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Emily the Tease Ch. 05

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Emily has Ian take her out to meet her old friend Dan.
3.8k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/19/2013
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I knew Emily had fucked Michael, her ex, while I was sitting in the next room. Emily knew I knew, yet we never talked about it. After we drove back to the city it was as if it never happened.

Emily was my girlfriend again, although I still never got to fuck her. She did let me go down on her often when we were alone. I had to admit her pussy had power over me. Emily was by far the most beautiful girl I had ever been with...one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen. I felt lucky every time I got to touch her. Emily would just have to use one finger to signal me to come to her and I would quickly find myself on my knees, between her legs. Emily loved the way I worked my tongue on her and she would sometimes have me go down on her for over half an hour. I loved tasting her, loved knowing I was making her feel that good.

Sometimes Emily would let me jack off after I had made her cum. If i was lucky she would watch. When she did I would cum very quickly as I loved to jack off looking at her body. Sometimes she would tell me to take care of myself when I was alone. On these occasions I would often jack off when I was alone in the bathroom, or in my car on my way back home.

More and more though, when my girlfriend would leave me with my cock hard I would head over to her friend's place. Isabel was not especially attractive, and she carried a few extra pounds, but she had become a good friend and she gave an amazing blow job. More recently I had discovered the joy of fucking her huge tits. After being teased to the point of insanity by my girlfriend it felt so good to have my cock pushing between Isabel's sweaty tits, thrusting until I came all over her. Of course I would always go down on Isabel until she came, my face buried between her giant thighs.

I felt a little bad since I was cheating on Emily like this, even though Emily had made it pretty clear from the beginning she was fine with me enjoying her friend. She had in fact tricked me into fucking Isabel one night and another time she had Isabel give me a blow job. One thing was sure, my tongue was getting sore servicing both girls.

One evening I had just finished going down on Emily when she told me that Dan was in town and wanted us to take him out on the town. Dan was Michael's best friend from college. Like Michael, he was a lacrosse playing jock. I had met him a couple of times. As far as I knew Emily had never fucked Dan, but memories of watching Dan spank her, and her hand squeezing his cock popped into my brain. I looked up at Emily, trying to think of how to nicely advise that I didn't really like Dan or want to take him out.

"Aww, I knew you'd be a sweetie Ian." She kissed me on the forehead. "Dan wants to head out late. Pick me up at 11 then we'll swing by his hotel."

"Now you head on home, time for me to go to bed."

When I got to my car I drove up the block to a quiet area they started to jack off. I thought of Emily and how sexy she looked when she pulled up her skirt and allowed me to lick her, then I remembered how perfect her ass looked at a party when Dan bent her over Michael's lap and pulled down her panties for a birthday spanking. Guy after guy took turns smacking her ass and as Emily had squirmed so much she showed her asshole to everyone looking. I came into some tissues I kept in the car for this purpose, caught my breath and drove home.

When I got back to my place I was still concerned about Dan so I called Isabel. "Oh, careful of him." Isabel cautioned. "Dan always wanted Emily...well all the boys did, but Dan was used to getting what he wanted. Even though Emily was pretty easy in those days, he could never have her. Michael was the alpha on the lacrosse team and Dan was his best friend."

I didn't sleep well that night, feeling a sense of dread about having to bring Emily to a man I knew wanted her. A man who had known her from the days when she had been rather wild. I was also feeling very aroused, remembering all the times I had seen Emily looking so sexy. Times when she was alone with me, but also times she had been with her ex, with Dan. I jacked myself off two more times that night but still couldn't sleep.

The next day work seemed to go slowly. I left a little early to pick up Emily and she let me choose what outfit she should wear. They were both a little more revealing that I would have hoped for our dinner with Dan, but I chose the simple, short black dress I thought she looked classier in. I watched her change, and she winked at me, knowing how much I wanted her. I knew she prefers I don't touch her when she is doing something so I just watched gratefully. I noted she put on nice black panties I hadn't seen her wear before. I felt myself harden as I watched this beauty put on her dress, then helped her zip it up.

As I drove Emily to Dan's I admired her bare legs. Emily seemed quiet, as thought she was lost in deep thought.

Finally she spoke, "I don't want you to get jealous tonight." she said gently. "I know Dan can be a bit forward, but he is an old friend and he is a guest in our city."

I wasn't clear what she meant, but I nodded, ever eager to please her. She smiled and touched my leg. "That's my puppy." she cooed.

Dan had his hands all over my girlfriend almost as soon as we got to his hotel room. He gave her a kiss and a big hug as he lifted her off the ground while as squeezing her bum.

"There's my girl." he said brightly. "God you look hot."

He stood back and admired her, then directed her to turn for him so he could enjoy how tight her dress clung to her ass.

I tried to break the apparent tension by approaching him and he finally took notice.

"Hey, Ian, wow you've hung in a while eh sport?"

He almost crushed my much smaller hand when he shook it then offered us both beers. As we talked...well Dan and Emily did most of the talking, I remembered why I didn't like Dan. While Mike may have taken advantage of my girlfriend, even while I was there, he was always polite with me. When Dan paid me any mind at all, he made no pretense of politeness. I wondered again why Emily even wanted to bother with him.

"Let's head out!" he exclaimed, interrupting my thoughts. Ian you drive, Emily and I are going to go hard tonight."

I was concerned, as Emily could get wild when she drank, but before I could answer Dan was already shepherding Emily out the door and I followed. As we got to my car Dan opened the door gallantly for Emily, then as I got in the driver's seat he got in the backseat with her. I was confused at first but they were talking and didn't want to interrupt. I pulled out feeling quite like a chauffeur. As far as I could see Dan didn't do anything too aggressive. He had his hand on her leg as he told her about what he'd been up to but more in a friendly way from what I could see. I got more concerned when he took out a joint and the two of them started to smoke. I sensed Emily was ready for the kind of wild night Dan was excited to have and knew that might not be good for me.

By the time we got to the bar the two of them were giggling as they talked. Dan had his arm around my girlfriend as we walked in. He took Emily over to the bar and I followed behind. He ordered three beers and two shots then toasted seeing Emily and we all raised our beer bottles. After a drink Dan and Emily both downed their shots and cheered. Dan told me to find us a booth so we could sit down. I thought I saw an empty one on the other side of the bar and wandered over to check. They didn't see me when I waved them over and when I got back I saw Dan's hand was back on Emily's ass as they talked, their faces close together. I interrupted to tell them about the booth. I put my arm around Emily as we walked to it, but when we took our seats Dan sat beside her, leaving me across from them.

I sat and watched as they downed more shots and shared old memories. Emily was clearly feeling no pain and did not resist when Dan stroked her bare leg up and down or even when he kissed her on the lips. I protested when he kissed her but instead of apologizing Dan started telling me about how Emily used to be so wild that there were parties where she had made out with every boy there. This shut me up as I was somehow embarrassed for Emily. Frustratingly I felt myself harden as I imagined her at one of those college parties, guys lined up to make out with her.

I didn't trust Dan alone with her but I really had to pee so I finally excused myself. I tried to be fast and walked quickly back. I felt relieved when I saw there was two other guys at the booth with the two of them. Dan's hand was around Emily, but nothing bad was happening, the four of them were just talking.

Dan didn't explain how they came to be seated there, he said their names and told them I was Emily's 'boyfriend'. He didn't make air quotes but he may as well have. The two guys were French, on a tour of the US. One, Luc, was tall and handsome, the other, Jean, was perhaps 10 years older than us, unattractive and had a loud laugh which I heard in response to me being Emily's boyfriend. I sat beside him, across from Emily, Dan and Luc.

To my horror, Dan started again with the stories of Emily's past, telling these two strangers what a 'slutty girl' Emily had been in college. Every time he would call her 'slutty' or a 'slut' he would turn to her, pushed up the hem of her skirt with his hand a little or squeeze her ass and ask her to agree. Emily would blush, or perhaps it was just the drinks, then look down and and quietly say, 'yes'.

The two Frenchmen encouraged Dan as he told his stories. He told them about a time when she dressed as a sexy nurse for Halloween and ended up judging who had the biggest cock. The six contestants had insisted that she make sure they were hard for the competition, and he smirked in adding that we could imagine what the prize was. That led him to another story about a time after a game when she had promised Michael a blow job if they won. Michael had a great game as they convincingly won, then brought Emily into the dressing room to suck his cock while his teammates cheered around them.

He paused after this story saying to Emily, "Everyone said you were the best cocksucker, didn't they?"

Emily looked down and quietly answered, "Yes." My hard cock twitched.

"Show us what a good cocksucker you are Emily'" Dan taunted, offering her his finger, wagging it in front of her lips.

"I'm not going to suck your finger Dan!" she giggled, looking briefly at me. Emily had never sucked my cock but I had seen her suck Michael.

"Come on Emily." Dan said sternly, "It's just a finger."

Emily giggled again, looked at all the guys staring at her, then opened her mouth. Dan pushed his finger inside and Emily sucked it like it was the most delicious lollipop. The two Frenchmen and I went quiet as we watched Emily lick and suck his finger eagerly, closing her eyes. Dan had a shit eating grin and gave me a quick wink. When he finally pulled his finger away he kissed her lips and told her she was a 'good girl' as his hand once again went under her skirt. This time, I imagined, his fingers might be brushing against her black panties. I thought I should say something but I didn't want to embarrass Emily in front of these guys.

Jean asked for another story as he stared lewdly at my girlfriend. Dan needed little encouragement and told another story about Emily making Michael a promise if the team won a playoff game.

"She promised him," he said, as the three of us leaned in to make sure we heard, "that she would go topless all night."

Dan looked at Emily as the waitress brought more drinks for everyone but me. "You really were a little slut weren't you?"

Emily once again agreed. I had never seen her this docile, even with Michael. It was almost like Dan had a spell on her as he reminded her of her indiscretions from the past.

"So Emily is waiting for him after we all shower and get dressed. She looked cute as a button in her jeans and a tight t-shirt but as soon as Michael gets out he looks at her and says, 'Well?'

"Now Emily had been around the block many times, but she was genuinely surprised. We were out of town for the game, and she had probably expected she wouldn't go topless until we were back at a hotel room party. Michael made it clear that he wanted to collect on her promise immediately though and told her to raise her arms. Emily did as she was told and Michael took her shirt off for her. She wasn't wearing a bra - not sure she ever wore one in college - so she was right there outside this school, her beautiful tits and pink nipples exposed for everyone around. I remember her nipples were hard even before Michael tweaked them in front of us. Emily just stood there, biting her lip, obviously turned on."

The Frenchman were loving this, and I had been hard through all the stories.

"You were such an obedient slut weren't you Emily?"

My girlfriend looked down and nodded but he made her agree verbally.

"Why don't you show our guests how nice those pink nipples are?" Dan teased.

I thought he was joking but Emily seemed to take him seriously, "I...I couldn't...not here..."

I saw Dan's hand moving under Emily's skirt and was pretty sure he was teasing her through her panties. "Nobody can see Emily, just us. Give them a peek."

Emily bit her lip, and I knew at that moment she was going to do it. She downed her drink, looked around, then took the straps off off her shoulders and slowly lowered the dress.

Her nipples were of course big, pink, and very hard. Dan squeezed the one closest to Luc then told him to feel how hard her nipple was. I watched this stranger squeeze my girlfriend's nipple roughly as I sat across uselessly.

"Such a good slut." Luc said.

The waitress came by with last call and Dan ordered another round of shots before I pad the tab. After they all downed the drinks Dan said, "Well my French ameez, I am sure you are pretty worked up but we have to get going.

I saw Dan's hand was now complete;y under my girlfriend's skirt, and Luc was also watching. It was clear he was fingering her, through per panties or under them.

"Will you give the boys a kiss goodnight?" he asked in a teasing voice.

Emily, her eyes nearly closed as she evidently enjoyed Dan's movements, nodded. We all walked out to the street, Dan's hand on Emily's ass. Dan asked who was going to go first and Jean eagerly volunteered. Emily looked almost shy, but she handed me her purse and did not resist as Jean pulled her to him. He kissed her sloppily until Luc said it was his turn. Almost immediately she was in another man's arms, Luc played with Emily's tit as he kissed her neck, then kissed her confidently, like she had been his forever. This time it was Dan who interrupted saying that was enough for tonight.

The two Frenchmen thanked Emily and Dan, not even acknowledging me, then climbed into a cab. There were not many people on the street now. Dan turned to Emily and went back to his taunting voice.

"Emily, you know a kiss won't do it for me."

I watched my girlfriend look down at her feet, like a nervous schoolgirl.

"You did a great job on my finger, but now I need to feel your talents for real."

Emily put up her best resistance of the night, softly saying that she had a boyfriend without looking at me, but Dan was not having it.

"I have known you so much longer than your 'boyfriend' here. Besides, he knows you are truly a slut at heart. We don't have to go back to my hotel, we can duck in between these buildings."

I looked at the small alley next to the bar and was sure Emily would finally reject her old friend. Instead I watched her try to think through her options, biting her lip.

"OK" she said softly. She turned to me and spoke directly to me for the first time in over an hour. "Ian, I'm sorry but he has waited so long for this. Can you be lookout for us?"

I found myself blushing, feeling completely emasculated. I had been hard for hours, listening to stories of Emily's sluttiness, watching her act it out. I nodded slightly, unable to find my voice.

Dan took Emily by the hand into the alley. Two guys checked her out as she walked by, but nobody but me followed.

I stood at the entry as Dan pinned my girlfriend against the wall, kissing her passionately. His hand was once again under her skirt and I heard her moan like she did when I went down on her. I heard the same two guys joking with each other as they walked away and kept my eyes on them, hoping they didn't see what was happening behind me. They never turned their heads but when they were gone I turned and saw my girlfriend on her knees in front of Dan, his cock filling her mouth.

Watching my girlfriend's lips wrapped around another man's cock brought up intense emotions in me. I was angry with her, angry with myself. I felt humiliated, frustrated...and turned on. She looked so sexy like this, subservient to him, and I wished it was me getting her bj rather than watching it with her purse i my hands...acting at their 'lookout'. She was certainly not a reluctant particpant any longer, bobbing her head up and down and slurping loudly.

"You're such a good slut Em." I heard Dan say and it seemed she responded with a muffled 'yes'.

Soon he was holding the back of her head and moaning. I nervously looked around, worried somebody might here. When I looked back I saw Dan buttoning his pants up as Emily knelt before him, looking a l little dazed. Dan told Emily they should meet up for sure next time he was in town, then walked past me, slapping me on the shoulder and thanking me for the drinks. He said he'd get a cab back to the hotel and I watched him hail one almost immediately, then drive away.

Emily was standing now, arranging her dress. She looked at me and seemed genuinely apologetic.

"I'm sorry Ian. You know that's not the girl I am any more."

I wasn't sure what she mean. It had been less than 5 minutes since she had been sucking Dan's cock in the alley. I nodded, but kept a stern face.

"Why don't we go back to my place and I'll make it up to you?"

I couldn't help myself. I thought of how long I had wanted to fuck her, and now...finally...would this be the night?

She took my arm as we walked to the car, then I opened the door for her as she drunkenly got inside. When I got in she put her hand on my leg tenderly and asked. "Are you ok?"

I had so much I wanted to tell her. I wanted to make it clear that I just couldn't accept this kind of behavior. As I opened my mouth she moved her hand a little and brushed against my still hard cock.

"Oooh...I guess you are very ok. Looks like we better get back to my place quickly."

I knew I was weak, but this temptation was too great. I needed to fuck her so badly. I started the car and indeed drove quickly down the empty streets to her apartment. When we walked in the door I was determined and stripped off my clothes even though she hadn't told me to. She giggled at how eager I was then told me all the drinks had made her horny. I thought about the fingering Dan had given her but didn't want to ruin the mood.

"Can you help a horny girl?" she cooed as she familiarly pulled my head down to her wet pussy. I licked her for a while but was determined to get inside her. I sat up so I was kneeling in front of her and she watched my cock bob.

"Hmmm...I guess you need some relief also." she giggled.

Emily wrapped her two feet around my cock and started to stroke it with her soles. It felt so food to be touched like this, it had been a long time since Emily had stroked me with her feet. I knew I should get on top of her and push inside, but it felt too good. Far too soon I was spurting cum on to her bed as she slowed her strokes. I fell to the bed feeling both exhilarated and deflated.


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