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Duncumbe Abbey 01: The Maid Postscript

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Emily and Fiona end up with more than they expected.
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Part 13 of the 13 part series

Updated 11/14/2023
Created 10/25/2023
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There was no simulated sex. We actresses playing the maids agreed to be fucked for real by the actors playing the gentry to make it totally realistic.

There was no simulated sex. We actresses playing the maids were actually fucked for real by the actors playing the gentry to make it totally realistic.

There was no simulated sex. We actresses playing the maids agreed to be inseminated for real by the actors playing the gentry to make it totally realistic.

There was no simulated sex. We actresses playing the maids were actually inseminated for real by the actors playing the gentry to make it totally realistic.

And now we were all pregnant.

I was pregnant. Fiona was pregnant. The model was pregnant. All three of were definitely pregnant...

Peter had wanted the maids in his film to be fucked for real. To really be actually fucked stupid by Lord Rutherford, his Butler and his two friends, Archie and Bertie, so he could film it, and then his film could authentically portray those maids being wantonly fucked by the wicked gentry with absolute realism.

He wanted to see all the maids being flagrantly fucked stupid, blatantly and forcefully fucked senseless and recklessly filled with spunk, and it all being filmed close-up in explicit graphic detail.

So that actually meant, Peter wanted, indeed needed, that to happen to the actresses playing the maids, and for the actresses to be fucked stupid for real.

We were those actresses.

We agreed to it...

So we were fucked stupid for real, to make our roles as maids most realistic.

We were actually fucked stupid expertly by real fucking pornstars.

And it was actually very realistic having those huge cocks penetrating us, then fucking the bejesus out of our unprotected pussies. And it was also very realistic the way they brazenly came inside us, and their spurting cocks exspurtly pumped absolutely massive amounts of their strong virile viable sperm into our unprotected pussies, so Peter could film the huge amount of spunk oozing out of our pussies after we had been well and truly realistically fucked and filled with the all the actors' sperm, and there was no doubt about it - everyone knew we actresses really had actually been fucked, and we really had had our pussies fucked by big cocks and filled with copious amounts of spunk.

So it was actually very realistic! And totally authentic!

In fact, we actually really were fucked several times by the pornstars, and our pussies really were filled beyond overflowing several times with enormous amounts of their spunk. We were very dedicated actresses and very obliging maids...

Those who watched the film could see that we conscientious actresses were actually playing the parts of the maids so realistically that we actually let all the pornstars massively fuck us, and all of them massively fill us with all their different spunk, in the same way that the maids had been casually fucked and filled with spunk by the Butler, his Lordship and all his friends.

In fact, our unprotected pussies were filled with spunk so many times, they remained absolutely full of spunk the whole time, from the very first time we were fucked and filled, until days after...

And just like the maids, none of us were using any form of contraception which made it all even more authentic...

And not only were we fucked for real and filled with spunk for real, and inseminated for real...

We were actually impregnated for real, just like the maids.

Those massive amounts of lively viable sperm that the pornstars had shot dangerously deep into our overwhelmed pussies and right through our cervixes, actually did fertilize our waiting eggs and they had actually impregnated us, giving our acting roles the utmost realism. Absolute authenticity!

We were all fucking pregnant!

We had taken Peter's quest for realism to the extreme. We had all been fucked pregnant.

We are all fucking pregnant now!

All of us fucked pregnant by pornstars on a fucking film set...

For the sake of realism!

And we didn't even get a bonus!

Prologue to the Postscript

There were no lawsuits. Why would there be? We all wanted to keep working in the industry!

By how did it happen? How did all three of us manage to fall pregnant? Even though we tried to keep it secret, there was so much sensational and lurid talk about it, that it's worth a credible explanation.

First of all, we all had unprotected sex. That is the underlying reason: in mine and Fiona's case unprotected sex with several men, more than once - all of whom were very virile pornstars. (We'll give Derek Bailey the benefit of the doubt).

Secondly, the most apparently obvious reason, we willingly let them all inseminate us with massive amounts of their virile viable sperm, several times, even though we knew we had no viable contraception in place.

Thirdly, and most significuntly, there were a variety of high-risk-of-impregnation conditions that, unbeknownst to us at the time, manifested themselves.

But firstly: just because we had unprotected sex it didn't automatically mean we would become pregnant.

Secondly: just because we were thoroughly and intentionally inseminated with huge amounts of virile sperm and had no contraception in place, it still didn't necessarily mean it would automatically result in our inevitable impregnation.

Thirdly: The high-risk conditions would not have existed without the first two conditions, so it must have been the consequence of the combination of all three factors that made our impregnation possible.

The first two reasons are obvious but, what were these high-risk conditions and why didn't we know about them?

Evidently, according to Peter, those conditions hadn't existed to that degree, since his filming of the 'Rape of the Empress's Handmaidens by the Praetorian Guard', when several (well, actually quite a few) respected participating actresses - having been convinced by him not to use any contraception for authenticity - were all involuntarily and inadvertently impregnated as a result of being genuinely and unequivocally, comprehensively realistically 'raped', and massively 'forcibly' inseminated, deliberately and uncompromisingly, several times while conscientiously and committedly acting their roles in a rather hectic scene using his Realistic Acting method - although, after the consequent outcry, and the burdensome cost of the court proceedings, and the necessary financial reparations to the actresses, Peter said he had put steps in place to prevent that happening again - even though his realistic acting method had produced a very realistic, historically accurate, and truly authentic depiction of the rape of the Empress's Handmaidens by the Praetorian Guard'- more on that later...

But how did this all affect us different actresses?

  1. The model:

She had been drinking a little beforehand with Archie and Bertie to calm her preshoot nerves.

As she had no intention of having sex with anyone, period (let alone pornstars) she had no contraceptive precautions in place. So, when she did have unexpected unprotected sex with Archie and Bertie (due to her reckless alcohol induced willingness brought on by their seductive charm), it was highly likely she could be fucked pregnant by them because, as she said herself, she was fertile. And Archie and Bertie were under the misunderstanding that they could fill her (although it was only actually Bertie that filled her unprotected pussy to bursting point) with huge amounts of virile sperm.

So she was inseminated and impregnated by the pornstars.

  1. Fiona

Fiona had had unprotected sex with many many different men, many many times before and having her pussy and ass (although that is not strictly relevant on this occasion) filled with spunk countless times before had never been made pregnant. Which led her to believe she was either barren or impregnable, or both, so she didn't think she could possibly be fertile on this occasion. As far as she was concerned, although it did carry a certain calculated risk having her unprotected pussy filled with so much spunk, so many times by several virile pornstars, it was necessary for the realism it produced, and was so exciting it was worth the inconceivably small risk of becoming pregnant.

She was inseminated and impregnated by the pornstars.

  1. Myself (Emily)

I was fully aware that by taking on this role as a maid - where I was asked to actually let the actors fuck me for real to make it look more realistic - when they came inside me for real, spurting huge amounts of real hot virile sperm, many times, into my unprotected pussy with no contraception in place for maximum realism, it was possible I could end up pregnant. However, I was convinced the risk was very low as my FABM (fertility awareness-based method) contraceptive regime suggested I would not be fertile on this occasion. And as I wanted to make acting the role of the maid totally realistic in every way, so that the risk - every time I was fucked and filled with spunk - meant I could really be impregnated just like the maid, it was totally authentic. And very exciting! So, I was prepared to take that small, calculated risk.

I was inseminated and impregnated by the pornstars.

So, I was pregnant. We were all pregnant. Even the receptionist was pregnant (though no one knew quite how, as she had not even been in the shoot - although there were rumours that Bertie had been seen hanging around reception...)

But why did we all become pregnant on this shoot?

I had had unprotected sex on shoots before, such as the Big Insurrection where even more pornstars had fucked me and dumped their load in me, including Archie, and that was even before I was using FABM, so then I had had no idea whether I was fertile or not, and I hadn't had any contraception in place anyway, because I had no idea I was going to be fucked by them all! And I hadn't become pregnant.

Fiona had had unprotected sex many, many times before. And she hadn't become pregnant.

The model hadn't had unprotected sex before. And she hadn't become pregnant.

As mentioned before, I think it must've been due to the high-risk conditions (or just our luck of course!)

So, what were these high-risk conditions beyond the other factors mentioned before?

I truly believe that it was because this shoot was so sexually hot, and developed into such complete sexual abandonment. We had so many orgasms, and the men were enjoying fucking us so much, that when they came, they released much more virile sperm inside us than usual, while we were actually orgasming phenomenally powerfully, for real, which also aided our impregnation. And there is biological evidence for both those assertions, which I will cum to.

It was so highly sexually charged; you could taste it in the air (and on the pornstars cocks).

Peter said it was the hottest shoot he had worked on since the "Rape of the Empress's Handmaidens by the Praetorian Guard", which was also incredibly hot, when all those other beautiful serious actresses had been unintentionally impregnated after being realistically 'raped' without warning (having all, or nearly all, signed the sexual consent form) by so many virile pornstars, to make their acting more realistic and the shoot certainly more authentic. And it certainly had been authentic - and hot!

He said he thought we were playing our roles so realistically, that it was obvious to anyone watching, we really were the maids being fucked into orgasmic oblivion. And we were so hot, it was clear that all the men really were turned on hugely by us, and our beautiful naked sperm filled bodies; and were really enjoying abusing us, fucking us, and then filling our cunts with even more huge amounts of virile sperm. And it was obvious we loved it, and wanted them to fuck us mercilessly, because we thought they really were so hot!

So, with the two shoots being so hot, maybe there was some underlying connection between the resulting pregnancies...

I had so many big orgasms in the shoot because it was so hot! Fiona did too, and that's saying something! And Peter said the actresses being realistically 'raped' in The Rape of the Handmaidens had so many orgasms that the floor was just wet with their cum. So, there is the link... The huge number of massive orgasms!

(Although in The Maid, the model didn't really have time to have any, because she didn't really get into the swing of things, before she decided to bail out in such an undignified and ungraceful manner. So, she doesn't count.) She got pregnant simply because she was fertile when she was inseminated by Bertie. Although she did find him hot!

But why was it so hot?

It was the way that Derek and Andrew fucked us so casually competitively.

The way Archie and Bertie fucked us so overwhelmingly determinedly.

The way they all came inside us so often, so massively and so dangerously.

The way they talked to us dirty whores, so mean and dirty.

The way they did to our bodies, what they wanted, when they wanted, and how they wanted.

The way they turned us into spunk puppets and used our pussies as spunk buckets.

The way they all had to earth us by fucking us to earth shattering orgasm after orgasm after orgasm (well, me anyway).

We actresses were so hot, and turned-on Derek, Andrew, Bertie and Archie so much that while fucking us they had such massive orgasms and released so much spunk that they filled us to overflowing every time they came: the billiards table and below was just a sticky mess of spunk that had drained out of us. And that was what Peter said about The Rape of the Handmaidens: the actresses were so full of spunk that every surface was covered in spunk after the shoot! So, there is another link.

And so, we were impregnated by the pornstars because of:

Them, having such powerful orgasms that they released an unusually large amount of virile sperm into our receptive unprotected pussies, and Us, having such powerful orgasms that we sucked all that sperm up into our fallopian tubes to fertilize our waiting eggs.

And that's what I think happened.

And obviously being a world expert physiosexualpsychologist, this is how I think it happened:

Being actresses, we have to disassociate from our real selves to successfully immerse ourselves in the roles we are playing. However, in this shoot we were triply dissociated because firstly we were ourselves, when we were being fucked; secondly, we were the actresses, who were being exploited playing the maids, and they were being fucked; and thirdly we were those maids being fucked by the gentry. In Fiona's case she was quadruply disassociated, because she was herself, a publicity consultant, in the role of an actress, portraying a maid. (Actually, so was I, because I accidently ended up being the bad sister playing the maid, but we'll ignore that for the sake of simplicity)

So when I was being fucked to orgasm by one of the pornstars, firstly it was me who came, because I am very responsive; secondly it was the actress who came, because she had finally submitted completely to her role as the maid; and thirdly it was the maid who came because she had finally been fucked to uncontrollable orgasm by the toffs.

So firstly, it was just me, cumming; then it was the actress in me, cumming (and also of course the actor in me cumming!) because she had been fucked into cumming by the pornstar; and finally, it was, when the actress in me realized it: the maid cumming too.

And when all three came together it was a hypercumming event. Not just an orgasm, but a megagasm: three times more powerful than the biggest orgasm I'd ever experienced before!

And of course, the pornstars, who were so turned on by us anyway, could feel and see us being fucked by them into ecstatic oblivion overwhelmed with megagasms. So, they were so pleased with themselves, and so turned on by it, in a positive feedback loop, that they themselves had megagasms that led them to release massively extra amounts of dangerous virile sperm into us...

And according to the upsuck theory, the powerful contractions of the uterus during our huge orgasms, sucked up all that extra sperm deposited in the vagina, at and near the cervix, and helped move the sperm through the uterus and fallopian tubes to victoriously and magnificently fertilize our overwhelmed but eagerly anticipating eggs. And there you have it. We were pregnant.

I knew the moment I had been impregnated by Bertie. Fiona knew the moment she had been impregnated by Archie. And if course, the model knew she had been impregnated by Bertie. I don't know about the receptionist...

So, Bertie and Archie were going to be the happy daddies to all our little babies - well, we presumed it was Bertie and Archie... And we were all going to live together in a family happily ever after!

If only fairy tales came true...

Fortuitously, one thrilling thing that has come true, is that after many years of dormancy and doubt, after seeing how hot the shoot of the Maid was - bringing back all those vivid memories of the Rape of the Handmaidens by the Pretorian Guard - Peter has decided to reshoot the rape scene in glorious Hi-def 4K Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos sound. After our sensational and acclaimed performances in the Maid, he has already promised the female lead parts to Fiona and myself, and now only needs to find the other beautiful willing (possibly unwitting) mainstream actresses who will use his realistic acting method to authentically portray the unsuspecting Handmaidens. It will be so exciting. I can't wait!!

The Afterthought

It makes me moist just to think about it! Just like Fiona - I would do it again!

It was so hot!

The moment I walked through that door I knew this shoot was going to be something else!

It was soooo hot!

I knew what was going on:

Here was a very beautiful serious actress, like me, who'd been convinced by Peter's spiel, like me, and had agreed, like me, to take part in unsimulated sex to make her part as a maid more realistic... being absolutely fucked to oblivion by an actor, who probably didn't give a shit about authenticity, but was just enjoying having his cock inside a beautiful actress and fucking the shit out of her! While she was selflessly allowing him to monumentally fuck her in her sincere belief it could make her portrayal of the maid more realistic.

That was so hot!

But let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he also wanted to make his roll more realistic, by fucking the shit out of her, to make it all look absolutely authentic...

She wanted to make it look more authentic.

She'd trustingly agreed to being fucked to make it look more authentic.

And now for her artistic integrity she was being absolutely overwhelmingly monstrously fucked into the table by an unconcerned pornstar.

Her pussy was being absolutely stupendously irreversibly fucking irrevocably and wilfully destroyed by a giant pornstar cock.

Now that was hot!

And not only did she have a huge pornstar's cock deep inside her, fucking her unprotected pussy, she also had another pornstar with his massive cock down her throat fucking her mouth, as, of course, would have happened to the hapless maid in Victorian times.


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