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Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 03

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The Tale of Tallion takes a bitter turn.
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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/19/2021
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Dragon Wars Book 1 Part 3.

Synopsis: A prequel to the Silvertree Chronicles. When the God known as 'The One' sent the Comet Dragon Heart through the Solar System at the behest of the Dragon God IO. Part of his price for the request, the most populous race of his followers in totality, the Dragonborn, would all cease to exist in this world.

Inspired by multiple RPG universes but not endorsed by the former or current owners of the franchise. © EmotionalStorm June 2021. This story cannot be transferred to any other site besides Literotica.com without the prior authorizations in writing from the author and EmotionalStorm must be credited for this work.

Author's Note: For those who have not read my bio, please note I write as a form of therapy for a Traumatic Brain Injury. I know the English majors will probably encounter issues that annoy them. If these are your focus, instead of the story itself, then this is not the story for you. I am not and will never be a professional writer.

I do it to tell the story, for those who wish to read them. I have worked to try and improve my writing style while struggling with this issue. I have added some editing software and written a few other stories. Now I am revising and editing this earlier work to try and bring it up to a higher standard from what I have managed to learn over the last few years.

Warning: Each book will have 1-3 characters, that delves into their bedrooms and their overactive and in some cases, over-the-top sex lives. From normal to torturous. To better understand differences across species and social groups. Also, those that are outside the norm.


The One gathered all of the leaders who worked on this world and also the Abyssal Lords for a change that shocked Corellon and Bahamut, to say the least. It included all of the lesser deities as well.

"The World of Tildar is about to go into a World War in the next 20 years. To the Abyssal lords, except for Loth, your access to this world is cut off for the duration of this war. I am predicting 10,000 years, give or take a century or millennium. During this time, the world will be blocked from all of you. You have no presence. No followers in this fight. Be gone."

The Abyssal Lords were gone and Loth remained, "As to you Spider Queen. Like the other Gods, you will be barred from walking on this world for another 914 years. You will all be required to work through your champions, the head of your clergy, and/or your rulers directly in their dreams or daydreams. Only them and not every single follower.

You can still monitor faithful followers. This will allow for the field to be leveled and all of the avatars to walk this world to fight only after this war is over and the Abyssal Lords will have access again to participate if they have followers afterward. None of you will be barred from making that request at that point.

If you choose to accept the consequences and you have the justification to call for that action. The date is a reflection of the day the last Avatars fell on this world and a means to limit your influence to key players on the field only. All of this is from the Dragon God IO.

You may still meet in your environments, those of your allies when invited, and the Astral plane as Loth has done for a middle ground. The Astral Plane access for your followers follows the normal rules.

Summoning elementals or anything of that nature from elemental and para-elemental planes is cut off. Storing things and creating shelters in the Ethereal Plane is permitted. Traveling or summoning from the Ether or any plane other than the Astral Plane is barred during this War.

This also means any outsiders, dragons, celestials, or other creatures currently in the world are cut off during this time, except for innate abilities they might have by their very nature. It is cutoff for spells and spell-like effects.

This includes special abilities for Champions that would be normally permitted, like the Shadow animals created for some of your rangers. This allows Shadow Dragons' innate abilities to still function, as just one example. But not the spell Shadow Stead.

They die here during that time they will not return to their home planes. Be they dragons, nightmares, or the Hellfire Dragon that is asleep in the core of this world. It won't likely remain that way. When the Comet event occurs it will cause havoc for all sides.

All dragons from other planes and those who came for this gift are stuck here for the duration of this war. They bought into it, they have chosen sides, and they are now locked into this conflict. I can see Loth is surprised by the fact this was IO's request.

I am doing this now as all of the Gods have finally put their champions on the board. Except for one who would only do it thousands of years from now to work to bring it all to an end. Maybe sooner if the motivation is right.

Yes, Loth, there are over 30 champions to Gods out there that you will be competing with until the Dragon Peace Accord is signed, sealed, and delivered in over 10,000 years. They fall and new ones will be chosen if the given God or Gods have the power to replace them.

The board is reset for IO's request and the official timer will occur in roughly 20 years when the comet destroys the southern continent. I am not giving away the date or the time of the event. Time your activities and choose your champions wisely during this period.

Loth if you are unsatisfied with your yet again disappointing choice in a champion. You are a lesser deity who stands alone and can only have one. As you are late to this party then you should replace her pathetic ass soon. She is the most pathetic champion on the field given your losses already.

Inform your champions of your restrictions, if you choose to do so. They are not allowed to share the information with anyone. Not your clergy or rulers for 914 years when you will be able to walk in front of your people again. Except for the 10,000 + years of war being predicted and the planes restrictions which can go to the rulers and Clergy directly. But you cannot tell them why this is happening, regardless."


Loth returned to her abyssal home and fumed for a few hours and then sent a message to the Queen of Mezztornaian. "Strike down my champion Xantroxala. She has failed me. Send a hundred to kill her, it will not be hard as her arcane abilities are stripped. I will place a new champion within my realm for what is to come.

I must take some time to decide which of my followers is most worthy. I know! Bring in the city champions from all 13 cities. Inform the other rulers. This will be one death match against them all in your gladiator pit. The one who wins will become my new champion. They are to teleport there within the hour."


An hour later word had spread across the city of what was going on as the crowds filled the Stadium, "Queen Xantrixana of Mezztornaian threw the severed head and the cracked holy symbol to Loth in the center of the Arena. "Loth ordered her previous champion killed. You are the most skilled warriors and champions of the 13 cities. Loth seeks a new champion for the war with the surface. You fight, or you die until only one stands in the arena. Begin!"

The fighting lasted over an hour as the final two opponents, including the Queen's eldest daughter, remained on the field. Her younger and only sister, Xamelixanaa seethed at the idea of the prima donna and 'favored child' of her mother becoming the champion of Loth. She ran forward from the skybox and jumped off the edge.

She dimension doored behind her sister and ran both blades through her back and shot a disintegration at the other city champion who was shocked that another had entered the field. Alone, Xamelixanaa stood alive in the Arena.

Having killed the last of the champions and her sister. She glared at her mother, "They were all weak, Mother! Especially your coddled 'favored daughter.' They took forever to finish this fucking battle! They failed to read the field and look for the opening to finish each other off.

I am Xamelixanaa daughter of Queen Xantrixana and if the mistress Loth wants a Champion who does not cower and take cover, who charges into battle, and takes what she wants, then she has found one in ME!"

Queen Xantrixana, Heard laughter in her head from Loth, "She was right, they all became decadent and complacent in their standings. They failed to achieve the goals and aspire to be more."

Queen Xantrixana was furious and thought, "I will kill her!"

As she thought those words Xamelixanaa teleported behind her seething mother and with both blades took off her head. She heard Loth for the first time, "You are the Queen of my Capital city in the largest of the 13 kingdoms, They are all now yours to command. Now my champion, once you put on your Mother's Necklace."

Xamelixanaa snatched up the ornate necklace to the spider queen and put it on. As it rang out across the Drow Arena and the Kingdom it adhered to her chest. They all heard her new champion also the Queen of the Drow people because she fucking took it and was untouchable for now under penalty of death.

Loth spoke to her, "Take your top 3 male Half-Dragon gladiators to your room. Fuck them all in the ass. Then ride all of their cocks, one after the other. They have bred other male-Half-Dragons with the females who have returned. You will bear 3 daughters one from each of them to rule after you.

Use a ring of polymorph to disable their scaled cocks from ripping you to shreds. Your mother had one in her jewelry box, it forces the appearance to that chosen by the Queen alone instead of the recipient, that is now you. It is yours now for this purpose.

You must secure the 13 cities, breach the surface, and once your children are of age to follow your rule. You will lead the vanguard of our forces to the surface and work to kill as many champions on the field and earn your place in history, and into my favor!"

Queen Xamelixanaa took her Mother's crown, "Bring me the 3 top male Half-Dragon gladiators to my new room, NOW! I want the other 12 Bitch Queens with their daughters here within the hour!" She bent down, cut out her mother's heart, held it aloft, and then drank the blood out of it before throwing that into the arena.

She went back to the palace and looked at her mother's guards who now followed her. One by one she brought them into her office and killed them all. She sent word to their families "Queen Xamelixanaa wants the youngest adult sisters to her mother's Royal Bodyguards at the palace within 2 hours. They are to wait for me to be done with the Queens."

The other Queens arrived each had 3 or 4 daughters except one who had 2. She looked out at them all, "I am the Champion of Loth and THE Queen over the Drow people. If you wish to be Duchesses of my court, then the one daughter who brings me the head of her mother shale rule over your given city in service to me as Loth's appointed ruler and champion, Queen Xamelixanaa!"

The fighting was brutal and she soon had 12 Queen heads and she shook her head, "I said the ONE daughter!"

That sent a few who still had sisters scrambling as they fought each other until only one daughter of each house remained.

She looked at the blood and Gore, "That is the Drow way! You do not become decadent and complacent. You have your daughters. Lots of daughters and males as well. You know where the males go. To the Army and gladiator rings to prove themselves. If they are weak, Loth will make them driders and strong shock troops!

When your daughters are all of age and you fail me, your daughters will be assigned to do the same thing to you. Until only one daughter remains standing with their Mother's head in their hands! Now kneel and swear fealty to me as the one true Queen and Champion of Loth!"

Each woman did it in order. She looked at them, "Now drink the blood of your mothers. From their dead hearts and remember this day. You got what you wanted because you took it! That is what the Drow must do when we attack the surface world. We take what we want, slaves, lives, or wealth. It does not matter as it is ours to pillage!"

She watched them all cut out their own mother's hearts and drink down the blood. It was as if their eyes changed before her. As if they had gained power from the act as she had. Loth had not ordered her to do it, but she often dreamt of killing her mother and drinking the blood from her warm heart.

To be Queen and now champion to Loth. She looked at the 20 females who had been sisters of guards, some older than her, "You are to clean up this room. Then go home, kill any elder sisters you have, and then your bitch mothers. Bring her dead body before me or be outcast and hunted.

I am now the one true Queen because of my mother's guards, your now dead sisters failed you! They failed to protect my mother from me! Her youngest adult child. Keep a note on you. If an older sister defeats you with your dying breath you tell her she has to kill the others and her Mother, else your house will be lost.

Else the note will have to suffice to send the message. Now you will prove yourselves, or die trying as the youngest sister, I did it. Those that succeed will be divided between those hunting those that fail. Including all members of your family down to the last member. Slaughtering them for being a failed minor house.

Else guarding me. I will decide that from who returns the fastest from this test. Clerics of Loth will be here to detect lies and omissions about killing your sisters, or mothers. Because that includes those married off in some twisted arranged marriage and those who have been exiled or cast out.

You have 24 hours to complete this task. Scribes. Give them the notes once the room is spotless. Then the clock will start! Now get to work bitches! That will likely take a day or 2, use the whips when needed to inspire them!"

She walked into her mother's room that was now hers. She strapped the 3 Drow Half-Dragons down, each to a different table face down. She used a ring of polymorph that allowed her to set the images. Then fucked them all in the ass with a metal-studded strapon while jacking them off their now monster Drow looking and feeling cocks. Once they all came she used the controls on the table and flipped them around.

She repositioned the tables they were strapped to and found the one with the biggest cock, got it hard, and then slammed her virgin cunt down on it and rode like the wind until he shot off quarters into her.

Loth had not warned her about that and she came loudly from the fountain of Half-Dragon cum. She laughed maniacally as she looked at her prey. She repeated the process with the other two. She grabbed a set of tools and a branding iron from the fire.

She cinched up their balls and cut them all off and cauterized the wound on all 3 of them in the order she took them. She stuffed their balls into their mouths, "Chew and swallow it all!"

She looked at them, "Rest, come morning, the real test comes. You have each given me a daughter for my new house, a gift from Loth, not you. You are not to speak of this. You will give none to any other women now. Tomorrow you will each draw at random a path to a tunnel to the surface.

You will have orders to let you go there and to return. To get a document signed by the lead forward scout. Then you will return here. The first to return will get a regeneration to get his balls back. Those who return will lead my male soldiers into combat within the month. I will assign new generals for each front, and find out about the old paths. We will discover older ones that are still closed but possibilities. One path that your male forces will use.

Do not breach the surface! Loth will let me know if you are lying through her clerics." She summoned in a cleric to stem the flow of blood in the 3 males. Then branded all of them with two overlapping seals to indicate they were her property.

She wrote out the orders and the paths for all 3 locations and the instructions to the scouts. To put magical suppression bracelets in place and tell them to return quickly. The brand identified the males that were not to be harmed in this mission.

A double webbed brand that met with a single spider watching them both. She ordered up swords and Adamantium chainmail armor for the males to be waiting for them. She sealed the room and went to sleep to the sounds of 3 groaning Half-Dragon in pain. She found it relaxing.


Loth visited her new Queen and champion in her dreams, "What are you planning to do?"

Queen Xamelixanaa thought back, "Send word to the duchesses to shore up the supports of their cities. If they fall in the cataclysm that is to come, then the survivors will be rescued and the Duchess killed for failing to save those cities. I want to test the endurance of these 3 male Half-Dragons.

I do not need 3 male Half-Dragon captains. I need 1 who can claim to be the father of all my unborn children. The other 2 will become part of my Royal Bodyguard. Fitted with control collars that will shock them if they ever think to harm me, or to allow another to do it. Bound to my life, they die when I die.

Then bring in the 13 generals and their seconds. Let them know I only need the services of 7 of the women.

The ones who want it the most and are willing to kill to get what they want. Until only 7 are standing, they are to fight it out. Then drink the blood of the fallen and failed generals from their very own hearts.

For failing my mother, your previous champion, and me in the previous campaign. Once that is done. The general I find the most vengeful and resourceful will be my Field Marshal. Of which, 3 will become her generals for the surface and 3 will become the generals to oversee the security of the other 12 cities, or however many are left after this event my mother talked about.

I will get the best of the architects and builders to secure this city from any and all damage. Something she failed to spend the money to do. If the death tolls are too high I will kill their families for the failure in the years to come. I will use the old tunnels in a month that are found to be viable.

Send the males to the surface under a male-Half-Dragon captain, as a distraction, unless they prove successful somehow. They will draw forces to them, especially with a Half-Dragon leading them.

They will gather slaves, wealth, and intelligence and send it all back as quickly as they find it. While our stronger females and driders surface a week later at the 3 new locations and keep the flow of male bodies going while our true army and the pretenders all gather as well.

We raid them, steal, collect, plunder, capture slaves as they become a source of intelligence, some we might even be able to turn to worship you or be agents to me. We learn what they know and we plan.

I knew of the Half-Dragons females and we will have them being bred by the best of our gladiators from the other 12 cities. Also, the other male-Half-Dragons to generate even more of them to eventually replace my entire worthless guard.

Then the female Half-Dragons will breed with all-male Half-Dragons until they are infertile. We will send any infertile ones with my 2 female generals and 1 Field Marshal. As Bodyguards and shock troops.

Dragon-blooded male Drow will become consorts to my daughters first, champions, selected by me from the Arena. Then those of the other Duchesses to install more Draconic power into our ruling class. All of their goals are to cause death, destruction, and to gather as many slaves as they can.

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