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Elizabeth, My Irish Angel Ch. 02

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Living with Liz was George's big breasted sexual fantasy.
7.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/21/2019
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A much older man with a much younger woman

Continued from Chapter 01:

George is a 72-year-old, Caucasian man in good health, apart from having ED, erectile dysfunction. At first it troubled him that he could no longer get and/or maintain an erection, that is until his doctor prescribed him Viagra. As if they were on their Honeymoon and he was a rejuvenated, young man, he made love to his wife and fucked her. Seemingly, her first time enjoying having sexual intercourse, she returned his hard, fast humps with her hard, fast humps. Yet, even though she thoroughly enjoyed his cock, she never sucked his cock. She still wouldn't blow him and allow him to cum in her mouth.

Just once, he would have loved to know what it felt like to cum in his wife's mouth. Just once, he would have loved to watch his wife swallow his cum. Just once, he would have loved to give his wife a cum bath. Just once, he would have loved to watch her flash her panties and/or expose her naked breasts to his friends. Just once, he'd love to go to a nude beach with his wife. Just once, he would have loved to watch his wife having sex with another man. Alas, when it came to sex, strait-laced and morally modest, she was no fun.

Yet, since his wife died several-years-ago, and with no other woman in his life to have sexual relations with, other than to masturbate himself, he no longer had the need for Viagra and/or for erections. Instead, of having sex or having a woman to talk to, he spends his days watching women walking, jogging, and sunning themselves on the beach through his binoculars. He spends his days looking at hundreds of topless, nearly naked, and naked women on his computer while masturbating himself.

After discovering his newest hobby was voyeurism and women watching, encouraging his harmless, sexual activity, his son bought him high powered, zoom binoculars and a tripod. He told him to be careful with them and not to take them outside for fear of dropping them. He told him not let his neighbors catch him peeping. He told him that spying on his neighbors was illegal.

He was embarrassed that his son would think him a peeper, even though he was. Taking umbridge that his son would think him a pervert, even though he was, he told his son that he wanted the high-powered binoculars for bird watching, whale watching, and looking at the boats. With money important to him, he told his Dad that he paid more than a thousand-dollars for the glasses. His son had a good job as an international, investment banker and was making lots of money, so a thousand-dollars to him was of little consequence to him.

Yet, the glasses were much better than the cheap pair of binoculars that he had since the Viet Nam war. As if he was right there on the beach with the women, instead of seeing them from afar, he could clearly see them as if they were up close. As if he was right there on the beach with the women, instead of spying on them from a distance, he could clearly spy on them sunbathing topless and/or swimming naked. Now, between the porn sites on his computer and his new high-powered, zoom binoculars, he was in voyeur Heaven.

Suddenly becoming his secret, sexual passion, he enjoyed watching women without them knowing that he was watching them. Without being arrested as a pervert, he could stare at their bathing suit clad, topless, or naked bodies without guilt. Over the years, even though it wasn't a nude beach, with him living directly across from the beach, he had seen hundreds of topless and naked women. Seemingly there were as many women who wanted men to see them without their clothes as there were men who wanted to see women topless and naked.

Now that he's seen so very many topless and naked women with big breasts, he wished he had a big breasted woman of his own, one with really big tits. Elizabeth would have been that woman but she's gone. He wondered if he had asked her to lunch before she moved, if she would have moved. He wondered if only he had asked her if she would have agreed to live with him. Something he'd never know; he missed her friendship. He missed seeing her in the hall and masturbating over her that night. Now, all he had was the memory of her.

# # #

Fortunately, good with money, George made some wise financial investments. Reading all the signs and making his financial decisions by what Warren Buffet said in the news, long before the banks failed and the stock market crashed in 2008, he cashed in his 401K. Never greedy, having an investment strategy more like the turtle than the hare, he would never fall for a get rich quick Ponzi scheme that Bernie Madoff boasted to have.

Many smart people lost their life savings participating to the thievery of crooked, financially rigged, system for greed and for the hope of fast money. Instead of falling for all of the pie in the sky, false claims, he took his money and pocketed it. Yet, many stockbrokers, fund managers, investment houses, and banking executives made tens of millions of dollars with credit default swaps.

The bankers, stockbrokers, and mutual fund managers sucked out everyone's 401K money and put their homes in foreclosure. Even after the government insured the loans on their repossessed homes and bailed banks out, banks made even more money by selling foreclosed houses. Yet, unlike Iceland where everyone went to jail, only in America, no one went to jail. With no bailout for the average American, not only did people lose their savings and their homes, but also, they lost their jobs, too. There were no jobs.

A savvy investor, except for some residual, bulletproof, blue-chip stocks that he owned since the sixties, George pulled out most of his money from the stock market, and bought high-grade bonds just before the crash. Remaining liquid with the rest of his money, he took his money in cash and deposited it in low-interest money market funds. Safe there and protected by the FDIC, the Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation for $250,000 on each account, he opened four accounts.

# # #

With the money he had left, and glad he did, the best investment he ever made, he bought a condominium to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. With his condo having an ocean view and giving him direct access to the beach, as far as he was concerned, Myrtle Beach rivaled some of the best beaches in the world. High up enough to enjoy the full 180-degree, panoramic view, his triple paned, hurricane resistance windows quieted the beach noise and kept him safe from impending storms and hurricane winds.

With money enough left to last him the rest of his life, he couldn't be happier. If he wanted for anything, he wanted for the company of a woman, not so much for sex but more for friendship and for companionship. He wished Elisabeth had been that woman. He would have loved her to be his companion. With her beauty, poise, intelligence, and big tits, he couldn't think of a better woman to have as his live-in friend.

Missing his late wife of more than 40-years, he'd love to be in the company of a woman to watch movies with and/or to play games. He'd love to have someone to talk to while walking along the beach. If he had his druthers, he'd rather have a woman with big tits. Sometimes feeling so alone and lonely, it's not easy living alone. Kicking himself for not asking her to live with him, he missed his beautiful and sexy Elizabeth.

Some days, unless he goes to the supermarket and talks to strangers, to grocery, produce, or deli clerks, or talks to the mailman, he goes days without talking to anyone. Some days, sadly, unless he's watching a comedy, he seldom even laughs. With nothing seeming funny, since his wife died, everything in his life seems so gray and so lonely. Unless his son or his daughter calls him on the phone, which is infrequent at best, he doesn't talk to anyone on the phone. He just stares out his window through his binoculars while watching others enjoying life.

He's not rich, far from it but he's comfortable. Retired from a good job, he lives off his pension and his Social Security. Most times, he's content living alone. His two children, a son and a daughter, work overseas in Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Dubai, as international investment bankers. Hired right out of college, they've already made more money in their brief working careers than he had earned in his lifetime. At least, when the time comes, they can get him a home, healthcare worker or afford to put in a nice nursing home.

Chapter 02:

Then, one day, weeks after Elizabeth sold her condo and moved away, George saw her walking alone on the beach while briefly stopping to collect seashells. Sure that it was her, he watched her through his binoculars. Able to get a better look at her when she turned to walk the beach the other way and walk toward him, indeed it was her. Had he been washed and dressed instead of lazily lounging around in his pajamas, he would have gone downstairs to catch her and talk to her. Yet, with his bad knees and bad back, he could never catch her in time.

Now, wondering again where she moved, maybe she didn't move far from him. Maybe walking the beach was still her daily routine. Hoping she'd return tomorrow, he watched disappear through his binoculars. Then, around the same time, the next day, he saw her again. This time, already washed, dressed, and ready, he hurried downstairs in time to catch her walking back the other way.

As if he was a teenager instead of an elderly man, taking his breath away, she was so beautiful. She was so sexy. She had such big tits. Wishing he was younger; he'd do anything for her to be his live-in friend.

"Elizabeth. Yoo-hoo," he said waving to her with his cane. "How are you? I'm so glad to see you. I missed you," he said with his jubilation surprising even himself when he walked closer to her to give her a spur of the moment, full body hug.

The first time hugging her, her big breasts were pressed tightly against his chest. As if he had already had sex with her, she felt good in his arms. She made him wish that she was his woman to hold her longer while kissing her. She made him wish that she was his woman to touch, feel, and fondle everywhere. Definitely, he'll be dreaming and masturbating over her tonight.

'Elizabeth,' he imagined saying while stroking his prick to a modest, albeit soft semi-erection. 'Elizabeth, blow me. Suck my cock. I need to cum in your beautiful mouth,' he imagined saying in his sexual fantasies and dreams.

Only, with her just his former, next-door neighbor, he knew as little about her as she knew little about him. He wished he had the time to know her better but not delaying her walk, he didn't want to encroach on her free time. Giving him hope that he'd see her again tomorrow, it was good enough that he saw her today.

When he released her and stepped back to look at her, she surprised him when she smiled at him and moved closer to him to kiss him on the cheek. He couldn't believe she kissed him on the cheek. Obviously, she liked him. Obviously, she missed him. Her smile made his heart happy and her kiss made him horny.

Her smile made him wish that he could kiss that smile every night and awaken to it every morning. Her kiss made him wish that he could part her lips and kiss her longer with more passion while feeling her big tits and fingering her erect nipples. She made him feel 20-years younger by giving him her undivided attention, returning his full body hug, and giving him a kiss on his cheek.

# # #

"I'm good George. How are you? I'm sorry, I should have left you a note but selling the condo happened so fast and the new owners were in a hurry to move in," she said. "I rang your doorbell to tell you that I was moving, but you weren't home."

Instead of him taking his leave, with this, perhaps, his only chance to ask her what he needed to ask her, he walked with her a little. With the soft, deep sand not giving him the support that his knees needed to walk, it was taxing on his sore knees to continue walking in the sand. Yet, proud enough for her not to think him infirmed, mindful that he had to walk back, he continued as far as he could without struggling and/or grimacing.

"I was surprised you sold your condo and moved," he said stopping to look at her. He looked at her as if she was a movie star, a celebrity, or the most beautiful woman in the world. "What happened? Where did you go?"

Trying not to stare at her huge, bikini clad breasts, he stared at her face instead. She was so very pretty. Obviously, there was something wrong when she gave him a sad smile. Tempted to reach out and hold her again, he wanted her to press her big breasts against his chest again while he comforting her. He had always imagined what it would be like to have sex with her but with him unable to have sex, he imagined what it would be like to sleep with her in the same bed.

He wondered what it would be like to hold her during the night. He wondered what it would feel like to cuddle her. He wondered what it would feel like to spoon her and rub his flaccid cock against her shapely ass. He imagined her wearing a nightgown to bed without wearing panties. He imagined seeing her naked ass and her naked pussy in the morning light before she awakened. He imagined not sleeping a wink for fear of missing something or not seeing something.

"Actually, I needed the money. Instead of buying, I'm renting a much smaller condo now," she said with a shrug as if she was embarrassed. "I moved to the other end of the beach. Compared to my old condo, this place is a dump. Only, now, we had a leak and they found asbestos. So," she said with another shrug, "I'm living in one room in a motel while looking for another place to rent."

As if God had intervened and Saint Peter was smiling down on him, this was his chance, his gold ticket, and his perfect opportunity to ask her what he had wanted to ask her before she moved. Nervous now, this was the chance he wished he had again to ask her to move in with him. As if this was fated to be, it was up to him to make her his best offer while not making himself appear like a pathetic lecher. Even though he did, the last thing that he wanted her to think was that he was asking her to live with him because wanted her to give him sex.

"Actually, Elizabeth, as you know I live alone. I should have sold my condo years ago after my wife died but I liked the view too much to part with it. It's a one-bedroom unit with a king-sized bed and a sofa bed," he said pausing to look at her while trying to read her facial expression.

Mesmerized by her pretty face, she was so beautiful. Hypnotized by her shapely body, she was so sexy. It took all the self-control he possessed not to stare down at her long, line of sexy cleavage that emerged from the top of her bikini top. She had mountainous breasts. He so wanted to touch them, feel them, hold them, and fondle them while kissing her, French kissing her. Picking up on his obvious sexual attraction to her that was hindered by his nervousness, she asked the question that he had trouble asking.

"Are you offering me a place to stay, George," she asked with a sexy laugh?

# # #

She beamed him a smile while looking at him in the way that a daughter would look at her father. He paused to kick at the sand. This was it. This was really it. Something he'd regret if he didn't ask her and invite her to move in with him, it was up to him to seize the opportunity. Only, he'd feel so embarrassed if she rejected his offer to live with him.

"Yes, I am," he said pausing to think when there was nothing to think about. Not wanting to put conditions on her but unable to continue caring for himself alone, he needed the help. "In exchange for you the doing cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, and running errands, things you'd ordinarily do in the course of your day, if you move in with me, you can stay for free with no strings attached for as long as you want," said George.

He looked at her with hopefulness while she gave him a skeptical look.

"Really? For free? With no strings attached," she laughed? "Other than the household chores that I'd do anyway while living alone, what's the catch, George?" She laughed while giving him a naughty look and a sexy smile. "Sex? Are you expecting me to give you sex in exchange for free rent?" She laughed again. "I'm not going to give you sex in exchange for free housing, George. Thanks, but no thanks," she said making a sour face while slowly shaking her head and waving her hand. "I'd never prostitute myself for free rent," she said making a sad face as if he had insulted her.

Yet, by her wrinkled brow and pensive expression, seemingly, she was still contemplating his offer. Hoping to allay her fears about him wanting her to give him sex, George waved his hands like two, mini, stop signs as if he was trying to stop traffic. Knowing the only thing that would relax her, he owed her an explanation. He needed to confess that he could no longer get and/or maintain an erection.

"Sex? No. I assure you that my intentions are honorable. Besides, at my age, even if I get an erection, I don't maintain it," he said with an embarrassed shrug and a nervous laugh. "Those days are long gone. Even Viagra barely works."

Elizabeth smiled at him while touching his shoulder.

"Then, I'd love to move it with you, George," she said beaming him a wide smile and another breast squishing hug. "I'd love to be your houseguest and any time I get on your nerves; you may ask me to leave," she said. "Okay?"

George slowly shook his head while making an embarrassed face.

"I'd never ask you to leave. You may stay as long as you want without any ties," he said while stopping himself from staring at her huge, bikini clad breasts.

She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek again.

"Okay, George. I accept your kind offer. I'll be over later this afternoon with my things," she said. "I don't have much. I sold most of my furniture when I sold my condo. I haven't even had the time to buy new furniture before being evicted by inspectors from the Board of Health."

# # #

That first night, George readied the sofa-bed. Willing to give up his bed for Elizabeth to stay, he made up the sofa with a sheet, a blanket, and a pillow. As if she was thinking what she was about to say, Elizabeth watched him making up the couch without saying anything. Then, she said what he hoped she'd say but never dreamt that she really would say.

"Your king-sized bed is plenty big enough for both of us to comfortably sleep," she said. "I'll sleep on one side and you can sleep on the other."

He looked at her as if he was dreaming. He looked at her as if he had imagined her saying what she said. With him not having to embarrass himself by suggesting that they sleep in the same bed together, he couldn't believe that she volunteered to sleep with him in the same bed. He never would have imagined her suggesting such a thing. Perhaps, because he was older and confessed that he had erectile dysfunction, she felt safe.

"Really?" He looked at her stunned. "You'd sleep with me in my bed?"

She nodded her head affirmatively.

"Sure," she said with another shrug. "Why not? What's the big deal? We're both mature adults." Then, she laughed. "As long as you don't get any late-night, horny ideas, no one needs to know what we do behind closed, bedroom doors," she said with a dirty laugh. "It won't be like we'd be having hot sex," she said with a laugh. "At most," she said giving him a naughty look, a sexy smile, and a wink. "Perhaps, a tickle and a tease may be just enough to get our juices flowing."

'A tickle and a tease,' he thought?

He wondered what she meant by a tickle and a tease. He'd love to tickle her while sexually teasing her and accidentally on purpose touching and feeling her everywhere he shouldn't touch and feel her. He'd love for her to sexually tease him. At his age, whether just a tickle and/or just a tease, it wouldn't take much to make him happy. Especially coming from her, it wouldn't take much for him to be sexually satisfied.

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