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Dream Come True Ch. 01


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She looks around for a moment before responding, running a hand through her wet hair and licking her lips clean. "No, don't be sorry. That was... wow. I love how big your hands are. How big all of you is!" she laughs. "I couldn't move you at all, you just took control of me. And this precum..." Emma gestures vaguely around us, at my fluids splashed across both us and the furniture. "Pretty sure this is literally more volume than every guy's orgasm I've ever seen before, put together. Like, do you know what a normal guy's precum is like?"

"Uh, no?"

"It's like a drop. Just one little drop oozing at a time. Not like a massive shot that splashes all over the fucking furniture... ohhh, fuck." She trails off, one of her hands slipping under my balls to rub at her pussy.

I realise I should take this opportunity. "Hey Emma, will you teach me how to be good at foreplay?"

"Teach you?"

"Yeah. Like... I've never even kissed a girl. I want to know how to turn a girl on-"

"Well, for you," she interrupts, "just stand around. Maybe take your shirt off if they're a really cold one."

"I'm serious!" I laugh. "I want to blow girls' minds, not just have a good body."

"You know what blows my mind?" She reaches her other hand up, gripping the head of my cock. "This thing. Seriously, I feel like this must be some crazy dream, because my neighbour can't really have this monster cock." Her grip doesn't cover the length of the head, and obviously barely reaches around it.

"I sure hope this isn't a dream. That would be... sad." I'm distracted by the feelings of her gripping and teasing my sensitive head. "But really! I want to learn to please you."

"Good! I'm really glad you asked. You'll probably be great, the first principle is to communicate and be honest with your partner, always. You're already on the way there."

"Wow, you really sound like you know what you're doing," I grin at her.

Emma blushes. "I read a lot of like self-help magazines. Anyway, get down here and come kiss me." I bend down as ordered, but the way I have to curl my body in that position ends up bringing the tip of my cock over her face, between us. She giggles. "You'll probably have to readjust. But wow, I just realised. You must be able to blow yourself really easily, right?"

"I never have, actually."

"No way! If I could lick myself, I swear I would never leave the house. Well, I guess I know about you now. I would never leave this pair of houses. Try it now? For me?" Shrugging, I curl my head down and lick the tip of my cock. It seems even larger when I'm this close, my glans is as big as my fist. I have a big tongue, but my cock is about twice as broad. My precum doesn't taste bad -- just a mild, salty sort of flavour. Emma is watching me, fascinated. "Well? How is it?"

"Hmm, not bad. A bit salty."

"Yeah your precum actually tastes really good." She sits up, licking up the stream of precum running down the underside of cock. "But I meant how it feels, dummy."

"Oh. It's nice. I dunno, I need to practice I guess. But I want to make you feel good."

"So get down here and kiss me, idiot." She lies back down on the couch, and I scoot backwards before leaning down to meet her. I don't really know what I'm doing, so I just kind of slacken my lips and mouth at her gently, trying to match her actions. My cock is pressing against the bottom of her breasts, increasing arousal causing a rapid flow of precum onto her. She pulls back. "Hey, you're pretty good at this. Be a little firmer with your lips, and use your tongue. Just gently lick at my lips or in my mouth." We lock lips again, and I kiss more passionately. As I slide my tongue into her mouth I start grinding my hips, slowly squeezing my cock up between her breasts. She moans into my lips -- it's the hottest thing I've ever heard. After a few minutes of this we break away, panting.

"Mmmmm," she murmurs, "that was really good. You've totally soaked my chest though." Looking down, I see she's right. My precum has flooded over her, coating her tits and shoulders. We both watch as I slide my cock up and down, producing a wet sound. "God, the head is literally bigger than my tits... do you like, need to cum?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, normally guys make a bit of precum when they're very near to actually cumming." As she speaks, another little rope of precum squirts out of me and splats on to her chest. "I mean, I don't want you to end up with blue balls or anything."

"I'm fine," I laugh, "though I'm getting kind of close. Okay, so what next?"

She sits up, pushing on me until I comply and move back to give her space. "Okay, you're going to finger me. I want to play with your cock though, so we need to find the right position." Emma pushes on me until we're both sitting on the couch normally, pressed up against each other. "Here." She pulls my hand over to rest on her pussy, then reaches for my cock. Trying to reach over and around my dripping manhood, though, she has to twist her shoulders forward and awkwardly try to reach around my thickly muscled arm. "Mmmm, no, this is no good. You're just too... huge. This massive arm's in the way, I can't reach all of your cock."

"Maybe like this?" I kneel on the couch facing towards her, so my penis is across in front of her.

"No, no. I mean that's perfect for me," she interrupts herself to lean forward and gently lick the very tip of my cock, "but you'll get tired, and you can't reach well." I sit back down next to her, bringing one hand over to rub her tits. I can reach both at once, the base of my palm on one while I massage the other with my fingers. She sighs slightly, reaching down to rub at the root of my excessive manhood. We sit there for a bit, pleasuring each other, then she perks up. "Oh! It's so obvious, I am a dumbass. Here." I let her push my arm away as she stands up, then sits in my lap facing the same way as me. "This is perfect!" Both arms wrapped around my turgid meat, she hugs it close and rubs her pussy against it a little. It reaches all the way up her body, up to her collarbone.

"So... fingering you?"

She keeps pressing against me for a moment before sliding back a little. "Yeah, right. Okay, put your hand there. You can just stick a finger in, I'm already so fucking wet." As she talks she's gripping my cock with two hands, rolling my foreskin over the tip and retracting it as she strokes back and forth over about twelve inches of it. I bring my hand to her pussy, sliding in my middle finger. It goes in easily, penetrating to the knuckle with little resistance. She feels so hot and wet... I start sliding it in and out, fucking her with my hand. "No, no, not like that. Leave that for a cock. Well, maybe not this cock, but yeah. Don't think fucking, fingerbanging is for porn. Think like... stroking. Like- ohhhh, fuck!" She cuts herself off as I curl my hand, rubbing at the inside of her pussy. "Oh, yes, just like that, just a little gentler." Hearing her moan under my touch is an amazing turn-on, and I groan as a fat bolt of precum shoots from my cock, arcing over her head to splash across her back and my chest.

Emma leans back against me, head resting against my broad chest. "Put another finger in, babe. Yes, keep going, keep going. Exactly like that, don't stop. God, your fingers are so huge, I can't believe how deep you can reach." Her thighs clench around my hand. As she speaks, she's furiously jerking my cock. "But they're tiny compared to this ridiculous penis. Your cock is so amazing Jason, I fucking love it." She leans forward slightly to start licking and sucking the tip.

Precum is practically gushing from me now, spilling from her mouth even while she rapidly swallows. "I'm about to cum," I murmur in her ear.

She pulls away from my cock for a moment to speak. "Me too babe, just- oh!" As she peaks into orgasm I sink my fingers all the way in, gripping her tightly as I start cumming too. My cock clenches hard, a tremendous geyser of cum erupting. It shoots over us both, striking the wall and ceiling behind the couch. My orgasms aren't quite like the guys I've seen in porn -- rather than quick pulses, individual shots of cum, each flex of my cock lasts for long seconds and produces a continuous stream of my seed. My next deluge of cum takes the same path, painting the corner behind us. I slump down the couch, legs jerking with pleasure, so my next flex sends another enormous ribbon of cum directly into Emma's face. She just moans as it strikes her, splattering all over us both. I keep cumming, two more great streams of cum splashing on us before I notice Emma taking hold of my cock.

Her orgasm has subsided, and now she wants to play. She aims me straight up, the next eruption soaking the ceiling as it goes on and on. Then another. Before the next, she leans forward and stretches her lips around my cock. My cum makes an audible sound as it strikes the back of her throat. She chokes and splutters but manages to hold on for the duration of the stream, swallowing as rapidly as she can. As the shot ends she falls back on to me, dazed, releasing my cock to shoot wildly out in front of us. One stream traces its way across the window, painting it white. After a couple more of those ten-second-long bursts of cum, my orgasm finally tapers off, cock twitching as I spurt out a few final thick ropes.

We lie there on the couch for a few minutes, dazed and enjoying the afterglow. Finally Emma sits up and turns around, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me deeply. She tastes of cum. As we make out I take my cock -- still rock-hard -- and press it against her back. I'm drooling more cum constantly, a thick river pouring down her back and over her ass. She sits back from me, rubbing her ass against my cock, and looks around the room. It's kind of devastated -- the wall and corner behind us are covered in my cum, the couch is an absolute mess of the stuff, half the ceiling is dripping with it and it splattered all over the room from those shots. My last few streams reached the opposite wall, puddles of my seed scattered across the floor in front of us. "Jesus fucking Christ..." she breathes out. "That's unbelievable. How does that even work?"

"What do you mean?"

"That must be fifty litres of your fucking cum, Jason. I swear it feels like I swallowed five litres myself. Where does it all come from? You should be all shrivelled up." She pokes my chest, as if checking I haven't hollowed out.

I just shrug. "Come on, it's not actually fifty litres. I dunno though, it doesn't really make sense. But," I wink, "I'm definitely not shrivelled up." As I say that, I take my cock and push it down before releasing it. It smacks hard into her upper back, sending her sprawling forward onto me, and I laugh.

"You jerk!" She rights herself then slaps my chest with both hands. "I guess I see why you normally do it in the bathroom. This is... how do we even clean this up? You even covered the fucking ceiling in cum."

"Hey, that wasn't me. You were the one who aimed there. And I dunno, I guess we just... mop the ceiling?"

A thought occurs to her. "Oh, hey, I know. There's this company that does like sex cleaning."

"Sex cleaning?"

"Yeah, for like orgies and stuff? You call them up, they send someone out, they clean up. They do bodily fluids, you can be naked around them, they respond fast."

"Wow. How do you even know about this?"

"One of my sister's friends is into like... BDSM and stuff, she was talking about it. So shall we do it? It'll probably be like two hundred dollars, I'll pay it out of my winnings."

"Two hundred? Well... I guess. I don't really know how else to deal with all this."

"Great!" She slides off me, getting to her feet. I watch as she goes to wipe off her dripping hands on her thighs absentmindedly, but there's just more cum there. We both giggle, then she turns around and stares me in the eyes as she slowly licks her hands clean, sucking on one finger at a time. It's very erotic. I grip my excessive manhood and pull it close to my face, firmly rubbing and squeezing with both hands as cum flows from the tip and runs over me. Slowly I lean forward, licking across the fat head and moaning as I bring my hand up to squeeze it. It really is unnaturally large, the head literally larger than my first, and incredibly sensitive after my orgasm. I keep moaning, low guttural sounds, as cum flows into my mouth and spills down my chin. It has a stronger taste than my precum, an odd sort of savoury flavour with the saltiness. My lips stretch around the head, jaw aching as I try to accommodate the massive thing and lick under the rim of the glans.

Glancing up, I see Emma is standing in place, watching me. One of her hands is rubbing her pussy, smearing cum around and inside. "Wow," she murmurs, "that's the hottest thing I've ever seen. I gotta get this cleaner coming though!" She turns around and hurries out of the room, squelching with each step as she goes to get her phone. I lie back on the couch and close my eyes, planting a foot on the footrest to lift my hips and push my cock up to my mouth. I lick at it gently, still slowly jerking off, as I listen to Emma's voice from the hallway. I can't quite make out what she's saying on the phone, only a few snatches here and there.

Wet footsteps approach me from the hallway, followed by a splash between my legs. She's dropped down to sit on the floor in front of me, gazing at my huge sack as it dangles at her chest level, dripping with cum. "God..." she murmurs as she gathers up my balls in her arms. "You're just unbelievable." She licks across my scrotum for a minute, cleaning me with her tongue. "We got lucky, by the way. They have someone nearby who just finished a job, so she'll be here in like ten minutes. I decided to spring an extra fifty bucks for the sexy package."

I pull my cock away from my lips, dropping it down onto my collarbone. "So soon? Should we go get dressed? And wait, sexy package?"

"No, silly, I already told you, they work like orgies and things. We can keep playing. And yeah, she's going to show up in lingerie and might talk sexy to us." Emma buries her face in my sack again, gripping handfuls of the skin and rubbing them together. "God, you have so much fucking ballsack. I love it."

"Mmm, I love how much you love my size." Precum is spewing over my shoulder and running down my side. Emma starts working her way up, licking her tongue side to side to try and cover as much of the taut skin in her spit as she can. I sigh and lift my tip back to my lips, licking gently as she reaches the root of my cock. Both her hands press and grip my perineum firmly, sending a spurt of precum splattering onto my face.

"This thing is like a fucking tree trunk or something, it's unreal." She starts slowly moving up, kissing and licking all over my shaft. I'm still drenched in cum from my orgasm. Her tits press against me now as she licks over inch after inch, sliding up my cock. She pauses once she's kneeling straight, laying her body along my cock and resting her head on it. I bring a hand over to her chest, gently squeezing her boob and rubbing it against the cock supporting her.

Our rest is interrupted by the doorbell. "She's here!" Emma hops up and quickly walks out of the room, excited to greet the "sexy cleaner".


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parksy04parksy04over 3 years ago

Would love to see a continuation of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

More please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Please need a charter 2. Please

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Need a chapter 2.

Please get another chapter of this out. One of my favorites on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I need more of this. Well written and uber hot.

toby40toby40almost 6 years ago

awesome keep going

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Continue this story!

Please keep this going! Great job!

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyalmost 6 years ago
Loved it

You write really well, telling a good story.

Look forward to next chapter.

trixforeveryonetrixforeveryonealmost 6 years ago
More like this please.

And more of this please also. Next door neighbor is one of my favourite setups.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Amazing story. I didn't expect autofellatio, but enjoyed it a lot. I can't wait to see what's next

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Fun indeed!

Sexy and original, great writing!

centralsquareguycentralsquareguyalmost 6 years ago
Very fun story...

I enjoyed it more than the yoga instructor... what is next?

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