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Employee Two


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Dearest Kacey,

I'm sorry for how everything had to go this morning. I wanted so much for you to not have to come here today, but life doesn't always work out the way we thought it would, huh?

I know Mom told you what my plans were for you. I won't be bothering you about that for a bit as the work Jennifer will have you do will get you started. Like me, she will treat you the same as she did with any of the other girls when they first started. She will be able to answer all of your questions.

For anything else, feel free to come and see me whenever you like.

While I wish you never had to come here, I am glad you're here.


Your Brother Dylan

I cried a little reading his words and was glad that he never forgot who I was. It made me especially eager to get started with my new life. I took the letter with me and put it in the nightstand and took a long, hot shower. I reimagined the scene where I stood in the tub with the warm water flowing over me. Dylan stood naked and his huge cock dangled freely between his legs.

"I want that again," I moaned to myself.

I didn't want to get myself off in the shower again. Instead, I took a razor and cleaned up the hair on my mound. When I was done, I smiled at myself in the mirror.

"Not bad for a mom of two," I whispered to myself.

Instead of putting on my normal night clothes, I got into bed naked and opened my legs wide. I let my fingers do their thing as I thought about Dylan's cock. I slipped a finger inside me and moaned repeatedly about how much I wanted another chance to fuck him. I wanted him to participate and fuck me like a proper lover would. I wanted him to snuggle me. It was a great fantasy, but after I came, I knew it would only ever be that.

After the couple days I had to get used to everything, I dropped the kids off at the school area and went to meet Jennifer. She was in her office downstairs just off the lobby. She was younger than me and stunning in her appearance. She had long blonde hair tied up in a bun and she looked like she ran the place. She wore glasses and her face was smooth and inviting. I'd never been attracted to girls but she was beautiful.

"Hey! Come in and have a seat, I have everything ready for you."

I signed all the typical paperwork that was required when starting a new job before she began telling me more details about how everything worked there.

"You're going to work in the lobby. That's where the new girls work. It serves a dual purpose. Clients will see you as they come and go, and we want you to be visible to them before you become an option. It also let's us have someone who knows about that operation at the front desk so, if police come around, you can direct them to the proper floor."

"The police?"

"Oh, don't worry, they know what we do here. They sometimes come in wanting to talk to your mom or Dylan about things. They know that the girls at the front desk will know where they need to go. If they show up, you'll give them the key they need to access the second floor. There is a master key for all the private floors and an individual key for each one by itself."

"What about everyone else that works here?" I asked.

"The girls up front are the only ones that will end up upstairs. Everyone else down here are legitimate employees for the company that everyone knows about. Dylan created this company to hide the upstairs operation from the public, not the police."

"I'm sorry if I'm asking a lot of questions, but why are the police okay with this?"

"Don't worry about the questions. I know this place can seem overwhelming. When your brother created all this, he took the girls off the street and effectively ended a lot of crime in the area. The drug trade slowed to a crawl and the corners and back alleys were free of the 'vermin' as some around here called us."

"Well, that makes a lot of sense. He really has grown so much since I last saw him," I said wistfully.

"He's a wonderful man and everyone one of us are grateful for the opportunity he provides us," she said with a warm smile.

I made a mental note to ask Mom or Dylan about their interactions with the local law enforcement.

"So, while you're working down here, I'll have you come up to the second floor to work on becoming a bad ass bitch!" she said with a smile. "The first part of that will be a self-defense class. We don't think you'll ever need it, but your brother insists that all the girls do it. Then we'll develop a workout routine for you. Once you go upstairs, you'll be required to work out regularly. Finally, during your time down here, we'll get busy setting up your image for up there."

"Image?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, every girl has an image that's sold to the customer. I talked to Dylan the other day and you're going to be our soccer mom. You're going to be a fit mother of two who loves to fuck but doesn't back down from a fight, if that makes sense. Every girl has her own image, and we serve a variety of customers."

I found it odd that they crafted this whole image of me without consulting me, but I liked the idea. I could certainly have lost a couple pounds and being a bad ass was beginning to grow on me.

"I like that," I told her. "Um, can I ask you another question?"

"Of course!"

I fidgeted a bit before finally coming out with it.

"Did he happen to mention how I did in my interview?"

"Well, it should go without saying that since you're sitting here with me, you did just fine."

I nodded, knowing it wasn't the answer I was looking for.

"If you're concerned about what people think about what happened up there, nobody cares. We know he wants you to go through everything we all did so when it's your time to manage, you know everything. Besides, you should see some of the kinks our clients are into," she replied with a wink.

"I have one more question,' I told her.

"Go ahead!"

"Everyone has been with my brother, are there any odd ones?" I asked, hoping she knew what I meant.

"Odd ones?" she responded.

"Yeah," I replied. "Are there any that don't fit the mold, so to speak?"

She nodded quickly and replied, "Yes, some of the girls aren't exactly straight, per se. I am bisexual, myself. We have a couple others who are bisexual as well and we have one who is a lesbian."

"Did he..." I began to ask without figuring out how to end the question.

"No, he watched while I was with her. She caters exclusively to our female clientele who seek female lovers and some of us who swing both ways fill in from time to time."

"So, you work both men and women?"

She nodded.

"Yep, I like both. I was a confused twenty something when I came here, and your brother let me have my choice of both options. I think I have the most influence in the bisexual community because I've been with both for a few years, and I sincerely have no preference."

"That makes more sense," I told her.

"Also, since the topic came up, as part of being your mentor, we will have sexual contact with each other, but my clothes remain on at all times. Dylan developed the training program a couple years ago and he did it with the thought that the girls would feel safer being trained by another woman instead of a man. Will that be okay?"

"Can we revisit that later?"

"Of course! As I said, I know it's a lot to take it."


With that, I began my new life. The kids went to school during the day while I worked in the lobby reception. After hours, I was working out and learning how to play my role. In a cruder sense, I was also learning how to be a good whore. I met with Mom often and asked a lot of questions during the initial part of my journey. Dylan was busy and I came to learn how much time he took out of his routine for me that first day and I came to appreciate his love for me. The other girls noted that while they went through the same process I did regarding the interview, he never engaged with them like he did with me as far as setting everything up for me. They weren't bitter about it in the least. They thought it was sweet that he was looking after me.

Once I established a workout routine and I had my persona established, Jennifer introduced me to something entirely new to me.

"Dylan was very happy with your performance, but I need to make sure you learn the ground rules and what to do when clients do certain things. Your self defense classes are good if you ever find yourself in a threatening situation, but sometimes the situation is not threatening. Clients like to carry their emotions with them and will try to treat you like a lover, not the professional they hired."

I looked at her curiously.

"We don't get involved with our clients, Kacey. You should avoid kissing at all times. Never offer additional services and for the love of everything holy, never meet clients off the clock!"

"That seems pretty self-explanatory, right? I mean, I'm doing this for money, not for love."

As soon as I said that I thought of Dylan. It had been weeks since I saw my brother and I desperately wanted to be with him again. I wanted to learn about the man he had become. There was such a difference between the boy I knew and the man who pulled me angrily away from my car. A difference between the man who ran away to avenge my father's murder to the man I undressed for and had sex with. I wanted to know more about him.

Mom told me that I would meet with him again before I was pulled from reception and put on the schedule. I made the mistake of pressing the issue and she became curious of my intentions.

"What's the rush, honey?" she asked one day.

"When I think of him, I remember the boy that ran away. I was so struck by the things that he had me do that I didn't look to see the man he had become," I told her.

"He became that man very quickly. It seems odd to say this, but it was like he was made to be who he is today," she said proudly.

I thought about what she told me, and it made a lot of sense. It also brought up some questions. I decided that the questions I had were best asked to my brother as I would get definitive answers from him and know for certain who he was and what his plans were. I deferred further interrogation of my mother about Dylan and continued my meetings with Jennifer.

One day, everything became real.

"You've done very well up until now, Kacey. From this point on, you're being evaluated. I'm going to put you through a series of situations and your response to them will help determine how long you will remain in training, but more importantly, if you can be out there on your own. Remember, this is about keep you safe."

"Uh, okay," I said, "what does this entail?"

"Well, each scenario is different. You're going to be dressed to fit your role and I will present you with obstacles that you have to overcome. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I think so!" I responded enthusiastically.

"Good, now go change into one of your outfits and come back."

I returned wearing sport shorts, a tank top with a sports bra underneath and tennis shoes on. My hair was in a ponytail, and I had sunglasses resting on my hair.

"Okay, you're meeting your client for the first time. Go whenever you're ready."

We roleplayed for a while and got to the part where we perceived ourselves to be in a private room. I had talked myself up a bit and moved in to begin the encounter. When I was ready, I got on my knees and was ready to move on her like I would a man, but she paused me.

"So, stay right there. This may seem weird, but I'm going to add a little something."

She left. When she returned, she had a strap-on in place. It was over her clothing as she previously said it would be. Admittedly, looking back, I would have been more than happy with her doing whatever she wanted to me right then. I wasn't bisexual by identification, but she would have been the one woman I would let do whatever she wanted with me.

"We're not going to cut corners here. Do everything to me as you would a man and I'm going to put you through some challenges."

I nearly asked for her to strip down to my level, but that might have put me in an odd situation. She did exactly as she said she would, though. For the next couple of hours, we played out different scenarios. The first few times we did this, she stopped and provided feedback. I felt as if I were in school. One day, the final exam came.

"You've done quite well so far, Kacey. You took my feedback, and you applied it all. Dylan gave me the go ahead to give you your final test."

Dylan was directing the course of my life from behind the scenes. I wondered why he was hiding from me.

"I'm ready," I told her.

I had spent more time that I would have admitted to anyone thinking about the things Jennifer and I did with each other in the name of training. I began to get curious about her body and what it would be like to be with her alone, outside of work. I never acted on it though, but those thoughts also never fully left me.

We got through the pleasantries, and she put on the fake cock. I went through the motions of sucking her fake cock and she put forth her challenges. I deftly maneuvered my way through them all but near the end, she threw a wrench into it all. We had simulated many of the scenarios, but she told me she intended to be as real as possible.

"That means I'm going to put this inside you," she said, holding the fake cock in her hand. "Is that okay?"

"Sure, it won't be the weirdest thing that's happened around here, huh?" I said with a chuckle.

"Certainly not!" she replied as she added lube to the rubber cock.

Again, I wondered what it would be like with her in a more passionate scenario. I dismissed it, of course, because my brother still was the prize in my mind.

She slowly pushed it inside me and waited for me to be ready. When I told her I was good, she started to fuck me. She was fucking me from behind when her demeanor changed, and she became aggressive. I was tolerant at first, but she began exhibiting things I wasn't comfortable with. First, she tried to tighten her grip on my throat.

"How can I tell you how good your cock makes me feel if I can't breathe, honey?" I asked.

Without feedback, she continued pushing the rubber cock in and out of me until she began spanking my ass. Each hit was harder than the one before it.

"If you'd like me to sit on that cock tonight, I wouldn't bruise those cheeks too much, baby!" I said as pleasantly as I could.

A few minutes after she stopped spanking me, she pulled out of my pussy and pressed the head of her rubber member at my asshole and started to push in.

"Oh!" I said happily, "I'm not so sure that's on the agenda tonight!"

She tested me in various other methods before stopping and removing the strap-on. Just as she set it down, my brother walked in.

"Jennifer, if you could leave us alone for a moment," he told her as soon as he moved into the room.

At the moment, I wished I could have learned a little more about my temporary female lover, but my true passion entered the room and I was again delirious with his aura.

She nodded and left the room without further comment. I was naked from the waist down and my breasts were hanging out from my top. I stood there waiting for him to say something to me. A part of me wanted to cover up but I also enjoyed being naked for him.

"What do you think?" he asked.

I wasn't sure what he meant.

"Think about what?"

He smiled and replied, "This test was comprised of a lot of the things we've experienced in this business. Do you think you can handle it?"

"This is easy," I told him honestly as I moved to a more comfortable position. I didn't adjust the little clothing I had on, nor did I try hiding any part of my body from him. I wanted him to look at me. I wanted him to desire me. I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted to see the outline of his hard cock in his suit pants, and I wanted to get on my knees and suck him off.

"I always meet the with the girls at this point, and I alone decide if they're ready to be put on the schedule. Do you think you're ready?"

"I am ready," I told him confidently.

"Come up to my place at ten tonight and we'll finalize this," he said.

It seemed to be an odd thing to ask me to do. I felt he could have just told Jennifer I was ready, and I would have gone on the schedule, but he wanted to meet with me privately. I felt myself getting wetter thinking of what could happen later that night.

When the time came, Mom arrived to sit in the apartment while my children slept, and I went to his place. He welcomed me in and offered me a drink as he had done before.

"The man you have become is so much more impressive than the man it seemed you would have become when I think back to the time you left home," I told him.

He froze for a moment and replied, "You never know what things will transpire that will change you. For me, it took the murder of our father to make me who I am. I say that knowing that you didn't come here willingly or with a choice, but because all of life's conditions brought you here."

He turned and approached me. He handed me my drink and his dark eyes peered into my soul. He owned me from that moment on.

"For you, it took years of failure for you to learn what it was that you were meant to do."

I was taken aback by what he said to me.

"To be your whore?" I asked.

He chuckled and replied, "Not at all."

He took a sip of his drink.

"You were meant run this business with me. You were meant to love sex, not be a slave to it. You were meant to use your body for your own gain, not provide it blindly to others."

He stunned me with his words. It felt like he glimpsed into the very essence of my being and learned who I was before I even knew. I stood dumbfounded in the very spot he handed me my drink. I recognized everything he said about me was true. He knew it without watching me over the past several weeks. I had only come to know those truths about myself. I was in awe of him.

"How do you know so much about me?" I asked, ready to throw myself at him.

"Do you think this business would be where it is if I didn't know?" he asked. "I am confident in my observations and even more so in my words."

I was so turned on by him at that moment that I moved to him and went to kiss him.

"Not now," he whispered to me, still holding strong eye contact with me.

I looked at him as if he had broken me.

"Soon, Kacey," he said with heartfelt eyes. "We want the same thing, but things tend to take time around here."

I was crushed that he denied me but hopeful by his words and the tone behind them. I would have him soon.

"I've never invited the other girls up here like this. You're up here because I want you to know my intentions before you see a single client. It's also your last chance to bail out."

"No, I have no intention of walking away from this."

"Good," he said. "Now about my intentions."

He offered me a seat on one of the couches and sat on the identical couch across from me.

"One day soon, you will join me in running this little venture. I think you'll bring some fresh ideas here and those ideas will need to be passed on to the next owners."

He paused to gauge my reaction. When I didn't provide much of one, he continued.

"It is my intention that your son become the heir to this little empire I've built."

I readily agreed to the idea and asked about my daughter.

"There's a place for her here as well if your son decides there is. Kacey, I never wanted you to come here. I never wanted to see you step foot in this building, but I also knew you were out of options. When I dragged you in here, I was hoping that the magnitude of the situation, along with my attitude would persuade you to walk away. I was prepared to just give you whatever you needed to stay away but I know you would never accept handouts. Once I observed you, I knew I didn't want to lose you again."

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