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Don't Bet on Football Games, Part 1

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The bookie also owned an escort service.
2.5k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 07/02/2024
Created 07/01/2024
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Who would have expected the upset of the century? The Padres, who had never won a Super Bowl, defeating the six-time Super Bowl champion Patriots. The outcome was so predictable that it was the least watched game of the season. The bookies were unwilling to take bets without a 21-point spread. Instead of going broke, they made fortunes off that one game. Monday morning, they began making their collection calls.

Millie was warming up some leftovers when Ben got home from work. He put his arm around her waist and kissed her cheek. "How was your day?" she asked him.

"It was good," he said. "I signed up twelve new subscribers today."

"Don't you need fifteen to get a bonus?"

"Yes, but I still get my base salary. The company is growing, so I should be making bonuses pretty soon. Then we can pay down some of our wedding bills and start saving money toward a house. We knew when we got married it would be tough financially for a while."


"You sound rather glum. Is something wrong?"

She hesitated a moment, then softly said, "Yes."

"What's wrong?"

She handed him a plate a beef stew and ladled stew onto a plate for herself. "Let's eat before this gets cold."

They sat down at the dining room table. She had already set out utensils and two glasses of ice water. "Are we out of wine?"

"Yes," Millie said quietly. "I was thinking we could save money if we switched to water with dinner. We could easily save eight hundred dollars a year that way."

"I didn't realize our one luxury cost that much."

"It's not a lot. We could use the money to pay down one of the credit cards. Every little bit helps."

"That's true. I guess we could do that. That's not worth getting upset about."

Millie was quiet for a minute. She stopped eating. "Ben, there's more." He put his fork down. "I did something stupid."

"Everybody makes mistakes occasionally," he said. "Whatever it was, I forgive you."

"You might change your mind. Last Friday in the cafeteria, all the guys were talking about the Padres-Patriots game. They agreed they should bet on the Patriots and make some money. One of them knows a bookie who would handle the bets. I asked if I could get in on the betting.

"'Sure,' Charlie said, 'your money is the same as ours. His minimum is fifty dollars. That is what all of us usually bet. Keep in mind that the Patriots have to win by twenty-one points or more or you lose. That's a pretty tall order for even them. Here's a piece of paper. Write down your name, address, phone number, amount of your bet, and which team you think will win.'"

"So, you bet fifty dollars?" Ben said. "We can cover a loss like that."

"It was more," Mille said timidly.

"How much? A hundred?"

Millie's voice trembled when she whispered, "A thousand."

"A thousand? You had better be joking."

"Ben, I'm so sorry. You have every right to be angry. All the experts said the Patriots would walk all over the Padres. It was a sure bet. We can certainly use an extra thousand right now."

"How could you bet money we don't have? We live paycheck to paycheck now. Nobody will lend us money to pay off a bookie. That would create another bill we can't pay. He will probably be here soon. What are we supposed to tell him? We don't have the money? How many other losers don't have the money when it's time to pay up? He won't believe us."

Millie pushed her plate aside, folded her arms on the table, put her head down, and began sobbing. "Ben," she said between sobs, "I am so sorry. I thought about the money and got greedy."

Ben stood up, knelt beside his wife, and put his arm around her back. "Darling," he said softly, "I understand you wanted to help. There is good help, and there is bad help."

"I know this is bad help. My parents taught me that gambling is a sin. I'm a bad daughter and a terrible wife. You should divorce me."

"That won't solve anything. We have to convince him we don't have that much. Maybe we can talk him into a payment plan."

"The guys at work say it's a strictly cash business, no credit, payment in full immediately. He's not a gentleman. I don't know what to do."

"I don't either."

"Ben, he will probably end up beating both of us to a pulp. Get out of here. Save yourself. I'll handle his rage."

There was a knock on the apartment door. Ben took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Too late," he said. Ben stood up and opened the door.

A large man stood in the hallway. His biceps were easily as large as Ben's legs. "I'm Sam," he said pleasantly. "I'm here to see Millie."

"Yes, come in," Ben said.

"Hi, Sam," Millie said meekly. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too," Sam said. His eyes wandered over Millie figure. "You know why I'm here. Just pay me and I'll be on my way."

"I know you won't believe me, but I don't have the money."

"You're right. I don't believe you. Hand it over."

"But I'm telling you the truth. I don't have the money. Could we set up a payment plan? Say fifty dollars a week?"

"Grow up. I have winners from other games to pay. I have to collect from you losers to pay them. Now pay up."

"What do I have to do to prove I don't have the money? I stupidly made a bet I couldn't cover. There must be some way I can pay you. I'll do anything."


"Yes, anything."

"Okay, I also have an escort service. You can work it off at fifty dollars a trick."

"Hold on!" Ben said. "My wife is not...!"

Sam's heavy fist slammed into Ben's face sending him staggering backwards against the wall. Ben slid down to the floor with blood gushing from his nose and mouth. "You bastard!" Millie screamed. "You broke his nose!"

"If he mouths off to me again, I'll break his kneecaps," Sam said. "This is how it works. Until your debt is paid, your pussy is my property. For each paying john, I will take fifty dollars off your bill until I get every penny you owe me. The key word is 'paying'. I let my friends fuck my girls for free. Since they don't pay, you don't get paid. My brother's birthday is next week. He loves girls with big tits like yours, especially married ones. He loves cuckolding the husbands. Cops get freebies. It keeps them off my back. Nobody gets a free fuck without my say so. There are no exceptions. Nobody fucks you unless I get three hundred dollars. Any questions?"

"What about my husband?"

"I said no exceptions. If he fucks you, he owes me three hundred dollars, or you do six more tricks. Now all three of us are going to your bedroom so I can test your job qualifications. My customers expect quality sex. Mr. Big Mouth is going to watch the test."

"He needs a doctor for his nose."

"Nobody has died from a broken nose. You can take him to the hospital when we're done. If you have any ideas about squealing to the state cops or the news media, remember you also have kneecaps. I'm horny. Both of you, into the bedroom." He put her hand on the crotch of his pants so she could feel his growing cock.

Ben struggled to his feet and went to the bedroom. Millie followed him with Sam behind her. Ben sat on the stool for Millie's vanity table facing the bed.

Millie unbuttoned her blouse, removed it, and tossed it to the floor revealing her conservative white bra. The bra also landed on the floor exposing her 36C breasts. Sam's hands went to her boobs and gently kneaded them. He lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth. Slowly, gently, he ran his tongue around it until, against her will, it hardened. She relaxed a little when he performed the same action on her other nipple. Realizing she had no choice but to submit to him, she decided to enjoy him as much as possible. So far, he had done nothing offensive except touch her. Even that felt good.

Sam's golf shirt landed atop her blouse and bra. Bending her knees, she sucked on his nipples until they too were solid. "Your johns will love that," Sam said softly. His breathing slowed a bit. "Remember to do it with them." She sat on the edge of the bed, unbuckled his belt, and opened his fly. His pants fell to his ankles allowing his nine-inch cock to point straight at her face. She looked into his eyes as she took it in her hand, then wrapped her lips around it. Her head bobbed up and down as she sucked on his hard dick. Her tongue traced the rim of his glans making him gasp. Ben cringed as he realized she had done something with him that she had not done with himself. After a few minutes, she sucked one of his hairless balls into her mouth, then the other. Again, Ben's stomach knotted.

Millie stood long enough to remove her skirt and panties, then laid down on the bed. Sam sat on the edge of the bed to remove his shoes, socks, and pants. He stretched out beside her. His hand started at her hip and slowly caressed her back. Gently he placed his hand on her neck and drew her face toward his. She turned her face away from him. "The men you fuck will expect to be kissed," he said sternly. "Just do it." Tentatively, her lips touched his. A moment later she tried again. This kiss was longer and as soft as the first one. Her lips opened slightly. She gasped when his tongue brushed her lips. She slipped her tongue into his mouth. He kissed her cheeks, then her chin and her long neck. "Was that so bad?" he asked quietly.

"No," she whispered, "it was good."

Slowly he ran the back of his hand from her knees up her inner thighs to her pussy. Her breathing slowed. His fingertips caressed her pussy lips but made no effort to open them. A finger stroked her slit from bottom to top. She gasped when it was at the level of her clit. He repeated the strokes a few times before the lips parted on their own. Her breathing became deeper and faster as he circled her nubbin with his fingertip. She moaned as her passions rose. Sam scooted down and replaced his finger with his tongue. At a snail's pace, he licked his way up her slit to her clit. As the tip of his tongue softly touched her pointer, she screamed and clamped her legs against his head. He teased her again with his tongue, and again her thighs imprisoned his skull. Four more times he brought her to a powerful orgasm. "Fuck me, Sam!" she pleaded. "I can't take any more. I need you inside me."

Despite the pain, Ben's jaw tightened as he saw Sam's nine inches disappear into his wife. His hand rubbed his hard cock through his pants. His motions kept pace with Sam's thrusting into Millie's pussy. Ben's breathing was deep and rapid as he released his sperm into his pants exactly as Sam's balls rose up and his seed burst into Millie's womb. Millie crushed her mouth to Sam's when she felt his rhythmic spasms.

Slowly Sam got up and walked over to Ben. "All right, Mister Big Mouth, do you understand that I'm not someone to mouth off to?" Ben nodded his head. "Good. That will make things easier for you. You do not get to fuck her until her debt has been worked off. Is that clear?" Ben nodded his head again. "If you do, you will owe me three hundred dollars, or I get to sell her six more times. Got it?" Another head nod. "She's not the first to pay with her pussy, and she probably won't be the last. She did make the biggest stupid mistake. A thousand dollars. Normally I just send the girl out enough times to pay her bill and be done with her. Since you decided to be Mister Macho Smart Ass, she will be my brother's birthday present for an entire night. I will give her to every cop I know. I'm going to fuck her again and again. Occasionally I will sell her to a paying customer. It will all be bareback fucking. Everybody will cum inside her like I did. Until I am done with her, your only release will be Rosy Palm and her five sisters. Do you understand that?" Ben nodded his head vigorously. "Good. Maybe if you behave, I'll speed up the payments and let you have her back a little sooner."

Sam picked up Millie's panties and used them to clean his cock. "As for you, my darling whore," he said as he put his pants on. "Do you have a job?"

"Yes," she said. "I work eight to five weekdays."

"I won't interfere with your work schedule. When you are done working, you will take off your bra and panties. You may wear stockings. Men love the feel of nylon. I will call you at five-fifteen with your first assignment of the evening. You will turn tricks until I give you permission to go home. If someone you know wants you, he is to call me first. On the weekends your workday will begin at nine. You could fuck as many as ten men a day. That should get your debt paid off in no time."

Millie took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Do I have the right to refuse a customer if I think he has a disease?"

"I won't deliberately send you a problem, but you will fuck bare back and the john will cum inside you. Now go take the Mouth to the emergency room."

As she heard the apartment door close, Millie threw herself at Ben's feet. "Ben, I'm so sorry," she sobbed. "I had no idea it would turn out like this. There is no reason for you to forgive me. Leave me if you want. I won't fight you. You're a decent man. You don't deserve a prostitute for a wife."

Tears streaked Ben's cheeks creating lines on his blood-coated face. "Six months ago," he said softly, "I took you for my wedded wife for better or for worse."

She smiled as she continued crying. "We can't get much worse than this. Watching me get fucked really turned you on. You should change your pants before we go to the hospital."

"You certainly enjoyed yourself."

"He was good. I still prefer you. Maybe I'll learn a few things you and I can do together after I've worked off my debt."

"You never suck my balls."

"You never shave."

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FaShUnPhOtOgFaShUnPhOtOg17 days ago

; the San Diego Padres are a real team. For Baseball. It was a major miracle that they won a football game against the Patriots 😁😁

OlefishermanOlefisherman3 months ago

Cuckold author writing for a bunch of I don't know what.

26thNC26thNC3 months ago

He made his wife a whore, and she made him a cuck.

Prince020402Prince0204023 months ago

Pretty sure the Padres would have no shot against the Patriots since they are a baseball team.

All that for $1000? $10,000 would have been a little more realistic.

AmbulAmbul3 months ago

It looks like Millie will become a prostitute who will be much in demand and Ben will remain her loyal and supportive husband.

lowcountrybjlowcountrybj3 months ago

Love the last two lines

Ridiculous69Ridiculous693 months ago

Inane and inferior product.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x3 months ago

Why use one real team and one fake team?

Will527Will5273 months ago

Good premise and decent sex with more to come?

DomindiDomindi3 months ago

Lool ain’t no way

Impo_64Impo_643 months ago

Now instead of stories we have cheap jokes! 1*

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