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Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 03


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Tallion looked at him, "Unless you send a couple of those dragons with the spell to the sealed breached. Then you could answer that. At least a given distance away of them being breached again. Correct, Ambassador?"

The Ambassador nodded, "True. We will make those arrangements with the Dwarven King as it is a point to look into, Grand Field Marshal."

The Bronze King looked over, "I will deploy 2 of the ancient adamantium dragons to do that work in the Dwarven Kingdom immediately. Those were good questions to ask, Tallion. It will also let the Dwarven King know how many of his men might seek glory in those human tunnels instead if his border is clear.

If Prince Trelmorna Valinta decides to go after them. Elven land is vast. I cannot speak for Queen Goldeagle, but there were 5 breaches, we have talked of 3 and the other 2 will have to be looked at as well. They might be rather busy on the other fronts before going underground. We are speaking in hypotheticals, Prince Trelmorna Valinta."

The Prince nodded, "All valid points. The elves should deal with those in their lands. You have made us aware of this possible threat, but no army is present. I will talk with King Valinta upon my return, Everyone."

With the big meeting effectively over Tallion went to the War Room and looked over the other 2 locations and sent teams to work those.

Queen Goldeagle came in, "You have a replacement in mind for Field Marshal Golden Sword?"

Tallion went to a side room and sealed it. Queen Goldeagle smiled, "Speak Freely. Assume that is the case when it is just the 2 of us. I find I enjoy you speaking your mind."

Tallion sighed, "I have the best candidate, a great candidate, and a good candidate for you. I know you have taken hits on Gold Elf's representation in the military command structure because many have failed. You have a talented Admiral and he is where he needs to be.

He understands the oceans, and our a point. Even he gets frustrated in Getting fresh supplies in Valinta. We took action to send them from here instead. King Valinta felt like we were robbing his coffers but they could not deliver food that would last on sea voyages or make the men sick.

At least to Elven flagged vessels. General Crescent Moon, General Silver Sword, and General Golden Spear, in that order. A Half-Dragon Blade Singer, who respects all of the troops and excellent skills reading the battlefield. A tactician Battle Mage who I have fought against during the civil wars.

An excellent strategist as we came to respect each other more in our move counter move review of the past. But he also helped to end the last round of Drow infiltration efforts. Silver Sword has his troops' support, but it ends at impures. Half-Dragons he tolerates because of me.

General Golden Spear checks off a Gold Elf in the position, fighter Mage, reasonably good tactical leader, who cannot stand Half-Elves and would like to kill me if he could get away with it as I am a Half-Elf. But he is the best Gold Elf for the slot if you are, for political reasons, forced to take a lesser choice."

Queen Goldeagle smiled, "Field Marshal Golden Sword said those were the names you gave and hinted at those same issues. He agreed on all points that they had the right skills and in that order, he stood his ground on those points when pushed on them.

Another Half-Dragon right now would not be well received by the Moon or Gold Elf houses. General Silver Sword though would seem to be a good fit. Not a Gold Elf, but his replacement would be to allow for some harmony.

General Cresent Moon is very gifted. I do not say this to slight him at all. I have to balance the politics of the court with the right person for the job. I will work to ensure those Half-Elven and Half-Dragon assets go to him or the other 2 Half-Dragon Generals on the field going forward.

To cut down on any issues they will be under orders to inform you and me directly of any issues with the Field Marshal in those matters. Field Marshal Golden Sword will be missed, but he stated you trained him to stay alive long enough to retire. Take his advice and do the same.

I will issue the orders to evacuate the City of Xantria immediately and move the Academy. You get started. Plan today, observe but give the city time to be evacuated. Create the hole if possible. It will take days to finish but I want the trap ready, in case they come while we are still evacuating."

Tallion sighed, "We lost 3 cities, the towers though might be salvageable. If so we should get them airborne as well and moved to the Capital, more room for learning."

Queen Goldeagle nodded, "Excellent point. I will get some enchanters to look at those 3 buildings as the Drow are gone from them for now. Getting them flown and moved to the Capital to give us the largest training center for all of our forces. A brilliant idea before they fall in this cataclysm that comes.

The Royal compounds are secondary but I understand many of them were damaged with human explosives. Still, building new cities might be an option as well. Also, a replacement for the compound in Xantria, possibly. It won't be ready potentially in the timeframe you have outlined. Thank you for the suggestions."


Tallion went out to his Battle Mages and told them what spells to prepare for this work today and to meet him in Xantria first. He went home and got a stack of disintegration scrolls and sent Mala and Flora shopping for even boards and bolts of a soft cloth and then teleported to Xantria with his Arcane Archers and his map.

He contacted the Dragon Field Marshal, "I need dragons flying a patrol over the tunnel in Xantria. Checking for any movement into those tunnels."

The Dragon Field Marshal rolled his eyes and smiled, "We will have 7 flying over and checking every 2 hours. Then bring in another 7. We heard what you are looking at doing."

The Field Marshal ended the communication and looked over at his system and monitored that location. He ordered aides to monitor it around the clock and contact him at all hours if anything showed. He sent the dragons to patrol the sky over the city including one who used to live there. He had expressed a desire to see this champion in person.

Tallion contacted Commander Moon Blade, "I want to see you and your men at the dwarven rendezvous point in 2 days. Bring your mounts. I need as many feather-fall spells as you have. I am figuring 50 of them."

Commander Moon Blade laughed, "You plan on feather falling dwarven explosives?"

Tallion sighed. "Yes. Ten barrel on 10 of them 5 times in a hole 600+ feet down. We found a Drow tunnel that has not been breached. I am in Xantria, it is the market! I plan to create the hole needed into the support column of this tunnel.

Then set up 50 barrels, in one big stack and feather fall it to the bottom of the hole 10 at a time. Wait. Get your men ready with the spells, we will have to destroy a building first before I can do it. Looks like a large dressmaker's shop."

Dutchess Moon Bow road in on a pegasus and landed. She smiled at Tallion, "It might take a week or longer to evacuate this town. How long until we can come back?"

Tallion pulled out the piece of parchment and showed it to her so she could see. She groaned, "This entire city is likely to fall."

Tallion pointed out, "Inform the Wood Elf and Wild Elf cities and tribes as well. Send a message arrow that a Drow tunnel has been found under this city and its destruction could cause earthquakes and homes to fall for 100 miles around at least."

She nodded to her Guard Captain who sent word while Tallion sent word to the military commanders in the area to help with the evacuations and to send that warning arrow, "Hours, not weeks. Settle for days."

He informed General White Oak, "You are needed near Xantria to walk to any Wild Elves in the areas around this city. Let them know that the explosion here could cause earthquakes and significant damage and they should move out of the area or be prepared for the ground to shake and sink."

General White Oak sighed, "Never easy with you. I will get that going. It might take a few days."

Tallion nodded to himself, "Warning arrows were sent in with messages that this was coming about. Regardless, I thought you should know."

Tallion was about to enter the store in question when a Silver dragon landed and change forms in the marketplace. He walked toward Tallion and smiled, "You are the Grand Field Marshal. You are tall for a half-dragon."

Tallion nodded, "I am. You are?"

He chuckled, "Another General of the Silver Dragons, I work for the Field Marshal. More importantly to you, I am Mala's father."

Tallion smiled and shook his hand. "She is a good woman. Shopping right now to help with this plan. This plan requires this business to be gone first."

Duchess Moon Bow rolled her eyes, "You wait here. I will work to see about getting them to evacuate now. Guard Captain, get guards, wagon, and the like. This building is the center of it all it seems."

The General of the Silver Dragons shook his head, "Never easy, is it."

Tallion shook his head, "Your former mate still lives here?"

He shook his head, "Moved to the Capital when we separated, Just outside of it. Away from city guards who still looked at her strangely for breeding with me. She was a good elven woman. A very good mother."

Tallion pointed over, "Branina, Babella, Ingris, Teresna, and Cussia Silvertree. The wives who travel with me into the field."

The ladies all went up and hugged the General. Branina spoke for them, "Mala would be upset that she was not here to meet you."

The Silver Dragon shook his head, "No. They knew they would not likely see me again, much the same way as Tallion here. Tallion is his Elven draconic name. He has a birth name only his mother knows. Some things dragons do that prevent certain types of compulsion effects.

I said my wife was a good mother, not that I was a good father. I knew I would not be there for them. Mala left knowing little about me, but knowing she existed because I cared for her mother."

Tallion walked up and hugged the general and whispered to him, "I am in the field so much but do what I can when I am home. She said the same about you. You were an excellent father to her."

Everyone started staring as the sound echoed through the marketplace from Tallion's Holy symbol. The Dragon General stepped back and sighed as his holy symbol appeared glowing below his polymorphed image. Under his barely-there shirt. Tallion recognized the symbol of Tamara.

Tallion sighed, "I did not know that would happen."

The General nodded, "Was not briefed on that being possible either. Something we both learned. No Mala does not know, yet."

Tallion sighed as he looked around at the crowd and back to the General, "I will tell Mala just how good of a father she has if any doubt remains."

The General shook Tallion's hand and went to the sky after reverting.

Tallion walked into the shop and nearly knocked Duchess Moon Bow over, "She is saying 1 month to move. What was that god awful sound?"

Tallion grabbed her by the arm and took her into a changing room. He pulled out diplomacy stones and sealed the room off. He activated one to Queen Goldeagle and Mala. They both came on but Queen Goldealge answered first. "Tallion, an update?"

Tallion sighed, "First I have 2 crystals open. Second, this shop will be packed up today, not in one month. You can tell her that or she can deal with the large hole in the floor and try and work around it without killing herself, Duchess Moon Bow. Lastly and I hope you are both in a secure and quiet place Mala, and Your Majesty. Before I continue."

Queen Goldeagle went off to a chamber and activated stones and Mala got as far from anyone as she could. Mala sighed, "On the street but nobody is around."

The Queen responded, "I am secure Tallion, What is going on?"

Tallion sighed, "I met Mala's father. We both found out the hard way if 2 champions embrace for some time, their holy symbols resonate off of each other. Even in his polymorphed form. Champion to Tamara, life, light, and mercy. He is on the field for Draco-liches likely.

He hates undead. Not every day we find out who one of their dragon champions on the field might be. Corellon likely knew. Why Mala was sent to me to find love. Talented children from 2 champion lines. No this is not something new before you ask.

Corellon told me the Dragon Champions were already on the field, else Bahaamut would have considered me as well. Still no name, but I know he is a General working for the Field Marshal. Rather young to be a general. That speaks volumes as to the why."

Mala gasped, "My father?! I knew he had a lot on his mind and spent time with us when he could. He's like you, having to be in multiple places because of the calls of a deity. I understand him a little better now."

Queen Goldeagle asked, "Should I be trying to find these other children?"

Tallion laughed, "The Gods are likely directing them to the appropriate places. They should be left alone and in the dark on this. Mala's call though. They are her siblings, also her mother."

Mala sighed, "Not my call but my Mother's call. I will contact her when I get back home." Mala disconnected.

Queen Goldeagle groaned, "I take it many saw this?"

Tallion sighed, "Only those in the market and surrounding businesses saw and heard it. Not necessarily the significance of it. I hugged the elf, or dragon and whispered some personal stuff to him about his daughter.

That was when the holy symbols started reacting. No, we were not warned about that occurring. He is flying a patrol around this city and wanted to meet me. Now I know the other part of the story, Your Majesty."

Duchess Moon Bow sighed, "I will get guards to help her move. You find the location and we will work to clear out that part of the store first."

Queen Goldeagle sighed, "I will inform my Diplomatic Service, we at least know it is a Silver Dragon who follows Tamara. The dragons will likely know of this as well. I have had my Spy Master, a half Copper Dragon, monitored for a while and he reports information back to them as well. Sometimes they feed us information."

Tallion chuckled, "Not surprising. Leverage it later, Your Majesty. A place for a Gold Elf rogue you trust at some point. You can send him to dragon lands to work as your Ambassador in their court."

Queen Godleagle laughed out loud at that one. Something she would not normally do. She responded, "I actually like that idea. I might recall my ambassador and Make him my new Spy Master. Ensuring he understands that Half-Elves and Half-Dragons are a part of that process.

If he has any issues with them he needs to tell me. I will run them out of the Army under you instead if I cannot get him to see reason. He would hate losing that many assets. Time that with Golden Sword's change. What are your thoughts on Commander Bleraas Golden Ray filling that opening coming."

Tallion thought about it, "He has skills. He's worthy of consideration. Same issues with Half-Elves but not Half-Dragons. Makes good tactical choices. Still a little green, but shapeable in time. I will spend time with him on that front.

Keep Field Marshal Silver Sword away from him so he is trained to be more inclusive going forward. The next time the Field Marshal spot opens you will have a Gold Elf worth considering hopefully, Your Majesty."

She laughed, "Field Marshal Golden Sword will be a tough act to follow for anyone. He gave me that name as one to fill the hole. Said he showed promise from his working with him in the field."

Queen Goldeagle ended the message and informed her Spymaster of the Dragon Champion and what they knew.


Jartorenxalla got in the air and contacted his King. He sighed, "The other metallic dragons are likely to report back on me being a champion. I met with Tallion. I was in elven form and we talked of my daughter Mala, one of his wives. He hugged me and whispered some personal information to me about my daughter that is not germane.

Mostly that she did not think I was a bad father. When this happened both of our holy symbols glowed and resonated with a loud sound. Tallion and his wives must have heard it before. Likely when he got his amulet.

Something different. Anyway mine glowed through my image and my skin for several seconds. He knows I am a champion and they know who the only Silver Dragon flying out here could be."

The Silver King chuckled, "Well, they do not have a name and they can barely tell us apart in dragon form. They gained the name of one of the deities likely. The Dragon Council already knew of you.

We put them out recently and that was when you became one of the Generals, after your time breeding in elven lands. The general population does not know unless the Copper Dragons have gone spreading rumors around.

Even then, they do not have your true name. Your mother died with that knowledge years ago. I am not concerned and you told us something to avoid. Though that will likely be just as telling." The Silver King ended the connection.


The Copper King contacted him to report the same information from The Copper Dragon Spy Master. Also that the Spy Master was being replaced and their Ambassador recalled.

The Copper King looked at the entire message and chuckled, "Queen Goldeagle is sending her former Spy Master a Copper Half-Dragon to be her Ambassador in our Kingdom. She must have figured out Half-Dragons, especially him, have been feeding information to us. Her polite way of saying, He's good at his job, but she is better at figuring it out."

The Silver Dragon King chuckled, "Alright, last we heard they were putting a new Field Marshal and she still had not decided on the next General. A hole we don't have filled, but we will. Likely a Gold Elf as she is going with a Moon Elf to replace her Field Marshal." He ended the connection and chuckled at Queen Goldeagle's sense of humor in the matter.


The Dragon Field Marshal looked at his screen and could scarcely believe his eyes. It had been 4 days that his people had been watching that tunnel and he had a Brass Dragon swoop down and fly low. To cast and confirm what his system showed him. The Older Brass Dragon went high and replied, "Yes. I see a Half-Dragon in that tunnel talking to the scout. I saw 12 of them there. Flying that low. The Elves have a right to know."


It took 4 days to move all of that cloth out of the area. He had gone to Dwarven lands and set up the barrel stack there. He would bring the Asperii riders again to get feather fall again on all of the barrels. Tallion decided he would not teleport it in at the top of the shaft and not the bottom for his safety.

Instead, he would do it inside of the shaft because he could not account for any winds. He just finished the last disintegration and ensured the ground was level. He was a good 900 hundred feet down when he got contacted by the new Field Marshal, Silver Sword, "The dragons stated they were around 12 scouts in that tunnel and another Half-Dragon. They wanted you to know." Tallion looked at the wall as he heard a snapping sound.


Vexxor had started to head back and heard talking in the tunnel but from the other side of a wall. He tried to listen but it was muted through the stones. One thing he was sure of, it was not Drow or common. He believed it might have been elven. He looked at his restraints.

He broke them and teleported back to outside the palace in Mezztornaian. He went straight to the throne room which was a bloody mess again and was being cleaned up by Drow slaves. Vexxor walked forward with his broken manacles and kneeled, "Queen Xamelixanaa,"

She interrupted him, "You broke your restraints! Why should I not kill you?"

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