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Employee Two


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I quickly agreed with him, saying, "You're right. I would not have accepted your money. I earn what I get. If I have to fuck random men to make my way in the world, then so be it. You weren't wrong in your observations. I guess I always liked sex, but the problem was that I never had it on my terms. The two men I was with in my life only saw me as an object for themselves. Now that I have the power to control my body and give it only in ways that I'm happy with, it will be something fun for me, not an obligation."

It seemed I struck a nerve with what I said. The expression on his face showed me all I needed to see. He didn't want me to do what I had been trained to do but he and I both knew I would never gain respect in that company if I did not go through what the other girls had to go through.

"I will earn my keep here, Dylan. Life may have thrown me curve ball after curve ball, but I feel like I have a home here and, as you said, I won't make myself a slave to sex any longer."

The look on his face changed again and it was hard to place. It seemed almost as if he began to regret putting me through those paces.

"Yes, well, there will come a time where you will be required to be here more than you will be with clients, and I will want your full attention on the business."

I knew that was his way of telling me he had no intention of keeping me out on the streets. He only needed me to learn what the girls would go through before I put a single hand on the helm of the company. I also saw the desire in his eyes for me. He wanted to fuck me right then and he didn't try to hide it. I wanted him as well and made a bold move on him despite him denying me previously.

I set my drink down and pulled my shirt up, along with my bra until both my breasts were exposed to him. My nipples had already hardened for him and were proudly on display.

"Soon, Kacey," he told me again before he took a sip of his drink.

I looked into his eyes and saw his desire for me.

"Why not now?" I asked, pushing my bare breasts closer to his face.

He surprised me by taking one in his mouth and suckling it.

"Yes!" I announced as I took a handful of his hair in my fist.

When he was done, he gripped my tit hard and looked up at me.

"I enjoy being with you. I've jerked off a few times thinking about it. No doubt you have done the same, yes?"

I nodded happily.

"I think it will be worth waiting for the right time," he said with a smile.

"You're worth the wait, Dylan," I whispered happily with a wink.

We talked for a while longer and as he was escorting me to the door, he stopped me.

"You want all of this?" he asked.

"I want everything," I said confidently.


I went on the schedule that night and was advertised the next day. Clients old and new fawned over me and I was booked constantly. I had to put my skills of deference to the test a few times but nothing of major concern took place. I was safe in my endeavors and, as it seemed, complacent in my routines.

One night, a client booked me and was a little aggressive with me during our time together. I used all my training and experience to keep him where I needed him to be. When we were done, his parting words caused a chill to run down my spine.

"I'll see you soon," he said in an odd tone.

I dismissed him with a generous goodbye and went about heading back to the office. I followed my typical path there, keeping well within the area of the lighted streets. I noted the typical police vehicles along the way. They had all gotten to know me and nodded affirmatively at me as I passed them. I often alternated between waving at them enthusiastically or engaging them in conversation. That night, I just waved to them and continued walking.

Two blocks from the office, I was suddenly pulled into an alley. I realized what was happening as soon as I felt a hand trying to pull my panties down. He ended up on top of me and attempted to penetrate me, but I fought him off before he could. His mistake was that he didn't attempt to hide his face from me. I recognized him as the man I was just serving and ran back to the office without further molestation. I ran through the front door and stood against it trying to catch my breath.

"What happened!?" one of the girls at the front desk asked.

"Nothing, I just got spooked," I lied.

"Your panties are around your ankles," she pointed out.

I looked down to see that he had ripped one side of my panties, and they were still wrapped around one of my legs. I then looked back to her. She picked up the phone and began to dial a number. It seemed I was not myself when I answered her.

"Who are you calling?" I asked, demanding she stop dialing and answer me.

She did neither. I didn't know of any protocol that involved the front desk staff reacting that way and I was concerned about what would happen.

"Level one," she told the person on the other end.

I ran to the desk and asked what that meant. The other woman came around with a blanket and covered me completely and ushered me to where the elevators were. Seconds later, when I expected someone to come out of an elevator, the emergency exit door next to the flew open and my brother was there. He was out of breath and staring at me. Anger filled his expression.

"When did she come in?" he asked the girl helping me.

"Just a few minutes ago. Long enough for us to see what happened and follow procedure."

Dylan looked me over and saw my panties still around my ankles. A part of me wished I had ditched them so that entire scenario never took place.

"Who did this?" he asked.

His tone told me it was not the time to be coy or lie to him.

"My client," I whispered in a shaky tone.

"Come with me," he told me.

He pressed the button on the elevator three consecutive times, and it came down to our floor. He used his key to bring us to his floor and he began to ask me question after question.

"It's okay, he didn't fuck me," I told him.

I realized right away that it was an odd thing to say in the moment, but I assumed correctly he knew what I meant.

He pulled out his cell phone and called Mom.

"I need you to stay with the children tonight. She will be with me. Get some cash out," he said to Mom in a quick and angry manner.

"What does that mean?" I asked, regarding the part about getting cash out.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a panic.

I nodded as I stared into his eyes. He looked distant and out of this world. He was in a different place, and I couldn't reach him.

"I'm okay, Dylan, he didn't get what he wanted."

He took me to the bathroom and told me to shower.

"You don't want me to go—" I said before he stopped me.

"Just take a shower. I will take care of this," he told me.

I did as he told me and when I was done, he showed me to his bedroom.

"Sleep here tonight. Mom will watch the kids," he said.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry about that," he told me. "Get some rest if you can."

His words meant a lot to me in that moment. He could have told me to just go to sleep. He could have said anything else, but he told me to get some rest if I could. He understood my trauma and knew what I was feeling.

He walked out of the bedroom and pulled out his phone, dialing a number as he left. I crawled into the bed and watched him leave.

Several days later, someone was knocking at my door. Being newly cautious, despite the security in the building, I looked through the peephole to see Mom standing there. She looked dismal. I opened the door to greet her.

"Dylan is waiting for you in the lobby," she said without emotion.

"What is he doing?"

She looked away from me briefly and said, "Just go."

I still considered myself new to the business and didn't know what to expect. I got into the elevator and in the lobby, I was met by one of the security guards.

"This way, ma'am," he said, pointing his arm in the direction he wanted me to go. I felt like some dignitary being escorted by secret service agents.

Instead of heading out the front door, he wanted me to leave by the fire escape. When I walked out, the door of a car was opened and waiting for me to get in. Dylan was there waiting for me.

"This is the downside of a business like this," he said as I closed the door.

The driver pulled the car away and we drove several blocks away. The car was parked on the side of the road and a few cars were awkwardly placed around the intersection.

"What's happening?" I asked my brother.

"Consequences," he said as he exited the car.

I got out to follow him and several men approached him as we neared an alley.

"You have five minutes," one of them said to my brother.

Dylan nodded and brought me into the dark alley with him. In any other instance, I would have been afraid to go into such darkness, but my brother's protection was all I needed to feel safe. We walked halfway down the alley when we saw a man holding another man at gunpoint on his knees.

"This is him?" he asked the man with the gun.

The man nodded and handed the gun to my brother. I feared the worst.

Dylan took hold of the man's hair and pulled his head up, revealing his face. It was the man who attempted to rape me before. I recoiled back several steps.

"Come here," he ordered me. "This is him?"

I nodded quickly but still in fear.

Time slowed for a moment. I saw Dylan move in a way I'd never seen anyone move before. It was all in slow motion. He swept his leg under the man, causing him to fall flat on his face. Without delay, his body flowed into an entirely different position, and he landed on the man. His knee was on the back of his neck and one of his hands was pulling his head back. It was ethereal.

The man who assaulted me had become a canvas and my brother was the paintbrush of violence.

"Do you know who I am, motherfucker?" my brother grunted into the man's ear.

"You're the boss," he said as best he could. "I'm sorry!"

"Yeah, you're fuckin' sorry now that I'm here, aren't you?"

Dylan shifted gracefully again, flipping the man onto his back. He raised his arm across his chest and struck the man across the jaw with the pistol grip. I heard a sound that nauseated me and caused me to step back. He broke the man's jaw, and the sound of the bone snapping filled the alley.

"Now that I know you're sorry, I don't need to hear anything else out of you. You're not dead right now because my sister was able to fight your bitch ass off. Yeah, that was my sister, fuckface!"

The man's eyes moved to look at me and Dylan was not having it. He gripped the man's jaw and squeezed.

"I think you've looked at her enough," he told him calmly. "I have half a mind to put a fucking bullet in your chest. Since she remains mostly unharmed, I think I'll let you breathe another day, albeit with some difficulty."

The man shut his eyes and nodded as best he could. He tried speaking but only blood came out of his mouth. Dylan wiped the blood off the gun on the man's clothes and stood up. He looked at me and I stared at him begging him with my eyes to not do what I knew he wanted to do.

Dylan moved his arm and pulled the trigger. A shot rang out into the alley and the man curled into the fetal position, holding his leg.

"There," he said casually, as if a burden had been lifted off him, "I think we can call it even now."

He knelt down next to the man.

"What do you think? You think we're even now?"

The man moaned and nodded as best he could.

"Good!" he said loudly as he patted him on the back. "I'd tell you to not call again but I don't think I have to worry about that."

Everyone walked away from the man, and he remained laying on the cold asphalt. Dylan approached me and told me to come with him. I followed him to the car and despite my fear of the situation, I wanted him more than I ever had.

"What happened?" I asked stupidly.

I intended to ask who everyone was and how it all went down, but he knew already.

"They were all cops," he said as he wiped his hands clean. "Dad started this business in the streets but made an impression with them with how he ran it. I took it a step further, bringing it all under one roof. The law is on our side. They know their hands are clean. They also know that he will talk about what happened and people will think twice about assaulting one of my girls."

"This is their support?" I asked about the evening's events.

"It is. Dad started the process of cleaning up the streets. He had already consolidated much of the business to himself. When he was murdered, I made it my goal to take over this business and turn it into something special. Prostitution is my business and mine alone thanks to his efforts. We serve a number of clients and I assign girls to clients based on their value. That's why they're tested like you were."

I was mildly annoyed at what he said.

"How did I end up with that guy, then?"

"I can't read into the hearts of men, Kacey. I can only fix what I see."

He knew he did the right thing in that alley, and I knew he would never think twice about doing it again. The confidence he wielded was such a turn on. I wanted to fuck him right there in that car for what he did for me. I needed no other information from him. I wanted his cock inside me and was about to go for it until he spoke.

"Were almost home," he said, pointing out the window.

I looked and we were turning the corner to our building.

"I want to come back to your place," I told him.

He looked at me as if he already knew what I wanted.

"You're off the streets," he told me as he got out of the car, perhaps not knowing what I intended at all.

He held his hand out for me to take. I took it and he guided me out of the car as if I were his guest at a celebrity awards show. I followed him up to his room and when the door closed, he went to the bar to pour himself a drink. Since he had not responded to my previous attempts to be with him, I decided to show him what I wanted. I removed my clothes and stood naked in the middle of his apartment as I did during the first interview. I noticed me right away and attempted to be ignorant of my intentions.

"I told you that you were off the streets, Kacey," he said.

Between his brutal actions earlier that night and his calm demeanor just then, I responded the only way I knew how.

"And I'm telling you that I want you," I replied shyly.

He set his drink down and moved toward me. I stood firm in my position but accepted the idea that he might dismiss my proposal in favor of some new business idea or to outright deny me completely.

"You want to be mine?" he asked.

He was stern in his demeanor, and I was intimidated by his response. My life flashed by me in images that reflected all the bad choices I made. The two men who knocked me up and left me behind reminded me of my poor choices in partners. My brother saw my value and accepted me into his world. He had protected me my entire life, even when he was absent from me. He protected me still to that day.

"I've made bad choices in my life, Dylan. You took me in and gave me everything I have. One could argue that I'm in love with what you have, but you've made it clear that this is mine, too."

He nodded in agreement.

"People could argue a great many things about why I'm standing here naked, giving myself to you. Let them argue that. You've shown time and time again that you're the man I've always wanted at my side. Never before have I wanted to give everything that I am to a man, Dylan, and that man is you."

With that, he took me in his arms and guided me to his bed. I took off each piece of his clothing slowly as I told him what I intended to do to him.

As I took off his shirt, I said," I'm going to suck your dick and love every minute of it."

He smiled at me and let me continue. I tugged his pants and underwear off and held his dick in my hand.

"I'm going to worship this thing for a while."

I took a few moments to suck each of his balls into my mouth. It was a technique I learned from a client not long before that night. When I was done, I ran my tongue from the base of his shaft to the tip and took him in my mouth. I looked up at him and he was looking sternly at me.

I narrowed my eyes at him to mock his stare and his stoic face changed to a pleasured appearance. I continued to suck on his cock for several minutes, knowing he wouldn't cum that way. When I was prepared to move forward, I dropped the bomb on him.

"If I am off the streets, then the only cock I want is yours. Fuck me like I'm your lover and make me that," I told him.

I was prepared for him to reject me. Instead, he pushed me onto my back and flung my legs open. He moved between them and pushed his cock inside me.

"Oh, fuck!" I announced.

He pushed his cock in and out of me, never letting his eyes leave mine. I matched his intensity and stared deeply into his eyes as he fucked me harder and faster.

"I'm yours," I whispered to him a few times.

With each iteration, he fucked me harder and faster as if knowing I was his made it truer each time I said it. I felt his thick cock slide inside my pussy with each stroke and the circumstances that led up to that night made each thrust worth it.

"Fuck me!" I begged over and over.

He fucked me hard and fast. As I stared at him and watched him pleasure us both, whatever care I had that he was my brother left me.

"Cum inside me!" I begged.

He never responded. His actions spoke more to my soul than his words ever could. He was gentle, yet authoritative. He fucked me normally but held my body differently. I was his and his alone, but I was free. When he came inside me, I cried.

"Oh my god!" I cried out loud.

"What's wrong?" he asked, showing the first sign that he wasn't as all-knowing as I thought.

I smiled at him and with tears in my eyes, told him that feeling his seed inside me made all the mistakes of my past worth it in that moment. He told me again how the other girls only ever spent that one time in his apartment.

"You wanted me all along", I told him, guessing at his motives.

"I wanted you long before that," he admitted.

I rolled off him, forcing his cock out of me and lay next to him.

"When did you know you wanted me?" I asked.

"When I knew how hard you were trying to make your own way with two kids. It's not about your looks, Kacey. It's about your personality and your spirit. You're the best person I've ever met. Yeah, the girls here are great people and I love them all, but you've always been special to me."

Never had such an elementary statement affected me so much. He was very street savvy and he had fooled me up to that point, but even in his limited vocabulary he managed to make me see who he really was.

"The best person," I repeated. "Such an elementary phrase but the power you put behind it is immeasurable."

He rolled on top of me and positioned himself to move inside me. I nodded at his perceived request, and he pushed his cock inside me again.

"Fuck me, Dylan. I'm yours!"

"You're not mine, Kacey," he told me. "You're a woman of her own desires. I'm just a man who will be fulfilling them."

I looked into his eyes and stopped him from pushing his cock in and out of me.

"Dylan," I said sternly, "I give myself to you. I'm yours. I want no other man. You protected me when I need it most and I trust no other man to do the same."

He pushed past my defenses and continued fucking me. He pressed his lips against mine and buried his cock deep inside me. I grunted loudly as he filled me completely.

"I'm so full!" I announced.

When I opened my eyes, his eyes were peering into mine.

"You're my woman?" he asked.

I nodded and told him, "I am your woman. No other man will know me like this."

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