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Drinks with Friends

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Christmas Day drinks turns into a wild threesome.
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It was coming towards the end of a long Christmas lunch at my girlfriend's parents house. Amy and I have been together for 6 years and each year we will go to each other's family's Christmas celebrations - my parents don't drink but hers love to, so we usually plan to go there second.

Like I said, this had been a long lunch, starting at 10:30am, we arrived and her step-dad placed a beer straight in my hand and the drinking began. Presents were opened, we ate, we drank and all of a sudden, it was 7pm, and we were getting ready to host some friends back at our place. It was a last-minute decision to have some drinks at ours, but we figured we might as well have as much fun as possible on Christmas day.

We arrived home and when i looked in the fridge, to my horror, I was out of beers. Shit. I went over to the liquor cabinet and all I had left was a few drops of whiskey or half a bottle of tequila. I had a bag of frozen mango in the freezer, so I figured some frozen mango margaritas would be a nice drink to finish of the day.

As I was preparing my drink in the blender, our friend Alice arrived. Alice was a friend of Amy's since high school, but she has such a bubbly personality that she could befriend anyone. We've grown closer over the years and share some back and forth flirting from time to time.

I looked at Alice as she walked in and my eyes were glued to her chest. She was wearing a tight white crop top and clearly no bra underneath because her nipples were poking straight out and I could even make out the dark outline of her areola underneath the material. Although her breasts aren't very large, I wasn't about to complain about anything I was seeing. Alice is about a head shorter than me (I'm just shy of 6ft) and I probably spend most of the time looking at her ass which she often shows off in a tight skirt or short shorts. Tonight she had a pair of shorts that weren't too revealing of anything so my focus was on her to half. I gave her a hug and a kiss, making a mental note of the feeling of her breasts pushing against my chest.

We sat outside for a few minutes, catching up on what she had been doing for Christmas, and we told her about our day. Shortly after, our housemate Nicole came out to the veranda for a drink. Nicole is a curvy brunette with all the right kinds of curves. Her large breasts are often accentuated by either tight or revealing tops that show off her cleavage, and she often walks around the house without a bra which always makes my cock twitch a little under my shorts. Her ass is equally impressive, and she'll often show it off in a pair of tights after she comes home from the gym. Tonight Nicole was in a cropped white tank top and clearly no bra on so everytime she leaned forward to get her drink, I was presented with a beautiful view of her cleavage and the sight of her heavy breasts straining against the thin material of the tank top.

All in all, I was in for a night of drinking with three beautiful girls, Merry Christmas to me! We carried on drinking outside on the veranda for an hour or so before a storm came in forcing us to move inside. Once inside Alice suggested we try a drinking game and pulled out a deck of black cards from her bag.

"It's called Bottoms Up." Alice explained. "Basically we take turns picking up a card and doing whatever it tells you, some of them are pretty boring but it can get pretty wild. If you refuse to do it, you have to finish your drink."

We all agreed with some excitement, and we each went to refill our cups. I made sure not to make my next Margarita too strong, so I would last throughout the game.

"Okay, I'll go first since I suggested this." Alice said, taking the first card.

"Kiss the person next to you"

"Wait-" Nicole said. "What kind of game is this?"

"Don't worry, this is one of the wilder cards, I promise they're not all like this." Alice reassured her.

"Nicole, you're next to me, so I have to kiss you." And without hesitation, Alice leaned over to her, placed a hand on her cheek and planted a soft kiss on her lips. It wasn't a hot kiss or anything but it filled me with excitement about where this game could go.

Next it was Nicole's turn.

"Choose a player to be your buddy, everytime you drink, they must drink too." She scanned the group, "Amy, you're with me." And with that, she took a sip of her vodka soda forcing Amy to have a sip of hers too.

Next it was my turn.

I grabbed a card from the deck.

"The other players must decide one item of clothing for you to remove."

"Oooooo fun" Alice said.

"Let's strip him" Amy joked.

"Hey, hey, it's only one item of clothing! Don't go crazy" I replied.

"Make him take his pants off" Nicole added. I looked at her, and she gave me a look like she was holding back laughter. So I guess she thinks this will embarrass me.

"Okay." I said, standing from my chair, grabbing the waistband of my shorts and sliding them down to my ankles, leaving my in just my shirt and underwear. There was a collective "Whhoooooooo!!!" from the ladies as I returned to my chair, giving Nicole a look that said "I'll get you back."

Next was Amy's turn. "Pick two players to play Rock Paper Scissors, the loser must finish their drink" she looked around the room and said "John and Nicole." Perfect, this was my chance at payback. I turned to her, put out my hand in a fist, and we played. I put out a Rock and she put out Scissors. "Boom, you lose. Drink up loser." I taunted her as she picked up her half glass of vodka soda and drank the entire contents in two gulps. She got up to refill her drink and once again I was given a nice view of her breasts swaying forward in her top.

The game continued without any interesting card for a few rounds until it fell back on Nicole. "Play 30 seconds in heaven with the person to your left." That was me. We all looked around at each other, Alice had a massive grin on her face while Amy had a look of slight unease at the thought of me spending 30 seconds confined in a closet with our housemate.

I had to contain my excitement at the idea, so I faked a sigh and said "are you sure you don't want to drink and skip this round?"

"No way! Don't be a little bitch John." Alice chimed in.

"No it's fine, lets play." Nicole said coolly, her eyes staring straight into mine. I couldn't quite figure out what she was feeling.

So we both got up and headed towards the nearest closet which happened to be the broom/linen cupboard. It was tall and skinny, maybe just wide enough to fit us both in with about an inch or two of space between us.

I stepped in first and I pressed myself up against the wall on one side and Nicole came in straight after me, trying to be on the other side, giggling slightly as she struggled to position herself comfortably. Alice had her phone out with a timer ready, "okay, you can't come out until I open this door. Better not be any funny business John or Amy will probably chop it off" I glanced over to Amy, and she gave me a look that said "you better do as you're told." I smiled back to reassure her and Alice closed the door.

Immediately I became aware of how little space there was between us and how hot the air felt in the cupboard. Being in Australia, Christmas is always a warm day so that was to be expected but I could feel the sweat dripping down my forehead instantly when the door closed. There was just enough light so that I could see Nicole's face with enough detail to make out her eyes, nose and mouth. She was staring at me, a slightly nervous look on her face as our bodies were forced to be this close. We had never spent much time alone together so this was a massive change for us.

Suddenly Nicole slipped on something at her feet, and she reached out for support. I reached my hands out to stop her from falling but I didn't really need to because she fell straight onto me.

"Shit, sorry" Nicole whispered.

"You okay?" I whispered back, not entirely sure why we were whispering. After a second or two things settled down and I noticed that in my effort to sow her fall, my hand had reached out and grabbed onto her left breast. I hadn't even registered it at the time but once I was composed again, I realised my hand was pressing straight into her breast and I hadn't let go. It felt so soft in my hand, much larger than Amy's but still perky enough. We looked into each others eyes and I slowly pulled my hand away.

"Fuck, sorry. I didn't mean to grab you there I was just trying to stop your fall." I tried to explain.

"It's okay. I-"

The door suddenly swung open.

"Alright you two, out you get. John, I'm glad to see you kept your hands to yourself." Alice said as she ushered us out of the closet.

"Yeah... that... that wasn't so bad" I tried to keep my cool, Nicole looked over at me but her expression had changed. She looked a little confused. As I kept watching her, I noticed her eyes would drift down my body from time to time, she was looking at my underwear. I looked down and noticed my cock had started to stiffen slightly, not to fully hard but enough to push against the fabric of my underwear. I willed it to go down, looking over at the other two girls to see if they had noticed, but they seemed oblivious to any change.

I was next. I picked up the next card and read out "Kiss the person directly in front of you." At the table, Amy was to my left, Nicole to my right and Alice was opposite me. She looked at me with a slight smile on her face, I turned to look at Amy, and she didn't look angry, in fact she was smiling too.

"You're a lucky girl Alice" Amy said.

"Finally, we get to share him around." Alice replied.

She took the initiative and stood from her seat, walked around the table and sat down on my lap with her legs going over one side of my seat. She leaned in and kissed me. Her lips were soft and slightly bigger than Amy's. I felt her tongue press onto my lips and I parted them slightly but not enough that we were fully making out. As much as I wanted to take it further with her, I wasn't going to do that with Amy sitting right next to me. After what felt like an entire minute (probably one or two seconds), our lips parted and Alice returned to her seat. The room started to feel a little hotter and the game was heating up. Everyone looked around at each other with a combined look of nerves, excitement and laughter.

Amy's next card made her finish her drink which she had only just filled up. After that, she complained that she was starting to get too drunk and a headache was kicking in, so she decided to lay down in bed. I walked her to our bedroom and grabbed her a glass of water on the way with an electrolyte tablet for the morning.

"Are you okay? I didn't see you drink that much." I said to her as I helped her into bed.

"I was fine for most of the night but when you went into the cupboard with Nicole, I went to the kitchen and had 2 shots of vodka. I didn't think I was drunk enough to keep up with the game." She was beginning to slur her words a little. She still didn't seem too drunk, but she did look tired.

"I hope you can just sleep it off baby" I said to her, stroking her hair.

She smiled at me and said "I feel bad for leaving the game early, I hope Alice isn't annoyed with me."

"I'm sure she understands. It's been a big day of drinking, it had to catch up to you at some stage. Now get some sleep."

"Goodnight Johnny" she said as she closed her eyes.

I got up and turned out the light and returned to the two girls in the living room.

"Is Amy okay?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah, just too tired from a whole day of drinking, she'll be fine in the morning." I explained.

It was Alice's turn to pick a card.

"Do we still want to play without Amy?" She couldn't contain a grin as she said this, knowing there would be more fun cards to pick.

"Yeah, she wanted us to keep playing and having fun."

She picked up the first card and looked up at us with a big smile.

"Demonstrate your favourite sex position."

I tried to look nervous but I wanted to see this so bad. I'd had so many fantasies of Alice in various positions whenever I was watching porn or even what I was fucking Amy, now I would be able to have something to remember for later.

"Alright John, I need your help for this one." she said as she stood up.

"What's the position?" Nicole asked.

"You'll just have to wait and see." Alice replied walking towards me.

"Come here Johnny, we can do it here on the floor." She said to me as she pulled me by the hand towards the rug in front of the TV. She lay down on her back and instructed me to kneel down between her legs. As I lowered myself down, she raised her legs up so that the back of her knees was resting on my shoulders. I looked down and I could see how tight her shorts were pulled against her pussy, they were so short I could almost see her outer lips pushing out past the material. I looked up at her, and she had her eyes locked on mine, then she used the strength of her legs to pull me down towards her from my shoulders until our heads were just a few inches apart, I had to support myself by putting my hands on the floor either side of her face.

"Oh yeah, fuck me Johnny!" she laughed out, thrusting her hips into the air and pretending to fuck me. As she did this, I felt my cock grind against her shorts. I was really struggling to hide my erection now, I had the girl I had fantasized about multiple times pretending to be fucked by me and pulling me into her. If Nicole wasn't in the room, I probably would've thrust my hips just as hard into her.

"Damn Alice, I would've expected you like being on top." Nicole joked.

"Nah, I like getting fucked by the guy, I don't want to do all the work. It's so much hotter when they're on top of me taking control." Her eyes didn't leave mine as she said this.

She slowly moved her legs off my shoulders and allowed me to get up. Now I was sporting a very noticeable tent in my underwear that I know both the girls would be able to see.

"Oh jeez Johnny, nice to see you enjoyed that. Maybe next time we won't have our clothes on." Alice whispered in my ear. That sent a jolt down to my cock and I felt it twitch. Trying to keep my cool, I had to think of a smart reply.

"Oh so you think you could handle that?"

She looked a little surprised but then just gave me a light pat on the bum, winked at me and returned to her seat.

"Okay, that was pretty hot you guys. I don't think we'll be able to top that." Nicole said as she grabbed her next card.

"Oh my god, I got the same card!"

I don't know what I did to deserve this but I felt like I was in heaven. I had seen Nicole walk around the house without a bra or in tight clothes so many times that I couldn't help but fantasize about her. A few times I would walk into the kitchen as she was bent overlooking for food in the kitchen in a tiny pair of shorts. I couldn't wait to see what she would do to me.

"Okay, this time you need to be on the floor John." she explained.

"Fine by me, nice to know some people are happy for the guy to be on the bottom." I winked at Alice, she just blew a raspberry back at me in return.

Laying on my back, I looked up as Nicole approached me. Her skirt was flowy but only ended just above her knees, giving me a fairly unobstructed view up her legs.

She began to straddle me, I was painfully aware of the fact that my hard on hadn't gone down yet, so I was still poking up from my underwear at this point. Nicole then placed her hands on the floor just behind her, so her chest was facing up towards the ceiling and began to imitate the act of riding me cowgirl. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, my cock grew to full length again and was straining against the material of my underwear. Her tits were bouncing all over the place as she moved and I couldn't take my eyes off them.

Then she accidentally dropped her hips too far and I felt her come down on my cock. I couldn't quite see up her skirt now, so I wasn't ready for it but I could feel the warmth of her pussy as she slid down the length of my covered cock. We stared at each other, neither of us said anything, and we were sure Alice hadn't seen anything since the skirt covered our hips.

She began to get up but given how awkward the position was for her, she had to lean forward onto me to push herself up and as she did this, she fell onto my cock for a second time. I heard a tiny little moan escape her lips as my cock pushed against her pussy. This time she took her time getting up, even pausing for a second on my cock and wriggling her hips as she stood.

Since both girls had seen (and felt) my hard cock pushing against my underwear by now, I was less embarrassed as I stood up to take my seat again but I was in a state of shock at the experience I had just had. I would have enough wanking material for weeks now.

"It doesn't seem fair that we showed you our favourite positions but you never showed us yours." Alice said as I took my seat.

"What do you mean? That's the game." I said back, teasing her.

"Come on loser, are you scared to show us how you use that thing?" she said pointing at the bulge in my groin. She and Nicole both giggled as I tried to cover up a little.

"Fine you want to see? I'll need a volunteer." I said, not caring who would be the one to volunteer.

"I'll do it." Alice said, standing up.

"Okay, come over here then."

I stood up again, almost shaking with excitement as I was about to put Alice in my favourite position. I instructed her to lay on the ground.

"Oh so you do like being on top, I don't see why you were complaining before." she joked.

But this time instead of being on top of her, I lay down next to her. I rolled her over so her back was towards. I rolled myself over, so I was spooning her then I lifted her right leg into the air and then pretended to fuck her from there, thrusting my hips towards her. This time I was pretty careless about where my cock was and thrust into her ass and pussy a few times. Alice began to move her hips towards me as well and I could hear her breathing start to increase.

"Happy now?" I asked Alice.

"Hmmm, I think you can do better than that. Is this seriously your favourite position? Surely you can think of something hotter than this." she replied.

"I've always liked this one." I said back.

"I was expecting Doggy style or even cowgirl is hotter than this." My cock was still pressed up against her pussy as we spoke.

"Fine you want another one?"

I got up and grabbed her by the hand and pulled her up.

"Hang on, let me be in this one. Alice just had her turn." Nicole said, standing up from her chair.

The girls switched places and this time I got Nicole down on all fours and knelt behind her.

"Okay put your chest down as low as you can to the floor and arch your back up." I instructed.

"Ooo telling me what to do? Yes daddy." she joked at me. Even though she was fucking with me, it still sent a jolt to my cock.

I got down behind her and pressed my hips forward until i lightly brushed her panties. In this position, her skirt had ridden up and exposed her black lacy thong underneath. I could see her outer lips on either side of the thin material.

Then I moved my right hand from her hips and reached down and placed it low non her abdomen.

"So I would then start to rub Amy's clit while I fuck her from behind." I explained to Alice.

As I did this, Nicole pushed her hips back and I felt her pussy press hard onto my cock. I got even more daring and moved my hand lower until I felt the material of her thong on my fingertips. I pushed further over the material until I reached her clit and began to rub her lightly while we ground our hips together.

"Mmmmm I like this one Johnny, I bet Amy loves it too." Nicole said softly with her face pressed against the floor.

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