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Double A for Teacher

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A teacher picks up two of her students at a bar.
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"Crap," groaned Donnie, lowering himself on his stool so brutally it was a wonder the entire bar didn't turn to stare at him, his attempt at being inconspicuous not help by him holding up the lapels of his leather jacket as if it was a successful disguise outside cartoons and bad sit-coms.

"What?" asked Karl, his best buddy and literal partner in crime, given that the ID cards in their pockets were forgeries that showed their ages as twenty five rather than their real age of eighteen.

"It's Mrs Lane," Donnie whispered, as if she would be able to hear him above the noughties music and sound of couple's conversations, "What the fuck is she doing here?"

As it was a singles club, which had a reputation as being a place for easy pick-ups and with free entry tonight for over-thirty women, Karl had a pretty good idea. It was the reason why he and Donnie were here, the forged IDs needed as the club didn't want loads of guys just out of college who couldn't hold their drink putting off the more discerning clients who were looking for some easy sex, not a drunk who'd collapse asleep in the cab home. However Karl was pretty confident that he and Donnie could hold their booze, even if they hadn't quiet yet graduated High School and as the cheerleader squad and half the Math class could testify, they could also fuck. It did, however, complicate their evening plans, to find a couple of divorced Milfs and go to their places to bang them, if one of their teachers was also prowling the premises and knew exactly how old they were.

Karl casually swung on his stool, hopefully she was over in a corner, a guy already having caught her eye and she'd be engrossed with them all night, missing the fact two of her students were sitting by the bar waiting for a couple of suitably hot Moms to materialise before them. It didn't seem he'd be in luck, she was standing in the middle of the floor with a cocktail in her hand, glancing around a little shyly as if she wanted to catch guy's eyes but couldn't quiet work up the nerves for it. She was also definitely dressed up as if she was looking for sex, it wasn't that she accidentally wandered in off the street and seeing it was a pick-up bar would be downing her drink and heading somewhere more salubrious.

She was the stuff of dreams, even though her appearance was also a nightmare which threatened to ruin the plans of the two teenagers. As a teacher Mrs Lane had to be in the top three fantasised about (and Sexy Lexy, Miss Lexington, who was number one, was just barely out of college), but here in the bar, she looked even better. Her dress was low cut, to show more of her cleavage than she ever showed in class, the sides made up off netting so that you could see bare flesh through the mesh; her heels accentuated her legs and the red lipstick was deep and dark, sexualising her mouth and make it look ripe for kissing and other things. Unluckily (or not, as it turned out,) even as he was looking at the brunette, Miss Lane was turning towards him and Donnie, a quick flash of recognition crossing her face as she saw them. For a moment she paused, before starting to walk across the bar towards them.

Karl repeated his friend's comment, "Crap."


It wasn't Susan Lane's night. With three children between the age of eight and fifteen she seldom got the chance to get out, but this weekend had proved the exception with her ex-husband taking them all away camping with his new family. It had given her children the opportunity to bond with their step-siblings and step-Mom and Susan the chance to go to a singles bar to picking up a guy to fuck her brains out. However it had quickly started to go wrong, the neighbouring attractive widow, who was due to go out with her had got a migraine and pulled out, in turn without a 'wing woman' she'd found herself standing aimlessly trying to catch the attention of guys who were either already hooked up or were with their own wingmen and only looking for women in pairs. To make the bad night worse, as she'd been trying to get the eye of a good looking guy with increasing desperation, she'd noticed Karl and his buddy Donald, at the bar.

Normally she wouldn't have minded. Strictly speaking the bar's rules said 'Twenty five plus' only, but she took the view as long as they weren't going totally wild, they were Seniors and it wasn't up to her to enforce club rules. Anyway she couldn't say that the two eighteen year olds weren't choice eye-candy, both six foot and with muscular frames and firm bodies; Donald, with dark skin showing his mixed heritage and with the easy going charm which meant his excuses for late homework assignments were always forgiven and Karl, a blonde action man almost out of central casting for a young Navy SEAL and if not quite a straight A student, close. In her twenty years teaching Susan had learnt to listen to just the right amount of school gossip, enough to head off trouble with the kids before it exploded, not so much that you found yourself enthralled by the latest development of which Junior had fucked which Sophomore at a party. With Karl and Donald the stories were of their sexual prowess; she wasn't quiet sure which Juniors [and Freshmen, Sophomores and fellow Seniors] they'd fucked at parties, but she knew that over the last few years it was a lot.

Their reputations explained why they were here in a pick-up Club, as they were obviously expanding their repertoire to include older women. However, as a mature woman herself, though hopefully still a hot one, there was only one explanation of why she was here and it wasn't one she wanted her students to know about. It was too late however, even as she'd been trying to find someone, anyone to talk to (even someone fat, balding and with bad breath), one of the only two people she was desperately trying to avoid turned and looked at her. There was no way she could pretend she hadn't seen him nor him her, as he was automatically slumping into his seat as he and the rest of the male students did when she asked a question which was too hard to answer. Gritting her teeth into a smile, she walked towards them, perhaps if she was open and friendly she could brush it off as just a chance encounter in a bar she'd walked into and forestall the gossip which would be round the Senior Year by Monday.

"Hello boys," she said as she approached them, "I didn't expect to see you two here; it seems a much older crowd." Go in friendly and approachable, she thought, you know them but don't act like a teacher, they may just believe that you've just come in and don't know the bar's reputation.

"Hi Mrs Lane," they chorused like she was standing in front of the class, about to start a lecture on early twentieth century poets. That wasn't good, not if she wanted them to be relaxed and receptive to her suggestions this was a chance meeting in a perfectly normal bar that she wouldn't mention, in school, if they didn't. Perhaps it needed something to show it wasn't a classroom where they needed to look up to her, but somewhere outside of school where they were all equal, just a couple of guys and a gal acquaintances who'd bumped into each other for five minutes, no big deal...

She glanced down, their glasses were half-full, but they'd probably not say no to a friendly refill. "Would you like a drink?" she asked in a friendly tone.

They both looked surprised, but accepted as she ordered two beers and a white wine and soda for herself. "Thanks Miss," said Donald.

She took a seat between them, "You don't need to be so formal, we're outside school hours, you can call me Susan." That was good idea, she thought, push up the casualness, make it less like a student-teacher interaction.

The two guys looked across her at each other, then back to her. "Okay Miss... Susan," said Donald, "but call me Donnie, I'm only called Donald by you and my parents."

That wasn't true, Susan thought, all the teachers called him Donald, not just her, but it was an easy adjustment, she'd just have to remember to call him Donald when they were back in the class on Monday. She nodded, "Donnie, it is." She sipped her wine, "It's nice to unwind away from school, the kids are with their Dad this weekend, it's the perfect opportunity to go and have a quick drink."

"You come here often?" asked Karl, giving her the perfect opening.

"First time, I've seen it in passing and it looked nice so I thought I'd try it," she lied, as she'd been here last time her children were away overnight (and the time before that and the time before that). "Though it's quiet an older crowd, I thought it wouldn't be lively enough for you two."

The guys briefly looked around, as if noticing for the first time, "No, we like it," grinned Donnie.

"You can get bored with hanging out in loud dive bars, always expecting someone to get so wasted the cops are called," Karl said, "Here's much more civilised, the clientele is much more sophisticated."

He grinned and Susan felt a flush of warmth come to her cheeks as she wondered whether she was being teased or, possibly worse, complimented by the eighteen year old. Still one thing she knew as a teacher, was that you couldn't let the teenagers get the upper hand and she was sure that was as true whether you were drinking with them in bar as it was when you were teaching them in the classroom. "So you prefer older women?" she returned sassy with sassy and this time it was Karl's turn for reddening cheeks.

He quickly returned a volley, "Yep, why go for cheerleaders when you can get a chance at a cougar?"

Thinking back, Susan realised this was the moment she should probably should have wished them both a good night and left, perhaps with a sharp admonition to remember they had an essay due on Tuesday, even if it had meant she didn't get the Saturday night cock she'd been craving all week. However, instead she just sipped her drink and said, "Cougars are too much for other cats, even Toms."

Leaving Karl to digest that for a moment she shifted towards Donnie, "So do you like cougars as well?" she grinned.

"Who doesn't like sexy experienced women who know what to do," Donnie grinned. "The way I see it, your average cheerleader has perhaps done it once or twice, usually with her equally inexperienced boyfriend. She pretty much knows where it goes and that's it. Now Moms, they know it all, they've been around the block, met a few guys, settled with the one who can fuck them so good they get pregnant" (that's not true, Susan laughed inwardly). "But then out comes the kid and down goes their sex life as hubby's too tired, working all the hours or just too busy banging the college-aged intern. So they know what to do and they're all hot for it, without a cock to satisfy them. Then we come along..."

"You're kind of full of it, Donnie," giggled Susan despite herself. "So you're Mom men then, the two of you..."

"Only hot ones," corrected Karl, as if there was a chance she might think he'd not meant her he coupled the words with a check-out of her body.

Susan blushed a little more, but it wasn't unusual for students to think their teachers were hot and she certainly was in good shape for her age. "So Milfs then..." The two guys looked a little surprised that she'd said the word, she hoped it because it wasn't teacher-like language, rather than because they thought she was too old to know what it meant.

"Yeah Milfs," Donnie said and his friend nodded.

Susan raised her glass, the drink was going down quicker than she thought, it must be the sudden heat of the bar. The guys saw that it was near finished and Karl quickly said, "Let us get you a drink, Miss... Susan."

"Well..." it was her second chance to act sensibly and leave.

Donnie said, "You bought us one, we should return the favour. Anyway it's Karl's round..."

"Just the one," said Susan, batting away the smart option.


One round turned to several. As she finished another glass, Susan realised that if she wasn't drunk, she was at least tipsy and her inhibitions were lower, otherwise there was no way she'd have placed her hands on the thighs of the two eighteen year olds sitting beside her on the couch and squeezed them. Nor would she have giggled and said, "Oh they're so muscular and thick and hard."

"Amongst other things," grinned Karl, lowering his head to glare at his crotch suggestively. Impressively, as they'd have less experience of alcohol than the older teacher, neither of them was drunk, but they weren't straight up sober either as Donnie grinned and laughed at his buddy's not very funny joke.

Susan found it infectious and giggled herself, her hand moving upwards to the top of the thigh, an inch sideways and she'd be finding out whether it was as big under the pants as the teenager boasted. "Promises, promises," she giggled. For a moment she threatened to slip her hand over and feel whether there was a lump beneath, she had a feeling there would be, a hard and large one. But she resisted the temptation, they were her students after all. Instead she stood up, running her hands over her dress to straighten it. She turned to the small dance floor, where a dozen or so people were gyrating and twisting, some in couples and some not. "You want to dance?" she said.

"Which one of us are you asking?" Donnie grinned, the conversation so far had been shared between the two boys equally, not picking favourites was as important in the bar as the classroom.

"Both," she tittered. "You can sandwich me between you."

She reached out her hands and the two seniors took them as they stood up, allowing themselves to be led towards the dance floor. As they reached it Susan let go off their hands and twisted round, walking backwards into the middle of the wooden floor, beckoning to the guys to follow her. Without waiting for them she began to dance and twist, working her body round and up. The two young men were with her almost immediately, crowding close so that no-one could get between them. Susan grinned and turned, wiggling her hips and ass suggestively as she ground them towards Donnie and as soon as the teenager reacted by places his hands lightly on her hips, twirling teasingly away and grinding herself against Karl, her back pressing and rubbing at her front. His hands grasped her waist and then daringly went higher, squeezing at her bosoms beneath the dress.

"Naughty," giggled Susan, swinging away from him and back to Donnie, "Remember I'm your teacher," she admonished with a wide grin, whilst rubbing at the dark skinned teen behind her. Donnie paused for a second and then placed his hands on her hips, keeping them their and not repeating the mistake of his friend by moving them too early. Susan gyrated her hips, rubbing her ass towards his pelvis. She could feel something large stirring beneath his pants, answering the question of a few moments ago about his size. It didn't feel like it would be a disappointment. She moved again, pushing herself against the dick, feeling it's hardness as it pressed at her back. Grinning she wiggled some more and reached down for Donnie's hands, guiding them up her side so they were parallel to her bosoms, if not quiet touching them.

A few feet away Karl was dancing with a jealous look on his face. Not for long though as, satisfied Donnie was holding her tightly, Susan reached out and grabbed his friend's hands pulling him so close that he was touching her. She rubbed and moved against him as she rocked to the beat, keeping hold off his wrists as she pulled them down and behind her. He knew what she was wanting and his hands grasped at her butt, squeezing the cheeks through her dress as she continued to dance, sandwiched tightly between the two teenage boys. As the music continued they got even closer, their bodies almost moulded to hers as the they jiggled and shook together, her bosom crushed against Karl's chest as Donnie's fingers daringly straightened to run over the exposed bare flesh and explore her cleavage.

It was her third chance to regain her sanity and realise that these guys were High School seniors, that she taught. Susan could have made her excuses and fled.

She didn't.

Her mouth opened just enough to kiss Karl. The teen boy reacted automatically, his lips moving over hers and his tongue meeting her half ways, skittering over her own like two snakes mating. She kissed harder, her passion coming out in a series of moany slurps (or slurpy moans) as she pressed forward against him and let her lips do the talking. He was a surprisingly good kisser for his age, but then perhaps it wasn't so much a surprise if the gossip about him and Donnie's experience with their female peers was true. For a few more moments Susan enjoyed the kiss, then remembering Donnie she broke and swung round, her body pressing at the dark skinned teen's as she opened her mouth and planted it on his.

The two boys hands automatically swapped position, as Donnie gripped her ass and Karl reached up for her bosoms, albeit going further than his friend in grasping them hard and kneading them beneath his fingers and thumbs. Susan didn't make any move to stop him letting the eighteen year old play with her boobs, squeezing them together and digging his fingers deep into the flesh in a way that couldn't be accidental. At the same time Donnie's mouth was open and she found herself pushing at his tongue with hers, the two tongues sliding and slipping against each other as their mouths pressed close together. The dark skinned teen was grasping her ass, squeezing it as tightly as his buddy was grappling with her tits.

And Susan loved it.

She now knew she'd gone too far and it was impossible to stop, but equally she didn't care; she come out looking for sex and she'd found it.

Breaking the kiss, she took both boys hands and led them from the dance floor; they looked disappointed, but they didn't know what was to come. Moving to a quieter bit of the bar, albeit one which was still loud enough no-one would overhear she gave a sultry smile, "Do you want to come back to my place?"

The two guys looked stunned for a second, as if they couldn't imagine that, despite how far they'd got, a teacher would be inviting them to come further, "Both of us?" asked Donnie.

"Unless you don't think I can handle you both," Susan purred.

"We're in," Karl replied quickly for the two of them.

"You will be," giggled Susan and still holding their hands led them outside.

Luckily a cab arrived soon or Susan thought she'd either explode from horniness, or even worse, have the cool night air waken some sense into her. What the driver must have thought, she didn't know, as a middle aged, but still sexy, Mom sat between two young stallions, first making out with one and then the other, as their hands drifted over her body, as if they couldn't wait to unwrap their present.

The journey only took ten minutes, but Susan was damp with desire by the time the cab pulled up at the sidewalk outside her house. She pulled a fifty-dollar bill from her purse, the first one on hand, passing it to the driver, "Keep the change," she said, before leading her two students up the path. She was shaking so much with excitement, that it took her a moment to slot the key into the lock, not helped by the fact that Donnie had slipped his hands onto her waist and was kissing the side of her neck. "Alexa, turn on the lights," she said as she finally managed to open the door.

The front room lit up immediately as Susan entered, the two young men behind her. She dropped her purse on the table next to the door, and backed further into the room, until she was in the middle of the floor, next to her sofas. Karl had closed the door behind him, but otherwise neither of the two stallions had yet followed her, as if they were waiting for a sign she was serious. "I'd ask if you wanted a coffee, but we all know that's not why we're here," she grinned and began to slide her dress from her shoulders. The two guys looked on for a second and she added, "At least take your jackets off."

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