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Dominatrix Courtney's Blog 02

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Man is abducted and marked by his new owners.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 02/17/2024
Created 01/10/2022
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Authors note: My favorite stories to read are Femdom capture stories. Stories of how the male slave was taken and forced to be a permanent sex slave.

Every chapter of this series will be a different story of how a male first became a slave to a dominant women.

This pure fiction story contains depictions of kidnapping, torture, body modification, and human slavery. Kidnapping and human slavery are illegal acts and this story does not condone this behavior. It is intended strictly for the erotic enjoyment of the reader. I wrote it for a specific audience. If female domination is not your thing, please check out some of my other works.

For this franchise, I spin off a character from the previous story, 'Lilly Takes a Husband' which has a good following.

All Fictional Charters are adults over 18 and any similarities to real people is totally by coincidence.

Dominatrix Courtney's Blog 2

Hello and welcome back for the second entry to my blog.

Today I am going to talk about a capture I did about four years ago.

About a year and a half before this abduction, I was contacted by two ladies who have gone into business together. They were body piercing and tattoo artists.

They wanted a slave that they could tattoo and pierce from head to toe and use him for shows, exhibits, and as a slave for everyday use to fill their sexual needs.

They basically wanted a hairless wimp, no taller that five foot, and around a hundred pounds.

I had a few clients that fit most of their criteria except the total lack of body hair part.

They wanted to do a minimum of hair removal maintenance and electrolysis because they wanted a natural "Canvas," soft and supple skin that would take ink well.

They had to have a captive because they didn't want him to have any say in how they used him.

In that time I had done four abductions, but none were suitable for them, so I sent those slaves for sale on the black market.

Finally one day I received contact on the internet from a man that wanted me to help him explore the female dominance experience.

His name was Carl who stood at five foot two, weighed one hundred twenty pounds, and he indicated that he was bald.

Upon my request, he sent me a series of nude pictures of his almost entirely hairless body. He looked like a good prospect.

He had no friends, family or close co-workers; the perfect guy that wouldn't be missed if he were to vanish.

I enticed him into coming in for sessions and the more brutal I was, the more he seemed to like it and always begged for more.

After just two sessions I knew he was ripe for the taking.

I sent videos of his two sessions to the artists and they definitely wanted him.

They lived two hundred miles away and they wanted their slave to have no doubt who owned them and that he was totally under their control.

This led to an unusual request.

They wanted an early morning abduction, and they wanted the room reserved for at least the following ten hours.

Before they took him home, they wanted to mark him and prove that he had no more rights to his body. He had become just a canvas for their art and a sex slave for them.

They wanted to start piercing and tattooing him immediately so he had time to heal and be ready for his first showing in just two months.

I checked my schedule and marked off a date so I wouldn't make any appointments. I called Carl the night before and told him he had to be at my studio by eight AM the next day. He protested saying that day wouldn't work for him.

"Bullshit," I said, and I told him that if he didn't show up he could no longer have any more sessions with me.

That did it, he reluctantly agreed to show up.

The poor thing, he actually thought that he was going home that day.

The buyers, Emma and Claire, wanted to arrive about an hour before and disinfect the room. Claire was a doctor and she wanted to prevent the chance of Carl's piercings and tattoo's getting infected.

On the day of the abduction, the two came in at the arraigned time. They both had butch haircuts and wore muscle shirts black leather vest. Their midriffs were exposed displaying their pierced navels.

Their bodies were heavily tattooed.

They told me they had a van and I instructed them to park by the back door.

They pulled around back , they had the van loaded with medical equipment.

They had IV stands, medical monitors, and various supplies. I knew if Carl saw the equipment he'd freak, so I had them stage everything in a room adjacent to my dungeon.

We then sat and waited to spring our trap.

Right on time he arrived for his session.

He knew the drill, he was to disrobe, stand at attention, and wait for his Mistress.

I had him back up against an X-frame. I subsequently strapped him tightly in place with his arms spread out above his head and his legs about three feet apart.

I asked Eve, one of my assistants to join us. She knelt before him and without saying a word, she took his erection in her mouth and worked it in and out of her throat. She cupped his balls in her hand and kneaded them as she continued her rhythm on his cock.

She worked him hard bringing him close to climax.

Carl was distracted so he didn't see me behind him readying a syringe with a sedative.

She backed up and started stroking his engorged manhood with her palms. He knew that he was not allowed to cum without permission, so he started begging Eve to allow him to blow his load.

She granted her permission and he ejaculated hot ropes of his seed all over her face.

She then stood and kissed him working some of his cum into his mouth with her tongue. He was in heaven, or so he thought!

While Eve kept him distracted, I pinched a little skin on his scrotum and injected the medicine into his balls.

He hardly even noticed.

His eyes became glossy and he slumped against his bindings unable to control his muscles.

Eve helped me rotate the frame into a horizontal position and locked it into place. I went into the next room and told my guests that he was ready. I helped them roll their equipment into the chamber.

In his right arm, Claire started an IV of antibiotics and other drugs to keep him relaxed while they worked. They hooked him to monitors to keep track of his blood oxygen, blood pressure, and pulse rate.

These two were different from other buyers that I've had, they seemed to really care about this slave and they were focusing on keeping him healthy. The slave's longevity was important to them, Carl would now be a showplace of their talents.

The two of them got to work.

Emma blocked open Carl's mouth and pierced his tongue. A buzzing sound filled the air as Claire started tattooing the side of their new slave's erect penis.

I sat and watched them as they worked, it took just a few minutes before the tattoo on his cock started taking shape. It said "Owned" in gothic lettering.

Emma put a ruby jewel through Carl's tongue piercing then started working on piercing his nipples.

Claire began tattooing "Slave Carl" on the area just below his navel.

I left for about a half hour then I went back and checked on them.

There was the lettering "Property of Mistress Claire' just above the left nipple and "Property of Mistress Emma" above the nipple on the right. Claire had pierced the head of his cock and installed a "Prince Albert" ring through the urethra.

They had installed an adjustable stretcher above their slave's ball sack and started working at putting rings through the bottom of each testicle.

I left for lunch and returned about an hour later. Emma was just finishing up on Carl's face. Each cheek had Femdom silhouettes of shapely mistresses with a bound male slave bowing at her feet. Carl's nose and navel had brass rings in them. His head was covered with "Barbed Wire" tattoos.

I left again to run some errands, when I returned, both Claire and Emma were doing the tattooing. The sound was deafening. They had put a catheter into Carl's bladder and a bag of urine hung under him. They had turned him over on his stomach and were tattooing his back.

Claire was working on a large tat between his shoulder blades that said "Slave to the needle" in the same fonts as the other drawings on Carl's skin. Emma was putting four inch bulls-eyes on each of his ass cheeks.

They told me these were just the outlines of the artwork, color and fine detail would be added later.

They put a black leather collar around their slave's neck and put cuffs on his wrists and ankles.

They removed Carl's IV and spread ointment on all their artwork in another step to prevent infections. They removed the catheter.

We bound him again to the frame and stood it vertical.

Now we just waited for Carl to wake up and realize the stark reality the he was now an owned slave.

Emma and Claire stood in front of them and waited.

Soon he was waking up and instinctively tried to rub his eyes but couldn't, his bindings kept his hands over his head.

I always love the dialog when a slave get the GOOD news.

"Who are you," he asked.

"We're your new owners," said Claire.

"My new owners??"

"Yep, we just bought you from Mistress Courtney!"

"Bought?" I didn't agree to that!"

"Oh you poor thing, you actually think you have a say in this."

"For how long?"

"Forever, you belong to us now to be used as our sex slave and our canvas!"


"What does THAT mean?"

"Mistress Courtney, please show him what we mean by canvas!"

"Sure thing,'" I said moving a full length mirror in front of him.

His jaw dropped when he saw the image in the mirror, he started turning his head to check the tattoos on his face.

"How long have I been out," Carl asked, his voice distorted by his piercing.

"About nine hours," was my reply.

Emma noticed that his cock had grown rock hard while looking at himself.

"This is only the start, we plan to tattoo almost every inch of your body by the time we're done," said Claire.

He looked down at his cock and bobbed it a little so he could check out his piercing.

"W-w-what happens now," he asked, trying to get use to the jewel on his tongue.

"Well, you can do this easy and submit to us, or we can make it rough, it's your choice," said Emma.

Claire took their slaves penis in her hand and slightly bent it, and pointed at the Prince Albert, "In two weeks this will be healed, we plan to ride it a lot! We can't wait to feel this in our pussies!"

"Y-y-you don't plan to have me go out in public like this do you, they will stare at me."

"That's the idea, you will always be kept nude and on display, you will be the main attraction of our parlor!"

Carl looked and studied his new owners, he saw that they had piercings and tattoos themselves, then he looked at himself again, they did do beautiful work.

The realism of his situation began to sink in, what kind of life he could have now even if he could escape, he was now a freak.

He hung his head in total defeat.

I helped them put all their equipment back into van, leaving just enough for their new purchase.

We released him for his bindings. Eve cuffed his hands behind his back and put a three foot chain between his ankle cuffs they walked him outside and loaded him in their van and drove off.

To be continued....

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subleroysubleroyabout 3 years agoAuthor

Literotica requires that victims of kidnapping and other non-consent stories depict some tendencies toward the sex-act forced on them. I've had stories rejected for that reason.

aznlookinguyaznlookinguyabout 3 years ago

Whoa, this is a new theme to me, but well written, if you like short, one-sentence paragraphs. Yes, a bit extreme, yet I would actually prefer it be more non-consensual. Capture a dominant male, for example, instead of these males who are already quite submissive.

mul717ud35mul717ud35about 3 years ago

Love how extreme this is and would like the wild things she does drawn out even more. Can't wait for Part 3.

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