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Ellie's Public Display

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Beautiful young woman is caught without her panties.
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At the time it seemed like a dream; like something that wasn't really happening. Call it bad luck, fate, karma, or whatever you like. The truth is, Ellie Parker had no idea why events played out the way they did. Perhaps her growing desire to be seen caused her to move reality itself. All she knew was that for a few brief moments she felt a rush of adrenaline, the likes of which had never surged through her gorgeous twenty-two year old body before. To what lengths would a girl go to expose herself?

The pretty blond woman left her house that morning in a blue and white floral dress. The lovely garment caught her eye in a local boutique just the weekend before and while trying it on she realized it was perfect for wearing sans underwear. That day, knowing she would be grocery shopping and probably bumping into a few regulars from the dental practice she wore a full cup white lace bra; both prim and proper and surely what anyone would expect of Ellie Parker, the demure dental assistant. Although wearing a thong was an option she decided to go without any panties that day. Why hadn't she chosen even the skimpiest of thongs, she wondered? Things would surely have turned out much differently.

The village in which she lived boasted a busy high street, buzzing with activity on a Saturday morning. After having a quick coffee in a side street coffee shop she headed into the fruit and vegetable store and gathered together her weekly requirements. Ellie's head was buzzing from the caffeine and she felt wonderfully alert.

With both arms firmly nursing two brown paper bags she exited the shop and headed back to her car, parked just a little way down the street.

The dark clouds on the horizon were an ominous sign. A storm was brewing, she thought, as she smiled at a couple of elderly ladies, passing them sniffing daffodils outside Robinson's Florist. A strong wind was beginning to blow and she could feel her dress rustling a little, however thought little of it as she continued along the footpath. If anything, it felt good to be strolling down the street knowing that only the skimpiest of material covered her panty-less pussy.

Just as she passed by another popular coffee shop Ellie spotted a familiar face. It was her boss, Doctor Renault. The aging dentist was a lovely man; a good husband that was forever faithful to his wife. He was the proud father of two successful children. His son, Brendan, was away at University in England, while his daughter, Sara, had been voted school captain that year. Ellie had met Sara on several occasions and was admittedly charmed by her lovely facial features and gorgeous teenage body.

That morning Doctor Renault was sipping coffee with the town mayor, Mister Cleveland. The two gentlemen were arguably the most respected in the community, so Ellie felt a pang of importance in her stomach when she smiled at them both and walked up and said hello.

"Grocery day, Ellie?" Doctor Renault smiled, looking up from his freshly made cappuccino and noticing her lovely floral dress. He crossed his legs under the table turning his body in her direction. "Ellie works as my assistant in the practice," he remarked glancing over the table at his long time friend.

"Ellie, this is Donald Cleveland, the town Mayor."

"Pleased to meet you Mister Cleveland." Ellie smiled with her usual warm greeting. If the truth be told, she felt a little flustered meeting such an esteemed member of the community.

Mister Cleveland couldn't help but notice how striking Ellie's pretty face looked. As he followed her flowing dress down with his eyes he found the curves of her body were perfectly agreeable as well. The lovely blond had no problem drawing masculine attention, however her shy innocence prevented her from truly appreciating how lovely she looked in their eyes. Although her boss was always as professional as could be, today both men inherently noticed her intriguing sexual allure. Of course, Ellie felt wonderful in her new dress, however the fact that she was wearing no panties gave her an appealing air that suggested she had a secret, something she didn't want anyone else to know, lest they think less of her. They had no idea that under her dress her tender honeypot was perfectly bare and swimming in a sea of sweet sensations.

"Likewise, Ellie, I errr..." Mister Cleveland leaned forward and realized he couldn't shake Ellie's hand; she was tied up, clutching her brown paper bags by her sides. "Do you need a hand with those?" he offered, revealing his kind gentlemanly, if not old-fashioned, nature.

"They're not too heavy," Ellie smiled, "besides the car's just down there," she nodded in the direction of her VW Golf, a little way down the street. "Those clouds are certainly looking dark out there," she frowned motioning to the large grey forms building on the horizon.

"Well, we can always do with the rain," Mister Cleveland smiled.

The wind was now picking up noticeably and Ellie was aware she could feel a gentle draft drifting up between her legs and cooling her nude pudenda. The breeze felt wonderful as it licked at her most personal body parts, and she had to be careful not to squirm too much on her feet, fearing it would somehow draw the men's attention to that part of her body.

"So what do you have planned for today, Doctor Renault?" Ellie asked. It was a question she would later regret asking. Why hadn't she just kept on going?

"Well, we were about to head out to the countryside course for a few holes, but by the looks of that storm headed this way, we might be lucky to make it past the first. "What about you, dear?" Doctor Renault politely returned her question. He always called her dear -- it certainly helped keep their work relationship quite simple for Doctor Renault didn't dare look at his young assistant with any sense of lechery. True, she was beautiful and very, very sexy, however he didn't like the thought of ogling one of his staff. He had principals after all, and respect for young ladies such as Ellie Parker was one of his highest priorities. He couldn't imagine looking at her that way, let alone indulging in fantasizing about her sexually.

"I just have a few errands to run, and then," Ellie paused and her beaming smile suddenly disappeared from her face.

Her heart raced as she felt a draft licking at her ankles, and swirling its way around her slender calves and up against her inner thighs. A current of wind rushing down the street had found its way under her dress. Her words were cut short as an upward draft violently tore at the soft blue and white material of her lovely, flowing summer dress. It was threatening to uncover her; to reveal everything!

A look of concern raced across her face as she felt the hem of her dress flapping about in front of her. She knew that it meant only one thing -- the lower half of her body was about to be exposed. With both her arms holding her grocery bags, Ellie desperately prayed the wind would calm, but on the contrary it only raged harder. Several plastic bags blew down the street behind her, and just when she thought it would pass by, her dress lifted high in front of her and both men instinctively looked down to see what was being offered for their viewing pleasure.

"Oh God, I errr!" Ellie gasped, realizing what the men could see.

Concern turned to complete and utter disbelief as she tried to somehow cover herself. It was in vain, though. Her dress had lifted right up and caught on one of the bags of groceries. Her pussy was completely revealed and there was absolutely nothing she could do to cover its naked beauty!

In that moment time seemed to stand still, and for what seemed like en eternity to Ellie, both men stared at the explicitly delicious treat that lay disclosed between the beautiful blond's lovely long legs. The vision of Doctor Renault's gorgeous young assistant suddenly laid bare was utterly enticing. Ellie's inner labia sat clear and distinct between the fleshy, prominent bulbs of her bare vulva. Just the night before she had carefully shaved the entire face of her sex, leaving just a small triangle of fluffy, brown hair at its peak. Now she watched in horror as both men stared at the full rounded lips of her clean-shaven cunt, unable to contain the lovely, large folds of skin that emerged unashamedly from within.

'Fuck! My pussy! They can see my pussy! Fuck, I need to... What the!' her mind cried out.

Ellie's face blushed red with embarrassment as she struggled to free her dress. It wouldn't budge though, and now not only were her boss and the Mayor staring at her naked cunt, but some of the other patrons had also noticed her predicament. One woman's mouth dropped open as her eyes fell upon Ellie's naked love lips. Her husband grinned with joy at being given unprecedented access to the most beautiful sexual organs he had ever seen.

Ellie had no choice but to put the grocery bags down. She could only do that by squatting. However, in her haste the stunning blond didn't think what that might possibly reveal. As she lowered the bags down beside her, her long legs drew open in front, and her gorgeous flower petals parted in the most wonderfully wicked way. Her outer labia literally unfurled in front of her and both Doctor Renault and Mister Cleveland were granted a brief, yet certain viewing of the lovely inner walls of her silky sweet chasm. The oval shape of her vaginal opening was clearly visible and looking down between her legs, Ellie realized they could see absolutely everything.

'Oh fuck, my! They can see... Oh God no! My pussy!' her mind squealed.

With the bags sitting beside her, Ellie was able to pull her dress back down, however she was in no doubt as to what the men had seen. The wind had given them indisputable visual access to her most cherished pink parts and now they both knew exactly what she looked like 'down there'. They were aware that she shaved her pussy and that she had prominent inner petals that protruded clearly from the lips of her well rounded vulva. They had been spared absolutely no detail in what they saw. An image of Ellie Parker's naked honeypot was now etched deep within their minds!

Ellie felt faint but managed to compose herself. Grasping her shopping bags, the blushing blond hastily made her way back to the car. Both men looked as though they had seen a ghost. Had it really happened? Had they really seen what they thought they had? Disbelief turned to unqualified approval and appreciation for what had just transpired, and both men nodded at each other, thoroughly thrilled by what they had witnessed.

Ellie was in tears as she drove home, feeling completely humiliated and ashamed by what her carelessness had revealed. How could she have been so silly as to leave home without her panties? How could she possibly face her boss again after today?


Ellie Parker awoke at 3am on Sunday morning. The flashes of lightning and rumbling of thunder outside her bedroom window had brought her out of a deep, satisfying sleep. Sitting up in bed, the sheet fell from her naked torso and a flash of lightning revealed her wonderful thick nipples. They were erect on the face of her milky white cones -- begging for attention. The events of the previous day replayed in Ellie's mind and she felt a tingling sensation between her thighs. As she thought more and more of what transpired the incident played out over and over in her head. Her pussy was absolutely saturated with desire. At the time she had been utterly horrified of being exposed in such a distressing way, however now in the loneliness of her bed she began to feel the excitement of what had played out. Her pussy was beautiful -- far too beautiful to keep covered without any appreciation. Perhaps having it unveiled in such a humiliating fashion hadn't been so bad after all, she mused. What if it happened again? What if she let Doctor Renault catch her changing at work? Her mind filled with wickedly sexy thoughts as she imagined her boss ogling her jutting, ripe fruit, and again staring at her lovely, blossoming flower.

"Oh fuck yes," she sighed.

Ellie teased her clitoris, pleasuring her bud until her body exploded in an intense array of joyous sensations.

"Look!" she squealed as her body fell into an orgasm, taking her to a place where being exposed was nothing to be ashamed of, rather something to love and cherish. What an opportunity she had been given. To allow a couple of very nice gentlemen to adore her beautiful, gaping flower!

When the pleasure subsided she slept again and knew no more.

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naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4uabout 2 years ago

Very well done, the way you described it I would have loved to be one of those other observers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

So hot! You described exactly my first wife's pussy--and, BTW, she was seen by many men, also. The thought of the power over men to turn them on and control them with what was between her legs was intense and enjoyable to her--and others.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Where is this full story?

I have seen 6-7 chapters of this story. Where can the entire story be found?

ColonelLingezColonelLingezover 6 years ago

That was awesome. Fun, sexy, and not over the top. Quick, clean and simple yet well developed in my opinion. (not sure if that is the best way to describe it but best I can put into words)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Good story

I liked your story but I didn't think Ellie should be saying "fuck" when she realized the men were viewing her bare pussy. Seemed too corse to me. Good job describing her vagina.

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