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Doomed, Too

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More souls wander aimlessly into the midst of demonic lust...
21.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/12/2023
Created 09/12/2022
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Kiko was trying her best not to cry. Really, something told her that she was always strong, but she new nothing of her former life. Not a thing. Except for vague feelings, flashes of something, and of course, her own name.

But being naked at the mouth of what looked like a crypt in some place that did not look like it bore life and was of no world that she could even tangentially recall did not seem like something inner strength could prevail over; the skies high above were torn apart by red lightning, with billowing black clouds that let some sort of light through, enough to illuminate the land in a gloomy manner, not that there was much to see, high up on some mountain ledge overlooking a vast, flat desert, what looked to be the edges of a canyon to her left facing away from the tomb entrance, and a little bit yonder, a large, towering mountain with clouds swirling around the peak.

She must have been on a mountain part of the same range. But she could not fathom where anyone would have come from to even build the tunnel she now stood before, let alone haul the heavy brick stones to the cliff's edge; there was no path, no set of steps, no route in which people could have taken, just a sheer drop and jagged rock formations below.

Unless, of course, this was some strange overlook watching over a desert of nothing, and the true entrance was through the yawning dark of the catacombs.

She did not know why she believed it to be some cursed place for the dead, it was just a gut feeling, and it was strong.

She held back a whimper, looking up at the horizontal brickwork topping the two supporting pillars, a block in the middle emblazoned with a carved skull, though the sockets were not empty, instead possessing eyes with closed lids.

That was more evidence to what she feared this place was.

But she had no choice; the wind whipped at her nude, pale form, short dark hair still managing to get into her eyes. If she stayed up there, either starvation or the elements would kill her.

Yet, she did not have hope of finding salvation here; what food could there possibly be in such a terrible place.

She considered the rocky crags below the cliff... it would be terrifying, but quick.

Something in her denied her pursuing such an outcome. She had to find a way.

So, she steeled herself with a deep breath, and ventured into the dark gloom of the tunnel.

The walls by the entrance were anything but noteworthy, blank, dark brickwork and nothing else, until, when she could barely see anything, she came upon a set of heavy wooden doors.

At first, her spirits sank even further, thinking she was trapped here, nowhere to go. She placed her hand on the door, ready to allow herself a sob.

It creaked, and moved.

She looked up, eyes wide, and then she pushed on the door with both hands.

She strained with force, her body not very muscular, but it was enough to force the door open, not locked or secured through any means.

Once it was open enough, she slipped inside, and looked around; it was still gloomy, but there was light inside, owing to the many candles burning weakly around the place, great amounts of melted wax pooled around their bases and hardened down the sides of stone slabs, along with sconces with old torches that seemed to burn flickeringly.

They all seemed like they should've burned out years ago, but here still they smouldered.

Things were slightly more ornate inside, horizontal supports on the ceilings spanning between support pillars baring that same visage of a skull with closed eyes.

However, there were other reliefs on the walls in between each stone support beam, depicting strange beings with horns and either feminine or masculine traits.

But more worryingly, between each pillar, beneath these busts, were alcoves carved out, covered in leather hides and skins, both furred and not, and some looking unusually gnarled.

Some were empty, too many others... bore a corpse.

Or, at least she thought they were corpses.

Some she was dead certain of, clean skeletons laying neatly on their 'beds', looking as if they had a peaceful rest.

The others though, they looked like they had not died long ago. Their skins were blued and pale, and their eyes were just slightly sunken, but they had no smell. There was no rot anywhere on their naked bodies, and rather oddly, they possessed no hair anywhere except on their heads, the male figures sporting no beards among them.

The oddities did not end there, however; men and women alike, they all looked attractive to Kiko, though they seemed foreign to her. Yet... they didn't look quite... real. There was a sameness to their faces, and not because they looked to be from other lands. They were strangely... common. Only slight differences among them, and in her gut, she just didn't think they were once real people. As if they followed a template of conventionally attractive individuals, but lacked individuality themselves.

It unsettled Kiko, and she decided not to look at them anymore. Especially since she found her eyes also lingering on their more... intimate parts.

She kept moving, finding her path splitting, each passage more crypt. Here and there, she saw a random lone skull laying against the walls with no rhyme or reason, none of the skeletons missing theirs.

She took the right path for no reason in particular, and as she went deeper, she came across the odd plinth with a bowl-shaped depression in their octagonal tops.

The bowls were filled with dust, the old, disintegrated remains of... offerings, perhaps? In one, she thought she saw the vague shape of a leaf, in another, a small bone from something unknown.

They were seemingly placed at random, and she had no idea why. She didn't care to find out, instead going deeper, hoping to find an exit, somewhere to escape to, to just... find her way.

Whatever terrible world she'd found herself in, she had no choice but to traverse it.

She came to another intersection, and went left this time. She hoped to try and stay in the vague direction she entered, believing that might get her to any exit or entrance to this crypt.

Something shuffled behind her.

She froze, and whipped around, seeing nothing.

Kiko, however, was not assuaged; she was certain she heard something move.

Then a low groan came from somewhere, she wasn't sure where. It sounded... human, but odd. Not quite like a sound a regular human would make, even if they were in pain, exhausted, or just grouchy in the morning.

She brought her hands close to her body in fear, looking around; wherever that sound had come from, it was worryingly close.

Another moan, and another sound... like feet brushing against stone.

Then, she saw it; one of the corpses, shakily bracing themselves against the inner corner of the wall at the previous intersection, as they clumsily made the turn.

Their eyes were open now, and Kiko could see black pupils and white sclera, but there seemed to be no colour in the eyes, dull like slate. But not quite clouded over.

It was one of the men, shambling towards Kiko with a seemingly mindless intent.

She couldn't help glancing at his manhood, swinging between his thighs, a somewhat above average piece of meat.

But after that indiscretion, she let the gravity of the situation settle on her with all its weight, and she let out a scream.

She turned and fled, coming to another intersection, this time taking a left, just in time to see one of those corpses crawling out of their alcove, another rolling out from one of the top ones and falling to the ground with a thud, making a dull grunt of pain, but quickly getting up.

More and more were awakening now, and tears were starting to stream from Kiko's eyes; were they really dead? Were they really rising to give chase to her?

What would they do if they caught her? Surely they would kill her, tear her apart, eat her flesh, or any number of terrible fates.

She kept running, narrowly dodging one on the ground making a grab for her ankle, stepping aside, and then jumping over another that was crawling over the cold stone floor, attempting to get up.

Yet another intersection, and she made one more left turn... and came to a standstill when she found her path blocked by about a dozen of the pallid walking corpses.

She went bone white, and turned around to run the other way, but got no more than two steps before another horde was blocking either route in the intersection.

She started backing up, both groups closing in, and she realised with terror that she was stuck in the corner, with no way out.

Her breathing was harsh, her heart pounding, desperate sounds coming out of her mouth.

Barely thinking, she ran to one of the nearby torch scones, and pulled the old, decayed wooden torch free from its holder. It felt like it would've crumbled in her hand if she hit it with only a moderate amount of force, but that didn't stop her swinging it wildly between other group.

"Back!" she cried desperately, waving the torch around. It seemed to dissuade them, so she kept it up.

Then she heard a gurgling moan behind her, and hands grab at her waist.

She whipped around and screamed, seeing a female corpse trying to crawl out of a hole nestled in the corner that Kiko failed to see.

She broke free of the grip and stumbled into the middle, but now found herself more surrounded.

She kept switching sides, trying to fend the undead walkers off.

But every time she turned to one side, the other side got closer. She refused to think on that.

Until, eventually, when she turned to drive back one group, she felt arms grasping at her body from the other, prompting her to turn to try and fend them off, only to be grabbed from behind by the other group. She screamed and tried to resist, but at some point lost the torch.

Their hands were all over her, tugging at her, clawing with fingertips, though their nails were blunt and trimmed.

They crowded around her, Kiko's screaming, writhing form being submerged in a sea of pallid flesh and hands as they descended upon her, mouths open.

She thought it was the end, that the agony was going to start any second, that she would live, for a few moments, to see herself eaten alive, chunks torn from her body by ravenous mouths.

But things took a turn.

Indeed, their mouths met her body... but they did not sink their teeth in.

Instead, they started... kissing her.

Wherever they could, they slipped between each other to gain access to her body, running their groping hands across her helpless body, kissing, licking, touching.

A gasp left Kiko's mouth; this was wholly unexpected, but not necessarily better. Another gasp left her, feeling one of her breasts, comfortable handfuls in size, kissed, the horde's many groping hands caressing her.

It was then she noticed that their efforts, despite their earlier shambling movements, were oddly sensuous... and when she felt a set of fingers brush against her labia, sliding between the petals, she knew then their true intent.

She went to let out a scream of terror, but it was silenced by a tongue gliding up her neck, Kiko getting out nothing more than a terrified, shivering breath.

Her rump was squeezed, her breasts were fondled, her thighs were groped, her calves caressed. It was impossible to count the amount of hands, feminine and masculine alike, touching her, similarly for the sets of lips and tongues all applying their eager attention to her.

It was such a blur of pallid flesh that she could not tell where one corpse ended and another began. And they were certainly dead, their touch was cold... but as the twisted worship of her body continued, she began to warm, not just from induced arousal to their rather particular touch, but their constant motions, friction alone compensating for their lack of body heat.

Yet, despite that, it did not stop them from feeling alive in other ways... Kiko soon realising some of the bumps against her weren't hands... but erections, male undead sporting hardened members now, and they were already leaking precum from their tips, foreskins peeling back.

She tried to scream, but a pair of fingers clumsily hooked the corner of her mouth, another pair over her lower jaw and depressing her tongue. Their grip was... oddly gentle, they did not seem intent on hurting her. But subjugating her, that was clear.

The male undead that could get to her were starting to more deliberately brush their cocks against her body, sliding them against her inner and outer thighs, against her rump, prodding her belly, wherever they could get an opening between all the others vying for access.

She whined despairingly, unable to properly vocalise with the fingers in her mouth. She felt a pair of breasts brush against her back, erect nipples grinding against her skin. Another set wrapped around her upper arm, and in one instance, she felt a pair of wet nether folds grind against her thigh.

They were all aroused, and even their mindless groaning and moaning was starting to possess a certain debauched edge to it. Still mindless, but also quite specific in their intent.

Kiko started feeling herself slowly lowered to the ground, legs tugged out from underneath her as the constant tugging and groping of her body made it impossible for the undead deviants to keep her upright.

They practically spilled over one another to get to her, but even their jostling couldn't stop a small number from being the only ones to have access to her... so, through the gaps in the ones immediately around her, Kiko saw the outlying undead turn to each other for lustful comforts. Were they so mindless? She could not really tell through the constant violation.

The fingers slipped out of her mouth, so she could let out a cry of unwanted stimulation.

That cry was followed by a sharp gasp when she felt two fingers slip between her nethers.

Pinned down by the sheer number of them, Kiko could do little but moan. She wanted to scream, but they never stopped touching her, and now that she was laying against the cold stone ground, they could more easily get their heads to her body... she felt lips clasp around her nipples, licking and sucking, others kissing the sides of the globes where they could, whilst her navel and midriff were touched and kissed.

The fingers in her pussy started to piston in and out, curling and pushing against different parts of her walls, as if searching for something.

As this occurred, a tongue swirled around her clitoris, causing her to arch her back as much as she could underneath the weight of all the undead leches.

Her limbs were tugged on, she was spread a little, she felt her fingers and toes suckled on, a most perverse thing, but their clumsy efforts remained oddly sensuous and reverent. They were both dominating her and worshipping her... or maybe their goal was to simply subjugate her with pleasure.

It was alarmingly working, her body was growing hotter by the moment with arousal. It made no sense, but the amount of stimuli was overwhelming.

They brushed her, caressed her, kissed her, licked her, groped her, never letting her feel a moment of idleness.

She went to cry out again, but found herself silenced when her head was gently grasped, and a male corpse pressed his lips to hers. All she could get out was a muffled, bewildered grunt, trying to shake the undead man off, all in vain.

His tongue slipped into her mouth, and wriggled about hers, tasting her, imparting his own tasteless saliva; another layer of life to their lifelessness.

The kiss was somewhat clumsy, but there was an erotic fervour behind it, the creature constantly meshing his lips to hers, tongue probing, exploring. It was forceful, but oddly intimate despite the mindlessness.

She couldn't fathom why they weren't killing her. Certainly, rape was not a better outcome, but... she couldn't find it in herself to truly despair. And she wasn't entirely sure that was natural.

It made the stimulation she felt all the more pleasurable, since it was all she could focus on.

The fingers pulled out of her pussy, but that was soon replaced by a pair of lips clasping to her vulva and a tongue pushing between her walls, waggling wherever it could reach.

The kiss was broken, and then resumed, except by a female corpse this time, groaning softly into Kiko's mouth, one hand gripping her head, the other groping one of her pliant breasts.

She'd given up struggling by this point. It was hopeless, there were too many to resist, and their efforts were getting to her. She moaned into the kiss, feeling the tongue in her pussy waggling wildly, her clit rubbed with a finger instead, no room for another mouth to unfurl a tongue to lick at it with all the others in the way. She whimpered, tugging her legs involuntarily against the hands that bound them.

It was then she felt one of her palms filled with a turgid penis, its glans smeared with precum. A set of feminine hands, not those of the cock's owner, forced Kiko's fingers to wrap around the length, one hand on her wrist forcing her to stroke the cold but steely shaft.

Her other hand found its fingers forcefully inserted between the cold but utterly slick walls of one of the female undead, a gurgling moan leaving the creature's lips as it manipulated Kiko's fingers as it desired.

They were starting to pleasure themselves now as much as they were pleasuring her... though perhaps they gained some sense of pleasure through the acts they inflicted upon her.

Regardless of what their motivations, if any, really were, Kiko could feel herself nearing orgasm. The heat was building, her muscles were starting to quiver.

Before long, she was losing herself to the relentless assault by the undead horde, arching her back and spasming, a shrill cry released into the mouth of the corpse woman kissing her.

And when she came, she heard a chorus of small, light moans swirl around her, as if her climax had pleased them in some fashion.

Their efforts also relaxed. But they did not abate. They just kept her terribly aroused whilst giving her a chance to recover. It made her whimper; surely they were not going to force her to climax over and over until she expired.

Was that where they had come from? Other hapless, lost lone souls succumbing to the endless pleasures of the horde until they joined its number?

But that did not explain their... sameness. Their lack of individuality. Did their victims change to become part of the whole? Or was something else at play?

She didn't have time to ponder these questions when they started tantalising her in earnest again... though this time, they escalated.

One of the undead men pushed his way through the group until he was crawling atop of her, eyes half lidded as his erection bobbed with need. He slid one hand up her side, coming to the breast on that flank and groping it gently, rolling a thumb across her nipple.

Kiko's eyes were wide as she eyed that cock, the corpse man angling his shaft with her nether lips, the glans brushing against her clit, making her wince in pleasure.

She was about to be taken by this thing. Her struggles returned, albeit meek and lacking strength.

The dead man lowered himself a little further, rocking his hips to grind his shaft against her pussy, getting her ready for the inevitable penetration.

It wasn't a lengthy teasing... he rotated his hips, aligned with her entrance... and pushed inside slowly.

She cried loudly into the air, ignoring all the other things happening, even failing to notice the hand forcing her to stroke another cock had let go and she was now pumping it without thinking. All she could focus on was the cock forcing its way inside her.

It wasn't an enormous length by any means. Quite average by her standards, though she did not know what they were; her memories were vague, she could not recall any specific instances of seeing the members of men bared.

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