. She kicked my ass, let me worship her feet, and let me rub and grope her ass and thighs. She even wore a red bikini like I asked. It lasted an hour and fifteen minutes, then she let me buy her a room service lunch and we ate together for another hour. It was maybe the best $550 I have ever spent. When it was over it was only 12:30, so I was forced to kill another few hours alone. So, I went to see some movie to pass the time, paying in cash, so I could still arrive home at a normal time and Jess would not suspect anything.

We even have two session wrestlers who live in my city. Neither of them is my type: one is a bodybuilding type and that just doesn't do it for me. I don't mean any disrespect, but we like what we like.

The other was just too tall for me. She is 6'2" and says she is a former volleyball player. She is super hot, don't get me wrong: tall, athletic, great butt and big (but not too big) boobs. She has slightly darker skin, dark hair and dark eyes; she looks like she is of Hispanic decent, but maybe a lighter skinned Hispanic? I don't know, she could also be a dark complected Caucasian. I don't know, I don't care, she is super hot in her photos.

She also talks on her profile page about being into domination, taking men's money, forcing her subjects into submission, and owning people. Her words: "owning people", not my words. She doesn't post pics of her being clad in leather with whips and chains, but that's what I envision with her. I'm just not sure I'm into that type of stuff.

Also, I'm 5'7" and I'm not athletic or strong. I wanted to face off against a girl I thought I had a chance to compete with in a wrestling match. I didn't want to win, but I wanted to think I could win. I was sure the 6' 2" former volleyball player would be so far out of my league it may not be fun.

Now, how does this play into my story?

The volleyball player turned session wrestler is my neighbor!! No freaking shit people! I am sure it's her! Same butt. Same boobs. Same dark hair and dark eyes. Same athletic build. Plus, how many women are 6' 2" tall in this city? I almost pissed my pants when I saw her!

She lives four or five houses down on the next street over! I could take the access road to her backyard gate in minutes if I wanted to. I could knock on her door in 5 minutes if I wanted to. I can't do either of those things, obviously, but she is right there. This was an incredibly exciting development!

We met a few months after Jess and I moved in and once Banjo was big enough from some longer walks. We had walked by her house a dozen times before we saw her for the first time. She came out to put out her trash just as we walked by. She had on some short jean shorts, a tank top, and was barefoot with blue toenails. Noticing that we are all about the same age, my wife struck up a conversation as we passed at her curb. I was stunned. I could barely stutter my name when I introduced myself and stumbled over an easy "Nice to meet you" greeting. I felt like such a dork!

I could not believe it. This may sound weird, but it was like meeting a celebrity. It was a surreal moment. It was like two parts of my life met unexpectedly: my actual life, which I love, met my private fetish life that comes out only when I was alone with my phone and most likely jerking off.

My wife noticed because she knows me way too well. After a few minutes of small talk and a friendly "I hope we see you around!" from Jess we kept walking. As soon as we got out of earshot, Jess started giving me shit about it.

"Nice to good you?" she teased "Did you really just introduce yourself to our neighbor and say "Nice to good you?"

"I don't even know, I'm an idiot. I meant to say, "Nice to meet you" but "It's good to meet you" came out at the same time and it turned into "Nice to good you".

"I don't have to worry, do I? If I didn't know better, I would say you have a crush on her! We only talked a few minutes! Do we need to avoid that street?!"

Jess teased me a bit more as I tried to play it off and pretend I didn't have a moment when I realized it was her.

'Her name is Torri on the session website.... Shit what was her real name?!' I thought to myself. 'I can't ask Jess, she already thinks I lost my shit around this girl. She is kinda right: I could barely talk in her presence. I can't ask Jess her name...'

After Jess and I got home I went to her profile page as soon as I was alone. I had already read every word of it, I had read every word multiple times. But, when I read it this time, every word had more meaning. Every word felt like it was new information. It was like a fantasy had now become reality.

I don't know how that's possible, we had only spoke for a few minutes I had not said more than 10 words. Also, I could have sessioned with her before today but was never interested in doing so: how is it different now that I know where she lives?

These were weird thoughts for me, but it made me crazy horny. I tried not to push too hard for sex that night since I didn't want Jess thinking that I was all worked up by seeing Torri. That was absolutely true, but I can't let her think that.

I did get laid that night, which was fucking amazing! Afterwards I had trouble sleeping: I was thinking about Torri (or whatever her real name was) and wondering if I could safely session with her without Jess becoming wise to my fetish.

See, Jess shares in my foot fetish but I have never indulged my mixed wrestling fetish with her. I don't know why, I bet she would wrestle with me, but I'm a bit scared of being too greedy. I get sex, blow jobs when I work for them, we play foot worship games, and she even worships my feet from time to time. I always felt asking her to put on a bikini to wrestle may be asking too much? I also didn't want her to feel self-conscious in her bikinis or know that I was so turned on by girls wearing or wrestling in bikinis. I don't know, but I have never talked about it with her.

I worried if I wrestled with Torri Jess may know something is up. She may not know what, but she may get a feeling. We all know there is an energy with people in groups. Maybe I can't explain it, but it's there. Some people just have that energy that makes them impossible not to like. Others will show they are in a relationship or not just by their looks or mannerisms or the energy between them. They don't have to say they are popular or divulge they are in a relationship, but often times it can be easy to read.

I had to play it cool though, because we ended up hanging out with Torri periodically with other neighbors or in our own backyard. Her name was really Britney, and I had to constantly be aware to call her that and not say Torri. I was pretty worried I would screw up the first few times I was around her, but after that I dropped the name Torri from my vocabulary and even thought about Britney when I visited her profile page.

This went by for a few months and fall approached. People in the neighborhood were out less as school functions kept folks busy and impromptu neighborhood conversations were less and less. We still saw Britney as much as anyone, and her and Jess had become friends.

Britney was single and said she was a "private beautician". She told folks that her job was to travel to client's homes to provide spa like treatments and massages. This is why she didn't go to work from 8-5 like everyone else, why she came and went constantly, and why random cars visited her home at seemingly random times. She talked about having mobile equipment and providing pedicures, manicures, facials, massages and other spa treatments and clients home's or in her home rather than them going to a spa. She said COVID lockdowns gave her the idea and business was booming.

While having some drinks in another neighbor's front yard, someone asked her once why mostly guys came to her home alone, and she had a good answer to that too:

"Most men don't want to be seen going to a spa filled with women for a massage, but men love massages just as much. So, they like a more private setting. They also love mani pedis too! Don't let them say they don't!"

This led to some teasing of the guys and some juvenile men vs women banter, and I noticed Britney mostly stayed out of the fray despite being the one to kind of start it.

I didn't jump into the fray that night either, instead I thought I knew the truth: those men were session customers and she was kicking their asses! Her profile page also said she had a "private room in in the city" with mats where she could host clients. So, I assume this is where she met most clients. Having said that, both could have been true.

Ok, now that I have set the stage, let's get to the fun part of the story. Let's talk more about my first session with Britney!

I emailed her at her session email and told her my story. I didn't hide who I was. I told her not to tell Jess. I even used the term "respect my privacy" so she would know I was serious about Jess not knowing. I felt a bit like a douche for making that big of a deal about it, but I was worried Jess might find out I wanted to roll around and wrestle with a bikini clad Britney. That thought scared the shit out of me!

Britney was a total professional, and we set the terms of the session and a date when we both knew Jess was working. I work a hybrid schedule and I'm home two or three days per week, so we picked a day that was only two days away. The access road was rarely used, so I took it to Britney's house unnoticed.

As I made the quick walk, I realized that this access road was the smartest thing anyone had ever added to anything!

She left the back gate and sliding back door unlocked for me, and I let myself through the gate and approached the back door. I was nervous about doing so, but she was standing in the door and let me in.

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AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago

AMazing begining bro ! It's look like it was me, writing me secret life and desire haha. Continu Sir !

louiseacdlouiseacd2 months ago

my god, to drawn out on worthless details stopped reading before I got half way through it

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