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Dragon Wars Book 1 Pt. 03


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That was when she enlightened me about female dragons and their activities. The wives will sometimes get together for what might be called a lesbian lovefest, 2 wives, or 20+ wives.

It is not considered to be out of bounds as mating for procreation is a bound activity between the male and the female. One dies and they go into mourning for 100 years before finding another to bond with. During that morning period, lesbian love fests to keep the edge off.

They love the devices from the Gnomes as much as our women do. Being in a polymorphed form to love as humans and elves do. It does explain why so many Half-Dragon women are bi-sexual in nature. It is part of their genetics.

Males it is about the bond and the scales on their cocks, and being ready every time she goes into heat. They can lay eggs every 10-24 months, they fertilize internally. The older they get, the longer the time gets.

Dragons Normally 2-4 to a clutch. They are seeing 4-6 on average after the first day of the comet. Their fertility boon. My wives have seen increases, 7-8 which is dangerously high. They will likely lose their fertility soon because of those numbers.

She came at Bahamut's request most likely, to sway my mind on what occurred. In the end, she was not pleased with my answers. About having lost faith in him for his actions that affect my future children, and grandchildren. I told her flat out that Bahamut could go and fuck himself for his actions against Half-Dragons.

Half-Dragons are ready about 16-18 months for Elven Half-Dragons, they tend to deliver 10 months and the children start teething. It is an early indicator that they are about to go into heat again and occurs 8 months after giving birth. I am sure you have seen this with Par and my daughter."

Queen Goldeagle smiled and nodded, "Your daughter was advised, mats, no bed, when the time came. The week after her wedding night. Too much of a risk for broken furniture. I could see why after the first night and having to get my bed replaced 3 days later!

As it went on for 3 days. She is insatiable in bed and expecting 5 more. She is perpetually horny. It has rubbed off on me, but that is not a very 'Queen-like' statement to make.

I am expecting 3 more and have been told they will likely be my last due to age. I might get one more set afterward, it will be cutting it close. Regardless Par has fathered many, as have you."

Tallion nodded, "With those on the way, 121 children. All in danger because of me and what I did to save the Elven people, 37 males, and the rest females. My actions will have repercussions on my children for generations. It might very well destroy the Silvertree House. I predict that it will occur. Time will tell. We should get back, Your Majesty."

The Queen stopped and hugged Tallion. She knew what he was saying, in not so many direct words. He was saying his goodbyes now as he knew his main role as champion was being cut short.

He did not know when the Gods planned for him to die. He would do what he could, but going on the offensive was not within him after killing so many already. Unless he was attacked.

The Lady of Dreams spoke to Queen Goldeagle, "Nothing he said was untrue. He is changing his focus as he has time to train many going forward, while his constant observation of the World is no longer a primary concern for him given the Truce.

He can check it every day, and any events that occur he can answer from the training grounds. Corellon was not happy and saw Bahamut's punishment of Tallion as a betrayal to his champion.

Tallion understands the tactics and why it was needed but they played Tallion's success to the detriment of his kind. Bahamut reminded Corellon that in the same situation, he would have done something similar to protect his 'true elves.'

A position Corellon could not argue against if that was the case. Tallion's tactics in the War Room were far more deadly than his tactics on the battle lines. Not that he is anything but brilliant on a battlefield.

He is an aggressive Blade Singer who used all of his advantages against his opponents. He could far outkill the nearest one they had on the line when the events unfolded. Especially if he was enraged and the Drow enraged him as much as the late King did.

He has centuries left, he will likely reach leaving your War Room and live beyond that. I won't give you any dates but barring a champion coming from another race. He will likely die from age, and not on the field. Not when open warfare returns anyway.

You will not see this truce end, he was right about grooming your son, but start with Tallion still here and then through the transition. He can learn from 2 champions and understand their differences as dealing with Dragons will cause tensions to rise. Not to lead in the next war, not for long anyway. It will be to teach his heir to the throne, how to compare and contrast champions. To know how to work with them."


Tallion never entered another battlefield for the rest of his life. Any engagements he handled from the War Room. He worked with Field Marshal Crescent Moon for 254 years before he fell to a poisoned blade in a border skirmish with some rebels from Valinta.

He had a poison detection ring, but not a resistance one. The culprit had been killed by a member of his detail with a disintegration ray, while he attempted to flee. They thought the elven oversight of the Kingdom and Alliance was too heavy-handed.

Stabbed from behind as he entered a rebel pub following his troops to seek answers. The Next Field Marshal became Thantius Golden Bow and he was more than tolerant of half-dragons as his mother was one and one of his wives was a Half-Dragon. A Great Granddaughter of Tallions in fact from Par and Brozanoxa.

The last daughter Helmixxa Silvertree who was Gold-elf from Par's side of the family. Half-Elf abominations, the new Field Marshal learned quickly was a term Tallion never wanted to hear.

He then explained his views and those who were Half-Elven from humans who had died in service to the Elven Empire over his centuries of service as to why he held those views. Also regarding what Bahamut did to turn Half-Dragons into abominations going forward with drastically shortened lives.

The Field Marshal now understood that to use that term reflected on his mother and wife in the eyes of the Grand Marshal, not that she was at fault. He blamed Bahamut for the move.

At the age of 558, Tallion stepped down from being the Grand Fielded Marshal.

The Grand Field Marshal selected by the Gods to replace him was his father-in-law, as the only known Dragon Champion on the field who taught tactics and had studies Tallion's work and reports.

The one who respected Half-Dragons and had no disdain for Half-Elves he was well suited. He did try to move the War Room to Dragon lands. Queen Goldeagle did play the dragon intelligence card given to her by Tallion years earlier, including the Ambassadors she housed in support of the War Room.

About them being completely open and honest with all of their intelligence if the room was to be moved. The New Brass King in charge put a stop to that and the move, just as Tallion told her it would do.

The War Room would remain in Elven Lands and be fed Elven Intelligence on top of what the Alliance Dragons were willing to provide. That issue was settled for the entire war going forward based on that demand. As it was written into a new agreement as to where the War Room would be located.

Unless the Elven Capital fell and another place in Elven lands was not available or suitable. At which point Dragon Intelligence would become an open topic again.

The Dragon Council would work to ensure that was never the case. The Elven Capital became the primary objective of protection on the Dragon's list of non-Dragon Cities to oversee heavily.

Overall, the location was a minor inconvenience and all of the Ambassadors had rooms one floor up with the meeting room to be kept briefed on events. Something else the Dragons did not want in their lands either. An additional row of Ambassadors who lived there instead of visiting only when needed.

Tallion died 63 years later at home in bed with Branna on the same night at the age of 631. The second eldest of his wives, she was 702 years old. Tallion trained 12 additional Blade Singers, 15 over his life, and more than any Blade Singer before him who took on that role.

All became tournament champions at least once during their years at the Academy, the last one, his Half Dragon student did it twice as Tallion predicted. Teresna had died 134 years earlier and had given her assets to Tallion, knowing what his will would do with them in the end.

Her ashes were kept to be spread with Tallion's when he passed at her request. Tallion divided his funds across all surviving wives and left his older smaller home set aside for Brozanoxa when and if the Queen passed. To ensure she had a home for her husband and other wives who were much younger than the Queen.

The Queen held the will and was surprised by Tallion's move for one of her other wives, both wives, and her husband. Her true lovers in this life that Tallion had inspired and that included his daughter for her bed as well. He did what she could not do.

One last time he watched over her family as he knew assets would mostly go to the King and the other children instead. Branina had her will set the same to the other wives with instruction to help the children when and if needed. They both had wizard's funerals and their ashes were scattered outside of Silent Falls.

Over the same area where Chrisna, his wife for a day, had her ashes scattered during the battle of the breach. His funeral was overseen by General White Oak. Tallion and his first 2 wives followed suit in using that location. His Blade Singer Grand Masters all worked his service in honor of the champion.

The other wives had plans to do that as well when the time came, they would all be together. He wanted no state funeral for his years of service or any recognition to be performed by Queen Goldeagle at his passing. Not even an announcement of his passing. She reluctantly honored his request as the holder of his will.

Just 2 days later she abdicated the throne to Thalius'Via Goldeagle, her eldest son. The weight of Tallion passing hit her harder than she expected. His actions, even in his will, being noble to the end and being nobler than she could do without causing issues for her son. She died a week later at the age of 724 years knowing Tallion always watched her back, even in death.

She left her Journals to be used by the next ruler and divided her considerable wealth at only 3% to every child she had with Par, except the King who got what was left. Leaving nothing to Cleric Goldeagle who worked in the church other than personal belongings that came from his father.

The rest she placed under the care of the King. Including the relics of the Gold Elves that had been entrusted to her for oversight. Par and his other wives moved to the Silvertree home off the estate, the home Tallion had been set up and had purchased from the family for this purpose.

Tallion had predicted that to keep the peace in the Gold Elf families during a transition any inheritance the Queen gave out would be token at best, at 1% to each of them, he was not wrong. He looked after his family knowing what would come.

The Metallic Dragons had started to construct a large palace and city with thousands of homes instead of caves, but large enough to house different family members. The surface anyway. They all had layers built under them and were spaced out to meet the growing population.

One large Valley was where all of the Gemstone Dragons lived and they built layers into the mountains and divided them out by species and population. The main valley floor being a gathering place for mediation.

When General Crescent Moon died Neutrals went on their own with rings of polymorph and worked to see peace in the Kingdom. The Dragon Ambassador to the latest King Andrew brought the concerns of the people forward.

Including heavy-handed taxation that was causing most of the unrest to overthrow his government. The rebels learned the Elves had no hand in that. They went back to the Alliance Accords and finally got him to relent or the Alliance Dragons would move in to quell a potential civil war, as it had before.

Many of the discontents were given funds to take ships to the Far East and the ports out that way. Some moved to other Kingdoms overland taking the money and simply moving to the other Kingdoms. That annoyed King Andrew instead, but it was permitted.

It proved the Dragon's point in being equitable with his people. When he turned to take the taxes from the royalty instead he was quickly assassinated in his sleep. He was replaced by a younger brother who was less concerned about making money.

They had plenty of money and he was more concerned about keeping the peace. The Gemstone Dragons had returned after the transition and only 10,000 left for the Far East.

Unlike Avlora who lost 40% of its population in the great migration out of the Kingdom to the Far East. The only Stable Kingdom from the humans during this time were those in Grandfalls, though the neutrals monitored it constantly to ensure no undue influence on the people.

It took almost 200 years before the Chromatic Dragons worked out how to have Kingdoms they worked with instead of subjugating to expand their holdings. They grew 20% in size as the additional land allowed them to subjugate others living in those lands not under their agreements.

Setting up kingdoms to grow it another 10% a hundred years later as the Kingdoms that were built were all founded with Half-Dragon kingdoms with no other races to interbreed. The growth stopped there for now. After 300 years they were still vastly smaller in scope than the Metallic Dragons.

They were in lands 25% the size of the Alliance lands still, and they knew it. They watched the maps for any dissenters. Those they could look to send Half-Dragons to infiltrate eventually, but only when the time was closer.

By the time war would restart they would both be looking to expand control to find more food stores to support their people. The Metallics went to casting secure shelters with each family to supplement food stores through magic. They did it daily for the Neutral Dragon families as well to conserve food stores and maintain a balance the druids would not complain about, much.

The Drow began tunneling again, but not up. They went north to look to find more caverns. They succeeded and lost 15,000 putting down the Shadow Dragon who resided in it. It became the fifth city as those who led the excavation now had the wealth to establish another city.

Others pressed on and found tunnels to 4 other Shadow Dragons and they lost 50,000 Drow in the process of killing them over 300 years. Each site became a new city. The population size grew back to 200 million in 300 years.

Now they had the room for infighting and another round of civil wars that Loth had to tolerate to a degree. They only lasted a few years and those enslaved in the conflicts became the next crews to a tunnel and they headed west.

They lost 50,000 before being turned back by a mated pair of Shadow Dragons and sealing the tunnels. Several were captured and used to create Half-Dragons from both partners with 1 male and 4 females captured. Many of the Dragon young from them had moved off to work to rebuild their population.

Then sent the Half-Dragons back through the collapse to cause havoc before they were killed or captured. The Half-Dragons then bred with the slaves they had. Rings of polymorph being used on them to breed the Dragon Blood back into the Drow Royal Houses at Loth's direction.

The Shadow dragons were fewer than 20 adults and their Half-Dragons never got modified as they were not chromatics or followers of Chromatic Gods. They slipped through the truce cracks on the surface.

IO did not consider them to be a big threat, especially when those sealed tunnels filled with molten rock and the mated parent, and the remaining young were killed by the Hellfire worm that tunneled in from below and headed for the surface.

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pk2curiouspk2curiousabout 3 years ago

Another amazing work of details . Still a long way to go for the 10,000 years war . Keep it up .

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