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Downfall of Heroines Ch. 03

Story Info
One of Shereena's friends goes looking for the missing girl.
8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/13/2012
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(FYI for everyone. The story contains a little bit of a bait and switch as far as the monster goes. I started going one way, then had inspiration in another direction and I did not want to re-write everything I had already accomplished. Thanks for understanding.)



The Night Cloak Inn sat quiet. It had been nearly 2 weeks since Shereena and Vivian had their ill fated encounter within the building. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary in the small village surrounding the place. The people went about their daily routines, The Night Cloak continued to operate with travelers coming and going. Perhaps no one knew what had occurred within. After all, neither Shereena nor Vivian were known to anyone locally.

With winter approaching travelers were now arriving with less frequency. Yet one arrived this day. A lone horse carried a young woman clad in fine crafted plate armor. The woman's long copper hair danced behind her as her horse meandered down the street. While her armor hid most of her lovely features, her face revealed creamy, flawless skin, entrancing emerald eyes, a lovely face with soft features and luscious lips. Slung over the saddle bags was a shield adorned with an etching of an open hand, signifying the willingness of those following the god of justice to help those in need. A sword hung from her hips, its scabbard bright with a fresh coat of polish and decoratively engraved by a skilled hand.

Several of the villagers looked up from their daily business and gave the young paladin a curious look; nodding to acknowledge her as she rode by.

"Greetings milady." Said an older villager walking the road as she approached; the elderly man most likely the face of the village. "What brings you to our quiet corner of the world?"

"Good day sir." The woman replied from her horse. "I am wondering if anyone has passed through in the last month or so, a young blond haired woman by the name of Shereena. Her priestess garb should have been memorable."

The old man held his chin for a moment while his brow tensed in though.

"Yes, I do remember her." He finally replied.

He looked around for a moment, and once satisfied none of the other villagers could hear him, he continued.

"Though, she wasn't dressed like any priestess I know of." The man said, informing the traveler. "Come, let us talk more in the comfort of my home. I am sure the road has made you hungry, and a home cooked meal is sure to hit the spot."

The woman dismounted from her horse and began to follow him home.

"I name is Vira. And I want to thank you for your assistance." The young paladin said, a worried look having come over her face after hearing this man's comment about her friend."

The man led her into the heart of the village. His home was quite modest though clean and well build. Across the road sat a large building; it sat quiet and dark. Hanging above the door of the building was a sign that read "The Night Cloak." Vira felt a sense of unease fill her body as she stared at the foreboding building. The worries she had for her friend grew.

"Here we are." The elderly man said, breaking Vira's thoughts.

"Oh...Um...Thanks for your hospitality. I appreciate the gesture." Vira said, turning away from The Night Cloak and entering the man's home.

"Oh it is no problem at all. Though I insist that you get out of that uncomfortable armor and allow me to serve you dinner before we discuss other topics." Her host replied, motioning towards what looked like a spare room. "I will begin preparations for dinner while you change."

Vira wanted to dive right into what had happened with Shereena, however she didn't want to appear too forward, or perhaps too heavy handed and have him clam up on her. She entered the small room, and began to change from her armor into a modest gown.

In the back of the house the old man had begun the mundane task of whipping up a meal for his new guest. He had a few moments to himself before the back door of his home entered and 3 of his neighbors entered unannounced. The three burly farmers stared angrily.

"Gavin, why are you helping the woman?" One of them snarled.

Gavin lowered his head in submission, he was no match for one of these men, let alone three.

"I just thought that she might be able to help us." He said softly. "She appears skilled and surely has the gods on her side."

"I cannot risk my daughter on the slime chance she can stand against those creatures." Another man replied. "They have not hurt anyone as long as we have done as they command."

"And you will do what they command...right Gavin?" Said the third. "You know what do to. If you disobey them and anything happens to my family, I will be sure to punish you!"

Gavin stood silently as the three men left a moment later. He now held in one of his trembling hands a small vial that had just been given to him.

"Please forgive me." He finally said, looking up to the sky.

Turning to the counter, he emptied the blood red liquid from the vial into Vira's tankard.

Gavin blushed as he entered his main room and laid eyes upon Vira. His guest now wore a simple, yet elegant dress that allowed him to take in her full femininity. The dark purple bodice clung tightly to her body revealing a slim, tight waist. Despite a rather modest neckline, the shape of Vira's full breasts were visible beneath the fabric. Her toned arms teased at the firm, athletic body that was hidden beneath her modest gown. Vira had pulled her hair up, her bare neck drawing his gaze, despite himself.

"Vira...I figured you could use some ale before dinner." Gavin said, handing her the tankard filled with the tainted ale. "The roast will be a while, so we could discuss your business."

"Thank you." Vira said, smiling warmly as she tucked her gown beneath her knees and took a seat in front of his fireplace and began to drink.

Gavin felt horrible about condemning Vira to the fate she would soon suffer, but feared the consequences too much to do anything about it.

"Shereena arrived in the village two weeks ago." Gavin said as Vira listened intently. "She arrived with another woman and stayed at The Night Cloak. Like I said, she wasn't dressed as a priestess. Both women were dressed quiet elegantly. I think they wanted to draw the attention of some of the local men."

"Shereena?" Vira replied. "Are you sure you have not mistaken someone else for her? That is quite unlike her."

"Oh, I think she was following the lead of her friend." Gavin said in answer to her question. "She seemed the dominant of the two. The last I saw of either of them, they had both retired to the back for the evening with a gentleman guest."

"What?" Vira said in shock. She quickly turned and looked out the window to the eerily silent Night Cloak. "Shereena...what have you done?"

"I don't know." Gavin said, feeling ashamed of himself. "But, she never left. The owner closed the business after her arrival, presumably to spend all of his time with her."

As she gazed across the street, Vira saw light through one of the windows, then motion as someone moved inside, then another candle light.

"Gavin...please excuse me. I must go." Vira said as she hopped up and bolted out the front door.

"What have I done?" He said to himself. Gavin closed the door to his home and retired to his bedroom, trying to put this out of his mind.

Across the street the front door to The Night Cloak burst open and Vira spilled into the building.

"Shereena?" She called out into the darkness, panting slightly from sprinting across the street.

Nothing greeted her but silence. Then she heard it. A deep growl of contentment flowed from the rear of the building. The sound caused Vira to tremble, then gasp. She continued to listen, allowing the sound to fill her ears, the growl becoming rhythmic, creating a slow tempo.

Vira felt drawn by the sound, each growl tugging her towards it. Slowly she began to walk deeper into the building. The sounds had a strong, sexual nature to them, as well as a dark, evil feel. As the sounds grew louder with each step she took, Vira then could make out a softer feminine moan beneath it. The woman's voice was soft and submissive. Her voice matched the tempo of her dark lover and was latched with pleasure.

Soon Vira could recognize it...Shereena. The paladin smiled warmly.

Soon she was at the source of the pleasurable sounds. Before her was a closed door, the faint light of several candles shining from beneath it. Vira felt no fear, anxiety, or disgust. Only a sense of belonging. Reaching forward she gripped the handle and casually opened the door.

The scene before here did nothing to shock the young fact she felt as if she expected it.

The large chamber dominated the rear of the building. Filling the center of the room was a large circular altar nearly 15' around. The thing was made of a glossy black stone. Large curved spines curled up in several places along its edge and several ritualistic items lie scattered across its surface. The thing was barely visible in the faint light cast by the candles that rest in stands at the corners of the room. The walls have been decorated with silk tapestries, the things alternating between depicting unholy runes and the faces of demonic lords. Laying atop the altar and facing away from the door was Shereena. Her friend lay on her back with her splayed legs bent at the knees and her arms stretched out over her head.

Kneeling over the young priestess was a truly vile creature. It was massive, nearly half the size of the altar upon which Shereena lie. Its body reminded Vira of a bulbous, hairless spider. Its smooth, black carapace glistened in the faint light as its moved. Rising from its body was a long, thick neck that ended in a large misshapen head. The creature's gaping maw was circular in shape with every surface of it lined with tiny teeth. Its putrid green tongue hung from its mouth, several long strings of goo hanging from the thing as it gazed down at Shereena while taking her. The demon's cock seems to have slithered forth from an opening in its body. The thing appeared to be a series of linked chitinous plates; the dark crimson segments twisting as the thing's cock moved of its own volition, thick goo oozing from between the plates as it slowly pumped into Shereena. The creature's long, spindly legs spread out over the altar, gripping the thick spires as it held itself above his prize. The thing's four arms ended in long, taloned fingers; two of its arms pinned Shereena's wrists to the altar while the other two casually groped the woman's lovely busom.

There was a third figure in the room as well. A tall, lithe dark haired woman on her hands and knees next to Shereena. Vira guessed she was Shereena's mysterious travel partner based on the description Gavin had given her. Though, a pair of small horns protruding from her forehead and the black leathery wings sprouting from her back were something that Gavin had not mentioned. She grinned widely and brought a finger to her lips, signaling for Vira to remain silent.

Vira obeyed. Her lovely lips parted and she panted deeply while watching the scene unfold before her. The young paladin found herself turned on by what was happening to Shereena. She felt her virgin flower begin to moisten and she fidgeted just a bit. Slowly, her lips began to upturn into a playful smile.

The succubus gave a knowing smile as she watched the young paladin reaction. She then glanced back down at Shereena and watched as the young woman's lips released moans of pleasure, praising her demonic lover. One of her hands slowly moved to Shereena's belly, running across her bare flesh, able to sense the budding demonic life that resided within Shereena. Vivian lowered her mouth to Shereena's still flat belly and planted a soft kiss upon her flesh before allowing her tongue to slowly roam the young woman's belly. She looked up, gazing at the paladin while she tasted Shereena's flesh. Vira stared back, fascinated and yearning. Vivian sighed in pleasure at the look on the woman's face. She was looking forward to the woman's violation.

The demon's grotesque cock continued to plunge deep into Shereena, sinking into her tight body and feeling her stretch around his girth. His slow, steady thrusts filled the room with a very pronounced sucking sound. *Ssschllllooooorrrp* *Sssssllllleeeeoooooww* The sounds filled Vira's thoughts and guided her gaze to the slimy thing as it had her friend. The thing oozed slime as it moved, its segmented plates spreading the young priestess' petals as they entered and exited, inflicting inhuman pleasure upon the woman. Shereena willingly held her thighs open for the creature, giving herself to him, her thighs tensing up in pleasure each time the demonic cock pushed forward and disappeared inside her. Shereena's feet pushed on the surface of the altar, slowly rocking her body along the hard rock. Her belly bulged as the demon filled her, the succubus hungrily sucking upon her belly as she felt the demon moving inside Shereena.

Vira took several steps closer, grinning widely as she watched her best friend enjoy the carnal attentions of the vile demon. Her own desires had grown, her steps a bit awkward now as her legs began to grow weak, Vira hoping she would be invited onto the altar! The succubus lifted herself, leaving Shereena's belly glistening with her saliva. She met Vira's gaze and smiled widely. The demon's potion had done its work and this holy paladin was going to eagerly give herself over to her new masters. New masters... For a moment Vivian recalled the touch of dead flesh that once pleasured her, but the thought quickly faded in favor of desire to please her demonic masters.

The demon inside Shereena slowed its pumping into his toy, eventually stopping and allowing his cock to casually slip from the woman, revealing a throbbing, fleshy tip to his vile cock. Shereena gasped as she felt her lover withdraw from her body. Her lustful moans ceased, becoming a soft panting as her gaze focused upon the hideous face of the creature above her. The creature's hands released her, the pair upon her breasts moving to Shereena's waist while another moved to lovingly caress her cheeks.

"Shereeeennnaaaa..." The creature said with a deep, growling voice. "I think we should celebrate. Look..."

"A celebration?" Shereena said playfully with a soft smile. "Whatever for?"

She rolled over onto her belly, and to her surprise she met Vira's gaze.

"Vira!" Shereena squealed with surprise, though after a moment her expression to that of joy. "How did you find me?"

"The townsfolk were most helpful Shereena, they led me right to you." Vira said, smirking as she glanced up at the demon. "And I have to admit I am glad they did."

Shereena blushed at Vira's comment, her personality showing through now and then.

"Vira..." The creature spoke. "Come, join us. I can sense your desire."

Shereena sat up, her legs dangling over the edge of the altar, her arms stretched out to welcome her friend. Vira was able to gaze upon her friend's body unhindered for the first time. She never expected to feel this way, but Shereena was beautiful..she found herself wanting to be close to her, to touch her. Shereena's arms embraced Vira and pulled her close, Vira sighing pleasurably as she felt her friend's shapely form press up against her.

" are so beautiful.." Vira whispered. "I never realized I could feel this way..."

Vira stared into her friends bright blue eyes as Shereena smiled back. Vira brushed Shereena's blond hair back and slowly leaned in. Shereena moaned pleasantly as Vira's lips met hers. Vira groaned as she planted a kiss on her friend, her tongue slipping into her friend's lovely mouth.

"Hmm...yes..." Vira said with a playful growl.

Her hands cupped Shereena's head, fingers moving through her blond hair. Shereena submitted, laying back as Vira pushed forward, crawling atop her. Vira kissed furiously, her lips wrestling with her friends while their tongues danced together. Vira broke the kiss and stared down at her friend for a moment, panting deeply, lust filling her eyes. Vira lowered herself to Shereena's luscious breasts and eagerly planted her mouth atop one of her pert nipples. She groaned hungrily as she began to suck, slurping noisily upon Shereena's flesh while her tongue tasted her younger friend.

Vivian watched with a wide grin, finding pleasure in just how quickly the young paladin had taken to the potion she was given. So much for being a strong willed holy warrior. Vivian moved, leaving her kneeling position and slipping off the altar. She slithered over to the two women and moved behind Vira. Wrapping a hand around Vira's neck, she squeezed gently and peeled the woman off Shereena, leaving her panting as she continued to stare hungrily at her friend.

"In time.." Vivian said before planting a kiss upon the paladin herself.

Vira melted within Vivian's embrace. Vivian's strong arms wrapped around the paladin and held her close to her naked body.

"Delicious..." Vivian groaned. "Just like Shereena..."

Vira felt herself floating in pleasure as the succubus kissed her, their tongues slowly dancing together, their lips planted firmly against one another. Then, the kiss ended, leaving Vira panted sharply for breath.

"Oh my..." Stammered the paladin.

"Indeed." Vivian grinned. "Now why don't we get this robe off, so we can all enjoy your beauty."

The succubus ran her hands along Vira's toned arms, causing the paladin to tremble with pleasure wherever she touched. Vivian smiled at Vira, staring into her eyes as her hands moved to her bodice, untying the lace that held her gown together. She licked her lips as the woman's bodice loosened. Vira smiled back as she was undress, parting her lips and moaning sensually as she felt Vivian tug on her dress, pulling it down, the fabric falling to the ground, pooling around her high heeled clad feet.

Vivian openly sighed as she gazed upon the woman's virginal beauty. Vira's body was firm and tight thanks to years of training.

"Hmm, they are going to enjoy you." Vivian chuckled, running her hands along the sides of Vira's body.

"I hope so." Vira replied

"Get onto the altar." Vivian commanded, moving from Vira to retrieve a large silver chalice. "We need to prepare your body can properly hold their seed."

"Absolutely vile." Vira said with a playful smile.

Vira energetically hopped up into a seated position on the altar and scooted herself fully onto the thing, feeling a penetrating, sensual magical energy flow through her. With a lustful sigh she lay back, resting still.

"Perfect." Vira said, moving to her and kneeling by her side.

The demon watched as Vivian began to prepare the young paladin. The thing growled softly, pleased with the woman, growing eager to see her pure soul tainted. Vivian's hands moved the goblet above the young warrior's taut belly. Her mouth began to chant in the demonic speech, casting the binding ritual as her hands tilted the goblet, pouring the thick, black goo upon her naked flesh. Vira watched curiously, willingly participating without a second thought. The demon chuckled as Vira's luscious body tensed up and her lips released a sharp gasp while the warm ink stained her flawless body. She was pure and untainted, unlike Shereena by the time they had found her, the ritual was much quicker, the demonic ink flowed across the trembling paladin's belly forming into the shape of a pentagram. Vivian's chants grew louder as did Vira's deep gasps, her body and soul heaving as the dark magic penetrated her. Vira's sharp gasps melted into deep moans, her chest heaving deliciously with her panting as the ink upon her belly began to fade, releasing a putrid purple light as it melded with her soul. The room was then quiet, the chanting over.

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