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Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 03


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You have work to do. Both of you. The battle still rages but the Champion left some surprises. Including blocking the tunnel path. Many will not escape. At least with prisoners. The Dragonborn soldiers are still taking heavy losses but they are working to charge the breach with Valinta's army leading the way.

Other forces are working to clear the Capital. The Valinta Royal family is dead. Both sons were killed. One in the tunnels as that Drow female did not have a teleportation circle ability. She killed him and left.

The King threw himself off his balcony. His eldest son died trying to keep them at bay. They have broken through the last of the Force Walls. The Dragonborn and the Army are upon them. Field Marshal Silver Sword and his group are dead or captured and in Drow's hands.

The Field Marshal is dead. He was reckless, Crescent Moon is still the better choice. I will stop short of saying divine direction. I will add, Golden Spear's life in that role would be measured in weeks at best."

Queen Goldeagle held her head down as Tallion laid the crystal down. Tallion looked at his wives, "All support should be to protect in place or evacuate the willing only. I will get some sleep. Limman Moon Ray was the Lady of Dreams Champion.

He took Loth's champion off the field and died in the process. Come morning, when my team arrives. They can take over. Any big issues arise, Wake me. Branina you are in charge."

Tallion went over and rolled into a cot before he fell over. He was met in his dreams by Corellon who smiled, "Stay standing and speak freely Champion."

Tallion shook his head, "I never knew."

Corellon nodded, "It was meant to be that way. Queen Goldeagle knew, but not of his mission. The first time where a champion disobeyed Queen Goldeagle in the name of the Gods.

He will not be the last champion to surprise the Queen and follow our directions instead. Queen Goldeagle is waiting to see what you will do now as she realizes the Champions are not hers to control in this fight. Not day-to-day and if the orders are against our wishes.

Limman Moon Ray said he would get the men moving east. He did and got them working. But he also worked to be the one to find Loth's Champion. He collected gear and kept it out of the sunlight to use against the Drow. He approached like an assassin but in truth, he approached just as Death would have. He left his heavy armor behind.

He showed Loth a lot of holes in her own Royal Security. The Lady of Dreams was more than a little pleased in her champion's actions, fighting, planning, and saving lives on the battlefields. He worked to answer the Dreams of those on the field without them even knowing it.

Loth missed certain precautions, like true seeing, which we have both harping upon from the beginning. You need to keep the Queen focused on that as more than one will come, from humans, dragons, Orcs, and Ogres. Let me not forget giants but they would hardly come in stealth. Now you have choices to make, how to console a Queen, and what to do with Valinta."

Tallion woke up and studied. He put all of his ladies to bed as his team arrived. He had his team deploy their battle Mages to Valinta and half the Arcane archer at the fortification wall. He got up on the table and polymorphed himself into halfling which had a few of them chuckling. 30 minutes later, as Tallion walked across the table the Queen walked in shocked, "Who in the hell are you?"

Tallion held up a hand to his men. "Sometimes it is best to look over the world from every vantage point. From the smallest." As he ended the spell. "To the tallest. Also, to reemphasize that true seeing glasses are a priority, especially now.

You should be wearing them as a Drow Queen was killed because she did not heed that advice and the Champion to the Lady of Dreams used that to take advantage. To kill Loth's Champion who was a new Queen. We need to talk with the Ambassadors.

I will say a few things you will not like. I will make some requests, you will be shocked by, but I will work to stem the flow of blood as I have been tasked to do. Corellon spent time talking with me. My place right now is here.

I have deployed most of my Personal Guard to the wall in Valinta, the fortification that we helped to build to protect the area from Giants and Chromatic Dragons who will see the rising smoke over that city today, Your Majesty. We know where the next battle is going to be."

Tallion jumped down as Queen Goldealge sighed, "You made your point. I was wondering what you were going to do in the name of Corellon over my requests."

Tallion chuckled as they walked to the second floor, "Your Majesty, Everything I have done was in the name of Corellon. You happened to agree with it and saw that as me simply following your will in the matter. I make choices because of what I see on the Battlefield and in the War Room.

I do my best to explain them. You generally agree as you are wise and see the reasoning behind this. We will need the other Kings and Queens here. I also want the King of the neutral dragon contingency present, Your Majesty."

Tallion held onto a crystal as he walked in to see the ambassadors and he activated it to the Dragon Field Marshal. "I want half of all dragons supporting our coastal waters to teleport to Valinta. 80% of those who are patrolling the continent to do the same. I am waiting for the Dragon Council to arrive, but expect a request to deploy a full contingent of the Neutral dragons to Valinta as well."

The Dragon Field Marshal asked, "Can I ask why?"

Tallion smiled, "Because I want every dragon and giant in the mountains and beyond to see dragons in the air by the hundreds, over the smoking crater that has consumed Valinta's Palace and most of the main city.

I don't want them thinking twice about attacking right now. I want them thinking 100 times over about attacking right now. I am increasing forces along that border wall for now as the Drow are a minor threat at the moment.

We lost one of our champions last night. Limman Moon Ray, Champion to the Lady of Dreams. The first to fall as he took out the Champion Queen to Loth in the chaos. He destroyed her palace in the Drow Capital even. The faster the other Kings and Queens get here the better. Queen Goldeagle is working on that now."

The Dragon Field Marshal chuckled, "Action being taken and understood. Trying to prevent them from engaging in battle, where we can strafe them and take them off the field before they get out of those mountains. I understand and will work the coordination as they are defensive moves."

The Kings and Queens arrived within the hour given the events of Valinta they wanted to know what the plan going forward would be. Before he could continue, a crystal from the War Room to the Elven Ambassador went off and he answered it, "This is Captain Archilus'Via Moon Drop in the War Room. Please inform the Grand Field Marshal that a Flying mountain top has been spotted over the water and headed in the General direction of Valinta."

Tallion sighed, "Get with Dragons on the ground, find out if they are friend, foe, or something else. Storm Giants most likely. Generally known to be good. Defend the horses, Asperii and Pegasus if attacked as they tend to ride Roc's who view them as food. We need to know their intentions. Dragons are the best to determine that. Keep us apprised."

Tallion looked over, "For the sake of brevity I will speak plainly and forgo the Your Majesties in this discussion as we have a lot to say and we are on a time limit. I ordered a full 50% of the elven reserves to the fortification outside of Valinta. I will backfill them at 25% from each of the Kingdom of Cromorna and Avlora into Elven lands for now. Valinta has no standing Monarchy.

All Ambassadors of Valinta should be ordered to return home to help in resolving the lines of succession. I asked for the Crystal Dragon King to be here. I want a full contingent of neutral Dragons to Travel to Valinta. NOT for combat.

To help these people come to a peaceful resolution and transition of power to a new King or Queen. One who will support the Alliance and not be influenced to become another Chromatic Dragon stronghold. I have Metallic Dragons by the hundreds over the sky right now to engage any attacks.

I will not send other human Kingdoms' troops into the fighting and will hold them at the fortifications for those already present. If any force we have can bring these people back into the fold as quickly as possible, it is the Neutral Dragon contingent in this Alliance. It is what they do, work for peace. Not a civil war on this border."

The Crystal Dragon King smiled, "We would welcome the opportunity to fill that particular role but will defend ourselves if attacked. I commend you for looking to us for this as it is a very wise usage of our resources.

This is the first time you have called upon us to act, I can see why as you understand us. We will support that now, and if this issue arises again. During this long projected war, it may well come in other Kingdoms. Those who look to be in a near state of civil war.

Keep the outside influences to a minimum, Including your own. To keep members from being divided in our common fight with the goal of eventual peace across Tildar. You don't want them to settle on a King who we then have to destroy as part of this Alliance."

The Crystal King opened a crystal but did not speak, he sent the message psionically, "Deploy 1,000 Neutral dragons to Valinta. We are to aid them in a peaceful transition to a new government.

Keep Elves, Dwarves, and Humans from other Kingdoms out of the talks. We need to ensure it does not fall to the Chromatic Dragons. I like this show of strength and the use of our kind to be the mediators. Tallion's idea, a brilliant idea. See that it happens."

He ended the communication and looked back, "We use mental communication through crystals among our kind. You will receive the response you wanted."

The others sent word to take the Valinta ambassadors home to work the transition.

The Elven ambassador got contacted from the War Room again. "Three new things in the last few minutes for the Grand Field Marshal. The Flying Mountain has veered and is headed right between the outer fortifications and the chromatic cities and mountains.

The Dragons got a response. They are not a part of our Alliance. They are following the direction of their champion currently. They are not here about Valinta, but Giants being used to breed abominations with Dragons.

They are not fans of Half-Dragons with their giant kin. While not with us, they are not here for us but have their own reasons. This field is getting heated. Second, Metallic Dragons just brought in hundreds if not a thousand neutral dragons who are descending on the city. Lastly, an explosion in the breach was heard a few seconds ago. Much deeper."

Tallion took in all of the information, "The order stands on protecting our aerial units. Recall them all to Elven lands and their previous assignments. Horses are easier to replace than Asperii and Pegasus.

If Commander Moon Blade insists on staying, tell him his mount is recalled and to supplant a Dragon rider instead. I do not know what the Gods have planned for the young champion.

If he has not received divine direction he is to take mine and go with his mount. I am just presenting him with a viable option if he insists he needs to stay by order of the Gods. I will get back with you shortly on the breach."

Tallion looked at the Dwarven King, "We need dwarves working out here on the construction of a new royal palace for Valinta. Wide enough for dragons to land upon it safely and guard over it once it is airborne.

We need your craftsman, the Gold Elf enchanters to enchant every damned block, and with 100-1,000 human siege weapons from both of the other human Kingdoms to begin now. The Palace they have is beyond saving. I am asking that the dwarves, elves, and both human Kingdoms finance this, at cost. To 10% from each Kingdom.

The rest will come from Valinta once they have a government and we know the status of their coffers after having been raided. We may end up with 10 siege weapons instead. We put the resources to build it now. We will ensure forces from all are there to guard this building site.

I chose it for a reason. Granite deposits. Gemstones will go to the dwarven miners who harvest the blocks. Keep in mind Valinta falls and they will work up the coast to both human Kingdoms.

It is the key to keeping them out of Elven lands, and your only operational Dwarven Kingdom. Your secondary site is a safety measure and years from being fully operational. I believe the Queen worked in some discounts associated with giving you that location."

King Fireaxe looked and huffed, "This is extortion."

Tallion shook his head, "This is the unforeseen consequences of war and doing things for the greater good. Confer with your champions. It makes good sense. The next attack by the Drow, major anyway will likely be 50-100 years off if not longer. Your Champion who is designated to take them on will likely find his glory then and in your new home.

It only makes sense for Loth to come after our allies first, as she did before. Next time the force will likely be larger and better prepared. I am not done yet. I want an exploration team, led by your Great Uncle Giggles Fireaxe, 4 adamantium ancient dragons, Dwarn fighters, and especially any rare dwarven rangers to go into the breach.

Find the location of this last explosion. Determine if that is where the Drow went. Then trap the location with another 10 barrels of Dwarven explosives. By my count, you owe us over 3,800 barrels. One for each elven life lost from the overuse of them in sealing the breach in Xantria by giving us incorrect information to make a profit.

We will settle for 40 based on your sapper expert's opinion who looked at the 17 breaches and tunnels we effectively destroyed. I cannot deny any humans from Valinta who wish to join this expedition but it is a reconnaissance and trap mission. Not an invasion!"

The Bronze King nodded, "You will have the dragons for this. I see what you are doing and why. I believe I see what you are doing."

King Fireaxe was about to object but was stared down by Queen Goldeagle, "He grumbled, "I might have overestimated. I should have consulted the experts to be sure. Still, 17 tunnels were mighty impressive."

Tallion shook his head to keep from laughing at the dwarven King's comment as Elves died because of it as well. Tallion sighed, "Now, To our border shields. We have one over the Valinta palace and port. We will not use it. Instead, we build two new ones to go here and here. Leaving the breach to be filled by the ocean when the tidal surge comes in.

All of the businesses along the docks are destroyed. We saved the docks but they are badly damaged and will have to resupply from the other kingdoms and locally grown from the farmers. Businesses will have to rebuild further out, for now.

We know, from what we have been told, this will help against tidal surges, but not rising sea levels. All areas of this border 50 feet and below need to be evacuated in 19 years. Moving them further inland. Even that might not be far enough back, expect to be flooded. We have a sea shelf along the border, which means, we could get hit with monster swells and the shields will deal with those over areas we protect.

This will clean the destruction of Valinta, the docks will have to be rebuilt, but there could be miles of land, and rebuilding on new land is less in channels we have to dig or disintegrate through. Half of their fleet will be in port and half at sea as will the rest of ours as we have no idea for the safest locations.

The Valinta fleet, the half in port, will have to be in the other 3 ports, including the Elven one. A third of each half of those in port should be in the Elven Port because of our walls. Remember what I said earlier Queen Goldeagle about the greater good and me saying things you would not like hearing me say today."

She sighed and nodded, "You are right. The best chance at saving a piece of every fleet is to use our port, but half of the elven fleet will be in our port alone and not in the other 2 ports. Half at sea to ride out the storms. We don't know if things will occur in 1 day or 100 years from this Comet.

They will have supplies stored aboard for a year at sea if needed. A spare communication crystal in every portable hole to preserve their food. Best we can do, not knowing where it is safe to save the ships. The captains can abandon ships if they are floundering.

We will have them all meeting outside of dwarven lands as a high-ground safe zone. As best we can tell. They will come in high with feather fall, just in case. Our battle mages in each fleet will work this, along with the arcane casters in the human, Dragonborn, and Half-Dragons aboard the ships."

Tallion nodded, "Fair enough. That means all existing docks need to be modified to handle mooring lines and the docks rising by at least 50 feet to be on the safe side. 100 feet would be better, but not Valinta. Those will be destroyed, as will the burn out remains of the buildings, and then washed into the drain of the Drow breach. What will that do to trapped explosives, King Fire Axe?"

He chuckled, "It will reopen that breach and send the ocean further into the deep."

Tallion nodded, "We have had fights with the Duergar, Shadow Dragons, and Drow from underground over these last years. Your Great uncle talked about us raining over the lands for weeks. That will occur as I will, once back in the War Room, order 6 weeks of rain to pour over that land.

To settle that crater and rain mud and more onto the Drow as well for doing all of that work without thinking about how to keep the surface from crushing them. He also stated you have blasted through into underground rivers and lost miners to Drowning. I listen to your people King Fire Axe.

I want to do that on a grander scale with the breach they left open to us, instead of closing it. We fill it with water and the debris of the destruction they caused. The piece the Bronze King is now seeing in my actions for this reconnaissance and moving the coastal protection on Valinta."

The Bronze Dragon King gave half of a smile, "It is what you say, and it could be so much more. We weaken them enough and they will not return in numbers for centuries. Also to our shadow dragon kind that we hate immensely. We have all suffered from them, and it is a fitting plan. It gives a clear home for the new Palace while protecting it while it is in the air. What of the other fronts."

Tallion shook his head, "We are reactionary on them. We have our naval armadas still working the oceans. We have Snow Elves who may call for aid but are isolationists. We have advised them to be off of the ice pack in 19 years or high into the frozen mountains in those lands when this occurs.

The fact remains, nobody knows how this new world is going to look. The Dragons are the ones who are going to have to give us this new world map to work from. At least the northern continent once things settle.

We do not expect this to be over in one night, I don't anyway. We do not expect that fighting will not begin, we won't start it, but we will be reacting in those cases. Unless someone brings forth an attack option to consider, I have nothing further at the moment, Your Majesties."

Queen Goldeagle nodded, "You have set a lot of things in motion. We have much to discuss as things unfold in Valinta. I see now why you warned me before we arrived. Your role is to stop the hemorrhaging in the Alliance. You are looking at the world at times and the Elven Kingdom at other times.


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