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Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 03


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After a few weeks, maybe sooner to cut losses, they will all return into the Underdark. We leave those tunnels open. We invite them to fight us on our ground, in our layers, to come after what we have taken and fall into our web.

If they are brave enough, or should I say stupid enough. But we collapse the tunnels to us and leave them open to the shadow dragons and Duergar to be found instead. We will ride out the event in our cities and return in full force when I can lead them on the field myself.

Turning them into the killers they need to be in the meantime. Not the decadent people of today. Setting tunnels to become traps for any dragons stupid enough to seek us out. Speared traps. Some social reforms are in order. To strip away the decadence I will strip gear and money from the various Houses.

50% of it all in taxes. They will all fuck like cave rats if fertile to rebuild our population. This will be a long war. Women of all houses, from the duchesses on down, will be required to keep breeding from one cycle to the next, but only with the best of our Dragon-blooded males if possible.

Then my daughters when they come of age will do the same. If you, mistress will choose one daughter to follow my footsteps as your champion and another to lead the people, you will have a royal house to be feared. This house will breed like cave rats to expand our base, beyond distant cousins.

We let our enemies think we are gone for years while we grow and the others fight and become weak in the chaos. We use the new slaves to build tunnels that will aid us as we know where their position of power might be located then and can stop working at random.

Then we strike again using the knowledge we gained from our slave population. We send in spies who are assassins in groups of 12 instead of 6. Then in groups of 24. With improved invisibility and rings of polymorph to look like the surface Elves or the Humans.

To find their command structure, their weaknesses, to send the information back first. Then start killing them off. To find and kill any champions that we can with these dispensable assassin squads who are loyal and believe they will be showered in decadence if they return successfully.

After all, I will have consolidated all of that and to get into my favor and yours as I am your champion, they would do anything. I do not care if it is an Elf or a Dragon champion. We fucking kill them all and take what we want, Mistress."

Loth thought about it. This champion wanted to rebuild the Drow, grow their numbers, and force them to follow if they dare to reclaim their stolen people. Only to send them to non-allies who would work to kill them for the Drow unintentionally.

She fought and thought like an Arachnid Blade Master, which she had trained to be. Yet she was far more ruthless and cunning. She was raw. Similar to Blade Singers but just the opposite.

They used two swords and worked to strike from stealth and the shadows instead of honorable combat. More rogue or assassin than a fighter, skilled in poisons, subterfuge, and arcane power. She had no clue if the surface Elves or Humans would make such an effort.

Yet she had to admit to herself, the strategy was different than her predecessor who stayed back and played it safe with her own life. She had 3 children to raise as well before she would be 'fully' field ready.

She united her 13 kingdoms in one night of blood and gore which Loth did not direct but enjoyed watching. Then got herself pregnant 3 times over as instructed. All while replacing all of her Royal Guards for their failure to kill her. They had failed to stop her from killing her mother. Showing Loth just how decadent and soft her people had become.

Loth hissed, "They are yours to lead for now. You will keep this one with you. He will be your consort and guard. I want more children out of you after this. Keep that ring for when it is time. Send the second one to lead the troops.

You do me proud as a champion, killing multiple champions and bringing pain and death to the surface elves, and I will do as you ask for the 2 daughters.

One to rule and one to be my next champion. You are right. We need to rebuild them properly, gather information, resources, and emerge with a new and deadlier Drow army! You saw the web of decadence over them all and burned it away.

IO, God of the Dragons, set all of this in motion. Not Corellon, but the fucking Dragons! You capture a male-Half-Dragon or two, do not castrate them or kill them.

Breed them with the females for now to create more Half-Dragons. Combat Units of them loyal to me. Also with rings to the duchess and your children. To gain even more Draconic power. The surface Elves will lose the most while we wait and grow much stronger.

You will work to build the defenses needed to deal with the chromatics trying to come for our people. I have an agreement with Null, the female Half-Dragons will keep coming over the next 150 years.

Then we will have mages returned to us with knowledge of the dragon magic used to make Draco-liches and potentially other draconic magic. The magic we can pervert for our purposes to create something new. This plays well in your plans. This way forward shows promise, do not disappoint me."


Loth had an agreement with Null and arranged a meeting with just him in the Abyss. Null looked at her, "We have time yet."

Loth formed a map of the world, "As it is today. To keep that pact I need to know the general area your followers on the surface are occupying. Places you would not want my Drow breaching."

Null placed a large circle and Loth laughed, "You control that large an area of land?"

He adjusted the circle, "Areas I expect to be operating soon is the larger circle. Areas I control are the smaller ones."

Loth asked, "In the next 5 years, or after?"

Null glared at her, "Within 1-2 years at most. If you have assets present, then they should withdraw."

Loth hissed back, "We might own a section of that area. Before you deploy, if we have assets on the surface, we will talk about who holds it, and who works around it. For now."

Null glared, "Agreed, for now. If you hold something I truly want, then it will be a rather one sided-conversation given the forces I have amassed, and not just Dragon forces."

Null left. As did Loth. She planned to hold nothing on the surface. Following her champion's plan, but she wanted to gain insight from Null and she knew one tunnel would not be needed yet. She contacted her champion, "The Trathia Tunnel will not be used. It leads to the Dragon god Null's forces. When our pact is done in 151 years we will work to use it. That gives you more forces in the other 2 tunnels.

Intelligence gained now to save our assets for what is to come. Withdraw the ones back to the Capital. Tell the others to keep training below until you are ready to spring this trap."

The Queen responded in her mind, "Of course, Mistress. We have one location for the future and 2 new fortified locations now. With a third of our force in reserves for the moment. I want to see how it plays out when we do breach with the given forces. They are over 10,000 feet below and in training. I want my new Generals in service whipping them into shape, day and night to be more ruthless."


Tallion had arrived at the War Room and looked over the 5 locations mapped out. "Get General White Oak here immediately and have him meet me upstairs!"

He immediately went upstairs and looked at the Ambassadors, "We need all Kings and Queens as well as the Dukes and Duchesses for every Major Eleven City brought in today, to go over new intelligence. This cannot wait as we have tunnels identified and one is in a Moon Elf-city while another is under Valinta. Then 3 others that are a problem. One in Wild Elf lands."

The Elven Ambassador contacted Queen Goldeagle about the demand and she left the court to find out what was going on. Tallion went down to the War Room and came across the Queen in transit, "Your Majesty, follow me."

The Dragon ambassador had tailed Tallion and simply bowed to the Queen. Tallion walked in as General White Oak arrived with his aid who could teleport him to the Palace. He saw them going into the War Room and followed. Tallion spotted him and waved him in before sealing the room.

Tallion walked up to the map, "Yesterday I asked the Dragons to find out some information for me, just yesterday. Likely breach points for the Drow, Your Majesty."

The Dragon Ambassador interrupted him, "We sent dragons to reconnaissance over every major population center and the existing breaches only. It would take a lot longer to look at every area of this continent and some we would not want to do because they would be over Chromatic Dragon Strongholds.

Potentially into mountains where you identified the giants. This had to be done fairly low to the ground and there is danger in that in hostile lands. They used spells to try to find pockets of tunneling underground. We are not saying this is everything. We are saying these are locations we know about currently, Your Majesty."

Tallion continued, "One is under Xantria! Another is under Valintra. The border defense they built for the giants is useless against a breach, Your Majesty."

The Ambassador pulled out a piece of parchment and then another, "This is a very rough sketch of those 2 locations. I have 3 more for those locations. The one at Valinta would breach the walls into the upper city and the lower market. It has a spiral shape to it and appears reinforced to withstand attempts of collapse. This one is under Xantria's Market but the ground is essentially compromised under the majority of the land. They picked up no major lives in those tunnels, maybe one or 2 bodies. Scouts most likely. There is no army under them currently, Your Majesty."

Tallion asked, "How long to breach what is left with conventional human-grade explosives. We know the Drow have those, Ambassador."

The Dragon Ambassador sighed, "All five locations, an hour at most. We can only see so far underground with those spells, to the best of our ability. It helps when building homes to know if a tunnel is near our settlements. We also checked over our land regularly. It is draconic mythic magic so not all dragons have that spell and it is not one we can share."

Queen Goldeagle nodded, "Recommendations?"

Tallion pointed to the Wild Elf location, "Give General White Oak the parchment for that location. Let the Wild Elves deal with sealing it further based on what they see. We can fly the tower and royal complex out of Xantria.

While we evacuate the city at the same time. Then we breach it and seal it with what reserves we have stockpiled before making any decision about returning to that town. We do the same with the Palace in Valinta if it is done.

We evacuate the people Further East at least, if not to the other two human kingdoms. We have been building up that as a front line, but this changes that. I know a harder selling point with King Valintia, Your Majesty."

Queen Goldeagle looked at General White Oak, "Do what you can in Wild Elf lands, Champion. Yes, I have known for years. The dragons found out yesterday. I am keeping it from the public for now, but I trust you."

The Dragon Ambassador gave him the rough map and area of concern for the Wild Elf lands. General White Oak sighed, "Thank you, Your Majesty. How did I become known to the Dragons?"

Queen Goldeagle pointed at Tallion who sighed, "They wanted to know why you could freely go into and out of any of the Wild Elf lands and you were the only one. It was the one question they wanted to be answered in exchange for what is in our hands today."

General White Oak nodded, "It was a good bargain and the right time. I will go and see to this task, Your Majesty. To get one problem spot off of your map. Solonor would be pleased with this information as it helps to protect the Wild Elves and Wood Elves."


Queen Goldeagle led them back into the room, all were present except the King of Valinta. His Son Prince Trelmorna Valinta and likely the next ruler was present. They laid out the locations and the maps. Duchess Moon Bow who oversaw the city of Xantria spoke first, "The royal complex is not ready to be moved. They have found structural issues with the foundation. They are saying another year. The Academy could be moved."

The Ambassador of Valinta was matter-of-fact about the news, "We are unable to move our palace. The Dragon enchanter has found..."

Tallion interrupted him, "Foundational issues, like the land sinking because of tunneling."

The Ambassador looked up, "There are no troops. The efforts for the Palace are ongoing. Yes, foundational issues but not uncommon for being near coastal waters as well. The King feels it is too premature to evacuate Valinta, We have no way to independently verify if this is true."

Tallion shook his head, "Set 5 casks of human gunpowder off 100 yards from your palace and palace walls and you will find your proof."

The Ambassador glared, "The King does not want to alert the scouts you stated were in these supposed tunnels unless you are ready to take on this 'Drow horde' you are claiming is coming to get us all. We have the most defensible walls in any Kingdom."

Tallion looked, "How do those walls protect you from that tunnel?"

The Ambassador looked over, "Supposed tunnel. Can you prove it and collapse it in one go?"

Tallion looked over the map and then the one for Xantria and pointed. "I can prove it here. We move the Academy to the Capital and expand the campus here. We evacuate the city. We disintegrate a hole straight down into the center of this support column.

Then we bring in dwarven explosives we have in reserves and send the entire tunnel back to the 9 hells."

King Fireaxe looked at his plan and thought before responding, "600 feet down on that support column and they would never be tunneling there again. I don't know how deep that tunnel goes, but if it is likely some Drow tunnels our scouts explored.

You are talking no more than 3,000-5,000 feet before they would move off and create another spiral, or 10 spirals. Support bracing or not. It would take all of your current remaining reserves, all 50 barrels. Then we would have to work pricing for more."

King Fireaxe wanted them to waste what they held in reserves. It would allow him to sell more. He knew 50 would work. He figured 20 would work but wanted to get rid of these reserves and make money off of the sales of more.

Queen Goldealge looked at the map and sighed, "They would never see us if we keep it straight down. Tallion, you and your team will do this work. Keep it narrow. Ten barrels around and you will have to carefully stack them."

Tallion nodded, "Yes, Each layer separated by cushioned planks to get the 50 barrels into the hole, Your Majesty."

Queen Goldeagle looked over, "Evacuate the city and the royal complex starting now. Move the Academy to the Capital. We will have the largest Arcane Training facility here for a while.

We will see what the Comet brings. Others might have to be relocated as well. We are not putting more elven lives in front of this than we have to. It is our city. We save people first, cities and Kingdoms second. As Tallion has said in the past. Lessons of the Avariel and crystal sky cities."

The Ambassador to Valinta asked, "How does it prove one under ours?"

Tallion wanted to scream and Queen Goldeagle looked at the Ambassador, "If the intelligence is accurate for one of our cities and we take action that proves it exists. Then it proves the intelligence is factual."

Tallion regained his composure, "This strategy would not work at Valinta as a large part of your palace and royal complex is on that support column. We cannot approach it the same way."

The Ambassador spoke with the King and then returned, "Our King stated you are free to do what you want to your city. As for Valinta, he wants the palace and Royal compound flown out and relocated. Then the remaining hole filled back in so we can put it back down again right after the Comet's arrival.

Under his son and new King when he steps down in 6 months. He has several tasks he wants to do with his son, internal diplomatic matters to go over before he transitions out due to failing health. To see that his wishes are carried forward."

Tallion looked at Prince Trelmorna Valinta, "Your Grace. We have never met before, yet you know who I am. I hope you will talk with your father about this and see if we cannot find a way to do this sooner. At least evacuate your population away from this area.

If not, I hope when you are King you will heed our collective warnings on this tunnel and come to an agreement with how to tackle it. Sending in armies is dangerous. In the Wilds, they have trapdoor spiders. They wait in ambush, some bigger than me.

They pounce out and pull you in while paralyzing you to eventually become food or a breeding ground for the young who will use you as food. It depends on the nest. Fire is one method of dealing with them.

But in the woods, things are flammable, and using fire is not the best solution. Sometimes, if the nest is small enough, the younger ones if you will. We create storms and flood them out. Drown them in their layers. We don't go in after them. With the Drow, we force them to fight on our ground. Just some advice, Your Grace."

The Prince sighed, "I will talk with my father further on the subject. Losing our palace is not an option for him or me. If they attack and retreat I will weigh your words. If they are in our Kingdom, we will fight them. With the aid of our allies."

The Dragon Ambassador looked over, "Battles in the city fall to your troops. Battles coming at you is another matter. Metallic and Neutral Dragons cannot strafe with your people in the middle of the battlefield. We strafe those trying to get into the battle with you.

You make the call to go underground and pursue, at least 2 of the Adamantintum ancient dragons would likely join you. The next best troops are the dwarves for that fight, and then the Elves for casters and Blade Singers.

Keep in mind your walls, you will need those watching your border defenses. Now that reserve of 300,000+ Dragonborn you have could also help in your exploring of the Underdark. A few can see tunnels underground and scouts in those tunnels, we can see into those towers you built as well to house them all.

It is not a great secret given how many you have and Dragonborn are in all 3 human Kingdoms as shock troops. You just have an army's worth by comparison and we would expect you to use them if the Drow breach into the heart of your city."

The Prince and the Ambassador both seemed shocked to know the dragons knew of that contingent of assets they had. But said nothing. The Elves knew of them too, he had a vastly superior military reserve available than they advertised and the Elves did not bat an eye when it was said.

They had built multiple towers for them to train in around his city during his father's reign, though they were getting paid mostly for doing nothing but preparing for a future battle. Potentially against dragons of any type.

"Your Army and the allies can do that work in the short term, but you will need to divide out your forces fairly. I am just saying, any offensive actions, even a reactionary one, the allies have to agree on which forces will pursue. The dwarves also have tunnels much deeper than we can see. We cannot answer if the passages closed are still as closed as before, Your Grace."

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