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Employee Two


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He moved his cock in and out of me a few times, keeping his eyes on mine.

"Your eyes beg me for more," he said.

"Then give me more," I told him.

He pushed his cock in and out of me several more times until he came. He begged me to cum on me, but I wanted to feel his cum flow inside me. When he finished, his eyes closed tightly, and each thrust of his hips pumped another squirt of his juice inside me. I lay there as content as I ever had been. I turned on my side and kissed him softly and we talked about so many things. We ended up falling asleep holding each other.

When I woke up in the morning, I was alone in bed. I rolled over and looked at the clock and immediately panicked. It was several hours after I was supposed to get the kids to school and come back to work. I rushed out of bed and ran naked into the main room of his apartment to get the clothes I left there.

When I came into the room, I yelped in surprise when I saw my mother sitting on the couch. I looked around briefly for my brother and he was nowhere in sight. I foolishly tried to hide my nakedness from Mom.

"I've seen enough tits and ass in this place to last a lifetime, Kacey. Yours are no different."

I chuckled nervously as I went to get my clothes.

"I can see why he struggled to wait until the right time to bring you into his bed, though."

I turned to face her, no longer shy about my body.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Get your coffee and come sit," she told me. "The kids are at school, and nobody is expecting you to work today."

I no longer cared about clothing. I went to get the coffee that had already been freshly made. When I joined Mom on the couch, she began speaking right away.

"I hate to be the one who has to keep revealing things to you, but this is where the story ends. Dylan never had it in him to tell you everything so, I told him I would."

I rolled my eyes slightly and wondered what else she could possibly tell me. She showed me how she still felt about that by holding up her hand like she was going to slap me.

"Girl! I have told you about doing that!" she said.

I smiled and asked her to get on with it.

"Dylan and I spoke at great lengths about you before you called him that night. We hashed out every single scenario we could think of that could happen once you called him. Nothing that's happened is a surprise. You walking out here naked this morning from his bed is not surprising."

"Uh, okay?"

"You've already agreed to have your son or daughter run this company when they're of age, right?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah, if they want to. I told him that we would talk about that more when the time came."

She nodded.

"And what if he gave you a child last night?" she asked as if she wasn't talking about my brother impregnating me.

I stared at her knowing I never even considered that as a consequence of what we did. All the mistakes I made in the past flooded my mind and I knew instantly that what I did with Dylan wasn't a mistake.

"So, what if he did? He's not like the others, Mom."

She smiled widely and perhaps for the first time in my adult life, I saw pride in her eyes. I smiled back but was confused.

"That's all I needed to know," she told me and reached to me for a hug.

I set my mug down and hugged her. She held onto me for a long time and told me how happy she was that I finally found something that made me happy.

"I guess life had plans for me and I had to find my own way here."

I thought for a while.

"Everything had to happen exactly as it did to get me where I was," I told her. "I'm very happy here and if I have Dylan's baby, it will be loved just as much as Clint and Lilly ever were."

Just then, Dylan walked in with breakfast. I got up and walked quickly to him and hugged him, kissing his face repeatedly.

He laughed and asked why I was still naked.

"Well, our mother caught me off guard this morning as I came to get my clothes."

"Now that your brother is here, we can finish this discussion," Mom said as she took the bag of food into the kitchen.

I turned back to Dylan to see if he knew what she was talking about and caught him looking my nude body over.

"You can have this again soon," I told him.

"Yeah, well until then, go into the bathroom and get one of the robes. It's not that I don't want to see you naked all the time, certain people have access to my apartment during the day and they could just walk in."

I smiled at him and said, "You mean you don't want me barefoot and pregnant?"

He playfully shoved me like we did to each other when we were young.

"Go! I'll get your clothes sent off to get cleaned."

When I returned, Mom had a full table set and we both joined her.

"As I touched on before he came back, we had talked about every possible scenario we could think of and there were only a few that would have gotten us at this table today," she told me.

"You already know how we got here, so I won't cover all of that again. I think we both understand that we want each other and not for a romp in the sack once in a while, right?"

I nodded quickly.

"Then it's time for Mom to retire," he told me.

My eyes shifted to Mom quickly.

"He's right. I want to go out and live a little before I'm confined to a cane or my deathbed. I'm going to take money from the business enough to keep me going and you will take my place. The business belongs to both of you officially now. I'm signing over all my interests in the businesses to you today and I will go back home and be happy in retirement."

I smiled warmly at her and told her, "Good for you, Mom. You deserve it! I mean, you had to deal with so much, your happiness is long overdue."

"Thank you, honey, but that is not why we're talking here. That could have been an e-mail. Until I sign over everything, I still have a say in this place and we're here to talk about your children."

"What about them?"

"Well, I told Mom that Clint and Lilly would be the natural heirs, as they should be, if they want it. If we happen to have children, they will also inherit their fair share. The question is how."

After several hours of discussion, we wrote down a game plan on how to hand over the businesses. Once Mom left, Dylan and I showered and went back to bed. He made love to me several more times that day and filled me with his seed each time.


I did not get pregnant that day or any day soon after. It was only a matter of time, though. After a year of me running the books and sneaking up to his apartment at night, it finally happened. Our daughter was born healthy and happy, and we began looking for our replacements in the company and our exit to a more normal life. Clint and Lilly remained our first choices but we both agreed soundly that it would have to be their choice without pressure from us.

Clint was up first.

He showed little interest in things outside of his peer group. He was interested in sex, for sure, as I had discovered evidence over the years that he knew what sex was and how to handle himself. I had gotten a few calls from concerned mothers around that time about his interest in their daughters. One had practically caught them in the act. With both of them being eighteen, there was little we could do. With everything I had been through in my life, I counseled him on his sexual responsibilities, and he assured me that he was better than Jerry ever was.

I accepted that along with the fact that he would not be interested in the bigger picture of my life. It would be several years before Lilly could be approachable. I focused my observations on her while continuing to watch my son.

Lilly was headed down the same path I was at her age, but she was different. She was ambitious but reserved. When it came down to deciding her classes for the next year, she involved me in the process. She planned everything out and looked at every possibility there was available to her. I watched her with pride as she took the steps she needed to not become me on her own.

That all changed when she was on break before entering college.

Dylan and I were on vacation out of the country. We received a call that it had been discovered that my daughter was using Dylan's apartment for her personal pleasures. One of the security officers gave us all the details. We asked him not to interfere with what she was doing and to keep everyone off that floor until we returned.

We laughed together and each of us realized the opportunity that the phone call presented us.

"It seems Lilly may have a unique appetite for our business," my brother told me with a hopeful tone.

"It does," I agreed.

A concern enveloped me immediately.

"We need to talk about her, Dylan. I know how you run the business and I have agreed with it from the start. I've never cared you being with the new hires as part of the process, but—"

"I know, Kacey," he interrupted. "I don't want that, either."

The thought of him having sex with my daughter bothered me more than anything else. I knew what she would be doing in the business as I had done it all myself. Our security guard found her asleep in Dylan's bed, but several items of concern had been found around the apartment. A bottle of wine had been left out and opened and clothes had been strung about the apartment. In his room, she slept soundly but there were a few sex toys on the side table that indicated she had not been alone the entire time.

It also seemed she may have had a secret female lover.

It seemed she didn't know that the apartment wasn't as private as someone would typically have liked. I didn't have all the details I wanted but we both agreed to have a talk with her when we got home.

I gave my daughter a heads up that we were on our way so she could clean up and think we would never know. A few days later, we invited her up to the apartment with the intention to talk over dinner. I had the conversation planned in my head, but Dylan went right in for the kill.

"Did you enjoy my apartment while we were gone?" he asked Lilly.

She was caught off guard and stuttered as she tried to come up with something to say.

"We know you were here and by the items you left out, it seems you were enjoying yourself. Who was in here with you?" I asked her, following my brother's lead.

She stared at me blankly, no doubt trying to come up with an answer.

"Lilly, you're a woman now and we just want to make sure you're being safe and responsible," I told her.

She was showing signs of emotional distress.

"Baby, tell me what's going on!" I asked, feeling emotional myself.

"Lilly," my brother added, "there's nothing you can tell us that will change our opinion of you."

Lilly still refused to answer us.

I was about to say something, but Dylan interjected.

"Let's get the easy stuff out of the way. You know what goes on around here?" he asked.

We never approached my children with the reality of our business. Employees were prohibited from disclosing any information about the top two floors of the building and the business that operated there. Lilly knew that Dylan was my brother. She didn't know that he was her sister's father.

"Yeah," she said meekly.

We were both surprised that she knew. Dylan became a little aggressive.

"How did you come to find out?" he asked.

Lilly appeared intimidated by him, and she became upset. I explained to her why we kept a lot from her and her brother but that we wanted to ensure that they weren't exposed to things that they weren't prepared to have on their minds. Once we fully explained everything that took place in the building, we attempted to refocus on what she was doing in his apartment. She had other ideas.

"Is Uncle Dylan my sister's father?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied quickly and confidently. "I am not ashamed about that, Lilly. It's that relationship that I have with him that makes me open to whatever you have to tell me."

Her eyes shifted between me and Dylan. She exhaled deeply and took my hand in hers.

"I'm gay, Mom. My girlfriend told me what happens here."

"Okay, that's not a problem at all. Who are you dating?" I asked, expecting her to name someone who might only be mildly aware of the business.

"Uncle Dylan," she said, squeezing my hand, "don't be mad at me."

Dylan's face changed to something I'd never seen. He was genuinely upset but I knew my brother. He was upset that she thought he would become angry with her.

"Lilly, you've been an angel your entire life. You're venturing into a complicated part of your life. I'm here to help you, not get mad at you!" he pleaded.

Tears formed in her eyes.

"Jennifer," she told us.

I nearly laughed at the revelation. I recalled her initial interactions with me and my fondness for her. I also remember wanting her myself but never following through.

Dylan's demeanor changed. He went to pick up his phone and summon his prized employee to his apartment. Lilly stopped him.

"She's waiting outside," she told him with a nervous expressed.

She got up and walked to the door and opened it. She held out her hand and Jennifer took it shyly. They exchanged words that I couldn't hear. Jennifer had always been confident in everything she did, but she was shy and reserved about approaching us. I knew my brother's anger was brewing inside him at what he perceived as deception on her part. I took his hand and gave him a look that let him know I knew what he was thinking.

"Hear them out," I told him quietly.

Lilly sat where she was before. Jennifer remained standing next to her lover and kept her eyes on the floor.

"Jennifer," I said with a smile, "please sit down."

She did so, looking at me then shifting her gaze to her employer.

"Sir, I never meant—"

"Save it for a minute," he said, holding a hand up, stopping her pleas.

He tapped his fingers on the table as he carefully considered his next words.

"There was a time, not too long ago, that me and your mother discussed you becoming our successor in these businesses. We would retire and leave the day-to-day operations to you."

He went on to explain in depth how he vetted every employee including the complete interview process all of the girls had to go through. He told Lilly that she would have been subject to the same rules.

"I believed the success of this operation resided entirely with my personal and intimate knowledge of the women that were being hired. I now believe that is no longer required. We could go back and forth about why that is, but let's just say my life goals have changed."

He leaned back in his chair and shifted his gaze to Jennifer.

"As for you," he said in a significantly more hostile tone, "I've fired people for much less."

"Sir—", she started.

Dylan held his hand up again.

"Lilly, do you want all of this?" he asked.

She looked up at her lover.

"No!" Dylan said aggressively. "I'm talking about the people, the building, the businesses I stood up and your mother helped me run."

"I do," she said strongly.

"You want that above your college aspirations?"

She nodded.

"Are you in love?" he asked her, looking at Jennifer as he asked.

Lilly stood and took her lover's hand in hers.

"Very much so," she told him, her eyes meeting his confidently.

Dylan looked at me to see if I was in the same frame of mind as he was. I nodded, knowing what he had on his mind. It was a compromise I was willing to let him move forward with.

"I have only one thing to ask of you both. Without this, I cannot hand over the company in good conscious."

Lilly and Jennifer waited patiently for Dylan to tell them.

"Our intention is to walk away from this but remain consultants until some time later. You both will run the business and when your reputations have filtered throughout the community and your word is beyond reproach, we will become completely hands off."

"What is it, Uncle Dylan?"

"I need to know the depths of your love for each other. I know Jennifer is a passionate and talented lover. She would not be a mentor if she wasn't. I want to see the woman you've become, Lilly. I want you to show me the love you have for her."

Lilly looked confused.

"Jennifer has the experience in this business I expect someone to have if I am going to consider handing it over. I've always intended to pass this down in the family, though. You have no experience here and I'm only just now learning about this relationship. Words don't mean much to me, Lilly. The way you interact intimately as a couple will tell me everything I need to know."

Jennifer knew exactly what Dylan was suggesting and why. If I had not come into the business and there was no one else to pass it to in the family, she would have been the one to take control. She took control and pulled her lover into a tight embrace. She whispered things into her ear and Lilly had her eyes on me the whole time.

I nodded at her as she watched me.

Jennifer kissed my daughter passionately and they walked toward the bedroom that they shared several days prior.

"Do you want to follow them?" Dylan whispered to me.

"I want to know, just like you do, how serious they are for each other."

We followed them to the bedroom. When we arrived, their bodies were pressed against each other as they undressed. I observed their naked bodies moving gently in concert with each other. I watched them in a new light. My daughter was certainly a woman, and she was in love. Nothing was playing out as we envisioned it would. I recalled the time when she was little that she told me she was happy because I was happy. I felt the same in that moment.

We watched them both as they moaned, grunted, cooed and laughed.

When it was over, it was like we were flies on the wall. They never acknowledged us as they had one orgasm after another. We remained invisible to them when they talked intimately with each other after and held each other close. They fell asleep in each other's arms without ever saying another word to us. For that time, they isolated themselves away from us. They didn't treat it like a performance.

I walked up to my daughter and kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear that I loved her. Dylan woke Jennifer briefly and told her to come see him later. He then covered the two women with his blanket and followed me to my apartment.

I went to talk to him about everything that took place, but he had other things in mind. He took me to bed, stripping our clothes off as we went. He skipped all the foreplay and used the fact that I was still insanely turned on by him to enter me with his cock and fuck me slowly.

"We can finally live a normal life and raise our daughter," I whispered in his ear as his cock went in and out of me. "Give me another one, Dylan. Give me our second child!"

He lifted his body from mine and said, "What do you think I'm doing?"

"Yes!" I happily hissed in his ear.


The day after I watched my daughter make love with Jennifer, her new lover, we drew up all the paperwork and we began setting up our new life. We made a big deal of show of handing over the keys to the apartment to Lilly and Jennifer. We had an all-hands meeting with the employees of our businesses and let them meet their new leaders. There were mixed reactions to the announcement, but Dylan told me it was the same when he took over and that he wasn't worried.

We purchased a home on the other side of town and raised our family. I was pregnant one more time and had another girl. Clint visited often as he still worked to figure out what he wanted in life. We came to tell him everything about the businesses we ran and that his sister had taken them over. He didn't care too much that I had children with my brother and that he knew his sister was gay well before we did. He told us that it was up to her to tell us, not him.

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