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Dusk Before Dawn Ch. 02

Story Info
Obsession, rash action and admission.
4.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/20/2013
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*thanks for the positive reviews. And a special thank you to the anon who took the time to give some feedback (I see you). Advice read, duly noted and appreciated. I wrote this chapter before I read the comments so you may find some of the same things you picked up on here as well. For the next chapter I intend to employ you advice. Thanks again all*


Clem sensed their presence drawing nearer and sighed.

"Their back. Time to pack up. Thanks for all your help Ma."

"I know you feel frustrated" said her mother, "but you must be patient. These things take time. Don't worry we'll find him eventually. I'm sure if it."

They cleared what was on the table back into their respective bags. Most of the Grimores went into her mothers bag and the other instruments and ingredients into the twins.

Just as everything was packed away there was a knock at the door. Her mother went to answer it.

"Hi Gran-gran." Billy smiled and kissed her on the cheek then left her to greet the other two. He walked into the kitchen where his mum was brewing coffee and the twins were sitting at the table.

"Hi ladies!" He said.

He went to hug his mother who handed him a pot of coffee. He set it down on the table and sat next to Amy. Or was it Christine.

"How did it all go then" Gran-Gran asked walking in with the others.

"Ok actually. I think I'll be fine there."

All three of them began to chat about their day. Everything seemed to have gone ok for the others as well. Fred told them all of the request to play for the junior team to their delight. Johnny talked about the people he'd met and the opportunity to join the drama group in his year.

"Most of the people there are fine. Being British seems to afford you a lot of special treatment."

They all laughed at the truth of the this.

"I can't resist the English" remarked Amy.

"Not another word. I don't need the kids hearing about all your exploits."

"But mum I've heard them all already. We compare notes!" Billy jumped in.

"Don't want to know. In my mind your still sweet and innocent." Laughed Clem.

"Speaking of which" Christine leaned in, "I bet you drew some eyes on your first day didn't you?"

Her question was directed at Billy.

"Hey what the fuck are Fred and I then? Chopped liver!?!" Johnny exploded.

They all laughed but everyone, including Johnny wanted to know. Billy looked down suddenly embarrassed.

"Maybe" he muttered.

"OH MY GOD TELL ME EVERYTHING!!" Johnny screamed.

"Pipe down he is not gonna tell you anything. You have the worst case of blabber mouth out of everyone I know." Laughed Fred.

Billy smiled. "Well there's this guy called Nate in my Art class and he kind of asked me to draw with him."

Christine and Amy both chuckled.

"Meaning I suppose that he wants to draw you?"

"Don't!" Billy giggled.

Clem stood up suddenly.

"Right enough of that." she said.

Gran-Gran and the twins also stood and started to head out.

"See you later dears" said Gran-Gran with the twins blowing kisses as they left.


A few hours later Billy found himself in Fred's room going over the events of the day.

"Everything was ok then?"

"Yes! I've said a hundred times already. Why are you so paranoid Billy. You know I would tell you if there was a problem."

"I know. I guess my day was just a bit weird. I'm on edge."

Fred gave billy a look.

"Your not telling me something" it wasn't a question or an accusation. It was just a statement of fact. Fred could always tell when Billy was lying.

Billy sighed.

"This guy in my year Brick. He was all sorts of weird today. Staring at me and stuff. Acting all passive aggressive. I don't know what his problem is. I ran straight into him before art and he...he."

"Go on" said Fred.

Well...he had a boner. Like a huge one. And I'm not assuming that he got it from bumping into me but it looked like that. And after school when we were getting in the car he was watching me from the entrance. It's just got me a bit fuzzed is all."

Fred thought for a moment.

"Brick. As in Brick Heckmatt?"

"That's him."

"You do realize he's captain of the football team."

"I didn't but he could do ballet for all I care. I just want to know what the fuck his problem is!"

Fred thought for a moment again then said, "why don't you ask Nicky about it? She'll know something more and maybe you can get a better idea. Then confront him and ask what his deal is."


"And just how did you know that he had a boner. Are you one of those guys that looks everything up and down. And for that matter how did you know that he didn't have one before?"

"No, I had to pick my books up and I happened to glance at his crotch and there it was. And I didn't say that I was the reason I just said maybe." Thinking about the size of it made Billy shiver. A part of him had wanted to look at it longer.

They were sitting on Nicky's bed. It was almost 8 o'clock. A text had just come from mum saying "dinner".

"I gotta go but what do you think?"

Nicky started curling a strand of her hair round her finger.

"Bricks a weird one for sure. I mean he's been at the school for three years now and he's not like done anything with anyone. Boys and girls alike have thrown themselves at him but he never seems to want it. We hear about him sleeping around from his friends but he seems to only do it with people from Raven Hill."

"Back up a second. What in the world in raven hill?" Billy asked.

"It's like a collection of houses a few miles out of town. A commune of sorts lives there of which Aaron Max and Brick are all a part of. Aaron and Max have always lived there but Brick arrived three years ago. Not like a weird commune thing or anything. Their all just really close cos they live together in a secluded area. Like a mini village."

"And he fucks people in this commune?"

"Yeah their not the only guys their age there. I mean Aaron and Max have slept with loads of people here as well but Brick nu-uh."

Billy processed this. It seemed really really strange. Brick, his attitude, where he lived. And Billy didn't want to admit it but a part of him he knew wanted Brick Heckmatt to bend him over and fuck him until he couldn't see straight.

"Ok then what should I do?"

"I'd leave it Billy. You've already got Nate and he so obviously has the hots for you. Focus on that for a bit. Maybe the Brick situation if there is one will sort itself out."

Another text buzzed through. This time from Johnny.

"Hurry up u selfish art whore. Or u can eat ur food off the floor."

"I gotta go. Thanks for the advice bubba."

"No problem you big old drama queen"

Billy flipped her off then heading downstairs and out the door calling good bye and thanks to Nicky's parents.


Brick hadn't come down yet and his parents knew something was up. He always lazed about in bed when there was a problem.

"Brick?" His mother called. "Your going to be late for school honey."

A few bumping noises later and Brick was downstairs fully dressed but rubbing sleep from his eyes still.

His mum handed him his books then pushed him out the front door.

She'd try and talk to him when he got back.


"Still being a surly cunt today then." Max observed as they drove to school.

Brick ignored him. He was still trying to figure out what he was going to do about his situation. First he'd have to stop Billy hanging out with Nate somehow. Wait had he really just think that in his head. He didn't even know Billy, had barely spoken to him but he still felt a protective and territorial urge hit him when he thought of Billy with someone else. What was he supposed to say to him? 'Don't go out with Nate because if you do I'll beat the shit out of him. Go out with me instead.' Like that would work. Billy would run a mile. He was also worried because it was obvious that Billy was not naturally submissive in the same way his other partners had been. Sexually maybe but in all other ways not. Brick was defiantly dominant and had already been given an important position at Raven Hill. Some even thought that he may some day become the leader. He had the potential to be one. But he knew that Billy would not submit to him naturally. He didn't think like someone from Raven Hill did. He wouldn't understand the rules. This would prove a problem he knew.

Brick shook himself. He was already planning out his relationship and he had spoken about two sentences to the boy. Ridiculous.

The other thing that was niggling at the back of his mind was the fact that there was obviously more to Billy than what met the eye. When Brick had first smelt Billy his scent had overpowered the other humans but more obvious than that was the presence that he had. Brick had thought it had come from the connection he had with the boy but the more he thought about it the only solution seemed to be that Billy wasn't totally human. He wasn't a werewolf. That was obvious. But his presence suggested something more. This mystery of who he was had been one of the many thoughts whirring in Bricks mind for the past 24 hours since he'd become aware of his presence. It was so much more obvious and...powerful. If he was going to get to the bottom of this he'd have to find out more about Billy.

Brick knew there were other 'super-natural' beings in the world and they all had a presence but Billy's was different. It felt like a witches presence which would make sense as a small Coven lived in the area. But it wasn't just that. It was something else. Something that felt dangerous.

Could he be...


"And so, the demonic imagery used in Kubla Kahn could be viewed as a message of sexual liberation and a desire for decadence." Mrs Pickering concluded.

The bell went.

Billy packed up his notes and walked out chatting with Frankie. The second day had been good. He had been able to ignore Brick for the most part and he'd found a note in his locker.

'Meet me in the art room after school. Nate. X'

Billy fully intended to do so. But first he had to let Nicky know what was going on.

He found her outside the main entrance. Luckily it was just her and Jenna although it would be painfully obvious to his brothers what was going on.

"I'm staying for a bit. You go on with out me I'll get home fine."

"You don't have to be coy with me you know!" Nicky laughed. "Have fun!"

"I will don't you worry."


Once he'd heard this he turned to Aaron.

"Coach wants me to stay behind" he said chucking the keys.

"I'll see you later."

He turned on his heel and headed towards the art rooms.

He saw Billy enter them and followed to the door peering in through the small window embedded in it. He was right. It was fucking Nate. He wouldn't be able to see too well from where he was. Looking around he saw a door that led outside where the windows to the art room looked out onto the playing fields.



It seemed the best way to start things off. Nate had set up two easels and simple still life of fruit and vases. He looked damn sexy as well dressed in paint spattered sweatpants and shirt. He was already working on his drawing.

He smiled and beckoned Billy to come and join. Dropping his bag Billy made his way over to the easel next to Nate's. He then grabbed some charcoal from the drawers and began.

For a while they drew in silence occasionally glancing at each others work. Billy slowly relaxed into it enjoying the company and the quiet . There was no need for conversation. When he felt satisfied with what he had done Billy stepped back and turned his attention to Nate's drawing. It was very good but he couldn't resist.

"Would you be annoyed if I offered some advice?"

Nate turned around and smiled at him.

"Not at all."

"Your worrying to much about the outline. The basic shape is important but without close attention to shading the picture ends up a looking slightly flat. Try drawing without an outline and just shading."

Nate smiled again

"Show me."

Billy picked up his charcoal and got a new piece of paper.

"You need to be aware of what the light is doing. For instance that apple. The side facing the window is lit up and reflecting light but the other side receives no lit at all. The important thing is to perfect the transfer from dark to light. Like so."

He drew and Nate watched.

"Now you try."

He handed the charcoal to Nate who moved closer. He began, repeating the process that Billy had done.

"Press a little harder on the end."

Billy took Nate's handed and guided it through the drawing.

The contact made them more aware of each other.

Nate turned his head to Billy who was still guiding his hand.

" you see...the light..."

Billy trailed off and looked at Nate. They both dropped the charcoal and Nate's arm slid round Billy's waist. They drew closer. Billy closed his eyes.

Just before the moment of contact Billy heard a sharp tap. He paused opening his eyes. Nate also hesitated.

"You hear something?"


They drew close again. Again Billy closed his eyes. And again just before their lips met another sharp tap echoed around the art room. Billy paused again.

"What the hell is mmmph!!!"

Nate had fastened his mouth over Billy's cutting him off mid sentence. Billy closed his eyes and allowed Nate's tongue to explore his mouth. Nate's hand snaked down and cupped his ass making him moan into the kiss.


They broke apart whirling round towards the window. One of the panes was completely shattered and a large stone had come to a rest just next to the table that the still life had been placed on.

"Fucking hell!" Nate shouted.

Glass lay glittering all over the floor and a breeze blew in from outside making the paper on their easels rustle.

They stood there in stunned silence for a moment. "Someone must have seen us through the window. One of the younger kids maybe." Said Nate.

"Yeah" said Billy, "maybe."

But inside he was quaking with anger. For out of the corner of his eye he had seen a familiar figure slip out from the bushes that were below the window and make a hasty departure from their sight. Or so he thought.

'Right' thought Billy 'that is fucking it!'


"Are you sure it was him?" Despite Billy's insistence Nicky was still sounding skeptical. She was sitting on his bed while Billy paced the length of his room agitatedly.

"I'm telling you Nicky he threw a rock through the fucking window. He smashed a window to pieces just as me and Nate had started making out! Doesn't that seem the slightest bit weird to you?"

"Pity that he didn't throw a brick. That would have made it a perfect story."

Billy whirled around angrily.

"You don't believe me do you?"

"Calm down hun. It's not that I don't believe you. I just think that your jumping to a conclusion based on something that your not entirely sure about."

"But I am sure about it!!" Billy exploded.

"I know but think about it. From the back Brick could be any other member of the football team. Not just the football team. He's not the only guy in the school who's over six foot and tanned. And some people are homophobic you know. And it might now even be that. It might just be a prank that went a bit far. From the sounds of it it didn't sound like they were trying to hurt you or Nate. There are a myriad of other possibilities. If I was you I'd leave it. Don't make any accusations. Even if it was Brick he'll deny it and you'll look like and idiot."

Billy deflated slightly. She was right. Nicky may look like your average blond cheer leading bimbo but she was not stupid by any degree.

She smiled at him.

"Don't get all hyped up. You got to make out with a seriously hot guy. Half the girls at school were in tears when Nate came out. And until the disruption it sounded like you were having a nice time. Has he texted you at all?"

Billy relaxed slightly.

"Yeah he sent me message saying he'd had a nice time and sorry about the window thing. He wants to do something again soon."

"Well there you go then. It wasn't a complete disaster."

He sat down on the bed and hugged her.

"Thanks bubba."

"Just doing my job hun."


Throw a stone through the window?!?! What the fuck had he been thinking. He hadn't been of course, he had acted on impulse. He couldn't stand that Nate had touched Billy and the image of it was burned into his mind fueling his irrational side with anger.

Why had he thought it would be a good idea to follow Billy in the first place? What had intended to do to start with?

Up in his room he continued to berate himself. He had been an idiot and vandalized the school. He had just been rude to his mum who had tried to have a talk with him. What had he achieved exactly? Nothing. What he had done wasn't going to stop Billy from seeing Nate again he knew that.

He wasn't going to stop trying though. He couldn't stop trying.

He needed to get out.

He snuck down the stairs and out the back door so as to avoid a confrontation with his parents. Once out on the veranda he removed his clothes and started running into the wood.

Green and brown flashed by as he ran gathering speed. He leapt over a fallen trunk and into a clearing.

Suddenly a blurry copper shape tackled him to the ground. It was Max. He growled and snapped angrily up at the wolf who had him pinned. Max leapt away with a yelp. He just wanted to play.

Max tried to tackle him again but he snapped and barked at him making Max flinch.

Max whimpered and tried to nudge his friend but was greeted by more snaps and growls.

The copper shape turned and fled.

After calming down he felt stupid.

"Great" he thought, "now I've upset him."

He turned and started trotting dejectedly back to his house.


Nicky had just left and Billy was in his room rereading the poem they had done today that they had to write an essay for. He loved Kubla Kahn. The imagery was beautiful and the utopian picture that it painted seemed so expansive and free.

Even his love of the poem couldn't distract his whirring mind though. Typical. No ones heads prioritize things above sex and romance. He was sure that Brick was crushing on him. In a weird and possibly psychotic way but it was still crushing. Until he had smashed the window, and Billy was still convinced that it had indeed been him, he had almost enjoyed the attention he was getting. Now he was just irritated. Two days at his new school and he was already locked in some kind of weird dance with a crazy guy. A crazy guy who he had barely spoken to. A crazy guy who he had barely spoken to who was also very hot. Why did his head always have to add that in?

Suddenly his computer lit up. A Skype call was coming through. It was Mark.

"Hey man how's it going." Mark's big smiling face flashed onto the screen.

"I meant to call yesterday to see how the first day went but I was busy. Tell me everything."

Billy recounted the events of the last two days. He was glad Mark had called. Talking to him was always so easy.

He mentioned Nate and Mark smiled.

"Already pulling some action then. Not bad doing considering you've been there less than 48 hours."

Billy smiled. They had agreed that they were allowed to see other people so Mark was chilled. He had gone on a slut rampage since Billy had left tearing up Soho and earning a reputation. Billy often wondered if it was because he was lonely. He knew Mark and his coping mechanisms and sex was definitely one of them.

He continued describing Brick, creepy behavior and all, and the window smashing.

Mark whistled.

"Jesus this guy sounds all kinds of psycho. Trust you to start drama on your first few days."

"Shut up I'm not enjoying this. It's so stressful."


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