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Duncumbe Abbey 1 The Maid Ch. 11 - Epilogue

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Emily discovers what it was all about.
6.5k words

Part 12 of the 13 part series

Updated 11/14/2023
Created 10/25/2023
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The Epilogue

We had immersed ourselves totally into our roles as maids with absolute selfless commitment in our quest for unprecedented realism. Playing the parts of dutiful maids not only had we willingly given our bodies to service the sexual needs of his Lordship, his Butler, and his friends - some, more than once; but we had been 'taught' how a maid is supposed to carry out her equine duties in the Great Games Room by participating in a whores race and actually been rewarded generously for doing so well. We'd been given hands on experience of how important the cue and ball placement is at the billiards table, and shown how the Lord and Butler can swap over maids and call us whores if they want to; and finally: how his Lordship's friends can also be very helpful when the maids need to be impregnated, to be turned into 'wet maids' so they can have milk squirting breasts...

And in conscientiously playing those parts so faithfully and realistically we had actually had the shit fucked out of us; and indeed, been fucked to shit - and filled with cum - many times; which was covered in our contracts, by agreeing that we would willingly copulate with, be willingly inseminated by, and possibly accidentally impregnated by, the male actors, for the film to be maid realistically...

After the virile pornstar studs had pulled their spent cocks out of us and we'd been brought lovely flowery silk dressing gowns to hide our leaking modesty, (and dishevelled pussy lips) and fruit juice and champagne and strawberries and (yet more) cream - inside us; and we started chatting and laughing and getting to know the boys who'd fucked us so stupendously and comprehensively. Archie and Bertie apologised for having so much sperm. Andrew apologised to Fiona (Fancy Fuck - the pretty maid) for his dry entry into her, saying he just had to make it truly realistic to portray the way maids were treated - and Fiona accepted that it was just his personal endeavour in his quest for authenticity... And Derek also explained that he was also only acting his role as he did, in the pursuit of uncompromising, unfettered realism.

I couldn't believe how different and friendly and caring they were, now they were their real selves: Derek most of all - he was a gentleman. He was polite, amusing, respectful but a little reserved...

"I do hope you enjoyed that rather extraordinary acting experience! You certainly gave us your all! And you have been totally fulfilled in your acting aspirations! And not too totally overcome, or overwhelmed by our penetrating performances..." he was saying, "I know I can seem a bit of a cunt when I play Lord Rutherford, but I know him quite well, you know, and he really is just like that, and my remit was to make the character as much like him as possible. And he is the Executive Producer of the show - and finances it - so what he says goes! He lives here, you know, and he has some great parties!"

"Let me get you two and you guys invited to one - I'm sure he'd love you to come..."

He said that with a twinkle in his eye as he walked off.

"I bet he would!" said Fiona, "So would I!"

"But do you think you'd be able to come?" perked up Archie...

"Well, I hope so!" laughed Fiona, " I usually manage it eventually!"

"I'm sure you do! And mightily! As I have seen... But you know what he means!" added Bertie mysteriously.

" No, I don't! What does he mean?" laughed Fiona, looking at him curiously.

" You know! If you are pregnant after today! If we managed to successfully impregnate you, like you wanted!"

Fiona and I looked at each other bemused and then burst out laughing!

"Well! I don't think that's quite what we had in mind... But I've got to give it to you boys. You did try hard - very hard!"

We all laughed amused at her double entendre...

"No... You know what I mean... Archie said, "Peter said you really wanted to be successfully fucked pregnant to demonstrate your complete willingness to play your role of a maid with absolute authenticity..."

"What?!!" I said, incredulously, still smiling.

"What did Peter say?!"

It turns out Archie and Bernie had been told that Fiona and I - all three of us, including the model - had actually agreed unconditionally that we were willing and happy to be fucked, inseminated, insperminated - and also - unbelievably - be impregnated, either accidentally, inadvertently, or intentionally.

"Well, that's absolutely ridiculous!" I initially vehemently exclaimed, "Although, to be fair to Peter, it is partially true..."

I explained to them: we had consented to impregnation in our contracts, but none of us had 'happily' agreed to it; none of us wanted to be impregnated! The consent to impregnation was now in everyone's contracts (probably even for an electrician to come on set and change a light bulb!) after the furore over Peter's (banned) film The Rape of the Empress's Handmaidens by the Praetorian Guards (which Alex had told me about and I will mention later) - and as far as I knew (as they also knew, it turned out) the contract had to be signed by everyone who wanted to work on one of Peter's films. But nowhere in that contract did it say we 'happily' consented to impregnation...

Peter had told them that we would indeed, happily and willingly be impregnated, in our endeavour to achieve absolute authenticity - and not only were we totally realistic about the fact that there was a high chance of our inadvertent impregnation during the frenetic unprotected sexual activities (i.e. being massively fucked) that would casually take place with multiple partners, but in fact, we knew and accepted that it was probably unavoidable; bound to happen because of the sheer number of times we were going to be rigorously fucked and filled with spunk; and that was of course what had inevitably happened to the hapless maids. And so would happen to us!

"That's just not true! It's not 'unavoidable'!" I commented.

In fact, he'd said we were actually eager to be impregnated to portray total realism! And that we'd agreed that the actors could, and indeed should definitely try and impregnate us, at every opportunity, determinedly and forcibly, if necessary, in our quest for realism.

"'Eager' to be impregnated! That's so ridiculous! But we didn't mind if you boys were eager to try and impregnate us! Especially forcibly!" laughed Fiona.

They'd been told that we'd voluntarily and deliberately not used any contraception at all, so that every time we were thoroughly inseminated by them, there was a very good chance we would, accordingly, be immediately impregnated, there and then, and if not, soon after, because we would be so continuously filled with sperm, and our pussies so completely full; it was a certainty; which demonstrated how legitimately dedicated we actresses really were, and how totally committed to Peter's realistic acting method, even if it meant we were summarily unavoidably impregnated during unprotected frenzied copulation. Only by realistically acting as maids being repeatedly and vigorously fucked without using any contraception could we accurately portray the maid's real predicament - that they were frequently forcibly fucked and then consequently fell pregnant.

"Yes. It's true we're not using any contraception..." I admitted, "But that's through a lifestyle choice. That doesn't mean we expect or want to be pregnant - far from it...!" I slightly presumptuously spoke for all of us three actresses, rather than just myself. "In my own case," I corrected, " I use a natural fertility awareness contraceptive regime. But do go on..."

So he'd told them, we beautiful actresses and the fabulous model were willing, in fact positively yearning to be impregnated every time we were massively inseminated, hoping we would become pregnant; and would be thrilled if we were - because if we were inseminated and subsequently impregnated during acting in the humiliating abusive training and degrading and debauched games that the maids were forced to participate in, then it would prove beyond doubt that maids really were inadvertently impregnated, even deliberately impregnated, during their training by his Lordship and while being 'tried out' by his friends. And that by us being fucked pregnant while we were acting the roles of maids in the film, it would show that not only had we acted our roles truly and authentically, but that the film itself was also truly realistic and authentic, and we were able to prove it to be incontrovertibly historically accurate as well, in the way it depicted the maids being casually and recklessly impregnated during the games.

Because while realistically acting the roles of the maids being casually and recklessly impregnated in the training and games, that was also what would actually happen to us: We actresses, being humiliatingly abused in the debauched and depraved games, would be casually and recklessly impregnated as well...

That's what Peter had told them.

"We certainly were recklessly and thoroughly inseminated during acting in the 'humiliating abusive training and degrading and debauched games that the maids were forced to do'! agreed Fiona, smiling, "That was the most fun!"

"So! Most of what Peter told you is patently untrue!" I said "Yes, we accepted that while realistically acting our roles for the greatest possible realism and unquestionable authenticity, there was a chance that by engaging in reckless forced sex with you, and you consequently filling our little unprotected pussies with massive amounts of your virile sperm, there was a slight risk we could be inadvertently impregnated - there always is! We accepted that. But that's very different from what Peter told you - that we were eagerly hoping, yearning, you were going to successfully fuck us pregnant! That's a total lie! But no wonder you were trying so hard!"

"Ohhhhhwwww!" Fiona was saying, "And I thought it was all because they were trying to get to know us intimately - at a much deeper level...!"

We all laughed again, but her quip was actually kind of true. Archie and Bernie, being the type of kind, considerate guys they were, who genuinely wanted to please and satisfy women, were not only determined in their endeavours to completely fullfill us physically, but also wanting to determinedly and constructively help, and allow us to fulfil our noble and committed ambition to become pregnant...

In fact, we found out as we chatted further, Bernie and Archie had been so impressed by Peter's description of our undoubtedly dedicated and committed artistic integrity: the fact that we were actually willing, indeed expecting to be literally fucked stupid until we were pregnant, to fulfil Peter's ideal of authenticity through his Realistic Acting, that they wanted to do their very best to pursue that ideal as well, by filling us with as much sperm as possible, and so see if they really could get us irrevocably impregnated just like the maids had been, during the training and games, and so that they might also enthusiastically accomplish Peter's goals. And so in the light of what Peter had told them, had conscientiously given their all, done their very best to intentionally, considerately, and, for total authenticity in the movie, in their roles as unsympathetic and uncaring gentry, irresponsibly and recklessly impregnate us, and had thoroughly enjoyed carrying out their task with great vigour and determination, and thought hopefully it would be an undeniably resounding success for them. They'd hoped that between the two of them they would unequivocally and inexorably succeed with all three of us, or Bertie would impregnate all three of us with preparatory and collaborative work by Archie, and then they would deservedly receive the not inconsiderable financial bonuses they'd been promised...

"Well that really is very kind and thoughtful of you boys, trying to get us pregnant with our best interests at heart," I said, "but I'm afraid you and Archie may unfortunately not be able to receive your well-earned bonuses because it's extremely unlikely that we are pregnant!"

"Is that because you deliberately organised the shoot to be on a day you and the other actresses knew you could not possibly get pregnant but took the money for the risk anyway?!" interrupted Derek with a smile but a hint of polite reproach in his voice. He'd been listening to our conversation while talking with Andrew and now came over.

"What! Of course not!" I protested, "Whatever gave you that idea? We didn't have any say as to when the shoot took place; only that we were available for it when the date was decided. And I guess if I hadn't been available, someone else would have done it instead. It is only by luck that I don't happen to be fertile today, otherwise, obviously, I would have still been acting in the shoot, but with a much much higher chance of impregnation."

"Oh...! I'm sorry!" said Derek, with an apologetic note in his voice, " I think we all might have been played by Peter... In fact, I think myself and Andrew might definitely owe you a profound apology for the way we treated you! We honestly thought what Peter said was true! It should've occurred to me what Peter was doing. I'm really sorry!"

Peter had used psychology to get the best out of his actors: Bernie and Archie had been told one thing to suit their personalities. Derek and Andrew had been told the complete opposite. They had been told that we three actresses had discreetly and unscrupulously pocketed the considerable amount of extra money on offer for agreeing not to use contraception during the performing of the authentic sex acts (which we were also being paid staggeringly well for), and claim all the glory for carrying out Peter's Realistic Acting for complete authenticity, without actually committing ourselves in any way to the spirit of the drama, and a realistic chance of impregnation, by deliberately manipulating the dates of the shoot through carefully arranging and agreeing among ourselves to perform when we knew none of us would be remotely fertile.

Peter knew Derek and Andrew's mindset: they were now understandably outraged at our deceitful unprincipled and outright hypocritical disingenuousness, as they saw it, and wanted to see our befitting comeuppance and us rightfully and deservedly impregnated, as had been expected, by determinedly foiling our blatantly selfish money grabbing duplicitousness and our total lack of artistic integrity, and do their very best to see to it that we actually were involuntarily and unavoidably impregnated during the training and games - despite us smugly thinking that we were completely safe, and could not be viably impregnated.

They had made it their mission to do everything they could to have us intentionally and if need be, forcibly impregnated both by their own determined efforts of fucking us and thoroughly inseminating us as much as humanly possible at every opportunity in the time allowed, and by enthusiastically and unreservedly encouraging those massively thorough inseminations by Archie and Bertie, dangerously overfilling us with horrendous amounts of their potent sperm. And had carefully and cunningly conspired to create the most favourable conditions for Archie and Bertie to impregnate us, by relying on our false sense of security to naturally let our inner defences down, and then (Derek in particular) enthusiastically making sure that we were brought to uncontrollable orgasms at exactly the same time as we were absolutely massively and irrevocably filled with the most extreme amounts of virile sperm-laden spunk by both Archie and Bertie and our certain unavoidable and inevitable consequent impregnation.

"Well!" I exclaimed, "Maybe you have succeeded! Time will tell! It can't be denied, you really all did put a lot of effort into trying to impregnate us! And we certainly reciprocated... by the responsiveness of our beautiful bodies to your determined vigorous attempts at impregnation and the obvious authenticity of our unfeigned uncontrollable reflex reactions!! I guess Peter really did succeed in getting the best out of - or rather into us!"

We had another laugh at my light-hearted jibe, and we were all glad the air had been comfortably cleared.

After a little while, and a couple more drinks and a bit more chatting, Fiona and I, maid our excuses and headed for the showers in the green room. My bare feet had kept sticking to the gooey puddle beneath me by the billiards table, and every so often I'd got a strong smell of the mixture of four different men's semen wafting up from my warm pussy, still recovering from its prolonged and vigorous pounding, very tender and still full of their spunk and still leaking. I bet all that sperm was having a heyday, as Derek had pointed out: still competing to reach my eggs and impregnate me. I better not be pregnant already, especially after being filled with four different men's spunk. (But I'd definitely put money on Bertie being the perpetrator If I was!) I felt a little twinge in my pussy as I momentarily relived their different pounding cocks and the explosions of spunk inside me. Thank God Fiona had come to help me out or I'm sure I would've had more than one, or even more than two cocks inside me at the same time. I bet my ass would still be throbbing as well as my pussy! Still, I mustn't forget to go to the chemist's later!

"What are you thinking about, you naughty maid?" she said with a smile as we removed our dressing gowns in the green room.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" I replied teasingly, "Anyway, you're the naughty one! - I saw you gyrating lasciviously on Derek's cock! And you stole Bertie's spunk from my pussy and inserted it inside yourself - as if you hadn't been inseminated enough...

"Mmmmmm...! The more the better!"

She was undressed ready for the shower. She really was quite beautiful and had the most gorgeous body: the most perfect large but still firm pert breasts and lovely smooth small, rounded bum. She'd done an amazing job with those smiley red lips, especially when they were kissing my clitoris - and her tongue in my pussy...

"You really are lovely!" I said, "And you certainly played your part to a tee in that bizarre depraved fuckfest Peter has created."

"Yes, very romantic wasn't it!" she said ironically. "Those maids were so lucky..."

"We were, weren't we! -Being able to act out the Toffs debauched indulgences for them! So, what kind of acting parts do you normally perform in the real world of theatre?" I asked, now I had the chance.

"Oh, I'm not an actress!" she replied -

- to my utter amazement.


"Let's have a shower together and I'll tell you all about it afterwards when we're warm and dry."

And she really did mean shower together. The showers were big and spacious with big bucket shower heads; so, we washed each other's breasts - I still had ribbons of Archie's congealed spunk on mine from when Fiona had finally managed to pull her fully filled cunt off his spurting cock and he had continued shooting his load over her ass and back and as far as my tits. We laughed as our nipples went hard and then I washed the copious amounts of dried sperm off each other's backs and bums, and tried to carefully rinse out the last of the dreaded man-fat from our delicate pussies.

We actually kissed lips; which turned into tongues down each other's throats, nipples touching nipples, and our fingers in each other's pussies, but our sweet little pussies really had been fucked to oblivion and back, and were too sensitive now to permit any serious stimulation...


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