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Empress Enslaved Ch. 01


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"Here you are whore," said Zoaxus, kneeling behind Isabella's face, "here's your reward." And without further pomp or preparation, he advanced his gargantuan member between Belle's splayed ass cheeks.

Isabella saw what was going to happen barely three seconds before Belle became aware of it, but there was little point in warning. Her face was inches from the cock as Zoaxus slid it into Belle's virgin anus.

"Wha-?! No, nonono! NOO OOOH OOOOOOOOOH! OH FUCK!" Belle's reverie was extinguished as soon as she felt the prodding at her asshole, and things moved very quickly from there. Zoaxus pressed through the considerable resistance Belle's hole offered, and it soon gave way to admit the invader.

Isabella felt thoroughly sickened at the up-close view of Belle's sphincter giving way, but it was nothing to the shock and horror Belle had been awakened to. If she had thought it had hurt having her virginity taken from her so roughly, it was nothing to this. Her asshole stretched further than it had any right to, to take in a dick that never seemed to end, and her whole body recoiled at the feeling of invasion. Suddenly everything she had tried to block out came rushing back - her nakedness, her Empress's nakedness, the disrespectful and shameful sight she was presenting her with - and now her asshole had been violated in full view of Isabella.

"Please! Oh! I c-can't take... ooh!" Belle's wails became less coherent with every thrust Zoaxus made into her ass.

Isabella thought her heart might break at the awful sounds she was making, were it not for the almost similarly intense pity she felt for her own plight. She still had Belle sat on her face, but now she had to watch Belle's asshole be plundered by this unwashed barbarian who was taking no trouble to avoid Isabella's face. Every so often he would thrust so as to drag his balls along Isabella's face, and even when he didn't they were still there, shamefully close to her, and she had no choice but to either stare at them, the thick, veiny cock that disappeared and reappeared from Belle's anus every few seconds, or his powerful muscular buttocks thrusting above her.

"How does that feel, girl? Scratch the itch?" Zoaxus grunted.

Belle was unable to muster any kind of spoken response now. The pain was not so intense as it had been at first, as her body accommodated and asshole stretched, but the psychological horror was still there. Somehow the diminishing pain was shameful in itself - if it didn't hurt, did that mean she was enjoying it? Surely not.

"I must apologise, Isabella, it seems we have robbed your whore of her wits and now your holes are going somewhat ignored," said J'akart. "Perhaps we can correct this lapse on your servant's part."

Even before he had finished speaking Isabella felt Barrand's hands on her ankles. Zoaxus got from his knees to his feet with barely a pause in his ass fucking of Belle, and drove her to her hands and knees with a firm slap to her buttocks. With Belle's weight no longer pressing over her, Barrand was able to slide Isabella out from underneath her.

Relief swept through Belle at this development - she could take whatever these bastards inflicted on her but having her crotch on her Empress's face had been almost unbearable. This fact was brought home to her as Isabella slid along the floor beneath her, and she caught a glance of her Isabella's mouth coated in the sticky, wet coating of her own pussy. Both women deliberately avoided eye contact.

"Please, let Belle go," moaned Isabella once free, forgetting her determination to never plead for anything from these people. Barrand ignored her and forced her onto her hands and knees, facing away from Belle this time. Her gratitude at having her back to Belle and not having to look at her soon turned to dread. Barrand made her shuffle further and further and backward until her own ass must have been inches from Belle's face. She could actually feel the exhaled breath of Belle's every wail on her buttocks.

"If you won't see to your queen's cunt, perhaps this is more to your taste," J'akart said. Belle had been deliberately looking away from Isabella's bottom as it edged closer and closer to her face, but when Barrand prised open the Empress's ass cheeks again, horrified fascination drew her gaze downward. It was like staring at the vagina for the first time all over again - Isabella, the Empress she had practically worshipped as deity, had an asshole just like everyone else. Puckered and wrinkled and staring her in the face. This was wrong.

It was about to get a lot more wrong. J'akart forced her head forward, burying the mortified servant's face between Isabella's open buttocks.

"Now lick it," spat J'akart. Belle froze, unable to process what had happened or what she had to do. She would have taken any number of ass fuckings - especially now she was growing quite accustomed to it - to not have to do this.

"Lick it you fucking whore!" shouted Zoaxus, picking up his pace as if to emphasise his point and pounding Belle's asshole with a furious pace. Belle gave a muffled but piercing squeal and, at last, obeyed.

Isabella did what she had so far managed to avoid doing. She blushed. She could feel Belle's tongue inside her and it felt utterly bizarre. The sensation itself wasn't unpleasant - far from it in fact - but the knowledge of what was happening was tearing her apart. This was by far the least dignified thing she had been forced to do so far. She could feel J'akart's gaze on her, but she refused to respond. As the seconds passed and turned to minutes, she couldn't help but picture the pathetic spectacle they must be offering him. Her, the most powerful woman in the known world, naked on all fours, with Barrand prising her ass open and her servant licking out her anus, who was in turn being noisily and vigorously assfucked by Zoaxus.

But for Belle, at the centre of it all, such self-awareness was now long since beyond her capacity. Zoaxus had not slowed down once she had obeyed his command and had, if anything, upped his pace. She could try to pretend it wasn't so and she despised herself for feeling it but there was no escaping the fact that her body was now reacting to this furious fucking in the same way it had last time. She could feel waves of pleasure breaking against her body at this powerful man violating her in the meanest and most degrading way possible. What did that make of her? Even the task before her wasn't enough to block out either her own treacherous thoughts of her own moaning and groaning. Her tongue slid into the impossibly tight sphincter of Isabella's ass with growing ease.

It ended without any warning at all. Barrand released his sweaty grip on Isabella's tensed buttocks and grabbed her by the shoulders, spinning her around on the spot. Isabella was still on all fours, but now she was facing Belle.

Her shoulders sagged as Barrand walked around behind her. She knew what was about to happen. She had know this was coming ever since she watched Zoaxus slide into Belle's rear. If she was honest, she'd known this fate was waiting for her ever since J'akart had said the word 'submission' with that horrible gleam in his eyes, back in the palace. But still she clung to the painful hope that she was wrong.

It only became clear that she wasn't when she felt the tip of Barrand's penis positioned carefully at the eye of her anus. She tried to make herself relax, tried to tell herself that resisting would make it worse, but nothing could prepare her for the act itself. Barrand slid his penis into her virgin asshole with only the barest restraint needed to allow entry.

She knew he had probably applied the same lubricant that Zoaxus had, and she knew Belle's forced 'attention' to the hole had probably lubricated her as well, but it felt anything but lubricated. It felt like her ass was being split in two by this monster - she felt reduced to nothing but a hole and all her stately dignity and poise was forgotten as her body revulsed against this intrusion.

"OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!" she screamed, drowning out even Belle's horrified wails. Never had she believed she could take something as thick and powerful as Barrand's terrible member up there.

Belle was no more able to look directly at Isabella than the empress was to look at her, but with their faces this close she was impossible to ignore. Their impassioned moans and shrieks drowned out everything else in the room, including the awful sounds of Zoaxus and Barrand's dicks sliding in and out of them. Isabella tried to control herself, tried to dampen her own frenzied moans, but this unspeakable violation of her ass made it hard to even think straight. The pain was intense, but that wasn't the most overwhelming feeling - it was the humiliation that drove everything else from her.

"My girls," J'akart said, now standing beside their heads with his hard cock jutting out toward them. "Are you still going to pretend that you are not enjoying being filled?" Belle squirmed even harder at this - it was like he knew what was happening to her body, how sickeningly good this was starting to feel at the basest level.

And no sooner had he said than it seemed to trigger a chain reaction within her. She had been trying so hard to ignore the growing feelings of pleasure within her but now it was impossible. The more she tried to block it out, the more it made itself felt and the more she had to think about it. Soon every fibre of her was focused on the hole between her buttocks and the awful, terrible ecstasy that was building within her. Her mind felt dizzy again, and her eyes met Isabella's.

"Noooooo! Ohhhh fuck yes!" Belle screamed, her eyes locked on Isabella's as her body betrayed her with the most humiliating orgasm yet. Isabella had thought nothing could shock her anymore, but clearly she had been incorrect. What was wrong with this girl?

Not that anything could distract her for long from the terrible strain in her rear that Barrand's pounding was delivering. She didn't know how anyone could climax from such a degrading and uncomfortable depravation, and J'akart was only making it worse.

"Do you see, my queen? Your servant knows how to submit to us. Why do you maintain this pretence?" he whispered into her ear. She had to ignore him, she had to stare directly ahead - even if it meant watching Belle writhe and groan like an animal. She could even control the sounds she herself was making if she really tried. "Do you truly think you are still so regal and noble? With your asshole being speared by my virile young general and your teats swinging below you?" Just ignore him... you are better than this... "All you had to do was accept me as king in the palace, and all this could have been avoided. But no, you had to be disrespectful. Well where's your pride now? Are you proud of whoring out your holes to my men like the whore queen you are?"

"I am not... your whore," Isaballe snapped back through gritted teeth. "And you are no king!"

J'akart drew himself back to his full height. She did not know what expression he wore, but she could sense the change in his demeanour without having to look at him. She saw from the corner of her eye the signal he gave to Barrand, who responded immediately.

Without ever removing the dick lodged in her anus, Barrand lowered his body down and pulled Isabella backward. Aided by J'akart, who shoved Isabella by the shoulders, Barrand was able to lie back on the stony floor with Isabella still impaled on his dick. She gave a low, guttural groan - she was now effectively sat on Barrand, and her exhausted body was unable to prevent gravity from impaling her even deeper onto the barbarian, all the way to the balls.

Belle looked up for the first time since her orgasm had all but destroyed the last shred of her dignity. Zoaxus had slowed now, and her body seemed to be coming down. But that hardly mattered now. She had of course known exactly what Barrand was doing to Isabella, but actually seeing it was another thing. Isabella's full frontal nudity was bared for the whole room to see - her sweaty, glistening body, bare breasts and erect nipples all constituted their own small violations to the dignity of the empress, but this was nothing to the sight of actually seeing Barrand's shaft buried in Isabella's stretched asshole. Her expression made it quite clear that she was fully aware of everything Belle could now see.

"Ride him." Two words that J'akart injected more disdain into than he ever had until now. "I said ride him!" he spat, as Isabella continued to sit there, shell-shocked. He slapped Isabella's left breast, and administered another for every second that Isabella refused.

The Empress was still acclimatising to this forced shift in position and the deeper intrusion into her anus it had brought about, when the first slap came. Her nipples, already swollen and tender, stung viciously and made her yelp. Then came another, and another, and another, and before Isabella knew what she was doing, her hips were slowly bucking forward and backwards, grinding her ass against Barrand's pelvis.

The smacks may have stopped, but Isabella had still never been in a worse situation. Barrand had speared her even deeper than before, and the awful strain this had induced was being magnified by the forced humping she was now dutifully providing. And all in full view of Belle...

"This doesn't change anything," she snarled. She had to put on a show of defiance, if only for Belle's sake. "This still doesn't make you a king- gah!" Her words were cut off by Barrand's particularly hard slap on her already very tensed buttocks.

Belle was so entranced by the horrible scene before her that she almost didn't notice Zoaxus withdraw from her rear. The eerie feeling of emptiness soon made itself felt though, and she blushed at the thought of what that hole must look like now. Zoaxus passed no comment, but walked forward to join J'akart, leaving Belle panting and sweating on her hands and knees.

"You will show me the respect I am entitled to, my queen," said J'akart. "The depraved things we have do to you to make you pay that respect are up to you. I ask you one last time - will you accept my kingship and bow before me?"

Isabella didn't know why this was so important anymore. Perhaps this was just the one last thing she had left that she could cling to - the one last piece of pride. She had been made to do shameful, shameful things tonight, and in front of her servant too. But as long as she didn't give in to his demand as well, she could retain some small fragment of self-respect.

"No!" she said, every ounce of her will now being spent on ignoring the cock in her ass, as though she was conducting stately negotiations back in the palace, and not in the nude in this tavern. The last thing she needed was to let a moan or sigh slip from her.

This proved impossible when J'akart lunged forward and grabbed her breasts with both hands, firmly and with some force. She gasped with a mixture of pain and guilty, thrilled pleasure as he kneaded and fondled her soft, fleshy orbs. True to his word, J'akart did not offer any more chances or even speak at all. He shoved Isabella backward, and only by hastily throwing out her arms to support herself was she able to stop herself from falling back onto Barrand. She looked down just in time to see the would-be king positioned between her legs, on his knees and cock in hand. It had never looked bigger than it did right then, positioned at the entrance to her cunt.

She looked into his face, that terrible lust-filled expression, and silently made the plea that she would never speak out loud. His eyes met hers, he grinned, and forced his member into her waiting, wet hole.

Her body met this second dick's arrival with a whirlwind of sensation. Just as before, when J'akart had taken from her behind with that impossible girth, her immediate feeling was one of immense, guilty satisfaction at being filled in a way no man had ever filled her before. But this time, to her immense horror, the feeling would not go away. Maybe it was because the two men between them filled her entire sensory range - J'akart loomed over her, his chiselled, naked chest pressed against her, and her two holes were being stretched well past the point where she could even understand how they were fitting inside her. This was nothing her body could ever have prepared itself for, and she knew immediately that she was about to lose all control over her actions.

The cry that escaped her as J'akart began thrusting in and out of her almost didn't sound like her own voice, but she could not help it. Then Barrand grabbed her breasts from behind and pulled her further back, so that J'akart could lean in closer. Her defenceless, bare body was being sandwiched between these two heavily-built men, their powerful torsos rubbing against her back and breasts and sending her treacherous body into a frenzy. She soon stopped paying attention to the noises she was making, or where her hands were going - only the physical sensation of the two cocks spearing her mattered.

None of this was lost on Belle. She hadn't moved from the indecent position Zoaxus had left her in, with her ass still sticking up in the air. She was too preoccupied with the dreadful display before her. Even Zoaxus seemed fixated, though he seemed to be enjoying the show much more than Belle. She cringed as she saw Isabella's hands grip J'akart's back, then slide down his chiselled torso and grab his buttocks. She tried to ignore the increasingly lust filled moans the once proud Empress was making. She shouldn't be seeing this...

"Come closer whore, you don't want to miss this," said Zoaxus quietly. He grabbed Belle by the hair and pulled her forward so that she had to crawl like a dog just to keep up. Zoaxus did not let go until her head was inches from the spot where the two men were entering Isabella.

It was so... animalistic. She could not see any of their faces, but she was eye level with Isabella's holes. She didn't know which was more repulsively captivating - the stretched, filled orifices of her Empress, or the two sets of cock and balls that were pumping in and out of them... She tried to tell herself that it was still Isabella, that those loud moans were not moans of pleasure, than her Empress would never debase herself like this. But then she looked at Isabella's pussy, so obviously dripping wet and squelching with every thrust. A small trickle of liquid escaped her cunt, ran down to her gaping anus, down Barrand's shaft and onto his balls. How had it come to this?

Isabella was lost in the lust-filled corridors of her own mind. The mens' hands explored every part of her body - kneading her breasts, running through her hair, sliding over her defenceless throat. Her body thrilled to every touch they inflicted on her now. Her own hands gripped J'akart tightly, as though to pull him closer to her.

Only a very small part of Isabella was still aware of the shameful spectacle she was providing. The part of her that could hear the squelching in her own pussy, could hear the half-formed sentences she was wailing, could feel the tension in J'akart's buttocks as she gripped them hard... The rest of her was lost. All it wanted was to feel this satisfied and be fucked like this forever. What did it matter if she was being fucked in the ass? This was what an Empress should get...

"I know what you desire, my queen," said J'akart. Isabella, barely conscious by this point, was just about able to comprehend him. "You want to feel our seed spurt into you. You ache for it so bad you feel your holes will burst." Isabella groaned loudly. What he was saying was so crude, so absolutely filthy, but that only made it turn her on even more. "But you will submit to us first. Give in Isabella. Let your body have what it craves..."

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