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Elf on the Shelf

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How an Elf on the Shelf had a white Christmas.
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November 30: At first the light dazzled my eyes, but by the time a large hand descended my sight had returned. The touch was surprisingly gentle, delicate fingers with almond shaped nails painted a festive holiday red. I arced up and forward and ended up staring into big brown eyes caressed by long lashes, underneath perfectly trimmed eyebrows. The eyes widened in delight and I heard a low alto voice happily cry out.

"An elf on the shelf! I haven't had one of these since I was a little girl! I love it!" The eyes turned away from me to look at a man who stood nearby. "But why? We don't have kids?"

The man, he had a dark, closely trimmed beard that was currently split with a wide grin, laughed when he answered. "Why not, Babe? It's out first Christmas together as man and wife. I figured we might as well start a tradition together."

She joined his laughter and stroked my head gently with a finger. I felt her touch through the green hat firmly attached to my head. It sent a thrill through my tiny body.

"You're right, Tiger. I love it. I think I'll name him Buddy, like from that movie." Her gaze turned back to me and the smile of full, flush lips was all for me. "Do you like that name? You can be my little Buddy." She moved my arms and legs and the touch shot an electric thrill through my tiny body. "I think I'll put him on the shelf by the TV for now."

With that I found myself staring at the couple as they settled on the couch, her long, smoothly tan legs resting atop his. For the longest time I thought they were staring back at me, but it seems the nearby large black rectangle was far more interesting.

December 6: What a strange existence is this! Due to something my roommates refer to as "Christmas magic," I find I can only move at night when no one is watching. This is most frustrating, especially as this past week the man she calls "Tiger" continuously poses me in awkward and uncomfortable positions and occasionally flashing a bright light in my eyes from some rectangular object he often holds in his hands. It's most frustrating since I have to wait for the one called "Babe" to glide into view. Today she wore nothing but a large baggy shirt that I was certain he had been wearing the night before. I was able to see her several times, she often flowed back and forth to a dark liquid dispensary referred to as a "coffee pot," my eyes caressing her bare legs though my hands could not. At one point, she bent over the sink and the shirt was lifted. I saw a flash of pink underpants that barely covered a round, heart-shaped ass. I know the term as Tiger often slaps the palm of his hand across it, usually with a pleasure comment attached. Since he first brought her bubble cheeks to my attention it has been my dearest ambition for a closer look and I too wished to slap my palm across that ass.

December 12: Tiger seems to have lost interest in posing me, but fortunately Babe has a smile for me every morning. I've been learning so much as all I can do all day is listen and observe. I was a bit frightened this morning when she picked me up and walked me to a new room with a smaller area with a white seat and a door that opened to an even tinier chamber. At first I was confused; glancing into a window I saw another Babe holding a small green-clad figure! Soon, however, I discovered my mistake. Babe talked both to me and to what she referred to as a "reflection" in the "mirror". I was placed with my back to the mirror which gave me a clear view of the door to the small room. And then, to my eternal shock and delight, Babe began to strip off her clothes! My tiny heart beat faster than a chorus of Jingle Bells belted out by toy-makers on a sugar high. There she stood in all her nude glory. Shoulders spotted with freckles, breasts the size of enormous pine cones topped by pink Hershey kisses, and smooth curves around her stomach and hips. She was a brunette, nestled between her legs was a small strip of hair. In a flash, she had opened the door, turned a silver handle just inside the cubicle, and as I watched in amazement as water poured down upon and over her. But just as quick, the door closed and the vision was gone. All around me fog began to gather, and when the water stopped and she returned, was wrapped in a towel both around her body and hair.

The next few days was a mixture of ecstasy and agony. Babe I saw so much that every curve of her body was seared into my memory. During those times when Tiger came in, he would often sit on the white seat. At those times I deeply regretted not being able to move.

December 16: Today, back in the main room, I watched as the Christmas tree went up. Both Tiger and Babe started off in a great mood, smiling and singing carols. By the time they had finished, the holiday mood had darkened. Something sparked a spat between them and I heard a door slam. The next few days were sad, and I sat forgotten in a corner.

December 20: This morning Tiger pulled me from my perch, wrapped my arms around the stem of a poinsettia and left me in the bedroom. When Babe saw me and the flowery display, her face flushed, then several expressions flitted across before she started crying. At first my little heart broke for her, but eventually I realized that they were not tears of sadness but rather of joy. Happily, she had again found the holiday spirit! To my utter amazement, however, she did something new soon after. From my perch I could see her clothes on the side of the bed. Soon there was a humming in the air, a vibration with a pitch that rose and fell as if the noisy object were being manipulated in some way. Then I heard a low moan. I couldn't see Babe nor heard such sounds before, and it took me a while to discover from whence it came. The moaning became more of a hungry pant which an occasional "fuck" thrown in. Although I tried in vain to turn my head, all I could do was listen. And listen I did. Finally I decided it could only be coming from Babe, and her panting and moaning grew in intensity. From between my legs I became harder than a yule log and my breathing matched hers. Oh what I would have given to touch myself or even move enough to see what was giving Babe such pleasure. The moaning and panting reached a crescendo ending with a long "F-fff-u-u-u-u-c-k!" and a sigh of deepest satisfaction. I swore I saw the bed move. I'm still not sure what happened, but Babe did change the sheets.

December 24: It's here at last! The happiest night of the year! I am in a jolly mood and not just because of the impending visit from St. Nick. Over the past few days Babe has continued to work out with the vibrating stick. Once, even, she had situated herself to where I was able to watch as she touched herself, ran the throbbing machine over what I now know is called a clit and around a pinkish glistening ornament she referred to as either a cunt or pussy. Watching her pleasure herself that day I found myself, at least mentally, moving in rhythm with her body, imagining I was the one giving her that pleasure and...doing what else I don't know. When she climaxed this time I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me and something ejaculated from inside my green felt pants. I'm not sure what happened, but afterwards felt a sense of contentment that felt as good as snow on Christmas Eve.

That night I fully expected Babe and Tiger to snuggle in bed in preparation of impending sugarplums to dance in their heads, but what happened drove all thoughts of Santa from my mind. At first the two of them were kissing and exploring the other with their hands. At this point they were fully dressed; him in a sweater and jeans, she in a festive green skirt and white blouse with stockings that looked like candy canes. Occasionally he would go under the bottom of her blouse to touch and rub her breasts. Her hands travelled over his chest and bottom, but eventually both of their hands were rubbing up and down between their legs. His fingers worked in circles where I knew was hidden, underneath the stockings, her clit . She began to rub her hands up and down his jeans until a long bulge appeared. This kissing and rubbing continued for a while until Tiger unbuckled his belt, unzipped his jeans and pulled them down. Up popped a long member that I was sure resembled what I had in my own pants, though of course, as a giant his was much bigger. Putting his hand up to the back of her head he guided it to what he referred to as his "cock". While a smile, Babe's mouth opened and to my astonishment out flicked her tongue to run up and down the shaft and twirl around the head. They locked eyes briefly as her smile became rather mischievous and she began to take more and more of Tiger's massive cock into her mouth. A groan of absolute pleasure escaped from him as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back, the hand, now grabbing a fistful of hair, seemed to guide her deeper onto him. Using her tongue and mouth, Babe continued to suck while moving up and down along the shaft. She was able to get most of it into her mouth and throat, but it seemed just a bit too large too take it all. Soon his cock was glistening almost as much as Babe's beautiful pink pussy, and Tiger continued to growl his pleasure. My heart was beating faster and faster and my own elf cock was as hard as rock candy. Tiger reluctantly pushed her away, stood up and quickly undressed. Babe did so too, kicking off her skirt and blouse and shirt. When she tried to unroll her stockings, however, Tiger told her no, gently pushed back on the bed and I heard something rip. From my vantage point I could only surmise that he had ripped the area around her clit for now his head was buried deep between her legs. I could hear his licking and sucking but it was drowned out by the moans of pleasure now coming out of Babe's throat. She thrust her hips up and dug in his mouth deeper on to her, stocking-striped legs wrapped around his back. Oh if only I could move! I wanted to joint them more than I had wanted anything else in my life. All I could do was watch in fascination, however. Much like what had happened with the buzzing stick, it was not long before the panting become moans of pleasure and her whole body shook with a quick spasm. Babe sighed and Tiger's face came up, glistening and grinning.

There was no time to think, for now she spread her legs wide and-wonder of wonders-he began sliding his cock inside her. I watched as inch by inch he worked himself deeper and deeper into her. His body was working like a piston, sometimes fast and hard, sometimes slow, but always their bodies moved in a rhythm of pleasure. I thought this was the ultimate, but there was even more. Babe panted out words to the effect of "don't come yet, don't come yet." She moved her body, turned over and got on all fours. Tiger looked at her ass with a hungry intensity and, after sliding his cock around in a few unsuccessful attempts, thrust himself deep inside her. Grabbing her hips as she rocked back and forth he slammed her again and again from behind, both of them panting, breathing hard, and occasionally spitting out harsh words at one another that seemed to make the partner thrust even harder. Something was about to happen. I saw an intense look cross Tiger's face and I heard seem to almost beg in a husky voice.

"Please Babe? Please? Let me come in your mouth, oh God please. God, I'm gonna come!" She suddenly stopped turned around and thrust her head forward. She opened her mouth as Tiger once again pushed his cock toward it. This time however, it was erupted into a stream of white that spread out all across Babe's face and chest and even between her waiting lips and onto her tongue. Tiger's face was flushed with pleasure as he quickly jerked his hand back and forth along his cock while more of his juice came out. Babe took the head into her mouth and she suck off the last of his gift to her. For a few moments, the two panted and stared at each other in bliss. Babe wiped some of the remaining whiteness off of her chin, smiled and laid back, but not before grabbing her vibrating stick that always seemed within easy reach.

"You owe me now, lover," she said with a vivacious arch of her back. "I want you to finger me while I come again." With that she sat back and began to move the vibrating machine just above her wet cunt, while Tiger moved forward and thrust two of his digits into her pussy. Babe moaned and writhed with pleasure, and even Tiger's half-limp cock began to stiffen again. He stared hungrily at Babe for several minutes, and then as she began to rock back and forth with more intensity, he looked around as if searching for something. His eyes locked with mine for a brief moment, and a grinch-like grin spread across his face. In a flash he jumped up and grabbed me. Babe, by this time, was in such intense concentration, barely noticed. Tiger then brought me closer and closer to her pinkness, the beautiful glistening cunt growing closer and closer and then he thrust me into her. My whole body became a green cock as Tiger drove me deep inside that beautiful pinkness of her pussy. Inside her I could feel her quivering, tightening as she prepared to cum. With a primal scream of pleasure that both she and I shared, a blast of liquid shot out of her soaking me, Tiger's hand and arm, and the sheets underneath us.

Panting and breathing heavy, Tiger fell into Babe's arms. I was flung aside, forgotten for the evening, but that didn't matter now. My Christmas wish had come true. Her scent was now a part of me, and I now had earned the eternal smile that pasted my face.

December 25: While Christmas day is the happiest of the year, it is tinged with a bit of sadness for me. I knew soon I would be packed away, forgotten in some lonely box for the next eleven months, with only my memories to sustain me. In the morning, Tiger and Babe remembered me and brought me with them to the living room where stood the twinkling tree surrounded by gaily wrapped packages. I watched with joy as the two gave each other their gifts and the happiness that only a surprise package can bring. Finally, when it seemed the last of the paper had been torn, the last box opened, Babe stood up and grabbed one last forgotten package under the tree.

"Who's that for?" Tiger queried.

"This one's for Buddy," she said, turning her angelic smile my way. "He's been so much fun, but he must be lonely." Her shapely fingers quickly undid a green ribbon, and out slid a book-shaped box. She opened the box and out came another elf of the shelf! This one, I could tell even from my perch, was female!

"I figured Buddy could use a girlfriend. I was thinking of calling her Elle." She came over and picked me up and bowed by little head toward the newcomer. "Buddy...Elle, Elle...Buddy. I think you two are going to be friends."

Although we couldn't move, when our eyes met, I found that Elle and I could connect and communicate mentally. We exchanged shy greetings, and I swore I could see her cute little face blush.

As they went to go fix breakfast, Babe placed Elle and I, arms wrapped around each other, back on the shelf. By the heat from her body I could tell Elle were going to get along famously. Later, when we were packed away together in a dark box, far from prying eyes, Elle and I would be free to move and do whatever we wanted to each other. Now, the prospect of the next eleven months seemed filled with unlimited possibilities. My life until the next holiday season was going to be filled with plenty of ho-ho-hos.

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LongTimer2LongTimer2about 4 years ago

Very creative and fun. Excellent 1st time submission.

gabthewritergabthewriterover 4 years ago

What an awesome way to debut your talents! Fantastically fun read, thank you!

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