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Dominated by our neighbor Ch. 02

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Kyle's session begins.
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Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 04/28/2024
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"Hi Kyyyyyllllle..." she said, drawing out the sound of my name, "Welcome to my house of pain and pleasure. I never dreamed I would hear from you on my session email. I love it! I want you to know I LOVE it!"

"Hi Britney, how's it going?" I said nervously.

"I'm excited!" she said enthusiastically, "I'm excited for both us! I'm going to enjoy this and I'm going to make sure you enjoy it too. Come here...." she continued, holding out her hand for me to take and smiling invitingly.

I took her hand, and it enveloped my smaller hand. Her hands were warm and soft, but her grip was firm.

She led me downstairs to an open floorplan basement. It was unfinished with tall ceilings, just like my basement, and it had a huge sectional couch in one corner with thick blue mats in front of it. I would bet nine adults could sit on that sectional; it was the biggest couch I had ever seen. When the couch was combined with the mats, it was a big, padded area that was probably a 15' square. She led me to it, still holding my hand.

As I followed her, I noticed her clothing choices. She had on a t shirt from her college volleyball days and short and loose running shorts with some fuzzy house slippers covering her entire foot, even the heel.

'I hope she has the bikini on that I requested, I can't tell through her clothes.' I thought as I tried hard not to stare at her ass too much. Only then did I notice her ass was a bit bigger than the pictures on her site. Good thing for me this wasn't a problem. I still didn't know if she was of Hispanic decent or not, but she did have those curves that fit the stereotype of Hispanic women.

She stepped on the mats and led me to the couch. She turned my body as she turned to face me. I was now face to upper chest. She grabbed my other hand and looked down at me.

"Before I ask you to sit, know that I am going to treat you like any other client. You agreed to this in the emails. Are you still happy with this idea?"

"Yeah." I said as bluntly as I could muster.

"Good I told you I charge $400/hour, but I insist on you paying $200 since we are friends and neighbors." She paused, then continued, "This is not negotiable, please don't try."

"Okay." I replied.

"So, we are in agreement?"

"Yeah." I said again, maybe with a bit less certainty than I hoped.

She smiled widely, signaling that she accepted my agreement.

"Sit." She said directly, pointing to a middle cushion of the huge sectional sofa. I sat down.

She turned her body to look down at me as she towered over my seated body. She peeled off her shirt to reveal a blue string bikini top with black pinstripes. She tossed the shirt aside and shimmied out of her short running shorts where I may have gawked at her matching string bikini bottom and crotch a bit too long. She then kicked off the fuzzy slippers where I saw her toes matched her bikini. I took a minute to confirm that her fingernail paint matched the toes.

'Holy shit! She listened to every word of my request. This is awesome!' I thought silently as I looked up at her. She smiled a knowing smile about the crotch gawking before kneeling down in front of me.

She pushed my knees apart and moved her body between my legs. She leaned forward and put her hands on either side of my hips. She then spoke seductively and said:

"So Kyle, you said you wanted to have a chance? How much of a chance?" She asked as she was about six inches from my face. I was very suddenly very intimidated. Somehow, I managed to speak clearly and not stutter:

"I want it to be semi competitive at the most. Can you let me think I could win and let me struggle to try to win before pinning me and making me tap?"

She winked at me, leaned back, backed up without standing, and held out her hand.

"Tag in when you are ready." She said confidently.

I knelt as I moved off the couch, moved towards her and slapped her hand.

She moved slowly my way, so I reached with both hands to stop her. That was the most resistance I put up the entire hour.

She mopped the mats with me. It wasn't ever close. It wasn't even fair! She got whatever she wanted and did whatever she liked. She talked trash and told me what she was going to do before she did it and I still had no prayer. It was a bit embarrassing as a man to legitimately have absolutely no chance in a physical confrontation with a woman. It was incredible!

It was worth $1000!! That first session with Brit (she said we were now close enough that she can be Brit and not Britney) was an hour I will remember for the rest of my life. Then it got better:

"Ok Kyle, anything else before the session is over? We are just past an hour, and I'm going to guess you want a few more headscissors."

I wondered how she knew that, and yeah, I did want some more headscissors. During the match I had to tap out between her legs quite a few times, but I wanted to experience a few more where I could simply enjoy the hold without being forced to tap out.

"Yeah, please that would be great." I replied, a bit too exhausted to muster much enthusiasm.

She got off of me, sat back, leaned on her hands, and spread her legs. She tapped on her lower stomach and said:


I crawled over and she guided my head into position and slowly clamped her smooth inner thighs around my neck and jaw. I could feel the warmth of her pussy under my chin and on my neck and I could smell just a bit of sweat from her exertion in whipping my ass for the last hour. She alternated squeezing my head with her legs and inner thigh muscles along with just holding me in place at her mercy.

"Grab my thighs, caress them while I have you all wrapped up." She said politely and directly.

I rubbed and groped her thighs and hips when she added more directions:

"My belly too. I want to feel your hands on me."

I did so. It felt a bit awkward, feeling Brit's bare legs and belly with both hands while her pussy was pressed against my chin and her thighs were wrapped around my head. I was curious if every guy got this or if this was just for me.

She then released me, smiled at me, and seductively commanded:

"Roll over."

I did so without words, and she knelt over me, laid down on my torso and wrapped her legs around my head in a reverse headscissor. She reached back to lift my head and get a better grip with her legs, and when she did I lifted up so she could clamp down around my neck and jaw rather than my jaw and cheeks.

"Good boy." She said, "here is your reward!"

She then tried to pop my head off and made me grope her legs and ass as she did so. I did it without question.

We tried a few more headscissors before she ended the session after an hour and fifteen minutes. We chatted a bit about my fetish, her life as a session wrestler, and other things like that. After about 20 minutes of talk I decided I should be going, we hugged, and I left. As I started up the stairs, she called out:

"We are going to do this again, right Kyyyyllllle?"

She drug out my name again in that seductive tone.

"Yeah.... We do." I said awkwardly. I heard her laugh, so I decided to leave on a high note and not explain that I meant to say "Yeah, we will".

I got home, showered, jerked off thinking about Brit in that bikini and groping her ass and legs. After that I tried to work but had trouble concentrating. After an hour or so I had to pee, so I went to the bathroom and noticed my face was all flushed and I had red splotches all over my cheeks!

"What the HELL?!?!" I screeched aloud. "What the fuck is THIS? What's Jess gonna think?"

I was stunned!

I was petrified!

What was I going to say!?

I could do nothing but stare in fear and my splotchy red face....

After a few minutes of pure terror, I started to calm down a bit. The more I looked, the more I realized that it wasn't that bad. Yeah, it was noticeable, but a person would have to be close to notice. They would also need good light, too. But what the hell happened?

Maybe being squeezed between her crazy strong legs caused it? That had to be it. I had no idea why or how, but that had to be it.

I then realized I could probably easily play it off with a simple "I'm feeling a bit off today honey....do I look flush to you?"

There is no way she would suspect what really happened. Hell, I lived it, and it almost feels like a dream or something that happened to someone else. It was only an hour ago and it kinda felt like a memory of a movie or something like that. I don't know if that makes any sense, but it made for a weird day.

As I worried, Jess noticed my face immediately when she walked in and wanted her welcome home kiss. She was instantly worried:

"Hon... are you ok? You look... I don't know, but your face is kinda red?"

"Do I look a bit flush?" I said, hoping it went over as well with her as it did a few hours ago in my own mind.

"Yeah, what did you do today?"

"Nothing, work. I did feel a bit light headed a few hours ago and after that a bit dehydrated....."

I continued with a BS story about feeling off earlier in the day. She bought it, and she insisted I lay down for the rest of the night and get some water and food in my system. No walk with Banjo (the poor dog was super disappointed to miss his nightly walk) and some sort of allergy pill she had in her purse.

'Success!' I thought silently after she insisted I get to bed early. 'She thinks I'm a bit sick and too stubborn to admit it. This is perfect for me.'

As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered when I could do it again.

A few weeks went by. I saw Brit socially as her and Jesse continued to bond and hang out semi regularly and we saw each other once more in another impromptu front yard gathering at a mutual neighbor's house. She was a total professional and she gave no indication that we had this shared experience. No subtle looks, no nothing. She was very good.

I emailed her again after about a month and we set another session for later in the week. Once again, I was working from home and Jess was at work. It went the same as before: I got my ass kicked as thoroughly as last time! This time she wore red spandex booty shorts and a red sports bra, and having more support in her clothing (i.e. the sports bra) meant she could move faster and go a bit harder, which she did. Not that she needed to, but she did anyway and I was crushed over and over again.

She was so sexy! Her curves were just too much, again! One would think the bikini bottom would be sexier than the spandex booty shorts, but I'm not sure that's the case. As the session went on, those spandex rode up more and more into her ass crack, and the imprint of a thong may have been visible at the top of her ass. This was confirmed as she held me in a figure four reverse headscissor and made me grab her ass.

I felt for a panty line on her ass cheek. None. Then I moved my hands up and traced the outline of the thong with my fingers. I wondered at the time if she noticed my raging boner....

I tapped quicker this session in hopes of avoiding the red splotchiness on my face, and it worked. When I looked in the mirror a few hours after the session was over, I looked clean and normal.

'I knew that was it. It had to be!' I told myself when I looked for the first time.

"That's good to know," I whispered aloud to myself, "too long in a vicelike headscissor can lead to blotchy face. I need to keep that to a minimum if I'm going to keep this up. I don't think Jess is going to like me spending our money so I can get my ass kicked by our sexy bikini wearing neighbor."

The sessions continued, and Jess and I settled into a bit of a routine in our new neighborhood and in our new lives. Her and Brit were friends, which was both amazing and a little weird. Brit and I sessioned about every three or four weeks, and I told her about the blotchiness after our first session. She explained that sometimes when a person is being choked out and denied air and blood flow to the head and face that some smaller capillaries can burst due to the pressure. That can lead to the blotchy red face after a session or any other event where the head is denied blood flow.

I didn't Google to see if she was right or if she was full of crap, it made sense to me. Either way, I decided to only stay in her scissors long enough to risk red face every third or fourth session. I could still tell Jess I was feeling under the weather, but if it happened too often she would force me to a doctor.

'I can't have that!' I thought to myself. 'If a doctor would say that the blotchiness is from being choked out too many times she is going to start to worry.

'I can't have that...' I repeated to myself

So, I was careful. I even tried hard to schedule sessions in the evenings when Jess bartended so I would be asleep before she got home.

As this went on, I noticed that Brit got a little more....dominant around me. I'm not sure dominant is the right word, she always was dominant and dictated every aspect of our sessions. But she would start to say things that made me wonder what she was thinking.

For example, after we had sessioned a few times she started occasionally calling me her "Puppy". She would ask "are you mine now, puppy?"

There were other things like that too. I like a good victory pose after she makes me tap, but she loves posing over me. She loves it! It's obvious: her face lights up when she does it. After a few sessions, she started making me say humbling things when she posed on me. Things that weren't too weird, but there were things that didn't seem like they fit with a friendly wrestling session.

For example, again, she once asked me "Who's my bitch?" and I worry I said "I'm your bitch!" much more quickly and enthusiastically than I should have. When I did, I worried I may have creeped her out, so I withdrew a little bit during the rest of the session and was a bit more reserved than normal.

I think that creeped her out even more by going into a shell like that. I wasn't sure what to do though: it feels like she is giving me hints that she wants to take her domination of me to another level, but I'm scared I'm misreading her and I risk freaking her out. I can't have that either, so I try hard to play off her dominatrix style comments.

This went on for a few months, and I feel like Brit and I settled into a routine just like Jess and I did. The more we did, the more I started warming up to the idea of her taking her domination of me to another level.

I had never considered myself a submissive person, and I don't really get the whips and chains stuff from the movies where women wear skin tight leather body suits. I don't judge those that do, but I never got the appeal of the full body leather outfit or the other variations of the leather gear.

The idea of being at a women's mercy and under her control, however, was really growing on me.

I think Brit was noticing it too, and I wonder if that's why she would toss out a dominatrix type comment about once per session. It was like she was fishing and I wasn't biting. I was scared to bite: her and my wife are friends! What quicker way to make it weird between us than to tell her even more about my weird fetishes and telling her I was starting to think I may want her to play dominatrix over me!?!

I mean, ok, it's already weird since I see her every few weeks so I can pay her hundreds of dollars of our hard earned money to roll around with her when she wasn't wearing much more than underwear. Not to mention that during this rolling it is both of our goals that my head end up between her inner thighs with her barely covered pussy on my neck or my chin sitting in her ass crack. Maybe weird left the harbor months ago and I'm just being a pussy?

I don't know, but I was scared to take it any further. So, our routine continued for those few months. Then, things started to get a bit weird in a different way.

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