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Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 03


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Queen Goldeagle shook her head, "Tallion, your concerns were founded and your timing was likely very spot on from the briefings I got. Did you notice the overlapping web design in that crater? The way the Drow laid out their tunnels, in the shape of webs even. We know it was Drow tunnels that fell. King Valinta needs to consider this, Ambassador."

Giggles started giggling again, "That location and that one are likely not Drow. Duergar city and shadow dragon layer would be my best guess. Flattened! Likely 5-10 million Duregar in that city died in the collapse! Maybe more, but it's a damned good start for them.

But you are right, they tend to put a web into everything. As to your explosives. Tell my great-great nephew the Champion is right, he is owed something for this mess. What he gets from not asking the family expert on the matter, Your Majesty."

Several in the room giggled at his comment as Giggles left and a Gold Dragon took him home.

The Ambassador of Valinta sighed, "I will inform him of your concerns in the morning when he contacts me. He is likely spending time with his son the Prince before retiring for the night."

The Queen looked at Tallion, "That is 4 days you have been running ragged with no sleep. Home. Sleep. Then 4 days in here starting now, counting from tomorrow onward. You saved a lot of Elven lives today.

Field Marshal Silver Sword can tackle anything that comes up in the field and you can be called in and work from here only. He has his staff he brought forward with Battle Mages, Blade Singers, and Arcane Archers who sleep in shifts, even he does. He did not want to borrow yours so they will all be working here tomorrow.

I don't want you anywhere near Valinta after that crater. I do not want their King blaming you. It was not your fault as you were right. We just never thought we would have to get sapper experts to get real answers from King Fireaxe."

The Dwarven Ambassador was more than a bit annoyed. Tallion bowed to the Queen, collected his detail, and informed them of the orders.

Tallion left his group at the Palace entrance. "Get rest. Meet me back here in the morning. I am going home to spend time with the family and eat before getting some sleep. I have my orders, as do you."


Teresna teleported them home and they ate. Tallion tried to spend time with the children but fell asleep during it all, he was so exhausted. Mala shook her head, "Leave him in the children's room on the floor. He will wake later and come to bed. I got his crystals of dread to answer. You ladies get some rest as well. At least he ate first."


Gilerxxaranax wanted to impress her cousin the new Drow Queen. She went invisible and teleported back to her location in the city. She suddenly found herself falling. She dropped her components and screamed in a panic as she slammed into the ground from 2,000 feet up and not far from Duchess Moon Bow who looked at the now visible body and stabbed her through the heart. She sighed, "Just to make sure you are dead bitch!" Loth witnessed it. The city was a crater.

She passed the information along to her champion, "Your cousin Gilerxxaranax died. She fumbled her damned components and did not think that land would not be under feet. She was thousands of feet above land.

The Elven city there was destroyed and in a massive crater. An elven woman stabbed her body to ensure she was dead as she screamed like a cowardly bitch the entire way down. She got you what you needed. The city they destroyed it to kill your army."

The Drow Queen Champion sighed, "Well at least Vexxor will not have to be loaned out to her. She was expendable and we got what we wanted, a confirmed destroyed Elven city. Would have been better if it were fully occupied. Yet another one. My Predecessor destroyed 2 or 3 of them. It's a start, Mistress. We will see what we destroy next in your name. As our forces are on the move, Mistress."


The ladies left Tallion on the floor as Mala took this night shift to watch over communication crystals. A little over 2 hours later while she had been heating some tea and a crystal started vibrating and she answered, "This is Mala. Tallion is asleep finally."

The Queen groaned, "We need him back in the War Room. Get his other wives to bring him. I hate to wake him but Field Marshal Silver Sword is leaving with everyone."

Mala sighed, "Will do, Your Majesty."

Mala got the ladies first as Talion was still dressed. They went and got him. He cast his last teleportation circle, not having enough rest to study spells yet, and walked into the Palace almost 45 minutes later not knowing they waited almost 30 minutes to wake him. Queen Goldeagle was in the War Room alone trying to answer crystals when Tallion walked in. She groaned, "About time, 45 minutes? Where is the rest of your staff?"

Branina looked at Queen Goldeagle, "Following your orders. We only got him up 15 minutes ago. He was still dressed and passed out in the children's room on the floor. He's in no shape to go anywhere. We were lucky he did not teleport us over the ocean with that last spell, Your Majesty."

Queen Goldeagle sighed, "I am sorry. Valinta is under attack. The Drow, as you predicted. Field Marshal Silver Sword is not responding and I don't know what orders he sent to the others."

Tallion went through them and found out what was requested and Tallion had the answers inside of 30 minutes. "He put troops on standby. They need to know if we need to deploy. We need an answer from the Human Ambassador as we cannot reach the Field Marshal. Else we will be deploying blindly, Your Majesty."

She sighed, "Can you stage them somewhere while I get an answer?"

Tallion nodded and contacted them to do a 25% deployment for each location to the defensive forts before going to the city until they had clearance. He contacted the Elven Admiral and Human Admiral for Valinta and asked for present locations.

None of their ships were in port but Admiral Gelding of Valinta responded, "We are West of the Capital and we can see the docks are burning as is most of the town from here. The stone towers and Palace seem intact from the ocean side. He has forces but it looks like some broke through."

Tallion sighed, "Get your Silver Dragons to do a flyover, try and put the fires out on the docks. Contact me back when you have more."

The Queen returned, "The ambassador can reach nobody!"

Admiral Gelding contacted Tallion, "They got the dock fires under control, but said the Drow were in the Palace. Heavily damaged docks. Most shops were burned to the ground. Dragonborn were fighting everywhere. It was mixed crowds."

Tallion contacted General Strong Oak who was the senior general who went along. Tallion called out, "Fast but not reckless, approach from the south. Find the breach and lay waste with earthquake spells. Keep a wall of forces up and be sure everyone who has true seeing glasses is using them.

A lot of mixed troops. Area of effect spells at your discretion. They got a hold of nobody at the Palace. We are flying blind except for the overview from Dragons who worked to save what was left of the docks."

General Strong Oak sighed, "We are on our way."

Tallion contacted the Dragon Field Marshal, "You still have the 4 Ancient Adamantium dragons available?"

The Field Marshal sighed, "The Dwarves being attacked?"

Tallion shook his head, "Not that I know about. Last I heard they checked and they were not trying to breach there. They have breached in Valinta, the Drow have stormed the Palace and we have intermixed groups. If whatever forces pursue, they will want those dragons.

I have no idea if anyone is in charge there. General Strong Oak is on the Ground. Admiral Gelding gave us the information on the docks, shops, and the city is on fire. Field Marshal Silver Sword is missing as he deployed without telling anyone where he was going. Towers still standing but thousands are fighting."

The Dragon Field Marshal groaned, "We will hold until we have a human representative of the government ask for assistance. We will talk with the human Ambassador here. For pursuit, they are the best. In a mixed crowd, Hard to tell a friend from a foe. We cannot strafe there."

Tallion nodded to himself, "I know the Silver dragons got the dock fires under control but stated the shops were burned to the ground. Elven forces are moving from the forts at the southwest toward the breach and from the south side.

I made the call as Field Marshal Silver Sword took his entire team and we have gotten nothing from him. The rest he stuck on standby. I sent 25% of the reserves from each location under General Strong Oak."

Another crystal went active and he answered it was a backup crystal, "The fighting is heavy. The Drow likely did not expect as many Dragonborn here. General Strong Oak is dead. Disintegration took him out. We cannot get much closer to the breach as it is surrounded by fighters. I am Commander Limman Moon Ray, head of his battle clerics. Half the palace is in the breach. The front entrance of it anyway. The Drow appears to be on every level. Orders sir. Our forces are at a standstill."

Tallion sighed, "Move east, evacuate as many humans as you can, wagons, horses, carts, teleportation circles and avoid getting captured. We are working to save people. The Dragons won't go in without someone clearly in charge. Right now it looks like the kingdom has fallen and we need to work at saving the people. It is the next best option."

Queen Goldeagle shook her head, "We have likely lost a Field Marshal and a General already. Follow his orders, General Limman Moon Ray. If they change, then we will work it. Your battle right now is to save lives. Do what you can on that front."

Limman Moon Ray sighed, "I have the troops moving now, Your Majesty."


Limman Moon Ray thought out, "I have the gear to find this champion. To kill her. Are we over the tunnel, How far down would we have to teleport?"

The Lady of Dreams sighed, "What is your plan?"

Limman Moon Ray smiled, "Strip my armor, go with the improved invisibility ring we captured from one of the Drow with the silence boots we also captured. Use the Drow magical gear. Take several battlemages with Force Walls.

Have them block the tunnel and use scrolls to make them permanent. Those coming back will have wasted disintegration spells left and right on the surface fight. Trap them so the forces here can get to where they need to. It will take a lot of time to bring those walls down with conventional damage.

Only those with the teleportation circle spell would be able to get past those with a prisoner being taken back. I know Drow. I find out who she is and then petrify her and kill her. I die with her, it does not matter. Not after losing so many, including Strong Oak. I am ready to do this. It is what they would least suspect us of doing"

The Lady of Dreams sighed. She knew after that meeting this was likely a new Champion of Loth the way 'The One' goaded Loth about her champion on the field. Also these changed tactics.

She would be young and arrogant. Looking to attack and not defensive being that far behind the lines most likely, " Step back 20 feet. Do it. 1,000 feet straight down, You have enough time to get your armor off. Get near one who is teleporting back because of the block. It will save you days in getting to her and increase your chances of success. You have my blessing."

General Limman Moon Ray gave the orders and held back 8 battle mages. As he stripped off his armor, "Gather, teleport us 1,000 feet down from here. One of you, store my armor and return it to the Queen. This is a one-way trip for me."

They looked at him, "That would be solid rock."

Limman Moon Ray shook his head, "I am the Champion to the Lady of Dreams. Have faith in me as you always have. Do as I ask, please." He flashed his holy symbol in his chest to them.

They all gathered and took him down. As he slid on the ring and moved back up the ramp, "Force Wall and Permanency. Use your scrolls if you need to. Every 10 feet. Block them from going back. Move further away from me. I need to be on this side of the wall when they cast a teleportation circle.

Once you are out, go meet the others on the east side and get them out of here. Use your scrolls wisely. We don't want them taking any more back below ground if we can help to prevent that. This will limit their numbers and buys those fighting on the surface time to catch those coming down."

He put on boots to silence his steps. He followed one who was the first to hit the wall. Another came up and teleported them into the City. They took him right into the Drow Capital.

The Lady spoke to her Champion, "You will only explode if killed by a champion in part or totality. Else kill her outright."

Limman Moon Ray thought back, "Does that include if the damage comes from me by me?"

The Lady of Dreams sighed, "No. It would have to come from her. You speak Drow, listen, and find the Champion."

Limman Moon Ray smiled and thought, "She is the Queen of the Drow. Young and new. Recently replaced the old champion. Young and dumb. Destroying a royal palace of the Drow would be an accomplishment while taking out her Queen and champion to Loth."

The Lady of Dreams wanted to laugh and smile but simply nodded and replied, "I suspected as much. That is what made your plan an idea worth considering. Striking as they would in this fashion would come as a shock to them. They would not expect a Champion to come to the Drow Palace."

Every time he encountered a congested area, he hid and still spelled a sanctuary spell and remained invisible due to the ring only revealing him when casting. He found the Palace and the Queen in her War Room. She screamed at someone in Drow which he understood, "What do you mean the passage is blocked with force walls?! Disintegrate them or beat upon them! I will send others to come and do it."

The Queen was distracted but had a bad feeling. Limman Moon Ray cast still spell petrification and touched the Drow Queen as she turned quickly and stabbed the invisible intruder with both her blades as he became visible with his spell attack with his sword in hand, just in case.

Queen Xamelixanaa screamed out in Drow, "You have any idea who I am? I am untouchable."

Just as the poison in the blades began to take hold of Limman Moon Ray and the Drow Queen slowly became stone Limman Moon Ray Spoke in Drow to her and stabbed her as well and twisted the blade, "You are the champion of Loth. I am the Champion of the Lady of Dreams, and by her desire death has come for us both."

The resulting explosions blew apart the Drow palace. Killed her guards, Vexxor as he was bound to her, the other 2 Half-Dragons, and sent Loth into a rage as she screamed across the planes, "Sehanine Moonbow! You stole my husband, my champion, and my Greatest Palace on Tildar by sacrificing your fucking champion!"

The Lady of Dreams sent her an invitation to meet on the Astral Plane, no violence allowed by either. Loth accepted as it stipulated no fighting would be allowed and she was weakened at the moment.

The Lady of Dreams looked at Loth, "I did not steal Corellon, you worked to betray him. I stood with him. He found love in me. When The One stated you had 30+ champions to look upon and you might want to change your pathetic champion.

I figured you did change champions given your facial expression that I read like a book. Given our shared history and the change in your tactics. I suspected I was right, you killed your previous ineffective champion."

Loth hissed, "Her tactics! She was just getting started! Just became an expecting mother!"

The Lady of Dreams nodded, "I know. Very young and brash. All attack and no defense, yet an adult. You would attack a champion before they were an adult, given the chance. My champion ensured yours would not escape.

The plan was his, daring, and brilliant. All-in-one. To get to your unprotected champion who cowered in the shadows. Using items captured from your assassins. He just returned them by the way, not that they survived the explosion.

I sent a Battle Cleric of mine to deal with your new Queen. Much older and wiser with children already grown. Now you have lost so many in breaching the surface. Your champion never got off orders to send people to rescue your troops on the surface. I have followers in the area. Those you have not been killed and you had attempted to capture.

Two champions so fast. That much energy! We both know with your losses that you will not have a champion on the field for at least another 75-100 years, if not a whole lot longer. You even appear weakened with the losses."

Loth hissed, "You called me here to GLOAT! He attacked like an assassin."

The Lady of Dreams looked at her, "Not just to gloat. He attacked like death. Using your assassin's tools. The improved invisibility ring, and your silent step boots, pulled from one of your assassins. Also, to tell you the first champion to fall was actually mine. Find comfort in that as it was at your statuesque Champion's hands that he fell.

Followed by yours as she became that wounded dying statue who could not escape the blast. I also wanted to tell you we have many champions on the field and you might want to sit this one out for a VERY long while.

If she had good ideas, cultivate them in another. I doubt it, but anything is possible. This time, I was 10 steps ahead of you. You focused on all champions, especially Corellon's Champion. Now you know you were looking for the wrong one...this time. Or were you...

Corellon has to decide which other Gods will put a champion on the field next, and they will have to choose someone. We can do this because his champion saved hundreds of thousands from your previous efforts.

We asked him, yes a Half-Dragon who has engaged and killed over a thousand of your troops. You likely doubted that as well to stem the flow of blood, among all of our allies. He has only just begun.

Your outburst will make you appear weak to the other Gods, especially Tiamat, Task, and Null. They will come for your people to breed like cattle, as that is what they are to those 3. You made yourself a target in this world. I wanted to give you that warning. As a reminder from one who was once a friend until you betrayed us all."

The Lady of Dreams disappeared as Loth still seethed.


Tallion tried to contact General Limman Moon Ray for a status, "How are the evacuations going?"

The Elf sighed, "This is Captain Willow. He had us take him below and into the tunnels. To leave him behind. He stated he was the Champion to the Lady of Dreams. He had a one-way mission. We have our forces set up to protect them in place.

Many refuse to leave. Not until they know who is the human King directing the action. The Drow appear to be retreating toward the tunnels. Many with captured individuals. We will keep you posted, but the worst looks to be over." The Crystal went dead.

Both Tallion and Queen Goldeagle heard the Lady of Dreams, "Limman Moon Ray succeeded. He died at the hands of the Drow Champion who became a statue and could not leave. He also stabbed her once for good measure. Both explosions destroyed the largest Drow Palace in Loth's realm. Loth has always been his target, not yours Tallion.

Yours continues to be to stop the bleeding as you continue to do. Limman's mission was to remove Loth's Champion. He succeeded much sooner than we anticipated because of your work. Loth is in turmoil and not likely to have another champion on the field for a century or more, but stay ever vigilant.


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